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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Black and White

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Greetings, i know i am new. Please bare with me... here is something i have written....





When you entered my world

Black was the only light

Every thing was dark and cold

This is how it was tolled


Pay the price

The ferry is waiting

No passengers is it taking

When the dark black enfolds


White like an angel

Blue eyes like the sea

Inside, you are something like me

The only difference

I can barely see

It is the sparkling light

That you shine every night

Very white,bright sparkling light


Pay the price

The ferry is waiting

No passengers is it taking

When the dark black abyss enfolds


Black like the tar of the earth

Black and red like the coals on a fire

burning inside out


Left wanting

Left alone

In the dark


Paying the price

Already rolled the dice

The ferry is waiting

No passengers is it taking

When i come to ride the tail


White lights from the heavens

Marked with the craft of caring

Ceiled with the crest of love

Reaching for the sky

The land up above


Black and white how can they mix?

The gray they will become

Who is willing to pay that price

To roll the dice and sacrfice for a tainted me?

The Ferry is waiting

No passengers is it taking

When the gray enfolds


Now in heaven and above

Down to the face of the earth

The rain drop tears are felt

From a black that mixed with white

And the hand they both are dealt

One nor the other is the same as before

The music is a whole different score

But together, now and forever

They will never sever

Because now, not black and white

They are gray together

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(I'm low on caffeine atm, so bare with me too kay? ;) )


First off, Welcom to the pen! *traditional welcoming hug*


Your poem is longer then I usually can read, but I did it and I felt like I was in some strange pshychedelic REM-style video-clip. (was it REM? Something like that anyways) You have somewhat vivid imagery inthere which is quite lovely. Like the Ferry, always reminding me of the ferry across the river Styx.


It could use some tweaking, like almost any poem. But that's what you're here for isn't it? ^_^ To learn. If you want I could pick it apart, or someone around here better at it then me. But that choice is all up to you ^_^


For now, I liked reading it, since I happen to like pshychedelic style video-clips too ;)


Once more, Welcom to the Pen, sweetnightmare. ^_^

And I hope you decide to stay here with us and have a good time! *another hug*


PS: hugs is something you'll get used to here ;)

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...I am here to learn, do tell me what you think...


looks around, then at the figure talking to her*

jumps and hugs*

then backs away a little uneasy and smiles*


...Yeah, maybe i needed that...


It is kind of long, but i think that is because my poems are stories in a way as well... Would it do better to write shorting things? :huh:

One day i want to be a great writer, now to persue such a thing.. :blink:

You can help me, i am willing :woot:

Edited by sweetnightmare
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