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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

A New Story of Chaos


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The wood creaks slightly as Inbi ascends the dark staircase. Furtively, she glances around and then slows her pace. She knows that she could use her magic to get the job done much more efficiently, but she isn't one to condone pointless use of energy. Besides, it was always possible that the ice she would create to slide her up the stairs would lower the temperature in the house enough that its occupants would wake. She had plenty of experience theifing without her magic; she did not need to rely on it now.

The young woman reaches the summit of the staircase and stealthily opened a door. With quick but quiet movements, she relieves the room of many the most expensive of its decorations. Leaving only the bulkiest items, she exits, heading for the next room. As she opens the door, however, she almost gasps in surprise. Instead, trained in not letting her emotions come across as sound, she silently curses her luck. There is a figure in the bed. She had watched this house just enough to know that there shouldn't be. Some random event that would not otherwise have concerned her had caused this room to be occupied on this night.

About to leave, she catches sight of a glowing amulet beside the bed. In the faint light it emits, Inbi can see its delicate carvings and can easily guess at the money that could be made from this type of jewelry. Cautiously, she steps towards the thing, her eyes barely moving from its pendant. She reaches down, her fingers clasping the chain, and lifts it just off of its place.

In that moment, the person in the bed awakes, and looks at Inbi. The woman, no longer caring for silence, rushes towards the window where, she knows, grows a large tree. Hastily moving the pane out of the way, she leaps at the tree. Not quite making it, she curses, this time aloud. She uses her magic to create a block of ice, growing from the ground up, to catch her fall. She lands, barely pausing before leaping off of her creation, and runs off, using the back of her mind for the task of creating the heat required to melt the block.

She knows that there will still be water to indicate her presence, and she hates leaving any sign for her victims. Grateful for the fact that her carelessness has not cost her her freedom, however, she does not think any more of it.




With the whistling of the wind and the light thump of the dirty rocky ground...the showdowy figure landed. He had been running for some time and was hard of breath, but when the time came to run...he had to do so. Lotus looked cautiously from side to side, ever wary of the danger that could come at any moment. It was then seen above him...a burning red figure that stared down at the assassin and laughed.

burning figure- "You can run, little Lotus...but you can't hide!"

With nothing else said and without hesitation, both men were off once more. The ground was hard as they were gaining in altitude and the feeling of impending doom came over Lotus as he leapt off the seemingly large cliff that was before him. All at once and before you could say 'stop', three large vines came bursting through the rock wall and caught Lotus in the nick of time.

When the assassin hit the ground, he gave one last look at the cliff's peak. There, at the top, was seen standing the burning figure. Most of his features were too dark to notice, but his gaze was that of amusement. He seemed to enjoy the chase...get thrills from the the challenge and have an ever gloating attitude about the fact that he was the better.

Lotus could feel the strength leaving him. He had never had to run from any foe and it angered him that he did so now. They had been running for miles and they both felt the fatique of the experience. By this time, it way clear that nothing would come of this fruitless endeaver...so the burning figure left with a laugh.

With a sigh of relief, Lotus collapsed upon the unforgiving terrain. Dust filled the air as he lay upon the cliffside and he knew that he was in no shape to move on any further. Quite fast and sudden, the assassin fell asleep upon that very spot and hoped that he would awaken



Darker deads than theft and dueling were happening that night. In a city that had once been part of a land called Continicium stood a building of which children told tales, saying it was filled with demons and spirits. On Terra such tales were to be heeded.

A year of service to a guild of demon worshipers had afforded a sort of a vampire a chance to negotiate with powers much darker than himself for a few hours. A glowing plane of energy hovered horizontally at waist height. Strange symbols flowed across its surface.

Other than the plane of energy, the vampire was the only object of note in the room. The demon worshippers had been terrified of the calm defiance the vampire had displayed towards the beings he was dealing with and had left him to his doom.

An ordinary being, or even a person with moderate training in the ways of magic would have found the contract to be gibberish. What was written couldn't have been translated into any spoken language. A mage of moderate skill would either find it immensly confusing or have gone made trying to understand, depeding on the mage. An archmage would find it a needlessly complicated piece of magic which existed more for the sake of its own complexity than any other purpose, and not worth their own time to decipher. A particularly knowledgable archmage might, just might, be able to learn exactly what it was and what it would do in the few hours they had available.

Tamaranis almost fell into the last catagory. He had the benefit of over two thousand years of magical study and of using that magic at a very high level. He still possessed all the knowledge of a very powerful archmage, so that he no longer had the strength to use magic as he once had didn't diminish his understanding, much.

Tamaranis' mind worked rapidly, but not frantically, as it strove to fully understand the increasingly compicated contract.

"Do you accept?" The voice that echoed through the room was not loud, but it would have drowned out any other sound in the room had there been any. It fully absorbed the attention of all who heard it.

"Cease your distractions, I am reviewing your terms," Tamaranis replied.

The flow of symbols reversed for a second, "These are unacceptable," Tamaranis said as symbols began to alter, apparently in response to a wave of his arm.

"You sought us," The voice was slightly louder this time, and had a terrifying angry edge to it, "The terms are not yours to decide."

It was just this sort of thing that made Tamaranis dislike working with any being more powerful than himself, especially demons. They had a tendancy to try to control the other partner in the bargain. While demons often used a subtle manipulation and appeared to be servile, this one was not making any effort at such and illusion.

Tamaranis ignored the demon's anger, as likely as not it was feigned. Still, these negotiations were becoming more and more dangerous. Tamaranis had spotted several places in the contract that involved a magic that would put a being with a stadard soul into the direct control of hell. Some he had removed, much to the demon's anger, others he pretended not to notice, as the structure of what took the place of his soul was quite unique. However he could not be certain if those parts of the magic were what had been designed to enstare him, or if they were just decoys to distract him from the real trap.

The symbols Tamaranis had altered changed again, this time manipulated by the demon on the other end. Now they resembled neither what Tamaranis had created nor the original configuration.

Striving to take into account the changes, Tamaranis continued his study of the contract...


Hours later, Lotus awoke and found that nothing had changed. This is excepting the fact that he was ok and rested up. One thing was bothering him, though, and it bothered him a lot. Why...oh why did the assassin not kill him? He was weak and unable to defend himself. Wait...that was the reason all along. The burning figure did not want an easy kill. What he wanted was a workout and a kill that meant something.

Shrugging this topic to the side, Lotus got to his feet and took a good look around. He was alone...or so it seemed. It was then that hunger hit. He had not eaten for some time. His last meal was in home base and that was two or three days ago. During the chase, he had no time to eat...he had no time to hunt...he had no time to think.

Without a second thought, Lotus dashed off to the nearest town and before too long, he was there. Once inside, he noticed his outfit was that of an assassin...he would have to change. Entering the shop next to him, he took a look around and was relieved to see that he was the only customer. The shopkeeper looked at Lotus with a stare of dislike. The assassin could feel the shop keeper's glare itching at him, but went on with his business.

Taking a shoulder pack and a set of clothing , he walked into the changing room. When he came out...he was dressed as that of an average shopkeeper. His daggers hung from the belt and assassins outfit was placed in the shoulder pack. The shop keeper's eye had not left him as he threw some gold on the table and left the shop.

Edited by Black9
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The innkeeper wanted to go to bed. Most of the patrons in the room realized this by now and had left already, but there were still two left.

Drunken Laman, as usually, and a stranger who had fallen asleep on his table, his drink barely touched. Leander, the innkeeper, decided to get Laman out first. He'd done this countless times before, it wouldn't be a problem.

Then he went to the stranger and watched him for a moment. He appeared to be a man in his early thirties, with thin brown hair cut off just above his shoulders. His dark-red robes were definitely not new, and he looked as if he could use a hearty meal. There was a gnarled piece of wood that was probably supposed to be a staff leaning against the wall next to him. Leander felt uneasy looking at it.

He shook the guy, waking him up.

"I'd like to go to bed, sir. Would you want a room for the night?"

"Ahh, yes... Yes, I'll have a room, please."

"Very well. I'd like to ask you to pay immediately, though, as there have been more and more dishonest types over the past few weeks. Taking a room for the night and then somehow leaving without paying. I don't know how they do it, because my dogs put up a good guard. I ask one goldpiece a night, breakfast included."

The guy paid and, picking up his staff with a routine gesture, went up to his room. Leander locked up his inn and went to bed also. When he passed the stranger's room, he felt uneasy, just like when he'd looked at that staff. He wondered if he should go in and see if everything was all right, but decided not to. The guy was probably a wizard with a magical staff.

"The guy", who was called Gunther, meanwhile, was lying on his bed, sleeping soundly. He'd walked the entire day to get to this city before nightfall, and now he was tired. As long as he had his staff, he didn't mind sleeping along the road, but a bed in an inn was so much more comfortable...


That night, Inbi is sleeping lightly, her training as a thief enabling her to wake immediately to changes in her surroundings. This time, however, she doesn't detect the gradual shift for quite some time.

She wakes slowly, drifting out of sleep in a manner that defies acknowledgement. After a time of lying in deceived wakefullness, she realizes that she is awake. Without moving, her mind begins to work out the possible reasons for this. She is not aware of any immediate danger, and she is loathe to admit that someone could have snuck up on her in so effective a manner. Not taking any chances on her ego, however, she rolls quickly away from the sheets that make up her bed. Grabbing her crowbar and getting herself into a standing position before looking even to see who might be there, she finds herself in a fighting stance before empty air.

She shrugs, not feeling ashamed to have not taken the chance. She then looks around, observing her surroundings and ascertaining, finally, the reason for her premature arisal.

The amulet she had stolen the day before is glowing, steadily increasing its low but efficient light.

Realizing that the pendant must have magical and possibly dangerous properties, she takes it from where it lies on the ground. Weighing her choice of actions, she finally decides that this is a power she should harness if she can, not throw away in a possibly vain attempt to escape whatever danger might ensue. She lifts it up and lets it slip around her neck, hiding it under her shirt.

Casting away any thoughts that this amulet might have only the ability to glow, she whirls around to face the monsters that now surround her. No time to experiment with removing the jewel, she ducks an attack and once again lifts her crowbar into her hands.


Finally...after a grand meal, Lotus thought back to a job or two he was on. As an assassin, he made a vow. He vowed that wherever he may be, or trouble he may face, no job will go unfinished. With this in mind, he felt something. It was an odd feeling and he was not sure what it meant.

Following that feeling, it quickly led him to a forest. The forest was filled with monsters and one lone person in the middle. Monsters? He remembered a case that was brought to him not too long ago. It had something to do with monsters...but the rest was fuzzy. The fact that a life was in danger worried him not...for in this life,he was not that nice a guy. That is...unless they were friends of his.

Why would one put their life on the line for a stranger...for a person that could probably care less about you? It was a rule of thumb. For if one could not defend him or herself in life...why seek others help to do so? With wonder of what was happening, Lotus pulled out a pair of dark sunglasses and put them on in a very sly manner. Taking a stance of 'Joe Cool', he watch for the sequence of the events to come


Kraw looks at the thief with disgust. She has to be a thief, or else she could not be holding the Amulet that belonged to his Master. He was very angry, as he had been looking for the Amulet all night. It was magic, and he knew very well that he wasn't smart enough to understand such things, but he knew that his Master owned the Amulet and that only he had earned the right to wield it and command the creatures within it. Kraw and his gang belonged to the Amulet. When it was not in use, everything around them became intangible, and the people invisible. When they strayed from it, they became weak. He had woken from slumber beside the bed of his Master to discover that the Amulet was not in its place, and the other creatures of the Amulet were growing restless. They could feel their power waning. Feeling that they could best protect their Master by finding and retrieving the Amulet, they set off towards the direction of its power.

Now they had found and surrounded the thief and she was about to put it on. The moment she does so, Kraw lets his anger take him away and he lunges for her. She rolls, grabbing a weapon from the ground, and readies it. Kraw growls, and turns to face the woman once more. He sees that the others are closing in. Falling into line, he advances with them, approaching the woman. One of the beasts becomes impatient and swings his arm towards her. She easily avoids the slow but powerful movement, coming into the creature with her weapon and knocking him back a little. He grows angrier, and another beast jumps forward, preparing an attack. The human slams her metal bar backwards into his stomach and pulls it out, bloody, to use against the first monster. Kraw charges forward, deciding that she doesn't deserve the patient advance that would have taken place.

They would have circled closer until she could not struggle, and then they would have held her and brought her back to the Master to deal with. She had earned a beating, though. They could not kill her, because then the Amulet would become intangible to them again. They had to capture her alive if they could, but the magic allowed that she be brutally beaten and taken unconscious to the Master. So Kraw, seeing his friend's blood, chooses to spill some of her own. He rushes forward as she is connecting the weapon with the skull of the first monster. It growls and holds it head, and she turns. Obviously unused to fighting groups, however, she is too slow, and he grabs the bar from her hands, attempting to turn it on her. He finds it to be burning, though, and his strong grip keeps the metal strip in his claws for too long, searing his skin and causing great pain. He howls, advancing again. She rushes to meet an attack in another direction, but fails to counter one to her side. Clutching a gaping wound with her left hand, she throws the weapon into the beast and Kraw smiles at her silly action. Barely dazing the creature, it and another advance upon the weaponless woman. Kraw joins them, swinging his burned fists for her head.

She panics, and runs towards Kraw. Expecting an attack, he tries to parry, but there is none. Instead, she clambers up his moving form, freezing his skin where she touches. The ice causes an unexpected sensation, and where it freezes he finds his realm of motion limited. He whirls, but she is already gone. She has reached his broad shoulders and used them to mount a large tree behind him. Just out of his reach, he falls back to allow a larger creature the pleasure of her downfall. Having trapped herself so effectively, the largest of the beasts move forward to knock to her out.

Suddenly flame moves out from the trunk and burns the first row of creatures. Howling in pain, many of them dying from the blast, they strike out but reach only burning braches. Kraw sees the thief - she has somehow found a column of ice leading down from her tree to the ground behind them. She is sliding down it, and despite his injuries he goes after her, growling to alert the others. He is met with a fiery blast, singeing his face and chest, and ironically, melting the ice. The heat combine with the freezing water and give Kraw an extremely unpleasant pain. He still moves forward, but only to see the woman running as fast as she can, while he struggles against the flames. She reaches what she must deem a safe distance away, and then pauses to remove the Amulet. Kraw cries in anguish. She can't hear him any longer, however, and hardly comforted by the fact that the fire no longer can add burns to his skin, he turns in his rage to one of the dying beasts behind him, ravaging it with his red and smouldering paws.

He looks around, seeing that the death toll of the fight could only be four or five. May more are in great pain, but ten or fifteen stand healthy in the blazing forest. Without a word, those who can move head forward towards the Amulet, stalking its thief with an intensity that could not bode well for her if she were to choose to don it once again.


A laugh was heard from the top of a tree branch. Lotus sat on the branch with a cool look. His Shopkeeper outfit played in the wind as the smirk came to his face. Lotus had always enjoyed being overly dramatic and this was the way he tried to look.

Lotus-"Your very amusing, friend? Oh, wait, I don't even know you...so how can you be my friend?" Lotus got to his feet with a skilled back roll along the length of the thick branch and with amazing speed, leapt to the branch beside it.

Lotus-"You're in a real pickle. Myself...I like pickles...they have a good taste to them." With a wave of his hand, a flower came flying up and with one swift movement...Lotus caught it. He pulled the petals off saying...

Lotus-"Help...don't help...help...don't help." Ending on help, Lotus gave a wicked looking smirk at the sight. Leaping off the branch...he landed on a vine that came from the ground below. It was then that he gave his speech.

Lotus-"I am the keeper of Terra...the willer of its powers and the seeker of its ways! Let all who come before me, be trapped in its sheer might!" Even an assassin of Lotus's stature was not going to take on these odds. Not that he couldn't do some real damage...but that he felt it not a smart move to make. The next second, large thick vines came from the ground in front of the monsters and formed a wall around them. The wall then grew in size...and before long had surrounded them. Sounds were then heard as the monsters started to break their way through and Lotus knew that it would not hold for long. Turning to the stranger, Lotus spoke.

Lotus-"You'd better get out of here...not that I care either way."

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If there was one thing that was self evident...it was that she was not running. Maybe her wounds were too much, or was it something else? If he didn't know better...he would have to say she didn't see the danger. The fool had no idea what she was messing with...then again...neither did Lotus. The assassin turned back around to see that the wall had been torn apart and angry eyes stared back at him. Lotus stared back with a mocking glare of his own and unsheathed his daggers from his side.

Lotus-"You want to play...let's play!"

With a dazzling act of sheer speed and skill, Lotus leapt off the vine with a vengance toward the monter onslaught. The monsters took a defensive position and waited for the assassin to come. Just when Lotus thought it was all over...that the days of the monsters were dead and gone...it happened. He passed right through them without even a scratch. This caught him off guard and made him stumble into a roll upon landing.

Lotus-"What the...what was that?"

Turning back around, he gave another leaping strike the monsters' way...but ended up the same outcome. Lotus had never seen such trickery...such...he didn't know. Calmly getting to his feet...he walked over to one of the monsters, sheathed his daggers and gave it a punch. Just as he thought. His hand went straight through it. Falling to the ground, Lotus gave a hearty laugh.

Lotus-"Ah, yes! This is amusing."


IC: Both Tamaranis and the demon were aware of it. Somewhere nearby something was changing its state of being, and becoming a part of Terra. A minute or so later whatever it was changed back to whatever it had been. While such an event might normally interest either party, the matter at hand was more pressing.

"Surely we both wish to investigate the cause of that disturbance, if you would finish we would both be free to do so," The demon, of course, feigned a greater interest in an effort to hide something of the contract.

"I can think of several likely and unimportant causes for such a thing. These negotiations concern me more," Tamaranis said.

"Cease these games! You have read the contract! Accept it!" The demon's 'voice' again filled the room, drawing all attention towards its sound.

Tamaranis struggled to bring his attention back to the flowing symbols, "Patience, neither of are susceptible to the killing power of time," He calmly said.

Again the demon's impatience would seem to be only a ploy. Its demands seemed to have been an effort to prevent Tamaranis from noticing something. Not directly, but by drawing his scrutiny to the area he'd been examining when the demon spoke.

Tamaranis found something that indicated that the portions which would turn a normal being to a puppet were indeed a ruse. A part of the contract made it impossible for him to turn the connection to hell he would gain against hell itself. He hadn't considered doing so, and that in itself didn't concern him. What did concern him was that the failsafe took into account the unnatural structure of his 'soul', the demon was aware of it.

Not for one second did Tamaranis consider the possibility that the demon had no intention of turning him into a puppet. It wasn't their way to be honest. Seeing that the demon understood his nature, things had become too dangerous.

"Regretfully, I must decline." Tamaranis said as he made for the exit, not wanting to stick around and learn exactly how much influence this particular demon had on the material world.

"You are a lesser being who's purpose is servitude to Hell!" This time Tamaranis suspected the anger in the demon's voice was real. As the demon finished its statement the contract shattered, filling the room with blinding light. Quite fortunately it was unlike that light which originated from the sun, otherwise it might have caused problems.

Tamaranis had already assessed possible escape routes from the room should the negotiations go bad. Because he was some distance below the actual headquarters of the demon's worshippers going through the ceiling, floor, and walls were all out of the question. The door was the only way out, and an ill boding scraping sound was coming from behind the door.

Forgetting the semblance of order and civility with which the negotiations had been taking places Tamaranis covered the distance to the door as quickly as possible, and found it would not open. Whatever direct influence this demon had on the mortal world, it certainly could accomplish things through its followers.

A single time Tamaranis drove his fist into the door, hoping to simply reach through it. When his hand struck a few splinters of wood came away, revealing metal beneath. The metal door had been excelently crafted to seem a wooden one, and it was distinctly possible that the demon worshipers had sent him here to be destroyed.

Calling on the darkness, and fighting to overcome its reluctance to obey him, Tamaranis caused a large, clawed hand to form from the shadow around him. This hand also struck at the door. While there was a terrific ringing produced by the attack, and several dents and thin lines appeared in the door, nothing else happened.

Turning to look at the place where the contract had been, Tamaranis saw it was now replaced with an intense red glow. The glow was unique in that his eyes could not see to its center, despite the fact that they were independant of light.

Turning back to the door, Tamaranis chanted, summoning magic, forming it into pure force, and then hurling it at the door blocking his escape. It shook furiously, and bent, but remained in place. Tamaranis repeated the process, further damaging it. It would probably be impossible to open the door from the other side by now, so ruined was its shape, but it seemed a reasonable application of force from this side would bring it down.

If whatever this demon was doing was limited to this room, then the demon's worshipers would have a price to pay for this


The next morning, Gunther had breakfast in the inn, and then set out in search of his original goal.

He knew Drake, an alchemist in this city, but he'd never visited the man, so he wasn't sure whether he'd find the shop today.

But he got lucky... he saw a shop that matched the description he'd gotten when he met Drake, so he went in. There was very little light in the small room, barely enough to see.

The walls were full of shelves, which, in their turn, were full of bottles and books. Behind a counter, there was a man who appeared to be at least 5 thousand years old.

"Good afternoon sir. Is Drake here?"

The man came from behind his counter and stood before Gunther, studying him for a few moments.

"Drake? No... he's not around right now. He did tell me you'd probably drop by, and left you something. Do follow me."

Without so much as another glance, the man turned and went through a curtain hiding a door opening. Gunther, of course, followed, assuming that Drake had left him the reagent he was searching for.

After a few stairs and hallways, they came to a small storage room, filled with more shelves and dried herbs. The scent of the herbs masked something else... a bad smell of rotting, faint, but there.

The man went to one of the shelves, and started searching something on it. As soon as Gunther entered the room though, the door closed behind him and the man turned around, shifting to match Drake's looks, but with a snake-like body.

When it spoke, it was in a smooth voice.

"Ahh... Venefyxatu..." He seemed to taste the name on his tongue while pronouncing it. It confused Gunther; why would anyone mistake him with an archmage, great, but all but forgotten?

Seeing his confusion, the Drake-thing smiled, and pretended innocence.

"What? You didn't expect that nice Drake to be... this? Of course you didn't. When we met, I was still blind. But I have learned, and gained in power. And now, I'm going to use that power. Finally I'll be complete!"

With those words, the thing made it's only mistake; it threw itself bodily on Gunther and, as soon as there was contact, started draining his life-force, turning into something even more repulsing.

Gunther stood rooted for a moment, then tried fending the thing off, not even realizing that he was still holding his staff.

As soon as it touched the Drake-thing, smoke arose, and it stumbled back, a burnmark on the place where the staff had touched it, an expression of utter amazement on it's face.

It started screaming at a stunned Gunther.

"No... NO! You, .. you... It can't be! It shouldn't have been... AAARRGGHHHHHHHHHH!!"

It was starting to fade away already, and Gunther realised that anyone with even the slightest bit of magic ability would have felt this. He had to get out, because he didn't feel like being around to see who... or what would come investigate this. He turned around, somehow managed to get the door open, and ran as fast as he could, which wasn't very fast, after the draining he'd gone through.

Wheezing, he reached the shop and, seeing that nobody had arrived yet, quickly walked out, heading for the city gates. That... thing... had left stains on him that'd probably attract lots of bad things. Or worse - good things with good intentions, mistaking him for a bad thing...

Knowing that he wouldn't be able to run, he decided to at be alone when whatever was going to come for him would.

When he found an empty field, he took a few moments to catch his breath, then sat down, his staff over his knees, his eyes closed, all of his senses, both natural and magical, stretched out in all directions. At least he wouldn't be surprised...


Inbi removed the Amulet, and the monsters vanished. She wondered whether they had ever been real to begin with, or were simply a hallucination of sorts to distract any thiefs, or wear them out from fighting.

She looked around, and saw that the forest was still burning, that at least had actually transferred over to the real world. She also saw something she had been too busy to notice before: a sly looking man in dark sunglasses. He called out, "I am the keeper of Terra...the willer of its powers and the seeker of its ways! Let all who come before me, be trapped in its sheer might!"

A large wall grew up, and Inbi looked in wonderment. What its purpose was meant to be, she could not discern. Then the man told her to get out of there. Perhaps he had seen the scene of her fighting the monsters that must have been, to him, invisible. He must think she was crazy - but then what was the wall for? The young woman stayed where she was.

She saw the man lunge towards nothing, roll and come flying at it again. Then she saw him put away his weapons and take a swing at thin air. But she also saw how behind him, the wall had been ripped partially apart and was being further ripped as the shadow fight took place. It didn't last long, though, for the man laughed suddenly, and said, "Ah, yes! This is amusing."

Forgetting any rash ideas about putting the Amulet back on and helping the man to finish the fight - he must still see the monsters? - she instead approached him. She needed to find out what he thought he was doing, and what he thought she had been doing. In short, did he see the monsters she saw, or was there some other reason for his behaviour? It probably wasn't wise for one to admit to a stranger that one hallucinated, but the forest was burning and the wall was torn to shreds all round. Besides, Inbi hated to dodge matters for niceties.

"Can you see the monsters," Inbi demanded of him, "and do you know what they are?"


Lotus slowly turned a glance Inbi's way. His laughter was starting to subside and strength beginning to return.

Lotus-"Monsters? Oh...you mean the ghosts I was playing with just now. They are quite amusing. As for the second question...no...I know nothing of these beasts."

Lotus had never had a problem with saying what's on his mind. His life was an open book to any who wanted to hear...but you could never be sure what was true or a lie. Ever since he became an assassin, he took up the habit of lying. His philosophy was simple. Never tell the truth when a lie will do. After all, if no one knows what is true or false...then they can't rat you out. The only ones who knew this, however, were his comrades back at home base.

Lotus-"Hi, the name's Lotus...just Lotus. I am a weapons salesman from a neighboring town...or I was. It's a long story. Who might you be?"


Inbi, on the other hand, wasn't quite used to lying. She had lived a lonely life, avoiding people for most of it. Being a theif, she was pretty sure she shouldn't be telling strangers all about herself, but she wasn't good at thinking up stories that would do better. She also had no cause to doubt Lotus yet. She ended up, after a pause, by saying simply, "My name is Inbi. My home is just over there. Er.. did you see the whole fight then?


Lotus-"Inbi, is it? Well, it's nice to meet you, Inbi. Would it be too much if I troubled you for a meal? I can pay you of course."

Lotus reached back and took a rather large bag of gold from his pocket. Placing it back in...he thought about the request for a second and spoke again.

Lotus-"Yes, I saw the entire battle. I would be happy to tell you what I know...or anything else you may ask over a meal. Don't worry, if I was some kind of killer...you'd have never seen me coming."

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"Oh, I wasn't worried about that," said Inbi. "I'd love to join you for a meal. First, though, we should do something about this fire... I didn't want to use my magic if there was still a chance of keeping it secret." The woman shrugged. "Seeing as how you already know about it, though, it's the best way to do this."

She turned to face the area of trees that had been central to the fight, and were still smouldering. She reached out her hands and ice flew from them. Almost as the ice came out, though, it melted, and the result was a jet of cold water that effectively put out the fire on the trees.

"Not too much damage done, after all," she stated. Only a few trees had been burned down, although many others were permanently charred.

Inbi led Lotus to the trees near her sheets. She reached into one of them, and pulled out frozen rabbit meat, already skinned and ready. "It serves me as a fridge," she laughed, proceeding to melt and cook the animal. As she did so, she spoke. "Since you seem to be willing to help me, I'll tell you what I know. It isn't much. I found this amulet. It started to glow. I could tell that it was magic. I figured it was better to keep it than throw it away, so I put it on. As soon as I did so, the monsters appeared. As you saw, I fought them, and when I took the amulet off, they disappeared - although I gather you can still see them?"

Lotus nodded his assent and Inbi finished fixing the meal. She said, "Can you help me find a weapon better than this crowbar? It's all I have right now, but I think perhaps I should be carrying a dagger or something now."


Lotus flinched somewhere inside himself. Where it was true that he knew a good weapon from a bad one...he knew very little else on the subject. When in doubt...make up a tragedy.

Lotus-"Ordinarily, I would make you a weapon of top grade...if it weren't for that unfortunate incident. It was years ago...I was trying to make a weapon of unmatched power. This weapon would blow any other man-made weapon away. Those who couldn't use magic would gain the ability to do so. Mana would be a thing of the past." Lotus went on as they began their meal. It had a great taste to it.

Lotus-"I must have tried fifty times. Using fifty different mixtures of steel and magic in combination with each other. I must have mixed the wrong ones...for it exploded in my face. I was later saved by the villagers who lived near by. The very villagers who called me mad for acting so reckless. My shop was in ashes...yet in the very spot of my forge were two daggers. I insisted they were magic, but the villagers would have nothing to do with me. Soon after...I left and never returned."

Lotus took off his shades and looked into Inbi's eyes. She reminded him of himself...of himself when he was but a youth. So often people judge those by what they do in life and not even consider the way they were brought up.



Lotus had just gotten home from a trip to the store. He was but a boy and family meant everything to him. The door was open and this started to worry the lad.

Lotus-"Mom...Dad...I'm home."

Entering, he found his parents dead on the floor and a mean looking man standing over them. The man looked up with an indescribable stare on his face. Lotus fell to the floor in shock. The man started to approach the lad, when out of nowhere...a burning figure slew that man.

burning figure-"Are you ok?"


Inbi-"Are you ok?" Lotus awoke from a short daze and slid his shades back on.

Lotus-"Yes, yes I'm fine. Old memories is all. I'll tell you what. Since I can't make you one, I'll treat you to the finest blade in town. Refuse and I'll consider it an insult."


Running from a deomn's limited incarnation, dealing with its worshippers on equal terms, trying to disappear into the populous of a city he used to own. Tamaranis had killed a few demon worshippers in his escpae, but he shouldn't have escaped at all, he should have crushed them... But he couldn't.

Tamaranis' detachment from emotion had just come, a result of touching the void. He'd never practiced pushing things like frustration and anger away. Outwardly, he remained as calm as always, but he was angry now, and he wasn't sure how to treat that. Mortals would lash out at what was around them. Tamaranis still had enough magic left to lash out and to kill, but that would draw attention to himself, attention he didn't want.

He came to the conclusion that the only thing to do was keep on trying to find a way to restore what he had lost. During the day something had appeared, something dark. He could still feel it, just a little ways outside the city, it was as good a place to look as any, better than most actually.

Of course, containing dark energy didn't automatically make a being Tamaranis' ally. He would wait until nightfall to approach whatever it was. It wouldn't do to be trapped into combat outdoors during the daylight hours.


Gunther sat there for quite some time, without anything happening. Then there was whispering. At first it was so soft that, had he not extended all of his senses to the utmost, he wouldn't have noticed it. Then it started to become louder, coming from behind him, even though all his other senses told him there was nothing there.

"So sweet, blood so sweet, soft flesh to rend, bones to crack, come, join us, jooooiiiinn, darkness so dark, calming, ..." They went on and on like this, threatening to devour him, begging him to join them in the darkness and become more powerful than he could have ever dreamed.

And they were closing in, too. Gunther could feel the hairs on the back of his neck stand up, but resisted the urge to turn around. He knew it was nothing more than his imagination, but somehow could not force them away completely. He could barely mute them, as they became stronger and stronger. He could feel them now, something dark inside him, trying to spread, trying to taint his sould. He'd rather die than let them, but as long as he could hold them back, there would be no need for that.

The touch of that.. thing must have left something inside him. He hated it already, as it divided his attention between finding the best way to contain it, and keeping his senses extended.

Slowly, the sun continued its traject in the sky, coming closer and closer to the horizon...


Inbi wasn't sure what to say; something was obviously bothering the man. "I don't need much, just something to defend myself with. If you insist on the finest there is, I won't hinder you - just keep in mind I am unskilled with weapons and the quality may go wasted on me... Whatever you decide, I don't think this meal will suffice as ample trade. Is there anything more I can do for you?"


Tamaranis knew that the demon worshipers knew he would wait until night to try and leave the city. The would hunt for him now, while he was exposed and moving, their master would have told them to do so. Of course, they didn't take into account that their master cared not for their lives, and that at night Tamaranis would be far more dangerous.

Tamaranis didn't draw attention to himself. He walked along the street like anyone else might. He didn't pull the darkness around himself in defence, a walking pool of blackness was suspicious, and it would respond to him in seconds anyway. He kept alert, looking across rooftops, into buildings, down alleys, with something that was just a little better than vision. He saw where living things were, regardless of illumination and to a certain degree, obstacles to line of sight. He reached out with his mind, searching for anything with the tangible hatred of hellspawn in addition to holy things, which he was always alert for.

Perhaps they simply didn't have the magic needed to located him unless he used magic of his own for them to try and locate. Or maybe the other dark force, which seemed to be getting easier to detect, was overshadowing him.

No, they had the skills. It would seem there were at least a few legitimate mages among their number. Tamaranis felt a faint cord of blue magic gently brush against him, then seem to snap tight and disappear. Some one had definately located him.

The detection spell had been very weak, Tamaranis hadn't felt it being cast. It had probably been used from nearby, within a few hundred yards. But there was still no indication of hostile magic, so Tamaranis maintained his pace and kept doing as he had been.

Then he felt another brush with blue magic, and a moment later, yet another one. It would seem that several persons were closing in on him. Perhaps the demon worshippers had secured the help of another group of magic users, either that or they were rather adept at conventional magic for what they were.

Feeling the blue magic twice more, Tamaranis decided that his position was obviously well known to his hunters, and gave up on not drawing their attention, it was obviously already on him. Pulling the darkness to himself he flew straight up until it was impossible that he'd be siloutted by any lights on the ground or in buidings. A black dot in the night sky, even with detection spells reaching for him it would take the searchers a moment to spot him.

Inside the protection of darkness a flame formed, not a pure flame, but one much like what the demon worshippers would be familiar with. It was almost alive, it was filled with a mixture of hatred and hunger. It existed both as a physical flame and as an undead spirit. Inside the darkness it danced furiously, reaching downwards rather than up as a normal fire would, trying to get at the life below and destroy it. But Tamaranis had forged the flame, given it the power it had, and it was within his control.

Another cord of blue magic touched him, and Tamaranis released the flame, overcoming its will and forcing it into the trail of magic before it could disappear. The flame met the cord of magic, and it became the path of least resistance. Seemed almost to scream as it flew, it followed the magic back to the caster, moving faster than the cord could retract. An archmage would have some sort of false trail, and would be protected, but Tamaranis doubted he was up against quite that calibre of magic.

Now that he'd cast the flame he'd be visible, so he moved quickly, flying not quite towards his objective. A bright flash below indicated his spell had found its target, or at least a target.

There was another flash, as lightning moved through the spot Tamaranis had been. It had signifigant power behind it, but seemed it wouldn't have been overly dangerous as Tamaranis wasn't concerned about what an electric current would do to his unbeating heart.

Dropping back to the street a signifigant distance from where he'd cast the nether fire spell he waited, felt magic, and moved forward, then stopped. He sensed something much similar to the nether fire, a demon had been pulled into the city. Tamarnis assumed that since he could feel the demon's hatred, it could feel his void, and would be reaching him shortly.

Hoping to avoid extended combat with a demon, Tamaranis began moving in a semi circle around the area he'd felt the demon appear, intending to attack its summoner before the demon attacked him. Unfortunately because the demon seemed not only to sense his presence but also to possess at least moderate intelligence it intercepted him.

The demon, appearing blurred, came through a wall without damaging it. Tamaranis' had came up and black lightning jumped from his fingers to the demon in a spell that was quick and almost reflexive. The lightning passed through the demon without effect and struck the wall it had come through, spreading cold rather than heat and not igniting it.

The demon attack, it was too blurred to say exactly with what, but it met the unnatural shadows surrounding Tamaranis as if they were solid, paused for a moment as if puzzled by this, and then heartily tore into them.

Tamaranis responded by rapidly varying the shape of his protective darkness, sometimes forming large claws from it to strike back, but the demon seemed stronger, and the shadow-armour began to break up. Momentarily forgetting about trying to overcome the demon, Tamaranis focussed on retreat, and flew to the spot where it had appeared.

It was quite a surprise to the patrons of a local pub the demon worshiper was hiding in when what appeared to be a ball of shadows with rapidly changing and shifting borders and a vaguely visible haze entered, apparently engaged in combat of some sort.

The ball of shadows made a direct line for the summoner, who in a panicked defence wove his hands in the air, begining to produce a white light. Immediately the demon lost all interest in Tamaranis and lunged at the summoner. Utterly without faith, the demon worshipper's ascendant magic collapsed the instant the demon contacted it, the worshipper opened his mouth, probably to beg forgiveness for contacting ascendant powers, but the haze seemed to flow into him, somehow gutting him as a part of the process.

The guard was doubtlessly already aware of the magical battle going on, and soon the main forces of the archmage controlling the area would be as well, if they were not already. Being in a public place and obviously one of the combatents could have been a problem, but a far larger one presented itself.

Tamaranis felt something immensely powerful pull at his mind and body, he recognized it, as he had been on the other end of this type of magic before. Some one was attempting to summon him, and thus gain control. Tamaranis threw his mind fully against the attack, but deliberately distanced himself from that particular point in space, allowing the transportation effect of the magic to work more easily. The problem of people knowing his location was solved as he faded from view and the lighting inside the pub returned to normal

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Lotus laughed. He'd come on a bit strong yet again. This has been a problem for him for a long while and undoubtably, would be for the rest of his life.

Lotus-"The truth is...you remind me of someone...someone who I wanted a better life for. Feel free to use whatever weapon you like. Besides, I make more than enough to last me."

The truth then hit Lotus...an ugly truth! If Blaze,(the burning figure), were to recognize him, then he might make Lotus's lie be known. Lotus was a practiced liar, but when faced with the truth...who would win?

Lotus-"I seek only happiness and amusement and it seems my travels have led me here. There is one thing you should know, though. I am being hunted by an insane assassin that goes by the name of Blaze. He thinks I have done something, but I know not what. If you meet up with him...I'd advise you to run, for even I lack the skills to defeat him in combat."


The bar was packed with the worst of the worst and just plain drunks. The one thing that was hard not to notice, though, was the man that sat alone. He sat at the table in the far corner and had a mean look to him. Blaze was what you might call and older, less sly looking Lotus. His ninja-like tunic was fire red and told those that knew him of his element.

The barkeep looked cautiously over from time to time. The look on the assassin's face was that of an irritated man. Blaze came to this town in search of Lotus...but he had yet to find him. Blaze glared at a stranger as he came over to his table and the toothpick that the assassin had been playing with fell to the floor.

Blaze-"Go away! This is my table!"

stranger-"It's a free country...buddy!"

Blaze-"More or less. I will give you to the count of three to leave my sight!"

The glare that Blaze gave the stranger was now worse than ever and the stranger knew that this man meant business. Blaze reached for his dagger as the man went for the seat. Blaze laughed at this sight. To think that this stranger would stand a chance against the likes of him! It took only seconds for Blaze to slay the stranger.

The moment the barkeep saw this, he went for his sword...but was met with a glare from Blaze that could kill. The bar had hushed from this sudden action and all those inside were staring the assassin's way. Blaze saw this and took to his feet. He had not the time to take on these men and women...there was only time for Lotus!


IC: "It was so simple, it's amazing you surivived this long," Said a human necromancer as Tamaranis' shadows filled the room.

Crushing waves of magical energy came pouring into Tamaranis' mind, and broke like waves on rocks. There was discipline there, incredible discipline, discipline enough to repel the effects of the summon.

"Still some fight in you I see," The necromancer said.

Tamaranis didn't answer, he was focused on the inward battle. The magic asailing him was becoming stronger. The waves becames tsunamis, they struck again and again, dozens of times a second. The rocks began to wear away. He would have to calm the ocean.

Casting a spell would be too much of a risk, divert too much attention. Tamaranis stabbed straight out with his sword, aiming at the necromancer's heart. The blade of enchanted drow steel moved forward with all of the vampire's unnatural strength behind it. And it came to a dead stop half a foot from the necromancer's chest, embedded in a magical barrier.

"Really, do you take me for a novice?" The necromancer asked, "One takes precations when summoning a new and potentially hostile slave."

Tamaranis still didn't answer. He dropped the sword and took a step forward, placing his hand on the barrier. Instantly the magic responded to contact with the void. It was well woven and insulated against all form of attack, including and attempt to drain it. Still, this wasn't a spell designed to disable magic by siphoning away its energy, this was contanct with something emptier than a vacuum. The shield began to break apart, its component subspells simply ceasing to be.

"Stop him!" The necromancer commanded. Four zombies stepped in to intervene. Under the force of the mental assult, Tamaranis hadn't noticed them until now.

Risking a weak-spot in his defence, Tamaranis diverted a small part of his attention to the darkness that protected him. It became solid in a dozen diffent places, all hard edges and points. It began to whirl, cutting at zombie flesh, tearing pieces away. The zombies ignored it of course, but as they reached for their target their limbs were torn and shredded. Some of the animating magic went with the flesh that was cut away, and the limbs lost some of their strength.

Tamaranis only had to keep contact with the barrier for a few seconds more, then he could reach his master... no not his master. There, the barrier failed, he stepped forward again, this time pressing his hand against the necromancer's chest.

Instantly the mind warping effects began to fade. Mana began to dissipate, turning to nothing as soon as Tamaranis touched the necromancer. At the same time, the power of the void was increased, and Tamaranis was strengthened. The necromancer was insulated against this sort of attack, but so had been his barrier.

As the manna failed vital energies began to be destroyed in its place. The necromancer screamed as he experienced an incredible cold moving through his body. It wasn't an actuall change in temperature, but rather a misinterpretation of what was happening by the human nervous system.

The necromancer kept his head enough to realize that a black magic based attack would be useless, and so tried to wield red. Flames formed about his hands, but his manna was too depleted and and his time too short.

"Stop, I command you!" He said in a last desperate attempt to survive the encounter.

"I beg you..." He switched tactics.

Tamaranis said nothing

The necromancer died with a suddeness not common with this sort of attack, perishing before he hit the ground.

The zombies continued to follow their last instruction, "Stop him" And so simply held onto Tamaranis, holding him in place. For several minutes he ignored them, fully recovering his thoughts. Then he recovered his sword and systematically destroyed them. After wiping their already rotting blood from his weapon, he sheathed it and began to feel out with magic, finding where he'd been teleported to.

Already the alternate sort of non-energy he'd gained from his attack on the necromancer was disappearing, it was beyond his capacity to contain even that much any longer.

Discovering that he'd only been moved a short distance, Tamaranis resumed his trek towards the dark power he'd been sensing.


As he sat there, Gunther didn't really see things, it was just that he was more... aware of them. He could feel some things that were happening in the city. A lot of magic, centered on one... being. Although he couldn't quite tell why, describing it as a human would be wrong, somehow.

Whatever it was, it was being chased. Gunther was even aware of the presence of a demon, although that vanished again. As soon as that vanished, the other presence teleported to a location where it was immediately overshadowed by a familiar magical presence.

Then that vanished, too, and the other started to become stronger, probably because he/it was closing in. Whatever it was, it was still chased, although with a bit more prudence now.

And through all this, the dark presence inside himself kept beckoning, begging, trying to threaten him into joining it, becoming one with it. The constant whisper became an almost soothing background noise, but for its vile nature. The only good thing was that it seemed to be becoming easier to resist... or was that just a trick?


Whatever it was that Gunther had been sensing, it was very close now. In visual range, in fact. A man walked towards him. His appearance would have been unnotable if not for the fact that the night seemed darker around him. Even without that to tip him off, Gunther could sense a magic very like the taint of undeath about him.

"Archmage... You are experiencing a conflict?" Tamaranis asked.


Venefyxatu saw the person walk towards him, but didn't move. He was aware of him, he didn't need to move.

Even though the night seemed to be darker around him, and the taint of undeath was very strong, he didn't feel threatened. Was it because of his chosen magic type, Nether magic, or was it the taint he could feel inside himself, he didn't know.

When the figure spoke, Gunther answered without looking up.

"Yes. I don't know what is going on, but I can feel there's something afoot. It appears to be after you, and I'm sure that it's after me too. But there might still be time to do something about it..."


"I don't know their exact motivation or origin, but a group of mages has just tried to destroy me." Tamaranis affirmed. "I killed at least two of them. I believe they will hold back for now, at least until daylight. I should like to find a place where the sun cannot reach me, so as to minimize the advantage they will gain with dawn. But that is not the conflict I was inquiring of."

Venefyxatu didn't respond, so Tamaranis continued, "There is something dwelling inside you which normally does not occur in the living. If you are in conflict with that force I may be able to aid both of us."


"An assassin named Blaze... alright then, I certainly don't feel I need to get myself killed in the battle of some insane man I've never met. If I see him, I'll take your advice. However, I have a proposition. The two of us are stronger together than either of us is alone. Why don't we stick together for a little longer? Perhaps we can solve the mystery of those monsters and this amulet, and if we see this Blaze, perhaps together we might overcome him. Who knows, maybe Fate sent you here, and the two are related somehow."

Inbi grinned. She didn't really believe in fate. She believed in logic, though, and it made every sort of sense to try to gain an ally against this magic she had pitched a fight with. She didn't know anything about his past, but it didn't really matter whose side one chose to be on, so long as one was consistent enough to not get killed.


Lotus-"Intriguing idea...let me give this some thought. Let's see...I can run like I am until I die, or I can take the road of conflict, adventure and mystery. I do believe that the latter has the chance for more amusement."

Normally, Lotus would be apalled at the thought of traveling with another. It went against all that he believed in. Lotus believed in the theory of "live by the sword and die by the sword" and this he considered a solitary experience. Then again, Lotus had an annoying habit of breaking his own self-imposed rules and this habit came around all too often.

Lotus-"Sounds good to me. I'm up for anything."


"That's great. Perhaps a good start would be to get rid of those monsters. Are they still hanging around here? We could go get that weapon and I could practice kicking monster butt with it! Of course, if we need I've always got my magic. What do you think?"


Lotus gave a grin at the thought. It had been some time since he had a good fight. It was then that a feeling came over him. It sounded so easy the way Inbi had said it, but nothing was ever that easy. Still, there was something to be said for a good challenge.

Lotus-"Yes, they have been lurking around here for some time. Sure, I could use a good workout."


Meanwhile in the town


The news of the burning assassin had spread throughout the town, as the murder of his victim came to rest. Groups had started to form in an attempt to make order out of chaos, yet this was not the answer. Gangs of thugs banded together. Tough men and women came from the bars and the shadows. Those who could not fight had run to their homes for safety and soldiers came out to take the town back.


Gunther nodded.

"Both of us will probably have more of a chance if we work together. As for the... force inside of me, I don't know if anyone will be able to help me with that. The offer is well-appreciated, though.

Come, I know of a place where you can rest."

With those words, Gunther got up and started walking. There was an easily defensible cave somewhere up ahead...


With a planned course of action, Inbi felt much better. They quickly finished what was left of the meal and set off to the town nearby. They didn't get far, however, before they noticed the buzz of activity within.

Inbi spotted a hurrying pedestrian and shouted in query, "Ho there! Do you know what's going on here?"

"Aye!" she said, barely pausing in her path. "There's a murderer loose in the city! Better get home and make sure you've got all your kids about you. Some say he has two heads!"

She rushed off, not waiting for any kind of reply. Inbi looked at Lotus and said quietly to him, "Could that be your assassin, sooner than we thought? Either way we won't be getting anything from these shops now."


Bane was pacing, back and forth across his room. The not only did the dissappearence of his amulet disturb him, but the fact that Kraw had not returned, and the thief was another capable of the use of magic, well that was almost too much. Just thinking of the fact he could let such an important artifact be stolen nade his blood boil. His shape started to change, as it always did when his emotions ran high.

" I must learn to control these powers" he muttered to himself. He decided that if Kraw were to not return, the he would have to do this himself. His body lost density, and before long, Bane was nothing more then a plume of smoke, and set of towards the amulets unmistakable power.


Lotus-"I'm not sure about the shops, but Blaze has made a big mistake this time. His smugness will get him killed given time. Besides, there's more than one way to skin a cat...and the Reaper is always one step behind me."

Without saying anything more, Lotus unsheathed his two daggers and handed them to Inbi.

Lotus-"Hold these for me, will you? If Blaze sees me with them, I will have no chance whatsoever."

The daggers lost their glow as they were handed to Inbi and Lotus set off toward the town once more. He could care less for the people who lived there, but this was a chance that he could not pass up. Blaze was alone and outnumbered...this would be his last mistake!


Unaware of the danger that was beginning to stack up against both of them, the two set off against the flow of the crowd. They were going headlong into one danger, were surrounded by another one, and were beginning to be stalked by the third. Nevertheless, they both seemed relatively cheerful.

Partway, Inbi let her curiosity get the better of her and she asked, "Why can't you have these daggers? I mean, isn't it just as bad if I have them?"

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Lotus smiled. He was hesitant to say, but she deserved an answer. 'What am I thinking? I can't tell her the nature of my powers! Until now...the only ones who know are my fellow assassins. Then again, there's always...'

Lotus-"In your hands, they are nothing but ordinary daggers...but in mine, they are far more. They give me the ability to use magic and also act as a beacon when in close range. Assassins of Blaze's caliber can pick up these beacons and..." Lotus stopped, he was telling her how to build it and not answering the question.

Lotus-"Needless to say, he won't care if you have them. We're almost there...be prepared for anything."


"OK. When we see him, do you want the daggers back, or should I keep them to prevent Blaze from getting them? If you don't want them back, perhaps we should consider hiding them elsewhere - in my hands right now they will only get in the way." Inbi paused, and then added, "Also, perhaps you should be warning me briefly of what to expect from this opponent Blaze, in the way of fighting style, or even magic?"


Lotus-"Hiding them...that's an idea."

Lotus took the daggers back and thought for a second. It was great risk that he would do such a thing...yet at the same time, it was an even greater risk to not. In a flash of sheer speed, Lotus had seemingly vanished and a minute later, reappeared...the daggers no longer with him.

Lotus-"Did you see the speed I just displayed? Blaze isn't quite as fast as I am...but he is much stronger in brute strength. Our techniques are the same, yet he is a grand master and I am only a master. On the topic of magic, he uses..."

It was then that a scream was heard. "Fire! Fire! The town is on fire!" It was as if they took the words right out Lotus's mouth. Blaze was a master fire elemental and didn't care who it was that he targeted. Then again...neither did Lotus. They rushed to the town only to find the outer walls in flames. The wall had stopped the speading of the soaring tower of fire, but this would not last for long. Sparks shot off of the blazing base and onto the wood and homes below. Chaos was everywhere as both soldier and peasant tried their hardest to put it out. The fire was nearly defeated when it suddenly reignited once more. Lotus turned to Inbi and said...

Lotus-"Blaze uses fire magic. Take his daggers from him if you can...for his daggers are like mine! Oh, don't tell him of me...I want to keep a low profile."

The irony of this statement being that Lotus was not a low profile guy...not in the least. Lotus quickly turned as he heard an evil laugh coming from the town square and was off before you can say...(oh, I don't know)..."stop?"


Inbi knew that the fastest way to follow Lotus would be to use her ice powers to boost her forward. She also knew that if she didn't assist the townspeople in putting out the fire, a lot of damage could be done - and a lot of people could get hurt. She wanted to keep her powers secret for a little longer, though. She could not fathom how else she could get the daggers from Blaze, if not for surprising him with it. Probably he would be ready for a surprise, but she wanted at least to keep the chance open.

Trying to be as inconspicious as possible, and also trying to work quickly, Inbi shot a beam of ice to the ground and then along towards the fire. All that was visible was a thin streak of ice leading from her finger to the flames, like a trickle of frozen water. Inbi was controlling it as it travelled, though, and when it got there it spread out under the fire, cutting it off from any fuel. She let it reach the main segment of the fire and then stopped it. Then she ran off towards the laughter they had heard.

No longer touching the ice, she had lost control of its movement or growth. She could still, however, keep it cold, as long as she concentrated on it. She knew that she couldn't do that for long, for her mind would be elsewhere when she reached Blaze. She hoped that this would keep the main segment of the fire from growing for long enough that the people of the town could get it under control. If not, the fire would just melt the ice as soon as she lost concentration and it would blaze up again.

Keeping her mind on it, she kept running. It wasn't very long, though, before she saw the assassin. Her mind stopped contolling the ice she had left behind, and she began to assess the situation


Lotus had reached the town square before Inbi and took in the surroundings within seconds. Blaze stood smugly upon the top of a large fountain shaped as twin dolphins. The surrounding area was burned in most places and very few soldiers were left standing. Those few that were left, had extreme fear in their eye's, yet still stood strong against the danger before them.

Blaze-"Is that all you wimps got? My grandmother could take you down!"

Blaze gave a sigh. After going to all this trouble...after making a trap that Lotus could not resist...Flowerboy didn't even show. Lotus saw this look in the assassin's eye and had to do something. Walking out in a very sly manner, Lotus laughed and grabbed a dagger out of a nearby soldier's belt.

Lotus-"I am Corneal Travis of the Special Ops Unit Three. I have been informed that a murderer...no...an assassin has taken over the town. My orders are to deal with the situation in any way possable."

Turning to a nearby soldier, Lotus motioned for him to gather as many troops as he could and use them to block off all exits from the town. Not that Blaze would need such a thing, but simply as a safety measure. Just then, Lotus's attention was called back to Blaze.

Blaze-"Corneal Travis, you say? Special Ops? Sounds intimidating...doesn't it? Well, let us play then, shall we?"

Both assassins leapt toward each other in a blur. The speed at which they were moving was high and it would not take much to throw the other off balance.


Inbi saw the situation and knew something had to be done. It was obvious that this Blaze really was insane, and had to be stopped for more reasons than simply because she was working together with Lotus.

"Come on!" she shouted. "If Mr. Travis isn't afraid of this man, why are we? Strength in numbers! Between all the people here, we can take him down! Some of you can run for backup if you feel it necessary, but meanwhile, let's get the murderous b@$!@&%!" She leapt forward. Because of their speed, she couldn't really keep track of where they were moving, or even who was whom. But she ran towards them.

A couple people in the crowd inched forward, and a few others took off, presumably to find other people who could help. Inbi could tell that the crowd's confidence was low, and knew that the time for hiding things was altogether finished. They would be less likely to follow her when they ascertained that it was mainly her magic that kept her brave, but perhaps if she and Lotus could gain the upper hand for even a moment, they would be willing to aid them.

She observed the pair for a moment longer, trying to get a hint of how to get at Blaze when their speed was so beyond hers. She only really had one, simple plan in mind; to stop the assassin and freeze him if she could. Obviously her heat would help her naught - but if she pitched her ice magic against his fire, maybe he would be distracted enough that Lotus could attack him in other ways.

She ran closer and they weaved a little bit around her, and she pretended as she watched them that she trying to get in a hit. It helped her to get the rhythm of their movements, but she quickly growing impatient. Finally, Lotus led Blaze around her close enough that she got a chance at the slower one. No longer hesitating, she shot forward with her frozen water and got a small hold on him. Then she started to thicken it, but Blaze's magic had begun its strong opposition. She fought in her mind against him, counting as much as she could on the cold. She hoped that the man would assume that fire would harm her, and try to get ahead in that way. Meanwhile, she struggled against his force that was trying to melt her ice. She couldn't see the reaction of the crowd, and she didn't even notice what was going on at the same time between Blaze and Lotus.


Ever since Blaze was a young boy, he had an uncanny ability to multitask. At the same time, however, it would split his mind's concentration and make him less aware of his proper course of action. As the ice started to grow, Blaze noticed that it was coming from Inbi, yet the assassin seemed as cocky as ever. He payed little attention to the crowd of useless wimps that were slowly gaining confidence and focused more on the real threats.

Normally, he'd be fine in a two way mind split, but this being a three way...threw him off. 'Three vs one? This is not an honorable fight! They will pay for crossing me! They will all pay!' Even with the stress of combating the ice...Blaze noticed a flaw in Lotus's form and took his chance for glory. Lotus could only watch as the dagger came in with a flash and back out with no less velocity than whence it came.

The blow was devestating. The speed at which they were moving, plus the power behind the strike, had taken it's toll. Lotus immediatly fell to the floor with a groan of pain. The dagger had punctured his mid leg, yet he kept his attention on the battle at hand...or at least what he could. 'Can't let Blaze win...can't let him get away!' The crowd hushed as Blaze broke the ice that was covering him and leapt away from his foes. Sweat was falling from his brow and anyone who was there could tell that he was getting fatigued.

Blaze-"You have won this round, children! But there will be more. This was simply a battle...you must look upon the war! How could you possibly fathom defeating me? In what world is this possible?"

Lotus, with his stubborn attitude, gave one last attempt at taking Blaze down. He knew it would take the last of his remaining strength, but it had to be done. Lotus leapt forward with his dagger, but hit nothing but a fading flame that stood in Blaze's place. As the flame faded to nothing, Lotus fell unconscious to the floor.


Inbi cursed. Blaze had gotten away, and Lotus had taken a serious injury. She had disclosed the half of her abilities that might help them against the assassin, and next time they met he would not be caught off guard. If there even would be a next time. Inbi knew little to nothing about healing. She turned to the crowd.

"I don't know if you still respect me now that you know I use magic. To be honest, I don't really care. There is an insane assassin on the loose and together, this man and I have a small chance of stopping him. If any of you are willing to help heal him, perhaps we can rid this town of the murderer."

Then she turned to Lotus. "How bad is it? I alone cannot heal you. I can put ice on it, which might help until we can reach a doctor, but that is about all I can do. If there is no one around who can help...?"


"It whispers to you of power, does it not?" Tamaranis suddenly asked.

Venefyxatu was a little surprise, "How much do you know about this?"

"I know something of demons and dark powers." Tamaranis answered, "The thing inside you may be similar to the force that granted me the limited powers I possess. Its promises of power are not groundless. We may soon have need of the power it can offer you..."

"I'd rather die than become one with it!" Venefyxatu insisted.

"And you must not accept it fully at any point," Tamaranis agreed. "Dark powers have a great tendency to madden the living on merging with them."

"What of the dead?" Venefyxatu asked.

"The dead are another matter." Tamaranis said, "Which is why I wish to possess this thing. Because you wish to be rid of it, I propose that we work together until such time as we can find a way to transfer it."


In the depths of Lotus's mind...he could hear a mumble. Try as he might, however, the translation was failing to take place. He felt trapped...restricted to a small room...emptiness all around him like a cloud of thick smoke. He found that the only thing he could do was to think...think about the past.



A mid-aged young man was running through a field of flowers. The wind had picked up from the gentle breeze to a dusting storm. It was odd, though, for he felt a tension that puzzled him at first. This seemed like such a happy memory, but then changed.

The sky grew dark as the dusk moved in and sounds of rustling were heard from all around him. Clenching his daggers, he glanced in all directions...looking for something. He could feel something odd, it was something of a beacon...a very weak beacon.

The tension only grew as the feeling turned from bad to worse. Flashes of what looked to be light would pass by him at rapid speed and fade to nothing afterward. They were too fast, he couldn't take it anymore. It was then that he felt a gentle hand on his shoulder. The hand was warm and caring. He felt safe...dropped the daggers and turned to...

Before the memory


Footsteps were heard as Inbi gave her speech and a field medic came out of the crowd. Taking a good look at the situation, he took in what was apparant and what should be done. The truth of the matter was, he was more of a white mage then a doctor...but wasn't as practiced as he wanted yet in the art.

Dr. Flask-"I am Dr. Flask of the field medic unit two of the town. If you will let me see the patient, I will do my best to cure him."

Inbi stepped aside and Dr. Flask gave Lotus a good look. The assassin's wounds were bad and the good doctor knew that it would take more than one try to cure him. Hovering his hands over Lotus's injured leg, Flask started to chant an incantation. A brilliant light took place and the wound had vanished. This was not the only problem, though, and the doctor knew it. The outer damage had been taken care of, but this only kept Lotus alive. The inner damage would have to heal itself.

Doctor-"This was one of the lucky patients and, at the same time, the unlucky. His outer wounds have been healed and he'll live. The only problem now, is that he must deal with the inner damage. If he is strong...it could take a night. If he is weak...then who knows."


Gunther nodded. "I agree. You seem to know more of this conflict than I do, so I suggest you think about what we do next."

As they arrived at the cave, Gunther looked back. The city wasn't that far away and he could see an orange flickering with a smoke column above it.

Hoping that this would buy them some time, Gunther motioned for Tamaranis to enter the cave, then followed him, leaving his staff at the entrance pointing outwards. By the time something got into the cave now, no matter how powerful a mage, both he and his new companion would be awake and dealing with the threat.

It wasn't a very special cave. Deep enough to offer protection against wind and rain, with a slight downward slope towards the exit. A few mosses grow on the walls, but there is no further sign of life.

Feeling safer, Gunther sat down and looked at Tamaranis, who had been inspecting the cave a bit suspiciously, but apparently found everything to his satisfaction, as he was sitting down too now.

"We should have some time to get acquainted now. I am called Gunther."


Inbi, being a theif, didn't have much money, but she did have some. Even better though; she didn't need money. She left the scene, trying to unobtrusively carry Lotus. He was heavy and she made slow progress. She didn't mind, though. All that that meant to her at the moment was that by the time she got to the place she needed to be, it was dark and everyone had locked up and gone home for the night.

With very little effort, she let herself into the yard. She knew from previous experience of the town that this particular place had a couple of extra horses they were trying to sell. They would survive fine without the one that she took with her when she left.

She had very little plan, despite the long travels. She had had a lot of time to think, but no real decisions had been made. She only knew that they would probably have to leave at some point. So, she balanced Lotus on the horse, picked a random direction and took off. Sooner or later she would reach someplace to rest. Before that she would stock up on some food from whatever places they passed that she knew to be good sources or easy targets.

She hoped Lotus would wake up before she met up with Blaze again, or had to deal with the owner of that mysterious Amulet. Somehow, though, she just knew he wouldn't

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People often claimed to have found and hired the best. The vast majority of them were wrong. They believed they had gone to the best, that was only because of a lack of knowledge on their part.

The best mercenaries, the best enchanters, the best alchemists... The best assassins.

The best didn't make themselves known, they didn't have to. They could call a high enough price to retire after a single job. They didn't insult their own abilities by accepting jobs from the common man.

This nasty little man, Blaze reflected, had managed to find the best. How he had managed to find the best however, was beyond him, especially considering the altracation Blaze had just been involved in and his following deliberate disappearance.

Blaze sensed a sort of stench about the man. Not a real smell, but an intense foulness. It wasn't the stench of undeath, which was usually just the smell of rotting flesh, it was something else.

It wasn't any sort of supernatural sense that allowed Blaze to detect the foulness, but rather the sharpness of a mind used to taking into account every detail. Blaze was the best, and as such he saw plain as day things a lesser assassin would never notice.

"My master has become displeased with a certain undead creature," The man rasped in a voice that was used to being servile, "We can't seem to destroy it. And we humbly request your services in doing so."

"Wouldn't your master rather that you, personally, destroy this creature for him?" Blaze taunted.

This man was obviously both a worshiper and a summoner of demons. Pathetic in Blaze's eyes. This man had no power of his own, but instead relied on outside forces to accomplish what he could not. Just the opposite of Blaze.

"How we destroy it doesn't matter," The little man rasped, "It has displeased my master and it must die."

"So tell me, what did this creature do to 'displease' your master?" Blaze asked, still mockingly.

"It was negotiating a contract with my master and became... disrespectful." The man rasped.

Blaze chuckled, demons could be like children sometimes. Only they held the grudge longer. "And I suppose this creature has also killed some of your master's other followers while they were playing at being assassins?"

The little man was becoming upset with Blaze' manner, but he knew better than complain. Blaze demanded as much respect from his clients as a demon did from its followers. "Some of my master's followers and a few hired mages tried to destroy it. It killed three of them and escaped."

Blaze laughed out loud this time. Weaklings that relied on spells and demons deserved no less. Still, demon worshippers usually managed to kill those who felt should die. Perhaps this undead creature would prove interesting.

"Alright, five-hundred-million and I'll kill this thing for you."


As the time passed, Lotus fell even deeper into the abyss that was his mind. Memory after memory passed him by, yet never took any action. It was as if he was searching...for something he knew not what, but would know when he found it.



Ever since that day, Lotus had agreed to train with Blaze's supervision. He trained tirelessly, day and night, sleeping as little as possible and fought hard the entire way. That was, until it happened.

It had been a couple of years later and Lotus had gained much in speed and skill, but not in strength. Lotus's lack of strength had been a concern for Blaze for some time. Blaze thought him too weak to take on the road ahead and this worried him.

Then one day, in a bout, Blaze was surprised to find that Lotus had disarmed him and gave him a slight cut to his side. This was the first time that Lotus had ever touched him and a feeling of pride came over Blaze at that very moment. He then knew that Lotus's lack of strength was not a weakness...for it was overpowered by the fact that he had superior speed and Blaze knew then that Lotus was finally ready.


Lotus awoke and found that he was alone in a forest. Slowly opening his eyes, he took a good look around and saw a campfire and a single horse tied to a tree. He had assumed that Inbi brought him here and that she was out for the moment. The fact was, though, being here was much like being lost.

The next thing he noticed was a sharp pain shooting through his leg. Apparently, the wound had not the time to fully heal yet and therefore limited his speed. Feeling off balance, Lotus also noticed that he had not retrieved his daggers yet. To leave them for the moment was one thing...but to leave them for too long was quite another. He would have to retrieve them ASAP, if they were to move on.


(Tam's part)

Blaze looked the man straight in the eye and took on a serious attitude.

Blaze-"Ok, here's how things work. You give me half the gold now and when I bring you back proof of the kill...you give me the other half. Don't stiff me...for if I can't take the gold...I'll take your life in its place. Secondly, I will require as much info as you can muster about this fellow. One must never go into battle unprepared...even if they are someone such as I."


Just then, Inbi returned. She dragged a couple of dead rabbits behind her, then plopped them onto the fire. She turned around to reach for something, but was taken aback to see Lotus awake already.

"You're up? That's great! As you can see, I got us out of that village... I guess Blaze beat us this time. I didn't know where to go, so I just got us away for the moment."

"That's probably a good thing," repied Lotus. "But the next thing we must do is retrieve my daggers. They have been susceptable for far too long as it is."

Inbi shook her head. "You can't run now, can you? How far away are they? I guess we'll just both have to travel there, if you don't mind my seeing where you put them..."


Lotus was taken back with what had happened. Not only did he fall into Blaze's trap, but he didn't flee when he should have. Then there was Inbi. Lotus had been subtiley testing her character the entire trip and had found out a lot...yet there was still so much to learn.

Lotus was never a person that dove headlong into trust. No...he would first test the waters and see where it led from there. Trusting others had always been a problem for him. It meant putting your life in their hands and that was simply not an option. Inbi seemed trustworthy at the time, but if she knew who Lotus really was...who knows what she'd think.

Lotus-"Can't run? Do you think something as simple as pain will stop me? Pain is simply an illusion that the weak minded person is susceptible to. Lesson 182 of the sacred code."

Inbi didn't like where Lotus was going. She didn't feel that it was wise to push the limits as Lotus was obviously going to do. Before she could say anything, however, Lotus had taken to his feet and dashed off at the best speed he could. He didn't get far...or fast when he hit the ground with a groan of pain. It then hit Lotus...he was not unbeatable. With no daggers, he had no magic and without his speed, he had no defence. For the first time in his life as an assassin...he felt that he could not do this on his own. It was different before...when he could move like the wind and seemed to be in two places at once. When trust was not a factor and he could leave in the blink of an eye. It was then that he knew that he had to trust in his instincts...atleast for the time being.

Inbi-"Are you ok? You took quite a fall there."

Lotus-"Yes, I'm fine."

Inbi could tell that he had changed some how. She could hear it in his voice and feel it in her bones...though she couldn't figure out quite how. Lotus took to his feet and then laid back down against a nearby tree. A minute or two later, he spoke up.

Lotus-"Before I can answer you...I must ask you something. This is purely hypothetical, mind you. I am not suggesting that this is how I am...but if you found that I was more like Blaze...would you have still saved me? Would the fact that we have lived a different life take away from the alliance? Regardless, I owe you my life and I intend to repay the debt."


More like Blaze? Inbi wondered. He must mean hurting innocent people - what else could he mean? Well, does it make a difference? Obviously we need to work together. If I don't have his help, I'll never make use of this amulet - it may even be the death of me. On the other hand, it's clear that he needs my help at the moment too. Sure, I don't know that he won't take off as soon as we kill Blaze - but what choice do I have?

"Yes," said Inbi after a noticable pause. "I need your help too, don't forget. I already picked sides - leaving you there would put me in a pretty bad position, don't you think? Two assassins after me, I'd be in a real pickle." She smiled wryly. "And you like pickles, don't you?"

And if I ever saw him again, after we went our separate ways? No, he seems so nice! But if I found him hurting other people for no purpose at all - how could someone kill for the joy of it? - yes, I would kill him if I could. Theft is a totally different thing from murder... isn't it?

"Besides," she continued after another pause, deciding that he would actually trust her more if he knew her profession, "I'm just one step away from that myself." She gestured at the horse. "I've never had to kill a person, but I steal from them all the time."

That was a bad idea! Inbi thought. Not only does he know now that I don't really trust him, but he knows he can't trust me. I've really got to work on this lying thing... Maybe I shouldn't make him respond to that, he'll only take the opportunity to leave me alone here, or he'll lie to me, only he's better at it. Still, why did he say anything at all about it then? No, I'd better hear what he has to say.

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At this point Lotus gave an inward laugh. Sense he was no longer in the position to make the rules...he would make up the most elaborate lie in the history of the world. Could one man make up an entire lifetime of lies? A lie so big...so wide and with such passion that even he starts to believe it? This was Lotus's new challenge...his new purpose(sp)...his new form of amusement.

Lotus-"You have the strength and honor enough to stand by your convictions to the end...I like this...it reminds me of me. As for pickles, I love them...both types. They make life more interesting...dont you think?" Lotus paused, the next matter to take into account was a tough one...or was it?

Lotus-"Thieves arn't that bad. Then again...neither are assassins. Most people forget that assassin kill warlords aswell as peace makers. The fact of the matter is...my father worked closely with them, but don't judge him just yet. He was the leader of a special organization. We called ourselves, 'The Watchers' and for a good reason. Our soul purpose(sp) was to watch any and all assassins and take out the trouble makers. The trouble makers were the ones who either went rouge, or took matters into their own hands. We were composed of one elite unit of warriors. These warriors were trained to act, think and fight like an assassin. Heck...we even go by the assassins rules...we call it the Sacred Code. If you would like to hear more about this...I'll tell you after the meal...I'm starving."


(Tam's part...I'll do my best, but that's all I can do for now.)

The scene went on and turned into quite a heated discussion...but in the end Blaze had gotten his way. The first half the sum was payed to him and he took off after his target. It didn't take long for Blaze to make it to the demon worshipers town...nor to find the tracks at it's outer limits. Following the tracks was another story altogether, though, for they were faded and hard to see by now. They eventually led the assassin to a nearby cave. Taking a closer look, Blaze could see a staff at the caves enterance. This was obviously a trap, yet he had to get in somehow.

A squeek was heard as Blaze grabbed a mouse that started running by and held the thing before him with a smile. It was at this point that he thought of a plan. Blaze set the mouse loose in the direction of the cave and as the creature came near the staff...


IC: A small black cat stepped from the shadows surrounding the staff. She swiftly attacked the mouse and yet did not kill it. Instead she played with it in a most malicous way. After her amusement had wound down she looked at the creature in front of her cave and wondered if Blaze could read her thoughts like she could do him. She doubted he could and decided to let him keep his thoughts. Instead she just stared at him, her next prey.


Blaze glared back into the cat's eyes. Though that's all he saw...a cat and a stupid one at that! Blaze gave a laugh as he went back around the rock and began to cast a spell. Great flashes of smoldering flames were barely seen reaching the outskirts of the rock's sides and giving a glimpes, if not a view, of what he was doing. Out of the ashes and erupting heat, came a large two headed dog from the depths of hell itself. This fire breathing beast was known as a hellhound and it just hated cats!

Blaze-"You smell the cat, boy? You want to get that cat? Go get it...sic it!" The hellhound then took off after the cat with one mighty leap and left Blaze with but one last thing to say.

Blaze-"I know an old lady who swallowed a cat. Just think of that, she swallowed a cat!"


Gunther woke up with a start. He'd felt something... some sort of warning coming from his staff. He turned to Tamaranis to wake him up, but found that the vampire was already awake and listening. They both got up as quietly as possible, hidden in the darkness of the cave.

The staff, meanwhile, didn't do anything. It didn't really have a mind, not the same way living beings have, but it had a sort of consciousness. It could feel the minds of the beings around it, and as long as those beings stayed far enough or didn't intend any harm to it or its master, it wouldn't do anything. It wasn't easy to fool, either... in all of its previous and remembered lives, it had been fooled only once, by one of the greatest archmages ever to have lived.

As for the cat... it might have "helped" it a bit in being on this place at this moment. And as long as the staff could help it without betraying that it was, it would..


The cat circled back and hissed at the dog her black fur standing on end. Soon after a blaze of fire the cat was gone and instead replaced with a shapley woman. She wore only a black hooded robe, with her firey hair pulled back.

Ashlea- "I never did like dogs, they smell."

She stared the creature in the eyes, a common challenge among the animals. It growled and hissed and made ready to attack the 'weak woman'. Then she began to sing. Her voice held the power of the Sirens and the dog was soon lulled to sleep. She, however,continued to sing, making sure the spell would stick on the hellish beast, also she had hopes of calming Blaze. Once she was confident in her music sheslowed to a stop and began to weave another spell only quieter, so as not to disturb the dog, or the staff. Once again she was engulfed in flames and this time as the foreign words spilled from her ripe lips silent lighting fell from the sky, froming a large cage around the summoned beast. She stepped towards to other present.

Ashlea- "What is you purpose here?" She asked, as was customary, and unessicary. She allowed the energy that had built from her craft to shimmer around her person and keep her feeling safe. She could sense there were others behind her, yet she didn't sense danger from them.


Meanwhile Inbi, far from all this, was still talking to Lotus.

"Sure," she said. "After supper, I would love to hear about it. Us theives don't have any Codes that I know about. I only live by my own, and that's to not steal from anyone who can't afford it. Of course, those kind of people don't have anything worth taking anyway."

She moved around the fire so that she could face Lotus while she cooked the food.

"I've really grown to like you," she said to Lotus. "Please, just don't let me see you hurt anyone who doesn't deserve it and that need not ever change."

Inbi hoped he wasn't lying, because she wasn't anymore. If he really did kill people - indiscriminately - then she didn't want to know about it, and she felt she could live with herself. But then again, she was probably putting herself into danger by saying that. But... any more than she was by travelling with the man?


Inbi's part


Lotus didn't know what to say...he didn't know what to think...heck, he didn't know who he was anymore. Have you ever told a lie for so long, that you start to think it the truth? After such a time has passed...does it become the truth...or will it simply remain a lie for all time? Lotus never really had many friends in his life...at least not true friends. He was an assassin and assassins have only their own to be with...only their own to get to know.

The problem was, though, that he liked Inbi as well. An assassin has no friends beyond their chosen field...paragraph three of section five of the Sacred Code. Lotus didn't know what would happen in the future to come...he only knew that he liked the here and now and that he didn't want to leave it. A spell later, the meal came and Lotus continued to talk as he ate.

Lotus-"The Sacred Code is a complex set of rules and regulations that takes great patience and discipline to memorize. Picture the most monotonous part of your life and times that by one hundred and you may come close to the the code. All I ever wanted was to make my father proud of me and he was not easy to get close to...not in the slightest. He pushed me ten times harder then the other recruits. He didn't know any better...he was a great warrior, but lacked in the fatherly skills to raise a son. It got to the point where I gave up on the program altogether and ran off to open a weapon's shop. I could see the pain in my father's eyes as I told him, but I wasn't meant for his line of work...not that I didn't try."

A tear came to Lotus's eyes as he started to think about his real father. He was very young when they died...his parents that is, but there was still a lot he knew about them. They never did have much money. The fact was...they were poor farmers with a failing farm and aging cattle. Still, when all was said and done...they were happy; for they were rich in love and love is all anyone really needs in life.


Blaze stood to greet Ashlea in the manner in which he greeted most strangers...mockingly! The sneer on his face was enough to give away his manner and more than enough to give away his personality. He could feel a kind of...power pulling at his natural will to do whatever he wanted. However, the power didn't get far...for his mind was that which no one could even imagine or comprehend.

Blaze-"If you will release my pet, I will send him back to the hellish pits from which he came. As for what I'm here for...let's just say that a child sent me after that vampire for not sharing his toys. It has nothing to do with you or that old man that's with the vampire. You could go along with your lives however you want...just don't get in my way!"

No, Blaze had no fear of the demon who hired him. Blaze feared nothing and no one...for he was the best at what he did and the best never seem to have a healthy level of fear.


Tamaranis and Gunther could follow the conversation clearly as they advanced to the cave-opening while pondering what to do.

Leaving was not an option - they'd either have to use magic which would tell everyone who wanted to know their new whereabouts, or they'd have to go through the entrance of the cave, where the assassin was.

Staying here, on the other hand, would most likely result in a fight - a fight in which they'd have to use magic. Unless the lady was willing to help them get away afterwards, this option too would result in everyone who wanted to know knowing their whereabouts.

Between a small chance or no chance at all there's not really much of a choice. With that in mind, the two of them exited the cave, Gunther picking up his staff in passing, both of them ready for just about anything.


IC: As the two moved closer to the outer edge of the cave the hair on the back of Ashlea's neck stood up. Blazes attitude didn't surprise her at all but that didn't mean she would just roll over for him.

Ash- "You expected a vampire to play nice? Silly boy..." She chuckled, mostly just to spite him. "And as for you two..." She said as she sent a short wall of fire in the path of Gunther and Tamaranis. "You have something I want." The Cerebrus began to cause a fit at the show and was quickly silenced as he through himself again the sides of the cage. "You should teach your pet to behave. Stupid dog..."


Blaze was really getting annoyed at Ashlea...she was drawing this out and making it harder than it had to be. Blaze was not known for his patience...no...he was known for more of his short fuse and his focus on getting the last word. In a way, he could be as a child would...a very mean child.

Blaze-"Palm and Porum are not stupid...they are simply young. They are young and therefore are playful. He still plays fetch, for crying out loud...albeit he brings back ash in the stick's place...but he will fetch." Blaze stopped, as this was getting out of hand. Ashlea had gotten him to talk about his pet and not his business.

Blaze-"You know what...catch me if you can, slowpoke...I'm going to talk to the vampire now." With that said, Blaze started over to Tamaranis. Nothing was going to get in his way and if it did...he may be forced to take a more drastic action to accomplish his goal.


Blaze was begining to get on her nerves... He wanted to challenge her? Was that his goal? She took her hand and pointed it to an area just in his path. Soon a black hole of sorts was in front of him, yet not so far off that he would have time to notice it. With his cocky attitude, he kept on walking and was soon taken away by Ashlea's toy.

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Blaze hasn't given his name yet, has he?

IC: The situation was going from bad to worse very rapidly. Gunther was an ally for the time being, but that might change in a few minutes. Both this firey fellow with the hell hound and Ashlea were clearly competent and dangerous in the use of magic.

The firey one seemed rather agressive, quite ready to kill at a moment's notice. Tamaranis didn't know if he was prepared to do battle with a vampire or not, but there was a certain sense of something about him, precision and determination. If he intended violence he could be dangerous indeed.

Ashlea was even worse. She was a vampire, and apparently after something he and Gunther possessed. That object might have been a possession of Gunther's, his staff or perhaps an item Tamaranis wasn't aware of, but that seemed unlikely. Even less likely was that she was seeking something Tamaranis possessed. Aside from knowledge he didn't have anything that would interest a powerful mage.

Most likely it was the dark force contained inside Gunther that Ashlea sought. Apparently a powerful mage judging from the way she flaunted her power, she could probably offer Gunther very good odds of removing the thing inside him, and the mage had very little reason to trust Tamaranis over another vampire aside from the fact that Tamaranis had refrained from trying to kill him during the night.

Whatever the motivations of the fire wielder and Ashlea might have been, no matter how devious, an outbreak of violence involving people this powerful was definately to be avoided.

"Enough." Tamaranis said simply, extending a wave of shadow over the fire in front him, smothering it.

"Neither Gunther or myself are to be underestimated." Saying that he drove a complicated set of magical weavings at the gravity distortion Ashlea had created. The technique didn't require much strength, but it did demand a great degree of skill and mental discipline.

"We all have our objective here, so let's get them in the open and start from there." As he said this Tamaranis' sword flashed into his hand. It didn't display dazzling swordsmanship as he made the movement, but it did display competence and control of the weapon.

"Don't make the mistake of believing that you'll have some sort of advantage in solving this with violence." Tamaranis' voice was filled with... nothing at all, really. It was like a machine making simple, factual statements.

Lies were well and good, but an outright statement of the situation was often a very effective bluffing tactic. There wasn't a trace of fear on him, but that didn't mean he wasn't being careful. Hopefully his little display would bring some order to the situation, but he wasn't counting on calm or rational behavior from either Ashlea or the fire wielder.


Gunther, even though his physical shape had never been that good, had always had a quick mind. It was therefore that, after Tamaranis had finished speaking, he could still prepare himself to throw some magic between him and the assassin, just in case the latter decided to attack anyway.

During all this he had unknowingly taken on a pose that in the future, should he live to see it, he'd take on much more often, and that in previous lives almost was his trademark; leaning calmly on his staff, barely moving.


Blaze vanished into the black hole and found himself in a strange but near by area. This had really gotten him mad...I mean steamed to a far off point on the map we call our life. Judging from the surrounding area, he easily found his way back and went there in style. The group turned as they heard a great wind coming. Sand was blowing like wildfire as a large torando shook the ground coming into view. On the tornadoe's top was seen Blaze, apparently running the very speed of the wind itself. They could tell that this was not a force of magic, but of sheer speed.

The tornado started to slow down and weaken, the closer it got to the group and before long, it vanished...lowering Blaze to the ground with a soft pat. It was then that Tam made his speech and Blaze heard what was said. If Blaze's eyes could glow...they would do so now, but that would be rather redundant on my part. The assassin's attitude then changed dramatically and without warning. Suddenly, he fell to the floor in laughter...this had been so poorly planned that even he had a sense of humor about it.

Blaze-"In all my years of working as an assassin...I have never heard of a more...useless, go nowhere situation such as this one. We might as well treat it like an AA meeting. Hi, my name's Blaze and I'm an assassin...well, it's your part now. Your supposed to say, 'Hi Blaze'. By the way, Tam...can I call you Tam? I want to speak with you ASAP, but I don't think these leeches will let me!"


That confirmed it then, Blaze was one of the elemental assassins. No other assassin could have moved so quickly. Even as an archmage Tamaranis had been wary of the elemental assassins. Now he lacked that power and the sun was coming up.

Not only that, but this Blaze character was obviously quite unstable, going from rage to near-helpless laughter so quickly. The combination of insanity and deadly speed convinced Tamaranis that he should put all possible distance between himself and Blaze. He found himself wondering just how long it would take him to ascend out of reach, and how that time would compare to the time it would take Blaze to reach him.

No, that would leave Gunther on the ground, and Gunther possessed something very valuable which might well die with him. Gunther was powerful, on the same level as an archmage, but he might not possess the experience he would need in order to defend himself from some one like Blaze; Tamaranis had no doubt that Blaze's mood could become murderously foul as quicly as it could become mirthful. And there was still that matter of Ashlea.

"A better situation than one in which we slaughter one another..." Tamaranis said in response to Blaze's critisism, hoping Blaze would agree, "You may call me 'Tam' if you find it necessary."

"That's good Tam," Blaze said, still chuckling, "but I really do need to have a word with you,"

"I take it you want to have this little chat far away from prying ears, probably somewhere the ability to fly would be rather useless too?" Now Tamaranis voice became not quite mocking, but very skeptical, "I haven't lived this long by having private chats with assassins in places that would put me in a disadvantage in combat."


Inbi saw the tear in Lotus' eye. She knew that a person could fake a thing like that, but she didn't want to have to believe that he was only pretending. I'll just keep my eyes open for the possibility that he isn't what he says he is, she thought to herself, but for the moment, and unless new evidence comes up from that watching, I will just trust him. I just can't let myself trust him so deeply that I become blind to evidence against him.

Inbi straightened up. Lotus was jerked back to reality and in an instant the tear was gone. Either that tear was real, Inbi concluded, or he is such a gifted actor that he can pretend that he didn't want me to see something that was there just so I would see it. My mind tells me I should be extra careful here - but what has he ever done to deserve such mistrust?

"Well, you seem to have fine for yourself despite all that. I hate to cut you off, but we're both done eating, and we really should set off to get those daggers. I know that you probably don't want me to come, but you're not stupid either. I can help you."

She rose, sprayed the fire in an offhanded manner, and started getting the horse ready.


Blaze's part


Blaze took to his feet with a jump that blew a small gust of wind toward Tamaranis and took on a very serious attitude. His eyes grew bolder and had no emotion left in them. Blaze walked around in circles for a moment and thought of just the right things to say in this situation. Blaze wasn't a fool...he did not just fall off a turnip truck on his way through life. Archmages, especially in numbers, were a threat even to his ego...though he'd never let them see that.

Blaze-"Have you ever stopped and wondered who the real power is on the miserable chunk of rock we call Terra? Is it the kings or warlords? They wield mass armies and take land that is not theirs...but do they really have supreme power? Is it the heroes or villains? No, they cancel each other out by fighting among each other like children over the same toy. The real power on Terra is the assassins. We are the ones that say who lives and who dies in this world. We are the ones that kill kings, warlords...heroes and villains...but why? We rule this planet because we have no enemies. I have decided to give you a choice in the matter. If you give up now, you will get a swift and painless death...but if you fight...you will beg me to kill you before this is all over!"

Blaze was not going to kill them here...no, this was a bad spot to get into a fight and a bad spot to over do it. There would be other times more suited to make his move and other places better to see his will be done. For Blaze had no respect for Tamaranis whatsoever...he had no respect for anyone unless they proved their worthyness. Blaze would only give a worthy foe his full and best try and merely kill an unworthy foe without honor.

Lotus's part


Lotus couldn't argue with Inbi's logic, but found that it was hard to put his future in her hands. It wasn't like he was going to make it far with an injured leg and no magic...nor was that a wise move to do so when he'd been lying to her for half the time they'd spent together. It wouldn't take much for her to stop him and take the daggers from him after he'd told her where they were...but on the other hand, he'd have no chance on his own. The entire situation gave Lotus a headache...it was simply too much to take into account and too much to know what the future would hold.

Lotus-"The daggers are at the top of the largest tree in these woods. The tree can be located to the north...about a half a day's ride. I don't know if I can still climb like I used to and what would happen if I fell. In this situation, I have become my own worst enemy."

Lotus then tried to get to his feet. His honor would not let any help come to him...for that would be a sign of weakness on his part and assassins were not weak! Inbi turned as she heard a groan of pain and wanted to help him up, but was motioned to let him do it alone. Regretfully, she backed off and respected Lotus's beliefs. Around half way up, a great pain went shooting through his leg and sent him back down to the ground below. Inbi, not wanting to see Lotus kill himself or make his wounds worse...started over to help. With a look of disgust, not toward Inbi, but toward himself, Lotus accepted the help and once he'd gotten to his feet motioned that he would do the rest. Walking over to the now packed horse, Lotus leapt to the back of the beast with not so much as a groan...but that doesn't mean that it didn't hurt.


And so they set off to the north, on a stolen horse, a thief and an assassin, neither able to fully trust the other, but trust to some degree occurring nonetheless.

Lotus concentrated largely on not showing his pain.

Inbi was wondering what would happen when they got there. She knew that it would be a simple matter for her to climb the tree with the aid of her ice, it would easily support her. But would Lotus want to let her get the daggers for him? Even if it came down to it, the ice might aid Lotus as well, though it would be slippery for him. She could shape it so that it had a rim all round, and he couldn't fall, and then he could reach the daggers for himself... but even that, Inbi did not think he would want. She could see how much he wanted to be independent, but surveying the forest around them, she could also see that he would not be in any condition to climb the largest of them, by himself.


'An assassin will not be injured...for if he is injured...he will meet his end in honorable combat. Furthermore, if that assassin does take a wound, he will feel no pain and if he does, he will not show it to his enemies. An assassin's enemy is anyone who gets in the way of a task or job that the assassin may be on, or threatens them with harm of any type.' Lotus tried to believe the words that the Sacred Code commanded, but had found that he'd already failed to obey them. Was he truly an assassin of worth anymore? Did he have any honor left in him? Did anything change at all? These were tough questions that he forced himself to ask on the way to the daggers.

'An assassin's only friend or ally is his own kind. Those that are outside of the clan can and will tell others of your exploits. Your duty is to the clan and must be taken with all seriousness and at all times.' Did this mean that what Lotus had with Inbi was all for nothing? Was nothing what this really was? She didn't seem like the type that would ruin his life...nor the type that would tell others of what he's done. However, looks can be deceiving to those who are not prepared, or are not ready for all possible options.

Lost in thought, time seemed to pass very quickly and they soon came to the tree. Lotus looked up the mighty timber in hopes of finding a way up himself, but knew that this was not an option. This was the time of choice...the time that could make or ruin him...the time that he'd dreaded for some time now. (think I could say 'time' anymore there) Could he trust that Inbi would give them back to him once she'd gotten them down? She did need his help, but what help could he be with his leg in such a condition?

Lotus-"It's too high for me...I can't make it up there without killing myself. I hate to ask, but can you get them for me? If I was only a bit better I could..."


Relieved, Inbi smiled. "Certainly I can, my magic makes it a simple problem to get up there."

She turned around and faced the tree, then let the ice beneath her feet grow and she slowly rose through the air. It wasn't as easy as it looked, for she had to concentrate and let the ice's uppermost layer melt and reform around the bottom of her feet, but it was something she had been doing for a long time, and it now came almost instinctively.

She had to dodge the branches, but in very little time she had ascended to the top and the daggers were in view. She reached out and took them. Once she held them in her hands, a sudden stray thought jumped into the front of her mind.

Why am I doing this for this stranger? All this time I've been worried that I shouldn't be trusting him, but now he's gone and trusted me - and here I am holding in my hands these magic daggers, they could catch a good bit of money these days... Inbi tried to banish the thought. She had never really had any friends, but it still wasn't in her nature to turn her back on a friend. This is the first person to ever have trusted me with something of his! she scolded herself. Sure, he's been forced to trust me, but would I break that trust for a few coins? I've always lived fine until now, poor and alone. This is my life choice, here. I could make a little bit of money and remain alone, or I could forgo the extra coins and possibly make a friend in this wide world. Either way I don't gain much, in a few months I'll be where I started again. So why not make the choice that leaves me richer in memories, richer in morals? Besides, we still have to find and kill Blaze! And maybe, just maybe, when Lotus heals, we'll be able to figure out the magic of this amulet.

Inbi looked at the daggers a final time, chagrined at herself for ever thinking of taking them. Then she descended, letting the ice melt and reform around her feet until she was at the base of the trees once more. Then she handed the daggers to Lotus.


As Lotus took the daggers into his hands, he found himself thinking of thoughts that would ban him from the clan for the rest of time. He began to question the Sacred Code...and then, the very way he lived his life. Was life as simple as a book of rules? Lotus was forced to answer, no, yet what was he without the code that he'd been following for most of his life. On the other hand...what did Inbi ever do to deserve such lies? Lotus no longer wanted to lie to her, but he was forced to...for reasons best not said at this moment and to keep the suspense going for as long as possible.

(The writer turns to Lotus and scolds him for almost ruining the suspense. Lotus became angry at the writer, but knew that he could be killed by the writer just typing...Lotus died...so at long last they both got back to the story.)

Once in Lotus's hands, the daggers started to glow a forest green and all at once, he felt a world of difference in his condition. The aura that had now covered his entire body, started to regenerate his cells and thus speed up the healing of his wounds. Before long, his leg was completely healed...he felt reborn.

Lotus-"The daggers not only use the element upon which their base would stand, but they also contain a single skill that's unique to each dagger. The daggers that I wield are known as, Mother Terra; she is the symbol of rebirh. Inbi, I wanted to thank you for saving me back there. Not many would have. From this point on, I vow to repay the debt that I owe you. By the way, you wanted a new weapon a while back there...right? How's this?" Lotus sheathed his daggers and took out the dagger he'd taken from the town soldier before combating Blaze and offered it to her with a new found goal.


Ashlea grinned. This Blaze seemed to think himself a bit too strong and this would land him in a world of trouble someday. Blaze glared Ashlea's way with a disgusted but dominant look. It became clear at this point that he respected no one and nothing other than his own kind. He thought the world was his playground and everything else in it was his own private toy collection.

Ashlea-"You make it sound as if your unkillable, Blaze...is that what you would want us to believe? I know you said that I was not your target, but you simply don't understand. I doubt you would even if I explained it to you."

Blaze laughed...she was one to talk. Though chances were she held a power inside in which he could not detect...it would appear, if only to him that he would be the victor. Judging from Blaze's reactions and the manner in which he placed himself, one could think that he would take on the world...but those who thought such a foolish thing as that were...well...fools!

Blaze-"Do you think me ignorant? Am I some fool that thought himself immortal in your eyes? Ofcourse I can be killed, but I have not yet found the one or ones that could do so. Who knows...it could be you? It could be any or all of you, but I highly doubt such a thing to be true!"

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Inbi knelt and bowed her head, accepting the offered dagger.

"Thank you, Lotus. You have been so kind to me, and I've never had a friend before. I'll never let you down." She stood up, then leaned down again and grabbed a newly-fallen twig, bending it in an attempt to fashion a belt for the dagger.

Lotus reached over and helped her attach the makeshift holder. "You won't be sorry you saved my life, Inbi."

She nodded. "I feel so invigourated! I know we should rest, but I don't feel like it. Do you feel like a fight now, too? I will need to practise with this thing, and we've got to deal with these monsters eventually, even if it's a few at a time."


Gunther was listening to the conversation, but he didn't have his full attention with it.

The biggest part of his attention was focused on that darkness inside of him. It hadn't stopped talking, though it had seemed to fade into the background.

Unfortunately, that was only temporarily, as it was coming back in full force now, doing more than just whispering, too. It felt as if it was snaking tentacles through his mind, feeling for the weak points there, trying to break through the mental barrier he'd shaped around it. He wouldn't... couldn't let it do that. If it broke through, he'd be lost, unless he could think of a way to put his own mind somewhere safe.

There might be...

"Join us, give in to the power, you could destroy that assassin and both of the pathetic vampires with him, no more worries about dying, you'd live forever, ..."

No! Resolutely he shut it out, concentrated on the thought he'd started, something to do with putting himself safe. There were solutions, he knew that, if only he could reach them! Of one thing he was quite sure, though: he probably wouldn't be able to do it on his own.



Blaze was quite wrong about where the power lay. As far as Tamaranis was concerned power lay with they who held it, and the whole thing was rather self-evident so long as one was aware of all the forces at work. This was not at all the time for a discussion of the nature of power, however.

Allowed to play out to its conclusion under the current circumstances it would likely result in Tamaranis' destruction. At the very least it would result in the loss of the power Gunther was holding. As much as he didn't like to admit it, Tamaranis didn't have the power to take control. All he could do was act and hope the situation changed.

The sylables of a mixed nether and ascendant spell that could only be described as profound, strikingly similar to the magic that had made him, began to tumble from his lips.

"What are you trying?" Blaze demanded.

Ashlea didn't need to ask however. Being undead she could clearly see what Tamaranis was doing. As his voice fractured into multiple voices the dark force inside Gunther fell a sort of assult. Holy energies mixed with what seemed to be inverted necromancy stabbed and sliced at the thing inside Gunther, attempting to pry the tendril free from his mind at the same time they directly assulted its being.

At the same time he attempted to make Gunther's soul inhospitable to the darkness Tamaranis exposed the void, the terrible sentient emptiness that had replaced his soul.

Without any preperation, and with so little strength available, the chance of sucess was small, but the small chance was better than waiting to see who would kill him.

Blaze couldn't see what was going on, but he knew it was something. As the both the void and the thing inside Gunther were exposed he felt waves of crushing terror striking him. They might have crippled an ordinary man, but to Blaze the fear was a detached sensation that he paid the slightest heed to only because he knew it was unnatatural and thus an indicator of events he could not see.


Blaze felt the waves of terror, yet payed very little attention to them. Slowly but surely, his mood was getting worse and worse, as he was becoming very irritated and impatient. The decision had been made; the call was that of a slow and painful death. If that's what Tam wanted, then that's what Tam would get!

Blaze-"Fine! You will beg me to kill you before this is all over, Tam! You will feel the fury that is me and fall to your knees before I finish you off! The deed has been done; the penalty has been chosen and when the time is right...I will be back!"

Blaze then turned his attention to Palm and Porum, his pet that had been getting tired of being cooped up. The assassin moved at such a speed that all they saw was a blur of light, following a foot behind Blaze's real body. The blur circled the cage that contained his beloved pet and all at once the cage fell to pieces. The hellhound jumped out and in a large blast of fire, vanished. After that, the area went quiet...too quiet and as the blur of light vanished, they could hear one last echo.

Blaze-"Let only those who seek their death come after me! Muhahahahaha, for the Reaper is always one step behind me!


Lotus's part


Rest? Lotus needed anything but rest. He had been sitting idle for far too long as it was and what he wanted now was a little action, or exercise as he would put it. Lotus gave Inbi a smile which indicated that he was ready for anything...be it a duel for practice or to engage the monsters themselves. His blood raced as the thought of being back in control of his own destiny appealed to him in the way that water does the human body. A basic need crying for fulfillment.

Lotus-"I'm ready for any task at this point...anything."


"OK," said Inbi. "I'm going to put the amulet on in a minute. If something happens to me, do everything you can to take the amulet off." She looked at him for a second, then said, "I'm sure I don't need to mention this, but it's understood the amulet is mine?"

Lotus nodded, and Inbi continued, "Then just one more thing: where are they right now?"

Lotus gestured around them as to the positions of the closest of the creatures. Then Inbi pulled out the dagger, slipped on the amulet, and the match began.


The monsters were, by now, quite frenzied with lust for the thief's blood. The second she was tangible they struck. Of course she anticipated the blow, but not the force of it. She had made a move to get out of the way, as well as putting up the dagger in front of her. She did get hit, but it was a glancing blow, and she even managed to draw some blood from the beast with the weapon. All in all the first exchange was even.

Inbi got herself into a better position to fight the beast, but of course all the time, others were making a move to surround her. Unless they were forced to do otherwise, they were going to ignore Lotus and concentrate on the woman, the one with their master's amulet.

This time she had the dagger, so she did some crazy chopping motions, and did some damage, too.


Lotus took a second to see how the monsters moved and fought. After his glance had been satisfied, he noticed that they were ignoring him...this was just rude on their part! It was now time to do the mash, to do the monster mash, the monster mash, it was a graveyard smash. (sorry, I like the song) Lotus walked up to the back of one of the monsters and unsheathed his daggers. The monster didn't seem to care, much less look, that is...until he was stabbed in the back. The monster turned with an angry glare in his eyes and identical to his body language. He swung his large club (I'm guessing) toward Lotus with force enough to take down a hydra, yet Lotus saw this coming from a mile away and leapt to the side forcing the monster to hit the ground with a crushing blow.

Lotus-"Phew, if that hit me, I just might have died...then again...your not going to hit me!"

The monster gave an angry roar as Lotus leapt onto his arm and then onto his shoulders. Before the roar could end, however, he felt a dagger plunge into his neck. Lotus didn't know if that would kill them, though, because of their tough and thick skin, yet for the moment...he left it at that. A few other monsters saw this and started to move Lotus's way. Leaping into the air, a large root came from the ground just under Lotus's feet. Landing on the root, the assassin gave a laugh and sprung three more roots to combat the incoming foes. The three roots came up and lifted the incoming monsters into the air. Lotus could feel their struggling, but proceeded to hit them against each other with one hard blow. He tried for a second, yet had found that his vines were torn to shreads.

Lotus-"My babies...you will pay for hurting mother Terra!"

A blur was seen as Lotus leapt from his vines, which went back to the ground after he left them and proceeded to circle one of the three monsters with a series of slashes. It didn't take long for that monster to fall and Lotus was getting a bit over confident. The assassin failed to notice as the two remaining monsters were by now standing right next to him and had both swung their clubs at the same time his way. Lotus was successful in dodging the first, but failed to do so on the second and was knocked to the ground with the mighty blow.

Lotus-"Ouch! That really hurt...you..."

Lotus gave a laugh as his pride was hurt more than his body and had gotten to his feet within a seconds time. This was all fun and good, but Inbi had a lot more foes on her...she may need some back-up by now. With this said, a large vine came up and dropped one of the two monsters to the ground with a stabbing blow to the chest and Lotus turned to Inbi to find...


"He is a blubbering idiot, all talk. I have matters here. I had not imagined running into both of you at once, yet I am very greatful to have done so. I need your aid, though it hurts my pride to admit so. Yet I do not feel this place is secure enough. Pick the place and I shall meet with you. Please pick swiftly though, my time is limited." Ashlea changed her position to a less defensive stance and seemed to relax as soon as Blaze had left their company. "I cannot speak of such matters with the assain here though." Tamaris and Gunther seemed rather perplexed at her sudden change in attitude and said nothing for quite some time. Then Tamaris spoke up.

"What is it that you need? How do we know that you can be trusted?"

Ashlea- "You have the power to search my mind, know my will, it is all yours, find out what you need to know."

The vampiress knew it was not wise her to allow her gaurd down to another, but she needed the help, whether she needed to trick them or not.


As Tamaranis began to utter his mixed spell, something clicked in the back of Gunther's mind, something he couldn't quite grasp. Even had he been able to, he wouldn't have had the time, for he heard a discord in the spell, or at least something he perceived as a discord. In fact, it was Tamaranis opening the void.

Void or no, it was at that moment the pain started. Even though the darkness inside his mind was gone for a few moments, it was replaced by an intense, stinging pain, as if someone was tearing his very soul to shreds. The hand he was holding his staff with went white as he tightened his grip on it, his other hand grabbed for his head. Had he not had his staff to support him, he would've fallen to the ground.

Uttering syllables he'd never even heard before, he slammed his mind closed to everything, brutally shutting out both Tamaranis and the blackness, but also shutting himself in, never weakening his grip on his staff.

--------Inside his mind--------

He was still standing near the cave, only now, he was alone. Or at least that's how it seemed in that first instant.

Then he became aware of other presences. Someone behind him, and some... thing in front of him. Once he'd fixed his gaze on it, he couldn't tear it away anymore. It was a horrible black creature, seemingly existing of nothing but tentacles, every single tentacle having an eye on its end. The were all wriggling soundlessly through one another, somehow producing the idea of a nerve-raking sound.

The presence behind him was also still there, but there didn't seem to be any danger there. It was ... relaxed. Relaxed?? How could it be relaxed in the face of .. that?!?


Then the spell was over. Blaze was gone, and Ashlea was looking expectantly at Tamaranis and himself.


He hadn't shown them before, but now Gunther was displaying archmage-level abilities as he cast a spell to push Tamaranis' magic away. Against the power of a true archmage Tamaranis' power, artfully crafted as it was, was thrown aside rather like a leaf in the wind.

As Gunther was involved in events inside his own head for the moment Tamaranis turned to Ashlea, "Perhaps you overestimate my powers. Blue magic is not my area of expertise and I no longer have the strength to expose hidden thoughts or desires by force." There was no use lying about such things, if he did the ruse would have been quickly uncovered.

Tamaranis gazed around, searching for some sign of another living thing. He saw nothing living for quite some distance but Gunther. Most of the wildlife had retreated when the void was exposed. He saw nothing undead but Ashlea. Still, it was conceivable that Blaze was still lurking somewhere nearby.

"Nor do I have resources such as a secure location to discuss important matters." He added to his last statement, "I have become a wanderer." He would have suggested any sort of lair or stronghold being used by Ashlea, but if she was lying about simply seeking help he didn't want to put himself at a disadvantage.

Then Gunther came around.


The young mage was enjoying herself immensely. Being in fights had not been a common thing in her life until just before she met Lotus, but somehow she liked it. Twist, turn, prance around a bit, stab a heated dagger into the heart of a monster, duck and dodge, clamber up a tree and jump down on top of another beast, killing it too. She didn't mind the killing, for these were not people, they were monsters, and somehow in her mind they didn't seem real either. Perhaps it came from the fact that she could make them disappear at will. At any rate, at first it was just good excercise and great practise with the weapon.

At some points she saw Lotus, and saw that he managed to be doing well for himself. It didn't take too long before there were five or six bodies on the forest floor. That, of course, was before the creatures organized themselves.

After killing her third beast, she turned around, expecting another easy getaway so that she could come back from another direction and kill another. This time, however, most of the remaining monsters had anticipated her moves and had encircled her. She turned one way and then the other, only to find her way blocked.

She created a tower of ice and jumped off of it, over the heads of the monsters. She didn't get away easily, though, for she took a fistful of claws in her side as she descended, and the creatures quickly regrouped around her.

She sent a blast of fire after them, scorching them once more. But they had had enough of that the first time, and managed to avoid the brunt of her attack.

She stabbed wildly around her, but she only managed to hurt them, with so many closing in so quickly she could not substantially injure any one of them. Finally, in desperation, she rolled onto her knees and covered herself with a thin layer of ice. They hacked at it and she regenerated it, but her physical weakness made it hard to concentrate. Nevertheless, she could still do one thing. She kept her mind on one of the beasts, and every time he hit the ice, she sent a chill of cold down his arm and into his heart. If he kept hacking at her shell, he would probably die from it, but she could not guess whether the others would break through before that happened or not.

Inbi had never before found a limit to her magic. It was true she had never really tested its limits, but it had never made her tired to use it. Now, she discovered how it worked. Using the magic did not deplete very much of her energy, but if she was tired when she tried to use it, it wasn't as effective. She could feel the ice around her shake and crack. Another few blows and she wouldn't be able to withhold it any more. Then, just as she was about to give up on the shield and try to run for it again, she thought she saw the figure of Lotus through the thick ice around her.


Lotus leapt onto one of the monster's shoulders and gave a smooth grin the monster's way. It was at this time that his shades fell to the ground and were smashed by the beast's large feet. Lotus saw this and became very angry...for those were no normal shades...they were his favorite.

Lotus-"You broke my Shades? How dare you do such an act! Threaten my life...kill my pride...but never and I mean never break my shades!"

Lotus pulled his daggers and leapt off of the beast as another club came down on the shade-breaking foe. The two monsters turned on each other as they were hit by friendly fire and got into a fight of their own. This was quickly resolved, though, by two vines stabbing into their backs and finishing them off once and for all. The rest of the mob didn't take kindly to Lotus's involvement and the bulk of them left Inbi to take on the main threat. If Lotus could glow with anger, then this would be the time and place for such an event to happen...but the fact was that he couldn't and I am now getting off topic.

Lotus went into a state of berserk, his rational train of thought had been left in the dust and replaced with pure madness. The only things he could think of were the saving of Inbi and the killing of the monsters. This fight was no longer a game as it once was...for Lotus had become the weapon of all weapons. A trained assassin hell bent on winning the day and setting right the wrongs which had been done; and though the power of berserk was strong...great power never came without a price. Lotus, however, knew not the price at which he may pay.

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When he came around, he gasped for air, his knuckles still white from gripping his staff so strongly. He blinked his eyes a couple of times, and when he could see normally again, he realized that both Ashlea and Tamaranis were looking at him, almost expectingly.

- What did I miss?

After Tamaranis explained briefly, Gunther thought for a moment. When he looked up, his whole body was completely relaxed again, though he seemed to be leaning on his staff a bit more than before.

- I think I know a place. I'll try to cast a portal, but I don't know how long I can keep it open. Follow me as soon as I stepped through and don't hesitate.

That said, he closed his eyes again, murmuring something under his breath. He was leaning on his staff with both hands now, knowing that he'd need its support - his last spell had seriously drained him.

After a few moments, something began to shimmer in the air. It looked more like a dark spot than a portal, but Gunther went through without even opening his eyes.

Tamaranis was one step behind him, and Ashlea, even though she didn't trust Gunther completely, especially after that display of power, followed right after Tamaranis.

When they emerged, they found themselves on a desolate mountain overlooking a valley. Behind them, the ruins of a tower stood.

The portal vanished ... and Gunther stood where it had just been.

- The stories about this place make sure it stays desolate... I couldn't think of a safer place to discuss things. And the assassin was left behind - for now.


Inbi couldn't tell for sure what was going on, but from the sudden change in interest towards her feeble form, she knew that Lotus must have done something to anger them. Good for him, she thought, knowing he would be able to take care of himself for at least a while longer.

There were still a few beasts trying to get to her, and she continued with her tactic, in an attempt to gain herself time more than anything else. With more than half of the creatures distracted, she was no longer in imminent danger. What she needed right now was a good plan, not a fast one.

As soon as she took the time to think, she remembered the amulet. What an idiot I am! was her first thought. But she didn't waste any more time criticizing herself. The important thing was whether it was worth taking it off, here and now.

She discounted that plan for the moment. First, she couldn't reach it where she was, and would need to get out of the way in order to remove it. Then, why not take that time to assess the situation and again return the attack, instead of fleeing the danger? There would almost certainly be another chance to quit the fight; as yet they were not defeated, so why do so now? Instead, she opted to continue the practise.

That decision made, she quickly sorted her options and decided on a feasible plan. The monsters had gained a sort of rhythm to their swings, so she waited until just after they hit, knowing their arms or clubs would be in upward motion. The ice was so weak at that point that she didn't even need to use very much of her heat magic to get out.

Inbi ran sideways a few steps, trying to see in every direction while getting out of the way. There were about five surrounding the broken shards of ice. She ran between two of them, and caught of glimpse of Lotus fighting with a much larger crowd. He seemed to be handling it, so she quickly turned back to her own group. One of them, the one she'd been concentrating on, was frozen quite badly, and trying to get his movement back. She ignored him, knowing he would be out of commission for a while yet.

She ran towards the closest one, the beast she had just avoided. Instead of trying to use her dagger, she held it in front of herself as if she was going to use it, but when the monster tried to block it, she thrust her palm into its face, issuing steaming water right into its eyes and nose. It reared back, crying in pain.

Going on to the next, which was already attacking, she let it learn the sting of her dagger the hard way. Instead of blocking in any manner, she simply let the force of the creature's fist smash into the blade. Then she reused her first trick, leaving two mostly blinded beasts in her tracks.

Three wounded but angry; three more angry but still healthy. She figured it was time to take out at least one all the way. They came forward, more careful now. She started the next fight in what was by now the unexpected manner - using her dagger with an ordinary attack. She tried the force the metal into the chest of the beast. It parried quickly, at the same moment scratching at her face. Attempting to duck but again getting wounded, she let her anger turn into physical heat and charged into the fifth one, which was just behind her.

She became painfully aware of the lessening of her powers when she made full contact and the beast did not howl in pain. Instead it only growled louder and grabbed her arms, attempting to wrench them from her. They gathered around her again, one of them beating on her back. She made a strangled noise, shooting fire everywhere out of her hands. It was enough to make the creature holding her let go, but she turned around right into another, who was still beating on her. He took a swipe with his claws on full lease, but thinking as quick as she could, she changed tactics and froze herself where it would hit. That not only helped to act as armour and protect herself, but it crawled partway up the beast's hand, and she swung with the dagger, shattering the iced claws from his fist.


Lotus, once in his state of berserk, began to fight...yet his mind drifted back to old memories.



It was warm day when Lotus, in his late teens, was in a training section with his trainer. The events of the battle were going as they always did. The trainer was much better then he at that point in Lotus's life and in the end had always won. This day, however, would be a day that would change the assassin's life forever. Today would be the day that he would win.

trainer-"Not bad, my son, but you still need some work on your form. Now come...hit me if you can."

Lotus-"Are you sure...I don't want to hurt you?"

trainer-"You wont hurt me...you wont even touch me. Please, take your best shot."

The trainer reached over and gave Lotus a pat on the head. The assassin had spent all day before the battle preparing that doo and became a little annoyed when it was ruined. The trainer could see this and told Lotus to use that anger. Lotus didn't want to...so the trainer messed with it once more and then again after that. By this time, Lotus was down right angry with the man and went into a state of berserk. Lotus flew at the trainer with the heart of a lion and strength of a bear. Using what best would be described as the agility of a rabbit...Lotus knocked the trainer to the ground, but found that someone was tugging at his arms...holding him back from making the final strike. Lotus turned a glare towards the interloper and swung a dagger his way. The man quickly moved back as the trainer got to his feet and took up a battle position. Lotus gave a laugh at the sight and stood ready for a two on one combat sesslon. Both men leapt the assissin's way, in an attempt to restrain Lotus, yet were thrown to the ground in the process. Noticing how the aftermath of their attack had failed...they called for help. It was at this point when Blaze himself walked in.

Blaze-"What seems to be the problem, boys? You lose control of your trainy? YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE THE MASTERS!"

trainer-"But sir...he's...he's"

Blaze-"He's what? Move aside...let me handle this."

Blaze pulled his daggers and motioned for Lotus to attack. Lotus came in with as much heart and power as ever, yet was thrown back with a single motion of Blaze's arm. Blaze gave a laugh, yet was shocked to see that Lotus was coming in for more. This time Blaze was taken by surprise and forced into a defensive position. Try as he might, the blazing assassin couldn't get in a single strike and in the end it took all three of them to restrain Lotus to the floor.

Blaze-"Interesting...some kind of berserk? I've heard of this before...it only comes to those with great potential. It would also seem the more you fight...the faster it learns your style and puts into play the tactics it takes to defeat it. This can make for a very interesting weapon!"



Lotus awoke from being lost in thought, to find that three of the nine beasts lay dead on the ground and two more wounded. Lotus also remembered the price for such power. For when in the state of berserk...Lotus uses double if not triple the energy he would then if he was fighting normal. He could feel his energy leaving him at an inhuman rate and didn't know how much longer he could hold out.


Kraw looked around, angrier than ever. He could see the situation was getting out of hand. He only had eleven companions left, and besides himself only 4 of them were in full health. Two blinded, one frozen, one slightly burned... how could the thief and her friend have inflicted so much damage to their ranks?

It wasn't like they weren't getting in hits. By now the two fiends should have been taken down thrice over. Certainly they had slowed; he could tell they were beginning to feel the weight of the battle. But that was the trouble - usually by now their foes were long past feeling it. At this point, him and his comrades should have been on their way home, celebrating their victory with the limp body of the thief on their shoulders.

He watched in helpless horror as the woman smashed out the claws of one of his friends. The others would follow whatever decision he made, but he felt unqualified to make any such decision. If they went home, they would have failed their master. But if they stayed, the woman would likely remove the precious Amulet once more. Then she would again be inaccessible. She would heal, they would heal. And if it came to a third fight, twelve to two? In the past he would have had every confidence of a victory in those conditions. But countless others had already been killed by these two murderers.

Above all else there was the duty to their Master. If Master lost the Amulet, he would be sorely disappointed. It wasn't like they could properly serve him in any other manner until the Amulet was restored.

He strengthened his resolve to fight, then thought of something else. What if the Master was also seeking the Amulet? What if he won it back, only to discover his servants dead? That, too, would be a horrible outcome.

Kraw knew that if they were going to fight and win, they would have to do it now while the humans were weakening. He couldn't let the woman remove the Amulet. Above all things, she could not be allowed to do that. He backed up from the main fray, and began tracking her from behind. He would not do anything to her until she tried to get away. The others could handle it; they would have to. He couldn't risk the chance that if he attacked her, she would find a break in their ranks and escape. He would seek to always fill that break until such time as she collapsed.

The woman was astoundingly determined. Despite her injuries she was still managing to do great damage. Brimich, who was furious at the loss of his claws, was trying to pummel her. Quell was still taken aback by the fire but swinging wildly in an attempt to knock away the dagger, which she was using to fend off Brimich's attacks. He was getting bloodied fists and Quell, too, had suffered a few blows from the steel. After one particularily bad cut across the length of his arm, Quell drew back and the woman leapt in and thrust the dagger full into his heart. She made a break to get away but Kraw, ever ready, jumped in her way and forced her back. How had the dagger gone so easily into Quell's thick, armour-like skin? How did the thief create fire so quickly all the time, with so little material to fuel it? Kraw didn't understand any of these things but he knew that she was very dangerous.

Once the human was once more in combat with Brimich, Kraw guided Zirq and Ur to the fray. They were still obviously in pain from the steam she had captured and thrown in their faces, but they wanted more than ever to bring her down. Ur thundered into the battle, blindly aiming his bloody fist, doing whatever he could to add to Brimich's chances.

The woman tried again a dodge maneuver, only to be blocked by Kraw. She was getting desperate, and she barely avoided the ill-guided claws of the two newcomers. Then Kraw saw her do something very strange: she turned to Brimich and grasped his clawless hands in her own. At first he struggled, but he weakened quickly. Zirq managed to scrape across her back five finely spaced red lines, which began bleeding profusely. She was obviously doing all she could to ignore the pain, however, and she changed her position slightly, once again out of reach of his two poor blinded fellows.

Brimich's eyes began to bug out, and the veins on his neck bulged. He tried to get away but her grip must have been stronger than his own, for he only succeeded in falling to his knees. The thief leaned over to keep her concentration and just missed getting caught by another of Zirq's angry swings. Brimich opened his mouth and his breath could be seen as mist in the warm air. He gasped and then fell over, the bulges of all of his veins diminishing to normal. The woman turned around, looking exhausted. It was short work for her to dispatch poor Zirq and Ur with the dagger, unknowing as they were that Brimich was gone, and still aiming at thin air.

The leader of the creatures of the Amulet growled with uncontrolled fury. Reyx was still rooted by the inexplicable ice, and the others were fully taken up with fighting the man. There was nothing else he could do but stop her himself; no other, plausible options to put an end to this hateful plight. He started towards her as she cradled her dagger. Then, without a warning, she launched it away - right into Reyx. Instead of glancing off of the ice as he thought it would, it went right into him, right through the cold covering, and if Kraw could judge it, into his heart.

Kraw raced forward. The thief was not facing him, and he ran as fast as he could towards her, not seeing anything but her slowly descending form. She leaned forward on her knees, looking at something she had in her hands. He reached her, landing what would have been her death-stroke... except that it went right through her. Kraw howled in agony. She was holding the Amulet! She had taken it off, right after killing Reyx. He cried out in unmatched frustration, swinging vainly at the thief.

He could not hear the words that left her mouth, no more than he could understand how she had beaten most of his friends. But one who was in the same realm as she would have heard the soft-spoken words, just before she collapsed from exhaustion:

"That's something that's good to know... it isn't any harder to aim and throw a dagger than it is to aim and shoot a ray of ice."


Rolling over, Inbi tried to clutch her pillow closer into her face. Her grasping hand collected only a handful of rocks, however, and brought her fully awake. She didn't move, or even open her eyes right away. Anyone watching would only have seen the roll and the pause. Instinctively she completed the roll, then curled herself up, pretending to still be asleep. Then she wondered why she had done that.

She had been dreaming for hours, mostly about her past life with the mage who had been, at least had pretended to be, her father. But she was truly awake again, and she knew as soon as she remembered them that these things were in the past. He was dead, and she had discovered her own magical powers - but not until after she had, lacking any other choices, shunned society and began earning her living as a thief. Even after discovering her abilities, it was too late to go back. Especially after discovering her abilities, it was too late to go back. She knew that. No one could accept the magic as a natural thing. Lotus... Lotus had some sort of magic, too. She had met him one night, and he had helped her to fight some monsters that resided in an amulet she had stolen. Oh yes, the amulet.

Inbi opened her eyes, squinting to hide that they were open. She found herself looking at Lotus, who did not appear to be fooled by the mostly-shut eyelids. That did not matter. All she had needed to know was that he was there, and nobody else. Her eyes flicked open all the way and she smiled at him and sat up.

"You are better now." he said, half questioning, half stating. She nodded, and said, "Thank you."

He looked at her curiously, perhaps wondering what the thanks was for. His eyes registered understanding, and she knew she didn't have to add aloud what she thought. For everything, Lotus. For all that you have done for me. She wondered absently if what she felt were simple thankfulness. That, mixed in with a distint glimmer of distrust, born of experience and then long habit, that would not go away. She realized that she didn't really care what the feeling was. For the moment, the two of them would take care of each other. And as long as it was beneficial to both of them, it would stay that way. And she would appreciate it while it lasted.

Her eyes moved to the fire, and she noticed for the first time the meat cooking over it. Unbidded, her mouth smiled anyway, and she looked at Lotus.

"I'm famished!" she said. "What's for supper?"

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