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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword



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Ok, first some talk about how and what.

Parts of this story have been in my head for long. Some have even been written, or are in the process of being written.


Wait. Let's start at the beginning for a change...


Lately I've seen threads between all of my four 'characters' and wish to tell their individual and joined stories. Which is why I chose the title 'Interwoven'.

I've been walking around with ideas of how to combine them, even why they are like they are, what made them become who they are (and even in Ptraci's case, why) so I've just set down and started.


I hope to be adding constantly to this thread, so for the sake of flow, please don't post your comments inhere.

I welcom any and all ofcourse, so I'll also start a post in the critic's forum, and for those who can't read that one, apply ( ;) ) or simply send me a PM ^_^


Uhm, yeah, that's about it for now.... I might be adding stuff to this here post aswell as I go along, maybe explaining something, or just blabbing my head off.... we'll just have to see won't we?


Onwards to the (hopefully) good stuff...




1) Ok so I removed the post about WildJoker.. it's not gone gone, but stored away for now.. it was way too early to get into that, so I decided to go with fleshing out Apaltra first, and then getting to the good bits.. or at least those bits which might make me ask to move this to the Scarlett Pen.. or at least put a disclaimer here.. *grin*

I'm writing again! \o/

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1. Apaltra




The second lightning flash illuminated the sign above the door. Apaltra sighed with relief for finally having found a public place with roof. A tavern, for want of a better word. The low building looked shabby, but yellow light poured from the single window. That alone looked inviting to her. The window itself had the - now - typical four pieces of thick glass. She couldn’t exactly see through them so it was still a big gamble to go in, but she really needed the warmth and rest. Maybe she could even dry her clothes?


The world started spinning again and she leaned against the doorpost to clear her head. From here, close to the door, she could hear voices - normal, human voices - talking and even laughing. Someone started singing badly but was laughed away into the crowd of voices again. Another sigh, some adjusting of her hood, and the slender woman entered.


Several stares and a hushed silence were her greeting. It was a small room, with few tables and banks along the walls. At the far end was a low fire which brought warmth and was used for cooking. It was the only source of light. Her nose told her it had a roast on it.

Finx stirred in her head, but she told him to hunt first and then find her room. He shrugged mentally and relayed a reluctant acceptance that he couldn’t accompany her after all. Although it took him seeing for himself how many regular folks were in the tavern to finally convince him. That had been difficult to stay firm on at first and she had been too tired to argue much. In the end she could only walk away with the promise to let him sleep next to her bed at least. If she managed get one of course.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The barkeeper nodded at her and with that brought attention to the big wolfhound lying on a rug next to the door. It was looking at her with quite an intense stare. Apaltra had to smile to herself. Of course they wouldn’t know about Finx here. Returning the nod she walked over. Conversation slowly started again. Now that she hadn’t done anything particularly threatening.

“Any chance for me to get a room, sir?” she asked


A bald man at the back of the room got up and walked over to her. “I believe we’ve met before, haven’t we?” he said before the barman could open his mouth.

She looked at him and remembered. They had shared a campfire some way back along the road. She hadn’t slept much because of having unknown company, but the warmth had been well worth the inconvenience. “Yes, I believe we have,” she answered “I specifically remember you insisting on meeting my …companion” A small smile flashed around her mouth, not reaching her eyes.

“I never did see him, but I knew he was following me long after we parted….” He mimicked her smile.

“A mere precaution, I’m sure you’ll understand. My travels have been… weary” He nodded slowly and turned to the barkeeper, who was looking with interest and only the slightest hint of annoyance at this interruption. “This lady can have the room I had rented for the night Burk. I’ll be sharing my room with one of our group. I know you’ve no rooms left, and she needs it more then I do.” He nodded at Apaltra again.

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  • 4 months later...

Apaltra winced at her headache, but managed to stay upright. “Thank you kind sir, but I’m not sure if that is necessary. Surely there are other rooms to be had?” With this she turned her gaze on the innkeeper, who shook his head. “This man is kind to give you his room ma’m, I’m booked full tonight, with the carnival passing through here” He sneered and gestured at a band of people who indeed looked like those who traveled from town to town, entertaining folk with theatre, jokes and acrobatics. Apaltra sighed and nodded shortly, accepting the room as it was offered. Again she regarding the man next to her. There was something transparent about him. As if you could see exactly what he thought about, but as is such with transparant things, there was much you didn’t see at all. She frowned and said: “I am grateful for the offer, but I don’t see how I can repay you for this kindness.”

“No need for that, you were kind enough to share your fire with a lonely traveler.” He gestured at the table he came from. “Won’t you join us for a meal and drink? You look like you could use it”

Apaltra took in his serious face, and looked at the group of people at the table. They seemed friendly enough, more friendly in fact, than anything she had encountered for weeks. Suddenly the weariness of solitude and running away -or towards, she wasn’t sure of this- washed over her and again she nodded. Barely keeping to her feet they walked to the table and sat down.

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  • 4 months later...

After some short introductions of the people at the table, most of whom had been traveling in the same direction and had decided to keep eachother company, the barkeeper brought a big piece of bread with a slice of the roast on it for Apaltra, and mugs of beer for everyone.

While cutting a slice of the roast she turned to the bald man again. “You know, you never actually told me your name, did you?” The meat felt good in her stomach, and the beer wasn’t as bad as she thought it might be.

The bald man laughed and agreed that he hadn’t. With a serious face he put a hand on his heart and said “They call me Donegan, but if you want, call me Don.. most people tend to do so after some time anyways” He winked at his companions again who burst out laughing, the one woman called Manda getting a slight blush. Appearantly this man had more faces then she had initially thought. He surely hadn’t been this.. this frivolous when they had shared the fire. In fact, he had seemed very serious and silent at the time.

She smiled at him and said “Very well, Don it shall be.” and turned back to her food which was too good to let it getting cold.

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Several hours later she knew all about how Arantyr, a slim young man with a pleasant smile, was traveling from town to town, looking for interesting artifacts to buy. How Mandy, the only other woman at the table, was traveling from her village to the big market in a town not far from where the tavern was. The sturdy blond man, who had introduced himself as Lemmel, was traveling to the same town to participate in the yearly tournament there. Obviously he had taken a liking to Mandy, the way he smiled at her all the time, and he listened intently to every silent word she spoke.

But all this time, while each of them told their story in bit and pieces, none came from Donegan. All he did was encourage laughter with funny remarks, or listen with an interested look, whenever Arantyr was telling about the artifacts he had already aquired on his former travels.

As the beer kept flowing, tongues became looser, and Apaltra, because of this, started talking about her life aswell, and why she was traveling. Alone.

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  • 1 month later...

"So where do you come from? You look like you've been on the road a lot.." Mandy asked, after a question from Apaltra about the city Mandy was traveling to.

Apaltra stared into her tankard, seemed to make a decision and took a swig, as if to seal her thoughts.

"I have been.. on the road a lot. Because the place where I come from, my home, doesn't exist anymore."

Mandy gasped, as she had done often this evening at every little excitement, but the rest of the table gave her the attentive look of people knowing a good story when they hear it.

Apaltra emptied her tankard and waved at the waitress for another round. She hadn't spoken of this to anyone, but the time seemed right to finally let the story travel the world like she had. The beer came, and Apaltra continued.

"It was a land like no other I've seen, beautiful in every curve of the hills, sparkling with every drop of rain that fell. We were happy, we prospered. Until that one day where I found this first."

At these words she reached in her pack and flung what looked like any ordinary leather bag on the table, making the tankards dance, and Mandy gasp again.

They looked at her in puzzlement, and Arantyr reached for the sack as if to open it.

"I would not do that if I were you" Apaltra said. And right as Arantyr's hand was on the sack it moved violently. He jumped, his chair falling over, and looked at Apaltra with a look of fear.

Mandy shrieked and leaned over to Lemmel, who put an arm around her protectively. The others stared from the sack to Arantyr to Apaltra and back.

"Wha' jus' happen?" Lemmel asked, looking at Apaltra. It was Arantyr who answered.

"I felt..something. A feeling as if.. " he swallowed, and regained his voice "as if disease was creeping upon me, Death leaning in over my shoulder. What IS that!?" He pointed a shaky finger at the sack, which had stopped moving and looked quite ordinary again.

Apaltra's was a weary smile as she drunk from her tankard before putting the bag away. Now that they were paying attention they all saw it wriggle in her hand.

"That is something we've come to call The Black Pest. And I have to find a way to destroy it..."

With this she emptied her tankard once more and ordered another round.

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