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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

The Forgotten Battle


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The Forgotten Battle


I turn and face the sun

As it shines down and caresses me

Upon this hill

Above the field of glory.

With trembling arm

I raise my sword in salute

Though I am weak

My body so tired

I thrill just to breath.

For on this day

A battle was fought

A war was waged

Many a life was given

Upon that field below.


Of all those who came this day

To fight

To die

For honor



I alone

Won the right

To sheath my sword

Turn my back

And walk away

From that field below.


So, with sword held high

I raise my voice in praise

To friend

And foe, alike

"A battle well fought!

A challenge well met!

Fear not.

Your memory shall go on.

For I shall go forth and tell the tale

of this day.

The deeds done.

The Honor and Glory

Due each of you."


With this

I lower my sword

And plunge it into the ground

Atop this hill

As a marker for those who may yet pass

As I do so

I see the life

That pools around my feet

Is it friend's

Or foe's

Surely, it cannot be mine

For, of all those who came this day

To fight

To die

I alone won the right

To survive

To tell the tale of this day.


It matters not

My body tired


It's as if my soul cries out,

"You are weary, rest.

For you have a journey ahead."

As I sit

And look upon the field below

I think

"They shall sing your praises

Throughout the lands.

Oh, the stories I shall tell."


With this

I lay down

Rest my head

Close my eyes

To sleep

To dream

Of glories past

And yet to come

I smile

I am content


And breath my last.





Bard of Terra

Demi-God of Suicide Squirrel Squadrons

Edited by Snypiuer
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