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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword



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In that glade the moonlight glows

Through those leaves the westwind blows

O'er those rocks the wood stream flows

There, there she breathes a sigh,

There, there I go to die.


There I glimpsed a form divine

One that made my worn heart pine

'Neath the whispering willows fine

There, there she breathes a sigh,

There, there I go to die.


A voice that hints of blooms in May

Eyes that spoke of gentle day

Hair that shimmered with each soft sway

There, there she breathes a sigh,

There, there I go to die.


There she beckoned; there I went

Body, mind, and heart I sent

Down the heather gently bent

There, there she breathes a sigh,

There, there I go to die.


But when I rose, I was alone

Lone, totally, wholely lone

The star of my eye, forever gone

There, there she breathed a sigh,

There, there I go to die.


Under a bleak, uncaring sky

Dark of heart and dim of eye

Now, hollow and ready to die

There, there she breathed a sigh,

There, there I go to die.


Down beneath the old stone wall

Where the dappled sunlight never falls

The others lie that heeded her call

There, there she breathed a sigh,

There, there I go to die.


Searchers, Dreamers all, beneath

We that lie in that cold hearth

Calm, with the knowledge that comes with Death

There, there she breathed a sigh,

There, there I went to die.




- Discordia

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Hauntingly painted. The repetition of the two lines at the end of each verse sets it off beautifully.


I have a little trouble with verse 5, it doesn't seem to sit in with the rest of the poem. It may be just the way I am reading it and I am really bad at critique so please do not just take my word for anything. :)


On the whole I followed the flow easily and the subject kept me interested until the last verse. Your use of description is wonderful and the images came quickly and easily to me. Congrats! :D

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Thank you for your kind words. I agree with your opinion on the fifth stanza... it sucks! I'm still fiddling with the words, but nothing even acceptable comes to mind. Perhaps something a bit less ostentatious or sucky would work.


Anyways, thanks for the comments and keep them coming!


- Discordia

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  • 2 weeks later...

I felt on reading this poem that it had the air of a masterpiece about it. It was beautifully written and the images as Sorciere says spring easily to the mind. The work of a true bard!! :)


I felt the fifth verse was fine and works well with the rest of the poem.


The only part that let the poem down was the last verse and with a minor modification I think the idea of the last verse can be kept without dramatic changes. Might I suggest this and you can see if it works for you?:


Searchers, Dreamers all, beneath

Our bodies lie and press cold heath,

Calm, enconced in a self made wreath,

There, there she breathed a sigh,

There, there I went to die.


Heath works well in that your poem generally takes from the simple surrounding to paint a picture. Since heath can mean a type of grassland, it could be construed to the reader in line three on the last verse that the heath forms like a wreath around the bodies.


Just a thought and hope it helps. Again, I very much enjoyed reading this poem and hope to see more from you.



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