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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

The Golden Tree


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<|V|> So there was this king

* YuiSleepy turns Alzorath into a teddy bear and grabs him. "Ah... a nap is always best with a teddy bear."

<|V|> and he had a prety good kingdom

* YuiSleepy listens to Vlad's story and closes her eyes to sleep.

<|V|> and the reason it was a good kingdom

<|V|> was because it had a tree

<|V|> yep, a tree

<YuiSleepy> Only one tree?

<|V|> only one

<|V|> but it was a magic tree

<|V|> and every leaf of this tree was made of pure gold

*** Alzorath is now known as AlzTEDDY

<|V|> and every day, the king would count how many leaves the tree has

<|V|> because he thought people might steal them

<|V|> but nobody did

<|V|> and the king would take some of the leaves, and give them to the people

<|V|> for being such good people, and not stealing the leaves

<|V|> except one day, the son of a poor farmer got greedy

<|V|> and decided he wanted more gold

<|V|> and this made the king very angry

<|V|> at first the king thought that the theif would be happy with just a few leaves

<|V|> but more dissapeared every day

<|V|> the king wondered what he can do to stop the theif

<|V|> because, after all, it's a pretty valuable tree

<|V|> the king called all of the wisest men from all four corners of the earth to his court

<|V|> and asked them, what can I do to stop the theif

<|V|> the first man said:

<|V|> "set up guards, to guard the tree"

<|V|> and the king tried that, but the guards fell asleep

<|V|> and leaves kept dissapearing

<|V|> so the king had the first wise man killed

<YuiSleepy> Those're bad guards. :(

<|V|> then he asked the second wiseman what to do

<|V|> who replied

<|V|> "build a wall around the tree, and around the wall build a moat"

<|V|> and the king built the largest wall the kingdom had ever seen

<|V|> and around the wall, he build the largest moat

<|V|> and for a few days, all of the leaves stayed on the tree

<|V|> but a fortnight later, a tunnel was discovered that lead

<|V|> under the moat

<|V|> and under the wall

<|V|> and to the tree

<|V|> so the king then had the second wise man killed

* YuiSleepy sleeps.

<|V|> (my story's not THAT bad, is it?)

<|V|> then the king asked the third wiseman what he should do

<|V|> and the wiseman said

<|V|> tear down the wall

<|V|> fill up the moat

<YuiSleepy> (It's a bedtime story, right? I'd think putting me to sleep would be a good thing. :) )

<|V|> and say that whommever find the theif, will be the heir to the kingdom

<|V|> (forgot, hehe)

<YuiSleepy> (It's a good story. :D)

<|V|> so two fortnights went by, and nobody had comeforeward

<|V|> and the king was about to set the order for executing the third wiseman

<|V|> but a man ran to the castle

<|V|> and said that his father, a poor farmer, was the theif

<|V|> "if you search his house, you will find all of the missing leaves, your majesty"

<|V|> then the king asked the wiseman what to do

<|V|> and the wiseman said "he has evil on his tongue"

<|V|> "no man would turn his father in"

<|V|> "this is your theif"

<|V|> so the king had the young man killed, and everyone lived hapilly ever after!

<|V|> (end.)

<Tyrion> good story :)

<Tyrion> but I have a better one

<YuiSleepy> -_- ...zzzZZZZzZzZ

* YuiSleepy mumbles, "Good story." :)

* |V| bows

<Tyrion> there was once an IRC channel called #thepen

<Tyrion> and in that channel there was someone by the nickname of Tyrion

<Tyrion> and one day Tyrion was handcuffed and chained

<Tyrion> and from that day forward he would yell at the top of his lungs


<Tyrion> until someone freed him :P

* |V| unchains Tyrion

<Tyrion> the end

* YuiSleepy jerks awake. O_O

<Tyrion> finally :P

* |V| gives Yui some Nyquill so she goes back to bed

<YuiSleepy> Mm... nummy...zzzzzzzzzzzzz...



[Editted for better readablitiy]

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