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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

White Rabbits


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White Rabbits


Nervous twitches

For danger looms

The Bobcat hisses

Heartbeat booms


The race begins

No time to swoon

One misstep

Is certain doom


The race is over

Almost as it began

Red bleeds into white

Death is soon at hand


Wary are the wise

Innocence torn away

They’re the ones that survive

To live another day



Rabbit proverb: “Keen observations are made with eyes and ears open and mouth shut.”

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The imagery is awesome. I like how you have a sense of movement. I can see them running, like in the nature videos lol. its great. The only question I have is why must the Bobcat be vilified for what it naturally dose? Is it not also innocent?

“Innocence torn away” Just wondering.

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*shrug* i saw no vilification here, rather acknowledgement of the dangers inherent in life.


Besides, it *is* important to know your enemy, even if it's an enemy designated by nature, acting on instinct. The principle of watchful awareness holds, be it a bobcat, a coyote, a wolf, or man. The predatory nature is essentially the same. If you're on the prey list, you'd best be wary.





Excellently done, Regel. You are always a pleasure to read.

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Okay, lots to say here.


First, I am amazed by the tempo you used. The brief stanzas make it quick, REAAAAAALLY (I have no way to put enough emphasis on it) referring back to the whole running theme.


Side note that will hopefully make you laugh with me, not at me: As I read it, it was going so quick, so I tried to read faster because I thought that was how it was intended (hopefully it was), and I was like, "This is cool! It's a fast poem, I like it! Man, he's good!" And then, I read it again, and I realized that you wrote a fast poem, and the whole running theme was intended, my eyes got really wide and I was like, "Oooooh, you twicky widdwe wabbit! Yessah, you a twicky won!"


But really, I am amazed by the tempo and rhythym (I CAN NEVER SPELL THAT WORD!) you applied, and the theme that suited it so well.


I guess I didn't have too much to say. Again, well done.

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I also really liked this poem, Regel. I agree with Zen that the imagery you used is excellent, and my personal favorite image was probably that of the "Heartbeat booming." It really accentuated both the frantic pacing of the poem and the themes of danger present throughout.


I also agree with others that the rhythm of the poem excelled it forward, and I liked how the last two stanzas had a slightly slower rhythm when the moral was depicted after the race had ended.


Well done. :)

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