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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

The Simi Saga


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Actually the original of this tale is in estonian and a lot longer. This piece here is sort of a summary of it.

The tale may seem a bit cruel but if you don`t feel sorry for the characters then it shouldn`t seem so heartless any more :)


The Simi Saga


The story of the Times have been put an end,

until the new chosen ones are sent.

As you see, life can be cruel in a way that I can`t explain

and I don`t think somebody else could face it all again.

But it`ll happen, you`ll see,

the history repeated once will be.

The Gods can`t think of something new.

Maybe the next Chosen One are you.

Though you may seem wise, you may seem old

It still feels that you have just come into this world.

Your life is always controlled by Fate

And, you know, it`s for your own sake.

You trusted in your feelings, you counted on your heart,

But every pulse just made it worse and tore it all apart.

Be careful, what you wish for, those wishes can be turned

in a way you never want, and then it`s too late to learn.

Silently in your destiny you float,

like once, long time ago, Shakespeare wrote:

All the world`s a stage, it says

and you`ve got seven acts to play.

Would you believe me, just one time,

if you do that, you`ll survive.

Learn from Simi`s life so cruel,

he rebelled more than Robin Hood.

I`m gonna sum up Simi`s mission,

which he accomplished with great passion.

It will be in his mother tongue

and I promise, not so long:



Once upon a time there lived a boy

who felt in his life nothing but joy.

He was quite happy `cause his name was Simi

and he was everything else but timid.

He went to school where others dared

not to honour him enough there.

He had jeans that were so worn out -

they were extremely old – no doubt

He also had a shirt made of flannel and squared -

I genuinly wonder how he this ventured to wear.

In the pocket of his shirt he had a photo quite lame

of an old man with a beard whose clothes looked the same.

But the dearest part of this costume were sandals so ragged -

the reason why everybody at Simi nagged.

One beautiful day Simi Gertrud saw -

his feet weren`t touching the earth any more.

This was the prettiest girl, you know,

just as nice as a yeti`s toe.

Her hair were waving in the mild breeze

just like dirty roots, you see.

And her jacket that had fringes so arch

was old, quite smelly and didn`t call to be touched.

But in Simi`s eyes she was simply a queen,

and the reality for him was not to be seen.

But Gerru had a boyfriend – oh horror, oh dread! –

from his anger everybody had fled.

But not Simi, our hero so brave -

even a wild lion he could have tamed.

He won Priit, this frightful toad

and got Gerru`s heart – his main goal.

But to live happily forever and more

wasn`t meant for them, apart they were torn.

Because they didin`t like each other so well

than they`d thought at first, I must tell.

But Simi was not a usual guy,

he wasn`t living just to die.

Picked by Gods, he was the Chosen One

who had some work that had to be done.

He was to save the world from the Creature

who had fairly supernatural features.

That was the Fight to end This Time,

to destroy the Evil Spirit of this Shrine.

Simi managed to win it, although it was hard -

in this game he had the winning card.

The Creature faded back where he had come,

also Simi because his work had been done.

The mission was accomplished and the world was happy,

in Simi`s honour they were joyfully clapping.

But Simi – to the Land of First Time he was taken

where all the Chosen Ones had again been awaken.

As a flash a thousand years have passed.

For Gods just like a stone had been cast.

Another cycle is coming to an end,

I hear a child has just born, my friend...


This was the story, promise me now,

that you`ll learn from it no matter how.

Simi found his calling after passing a path so long,

and this was the moral of my song.

Obrigado for listening this educative piece,

That`s the least you could do for the World Peace.

As a true way of life the tale was meant,

Espero falar contigo rapidament(e).

Actually I think we will never meet again,

though events like that happen every now and then.

The Wheel of Life is round you know,

whatever you do it will always be so.

For eternity the stars will be in the sky

and the fact is also that the Gods will never die.

The Universe up there will be running this sphere

and this is for sure that He will always be there.

So, adiós amigos, goodbye, adieu!

Only know, that all we do is for the World...

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