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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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I cannot but hate my life,

So I'll just write another,

In place of what is, write,

Of dreams and moon-whisper.


In these dreams and fantasies,

I revel every day,

Are these dreams bad for me,

No one can say.


Forget the world, say,

To blind one eye,

For until reality bites,

The mundane fades.


It's my place,

My dreamaway,

Little hidey hole,

Escape to my fairy land




-Edit: Block sequencing

Edited by Valdar and Astralis
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Mildly unusual use of commas, but once I get used to them I like it

Also, a pleasing way of making good out of bad. You start with a first stanza that sounds like a angsty goth poem, but by the end its escapist, but cheerful

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