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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Posts posted by Black9

  1. I take no disrespect...I love to debate. This side of me just never came out before. What I find that happens is that to answer a question such as this...one must first answer other difficult questions...questions that lead to many other questions of their own. Is it possable to eventually find the answer, yes, but it would take some time.

  2. Anna slowly walked along the beach...when she heard the annoucement and jumped at the chance to meet some of the Pens beauties. Where it was true she had not looked her best for the moment...she can always change at a later date. Walking up to the booth, Anna looked over the clipboard and smiled.


    Anna-"We'll, I don't considermyself a beauty, but I'll give it my best shot." Anna stated shyly as she signed on the dotted line.

  3. What is love? You might as well ask what is truth? It's a question formulated by philosophers from long ago and a question that hasn't been answered to this day. Perhaps the answer is that is there no answer. Perhaps some questions have none, or too many to count.


    If I were to speculate on the subject...I would have to say that love is an attachment to a person place or thing. I would have to say that it's a willingness to put your very being on the line to keep it safe and it's the longing in your heart to know the truth. I'm not going to get into the question, "what is truth?", that's a subject for another day. But to me the truth is that if we value some one, thing or place more then our own well being...then this is love in its most pure form.

  4. The energy draining from her body like the oncoming flood...sent Jane to her knees in awe of its great power and grace. The demon within her vanished as if it had never been and was replaced with the mind set of extreme confusion and darkness. It was as if half her world had been torn from her in the blink of an eye creating a new reality to adjust. For any normal person...this adjustment would have been quite a feat, but the Huntress was no normal person...now was she? Jane spoke in a confident, yet utterly confused manner.


    Jane-"Who...where am I? The last thing I remember is darkness...a cat scratch and pain!" By this time, Travis had come to realize, that Jane remembered nothing past the first contact with the V-virus...this would complicate matters indeed. By this time...pain flowing through the commander's Shoulder became unbearable...forcing the Commander to clutch his wound with one hand and attempt to speak. The words muttered from Travis's direction...both mumbled and staggering...would show Jane the truth, yet it could no longer be helped. He'd wanted to proclaim his undying love for her, but knew deep down, that in her mind...they just met. It was in this moment that his heart broke...that half the world had been torn from him as well and forced the Commander into a deep depression.


    Travis-"Jane, you must leave this place." Jane glanced around her shoulder...only to notice a dagger penetrating his right shoulder and creating a near mortal woundl. Once more, from the markings on the blade...she had come to realize the horrible truth...the dagger was hers! How...how would she do such a thing? Her mind raced in ten directions at once...whence she finally spoke...her voice filled with pain and confusion.


    Jane-"I did this to you...didn't I?"

    Travis-"No! You did nothing...it was the virus!"

    Jane-"But I was not strong enough to fight against it...I refuse to switch the blame!"

    Travis-"Jane...you have little time...take the copter and go!"

    Jane-"In my core, Commander, we have a motto...a motto where no man is left behind!"

    Travis-"I cannot go with you...for I have nary to complete my mission. Please...allow me to die for my sins?" Jane just shook her head...the Commander had become irrational. To die for ones sins was one thing, but to just give up...well...that was quite another. Painfully helping the Commander to his feet, Jane propped him up onto her shoulder and began to speak.


    Jane-"You can court martial me later Commander, but your leaving Hauntos with your life intact!"

    Travis-"I'm sorry to do this, M'lady, but you leave me no choice." Taking a small detinator from his pocket, Travis punched a button to the side of the control panel...immediately throwing the detinator to the ground and smashing it to pieces with one firm stomp of his boot. "I have just set off a series of well placed explosives I have set up throughout the city. This had been my counter measure for just this type of situation. You're in the military...you understand."


    Before Jane could utter a word, an explosive went off just under the ceiling in which the duo stood upon...forcing the ceiling to crack in a violent array of detinations...ultimately sending Travis to one side and Jane to the other. Travis landed hard on his good shoulder knowing that one day this would come to pass. He knew before he came on this mission that he'd not be returning. Jane took to her feet almost immediatly...turning only to find that a large chasm separated both her and the Commander.


    Travis-"T'was fate, M'lady. My mission was to irradicate all traces of the V-virus...lest it fall into the wrong hands. I knew before I embarked on this mission...that I would not be returning...for I am the last. I do, however, want you to know one thing before I perish. Even though we have just met, M'lady. I feel as if I have known you my entire life. I can die a happy man." Jane knew little of what the Commander was speaking of, but understood good and well his feelings. She remembered times in her past where she was forced to take extremes in the name of duty and honor. Jane just never imagined it happening to her.


    Jane-"I will find a way to save you, Commander! I swear it!"

    Travis-"You're the most stubborn woman I have ever had the pleasure of meeting...I like that...it reminds me of me." It was around this time when a second round of explosives went off...allowing Travis to vanish from sight in a moment's notice. Too distracted to pay attention...Jane noticed the ground below the helicopter severely breaking apart and with a final leap...leapt into the driver's seat just in time to start the engine. The propellers began to spin, but the fact of the matter was...it wasn't fast enough. Almost certain that she'd met her doom within Hauntos, Jane gave a moment of silence for all those who perished within this city. Another round of explosions eminated just under the helipad...forcing the copter to slide backwards and just as the Huntress was about to meet her death...the volocity of the propellers sped up and created an air current strong enough to lift off. After making a clean break, Jane turned and gazed upon the city of Huantos one last time...only to find that it now lie in ruins. Jane didn't know what to believe. The entire tragedy seemed a nightmare...if only it had been.


    Jane-"I will remember you always...Commander." Hours later, a military copter had been sighted upon the tattered remains of the broken city of Hauntos. Connor stood at its tail gate with a smirk on his face.


    Connor-"It would appear that Site B has been a success after all."

    Soldier 1-"A success, Sir? How so? The place was demolished!"

    Connor-"We took down an entire city with no blame upon us...wouldn't you consider this a success?"

    Soldier 2-"Sir! We've located two survivors!"

    Connor-"You going to inform me of their names...or do you have to go missing in action?"

    Soldier 2-"The Vampire and the Commander, Sir!" This brought a grin to the Scorpion's face.

    Connor-"Travis...my dear friend...I knew you'd survive this living horror...you never do fail to disappoint me." Turning back toward the Soldier, Connor continued. "Bring them with us...they will be very...useful...in the future!" Immediately after stating this, Connor vanished into the cargo hold of the copter...a faint laugh eminating to all whom were present.


    (This is the end of the story...hope you liked it.)

  5. From the midsts of nowhere Travis appeared...the grim expression upon his face visible to even the most green of amateurs. His mission nearly completed, the Commander's sights swayed Janes way and brought with them a longing to leave this life...a longing to take no more lives...a longing to live in peace. No, as long as he still held within him the ability to draw breath...he could never find the peace he so searched for...it had all been one big war...his life held nothing but pain and suffering. The fact was that he deserved to die on this rock, that this Earth would be a better place without his existance. There remained only one task...cure his love and let her be on her way. Jane had been the only true innocent in this entire endeavor and the Commander would not allow another innocent to die...not to his hand! Both fatigued and wounded, Travis slowly approached Jane's location...coming to a halt but a short distance from death...as she began to speak.


    Jane-"And just what do you want? Why have you not evacuated?"

    Travis-"My mission is not yet complete. I have two tasks yet to accomplish."

    Jane-"I have heard you boast about this precious mission of yours for ages...spill it already!"

    Travis-"I was originally informed of this situation by a fellow you should know quite well...one by the name of Bob."




    Jane-"Don't sneak up on me like that, Bob! That's a good way to get yourself killed." Bob only laughed and replied.

    Bob-"I had faith enough that you could contain youself. Besides, this is no longer a place for our kind...we should leave."

    Jane-"No place for our kind? This is a terrorist act and the exact place for our kind. Do you not agree?"

    Bob-"This is not what I signed up for...the undead are not in my job description."

    Jane-"Then leave if you must, but know that I am Jane...Protector to Hauntos and I will not give in until I lie dead upon the ground! Besides...these zombie aren't so tough...I've already killed fifteen or so."



    Travis-"I was then sent here by my government to assess the situation and deal with it accordingly. My number one goal within my mission perameters...was to contain the V-virus before it became capable of spreading. When this goal had failed to be reached...I then was to eradicate all traces of the Virus...under any means necessary. Both you and the city of Hauntos are the only remaining sources."


    Jane-"So, you're going blow up Hauntos and kill me on the spot? How neighborly of you!"

    Travis-"No, Hauntos is a lost cause, but you are not. You can still be saved...before Light gave his life...he passed onto me the cure. He could very well have saved it for himself and gone the way of the selfish, but he indeed chose to save the only true innocent...you!"


    Jane-"As I informed Death...I may be down, but I am not out. You stand no chance against me! Not now! Not ever!" Jane slowly got to her feet...pain shooting sharply through every fiber and muscle in her body...but she would not give up. Travis could see the grim look upon her face with the slightest of movement and came to realize that he had become...by now...more then a match for the Huntress...but the most dangerous of beasts were those backed into a corner. Jane rolled into a sideways stance...snatching her combat dagger along the way. Travis, noticing this motion, reached around his waist and palmed the syringe containing the cure. Jane lost no time leaping forward in a fit of rage and ultimately plunging her dagger into Travis's right shoulder...landing steadily as can be expected from one in her condition to his back. It was only after the Commander had fallen to his knees clutching his wounds...that Jane noticed an empty syringe within her left leg.


    Jane-"What? What have you done?" Jane felt as if a war raged within her...as if her cells suddenly became renforced and had taken the virus by storm. She could feel her immense power draining from her body with every nuance that passed and all at once gave a roar to the heavens...a roar that eventually turned into that of a high pitched scream.

  6. Meanwhile, at the far end of the hall, Travis stood in front of the large steel door with a look of disgust upon his face. He felt anger...anger toward Archer, anger toward this entire situation and most of all...anger toward himself! This entire scenario had been one blunder after another and the Commander had finally had enough! First came the loss of his unit...then, the death of his good friend Light and finally the corruption of his love. No! He was through blaming others. Someone had to be at fault and that someone was himself. Long ago he could have ended Archer's life and in the process saved a city. One life! One life for the sake of many! Is that really too much to ask? It would now seem that the end has come and this day of darkness would last him a lifetime of pain and suffering...that is...if it couldn't be remedied. Forcefully punching the the security code, the Commander almost broke the ancient control panel...managing to open the door in the process. The door opened with a slow squeal which normally would bring one to their knees, but in his current state...nothing phased the Commander! His world taken from him...torn away in a fit of rage and pain...if he lost Jane...his last link to life...he would be dead both inside and out and there would be no more reason to live! Through the ruins of his life, Travis noted the sound of foot steps appraoching him from the rear...very...familiar...foots steps. Not yet ready to face his love, Travis threw a smoke bomb upon the floor below him and vanished from sight completely. Jane was only able to catch a quick glance at the man as the smoke cleared and the light of the fading day shown through. The Huntress was forced to shield her eyes as the sun shown too brightly and the shadow of another beamed down the staircase. The shadow created by that of a caped individuall...and within the borders of this city...one being adorned with a cape...Death!


    Death-"Muhahahahahaha! Come forth my child and seek the prize you have long desired." Death only smirked as Jane slowly appeared through the light as if she had been an avenging angel...sent forth to bring down the darkness at its source. But the sad fact was...the Huntress was no angel at all...she was quite the opposite. Death stood before the Huntress adorned in his usual attire...the blood red tunic torn to shreds and the cape barely able to protect him from the sun's deadly rays. Death stood ready for anything...his face most certainly mocking the child spawn which dared to call herself his nemesis and with a fit of sheer confidence...he began to speak.


    Death-"How does it feel? You have finally received a chance for vengeance?"

    Jane-"I have been waiting for the day a long time, Death. There is no way you can spoil it!"

    Death-"Throughout the years, I have been known by many a name. In the ancient times, I was the Warlord of Death. In the age of the champions, I was the Champion of Chaos. In the age of mystery, I was the Ghost of Trindale and in the now time, I reclaim my rightful title...as The Warlord of Death." Jane couldn't help but laugh at the sheer mockery in Death's voice and responded accordingly.


    Jane-"Very impressive, but you are not the only one with a title. I am known as the Queen of Hauntos. You may be the Avatar of Death, but I am the apocolypse and this fact is undeniable! I have heard much in the way of talk from you, Death, but I have yet to see your legendary skills in combat. So why don't we cut to the chase and have at it already?" Death donned a grin that could sway an angry mob and motioned for Jane to make the first move. The Vampire Lord hadn't even bothered to unsheath his sword...let alone ready himself for battle. Jane unbuckled her combat dagger from around her left rear side and without warning lounges forward in a charge. Yielding amazing speed and agility, the Huntress sliced directly through the vampire's chest...only to hit mist. Death only grinned as Jane turned with a backward slash and continued in vain to even make contact with her target. A few moments later, after the entirely onesided fight commenced...Death caught Jane's arm in mid air...mere moments before making contact with his face.


    Death-"Tell me...is it my turn now?!" Sending a kick to Jane's stomach, the Huntress bellowed over in pain...only to be launched into a concrete wall at breakneck speed. The Huntress could barely lift her head high enough to notice the wicked grin donned by the Vampire Lord. Every muscle in her body ached with a pain not even describable within the limits of the english language...forcing her speak in a rather shrill tone upon gaining consiousness. As she attempted this feat...Death slowly and smugly made his way over to her location.


    Jane-"You know what your problem is, Death?"

    Death-"No, but I bet you'll tell me."

    Jane-"You are far too proud...FOR YOUR OWN GOOD!" Suddenly and without warning...the Huntress took hold of a two by four and with tremendous force...broke it over the top of the Vampire Lord's head. Unable to grasp the pain...Death couldn't help but stumble in shame and defeat. Ultimately letting out one final phrase before falling unconscious in battle.


    Death-"How? How could I have...been...defe..."

  7. Both Jane and Travis entered the hanger ready for trouble, but oddly enough found the place deserted. The air within the hanger was stale and old...it was as if this building had not been in use for some time. Dust covered the walls in thick layers...just barely revealing an arcaic computer system to the far left and a pathway leading to a hall. The hall was rather ordinary in the fact that it contained no distinguishing features...let alone a few electronic doors and one yeilding a security code. It was around this time that the sound of laughter was heard eminating from the nearby hallway...followed by the claps of a very enthused man. Archer...it seemed...had somehow illuded the zombie hordes and managed to beat the duo to the punch. Donning a wicked grin, Archer began to speak.


    Archer-"Oncore! Oncore! Wonderful show indeed!"

    Travis-"Why if it isn't Professor Tom Archer himself? I almost believed you dead?"

    Jane-"No millitary training? Hanging around in a hazard such as this? He should very well be!" To this Archer only laughed and completely ignoring the issue at hand, began to speak in an amused manner.


    Archer-"So noble! The good Professor gives his life and one and only cure to save an innocent! I'd be touched if I had a heart!" Both Jane and Archer could see the rage boiling within the eyes of the Commander. It seemed ages since he let loose his true feelings and it would appear that he all could possibly strangle Archer on the spot.


    Travis-"You'll pay for what you've done, Professor! I will see to it that you never leave this city alive!"

    Archer-"Don't act so innocent, Commander? The sad fact is that we all deserve to be put to death."

    Jane-"What in the blazes are you two talking about! Tell me...or I will dispose of you myself!" Travis tried to interrupt, but was cut short by the ongoings of a highly annoying professor.


    Archer-"You mean to tell me that Travis here has not bothered to inform you of the means this situation came to be? Why do you think we are all here? Why do you think we even care about this city and its people? You truly have no clue...do you?" Leaving no room to interrupt, Archer continued. "To analyze this situation properly I'll have to delve into the past. You see...this happened many years ago...when we first located Death's tomb. From within this ancient site, we managed to extracte an interesting substance. The substance formed an odd array of DNA that held within it endless possibilities! This mission was kept as a secret and never left the trio that discovered it. A trio more commonly known as...Professor Light...Commander Travis...and myself...Professor Tom Archer!


    Travis-"It didn't matter how hard we tried...each of us saw this discovery in a different fashion. Light's research resulted in a positive manner. He tried to help the world. Myself, I desired to keep this from harm...protecting the DNA with my life. Archer...on the other hand...had something more dangerous in mind. The Professor desired to turn this DNA into a virus...a weapon that could take this world by storm and quite literally extinguish life as we know it! I couldn't allow this to happen...so I kept the sample safe and away from his greedy little paws! To this day, it lie dormant!"


    Archer-"Yes and you accomplished your task with far too much procision...I was forced to find my sample elsewhere. This is when I broke back into the tomb and in the process freed a dead man from his sleep. This act had not been intentional, but served my task more efficiently. I then followed this man into the city we now dwell."


    Jane-"I see? So this man had no intention of aiding you and your plans? He simply acted alone?"

    Archer-"Sooner or later, we managed to conveniently locate a research vacinity...which we all just happened to enter. After meeting up with our Good Professor Light, I led you to the only room that had lost power. Do you remember the first time you came in contact with the mutant cats? Do you recall being infected? I knew very well what dwelled within that lab and where!"


    Travis-"And what about Connor? Was he on your hit list as well? Say yes and I'll gut you like a fish!"

    Archer-"No! I had no interest in that waste of a human life! I bred this virus for one reason and one reason only...it's a weapon...but not in the fashion that you may believe. The weapon stands before you...Commander! The weapon is Miss Jane here!" By this time, Jane had become increasingly annoyed with the Professors constant ramblings and it showed on her face. Did these fools really believe her a to be their property? They were all to blame...every last one of them! This much was clear! By this time, Travis had vanished altogether leaving Archer and her alone in the hanger.


    Archer-"Join me, Jane! Yielding both my brains and your brawn...we can usher in a time that this world will not soon forget!" Jane only smirked at the Professor's proposal...as if he had any right over her...over the apocolypse itself? Not a second passed before a dagger plunged into Archer's abdomen with the force of a thousand suns. Archer could only mutter his last few words before falling dead to the floor.



    Jane-"As if I need your help! I don't need you! I don't need Light or his precious cure and I most of all...don't need that soldier boy Travis! You once inquired why I was here. I'll tell you! I am here for only one reason! Death...I'm coming for you!"

  8. Meanwhile, not far from Jane's location, another battle of epic proportions had been taking place. The scene turned dark as both Travis and Light dashed down the nearby alleyway and rounded the bend to find themselves standing before an impressively large and decadent door. Stained in blood, the duo turned to the sounds of a small zombie army...still not in visible distance...but hot on their heels.


    Travis-"Can you open this door?" Travis requested in a rushed tone...his voice almost incomprehensible.

    Light-"A seven digit security code? I don't know...this can be tricky!" By this time, the commander's hand had grasped the cuff of the Professor's white lab coat...vibrating in an uneasy wave of events. The Commander's voice became angered as he stared deep into the Professor's eyes and spoke.


    Travis-"Can you open the door or not! Scratch that...you will open the door while I distract our little friends...do it now!" Aggressively shoving Light toward the security panell, Travis turned the former corner only to greeted by an unending line of zombie. Their ranks seemed to stretch both into and past the horizonal distance. Even knowing the battle to be futile, the Commander's rage absorbed him giving birth to a beast that lay dormant for a reason!


    Travis-"I am Commander Travis...sole survivor of the special forces and top unit of the government in question! Those soldiers you killed were not merely my companions...they were my friends and I will take my revenge if it means my life!" These were his final words as he drew forth his weapon and fired it into the zombie hoard repeatedly until the sound of an empty...click...echoed into the distance. Tossing the gun aside, the Commander unbuckled his shoulder strap and unsheathed his final means of defense...his combat dagger! "Be careful what you wish for, you just may get it!" Before he could charge into the fray...however...an unseen force came tearing through the enemy lines like a hurricane arriving at a halt but two feet from the Commander's location. The figure was that of a middle aged woman...stained in both blood and unmentionable...breathing with heavy breath.


    Jane-"Need a hand, Love!?!"

    Travis-"Love one, dear!"

    Jane-"Then let's get this party started!" The zombie rushed in...only to meet the blades of two combat daggers...one faster then the other...decapitating many a head in the process. I'm not going to lie to you...the scene became pretty messy as the waves of zombie fell to the duos aggressive attack...that is...until they could fight no more! The zombie surrounded the duo with a ring of certain doom...their ranks still unaffected by the merciless slaughter of the battle. Both Jane and Travis knew that they were beaten...that not even the apocolypse herself can hold back this army alone. It was here...in these uncertain times...when the team seemed to finally give up.


    Travis-"We'll Jane...it looks like the end has come."

    Jane-"I said it before and I'll say it again...you give up far too easily."

    Travis-"Ha! Even you should see how futile this battle has been." It was around this time when the only sound that could save them occured...the doors to the hanger opened and the path to freedom clear...we'll, besides the hordes of zombie in their path! Travis couldn't help but laugh. The old fool actually opened that blasted door...took him long enough!


    Light-"Hey! It's time we stopped playing with the neighbors and started making our escape!" This was all the duo needed to hear as they tore through the zombie lines and came to a halt directly in front of the Professor. Jane continued on in the fact that she did not care for the others enough to gossip at this place and time. Travis stared into the eyes of the professor as Light handed him a syringe containing a strange colored liquid. Travis knew what it was but not sure why he was given this. This reason became apparent moments later...when Light began to speak. Before he did, however, the past came back to haunt him.




    Light-"No! No! No! That's not correct either! Blasted science!"

    Jane-"Why if it isn't Prof. Light? How have you been, old man!"

    Light-"Old? Watch who you're calling old! I'm the only one that can cure you...you know!"

    Jane-"And about that cure...I no longer require your aid."

    Light-"Do you believe that you'll live forever? The molecular mixture between your system's molecules, combined with the extraordinarily adaptive traits found in the V-virus...combines to form an imbalance that..."

    Jane-"Get to the point, old man!"

    Light-"The virus in its fullest form will steal your very soul and send you into the next life without even time to pack."



    Light-"This is it...I have reached the end...my friend...this is as far as I go."

    Travis-"We both know that neither of us are innocent, but to simply give up?"

    Light-"I can't live with myself any longer and a if a good man does nothing...well...you know. What I have just given you is the cure to this virus. There's only dosage enough for one soul and I believe you know who I mean. I am not yet one of them...not yet a zombie but I will be if I put things off. I vow on my life that I will die human...die with the nobility that I may one day be remembered as a good man. This virus can't take me down if I don't let it." A tear came to both companions eyes as these words were spoken...as Travis responded...he couldn't help but feel a pride he'd not yet witnessed for many years.


    Travis-"Live true, my friend...die free!" No sooner were these words spoken...then company they did break. The last thing Travis remembered hearing...before the Hanger doors sealed...was the final valiant struggle between a man and fate...the struggle that created something that this world truly needed... a hero!

  9. The scene seemed to move in slow-motion as Jane stared down the necks of limitless zombie. The alleys...buildings...even the sewers spewed out zombie in endless waves. 'This could even be a challenge for me', Jane thought to herself as enemy force closed in on her location. 'No! I am the apocolypse! I cannot be defeated!'. Readying herself for combat, the Huntress flinched as the undead force...instead of engaging...chose to pass her by with little more then a howdy.




    The mist reformed as the presence of a middle aged Vampire Lord...cloaked in a massive black cape...exited the tomb in a timely fashion. Once on the outside, however, Black felt a great hunger and fed upon a dog that just happen to be passing by. Allowing the dog to go free, Death vanished into the daylight as if he never was. This was indeed Prof. Tom Archer's worst mistake...or was it?



    It was around this time that the Huntress noticed that they were not attacking...in fact, it was quite the opposite...they were scared, but of what? A deafening roar was heard echoing throughout the city...a roar of such volume that it even made the Huntress cover her ears to drown out the sound. The echo almost sounded farmiliar...as if she'd heard it some time in the past.




    Jane-"Hold it right there, mutt! What's your business within our fair city?" The dog responded with an angry growl...followed by an injured whine. Jane just laughed as the dog seemed to emulate a response to her quandry quite well and left it at that.


    Jane-"I hereby bestow upon you permission to pass, but I'll be keeping an eye on you." By the time Jane had just lowered the tip of her hat, the dog had vanished and was replaced with none other than her replacement...could it be that time already?



    It was then that an earthquake hit the scene with a force nearly ten times the size of the last and from around the corner emerged a beast the likes that Jane had never heard of...let alone seen. The dog stood the size of a triple decker bus...his muscles flexing to near mythical proportion and his teeth...well...let's just say that you don't want to be dinner! It was Texas all over again as the beast turned its ugly head the Huntress's direction and snapped its jaws together with yet a second ear pcing clash. Jane knew that this foe would be a formidable one...even her cocky attitude was somewhat tamed by Cerberus's impressive build and size. The show down began as both competitors held their ground...their eyes locked in an eternal gaze...that...until Jane donned a smirk.




    Bob-"Greeting m'lady and how goes your nap?"

    Jane-"My beauty sleep was rudely interrupted by a passing citizen and an odd breed of dog...though I think the dog may be a terrorist." Bob just laughed...he'd known the feeling...he had it many times before...it would have appeared that it came with the position. Giving Jane the ok to leave...she slowly took to her feet and walked off without another word.



    Jane-"If you think you have what it takes to handle me, Partner! Then I say go ahead and try your luck!" Cerberus charged the Huntress's way with a valiant roar, barely missing as Jane leapt out of the way of his blow...leaping into the air and pounding her fist into his chest with an almost thunderous clash. Cerberus gave a howl of pain to the sky and Jane landed back upon the ground striking a cool pose. She'd have stroked the rimb of her hat if she still had it. The beast stuck again...this time in a downward blow. Caught off guard, the Huntress braced for impact as the giant paw crushed down on top her her. Jane could barely keep her balance as the force of the two virus's fought for control of the situation. Nearly being crushed to death...Jane managed to roll out of danger...only to be taken off guard again. Launching a tackle the Huntress's direction, Jane just managed to avoid the massive body slam in time and sent Cerberus into the the side of a nearby building. The building folded like paper as the monster crashed like a wrecking ball and forced Jane to take evasive action due to falling debris. Cerberus turned unharmed as the debris was minsicule to his massive build and gave a threatening growl the Huntress's way.


    Jane-"Ha! See ya next fall...Terrorist!" Those were the last words that Jane uttered before the the entire building came down upon the beast...burying the hound literally in a mountain of rubble.


    Jane-"The bigger they are...the harder they fall! Varmit!"

  10. The sun shown bright as the glare nearly blinded the Huntress upon exiting the research lab and once again entering the outer world within the city. It seemed like forever had passed since she last felt the warmth of the sun and felt the gentle breeze upon her back. It was almost enough to bring her out of the trance...almost...being the key word. For a moment...a split moment, Jane felt safe...free from the burdens of this lab...but this was not to last. A sound was heard from just ahead as the Huntress turned with a vengeance...almost making contact with a familiar face. Low and behold, another stepped out of the shadow and spoke with a scientific intellect.


    Light-"If you're looking for Archer...he split."

    Travis-"I feared you wouldn't make it, my friend. I am happy to be wrong for once."

    Jane-"Hmph! As if those lesser viruses could handle me?"

    Travis-"We're not out of the woods yet, my friend. On the contrary...the battle's just begun."

    Light-"Indeed, it's perhaps more dangerous out in the open then within the lab's enclosed space."


    It was at this moment when the moan of literally thousands of zombie were heard eminating from all around them. The moan was of such volume that even a deaf man couldn't turn a stone ear. The trio turned just in time to see an angry mob storm around the corner alley and into the streets at breakneck speeds...well...for a zombie! Small tremors created searing cracks within the surface of the asphalt these tremors threatening to take the city down with them in the process.


    Travis-"So this is how it all ends? I imagined my death to be somewhat more glorious."

    Light-"Indeed, there are too many for the three of us...besides...we were fools to try and take the city on our own!"

    Jane-"Who's this we? You got a mouse in your pocket? Perhaps they're too much for you, but not I?"

    Light-"She's got some guts! Doesn't she...Commander?" The Commander couldn't help but laugh.

    Travis-"She's right, Professor. If were going to go down...I say we go down fighting!"

    Light-"Suit yourself, but personally, I'm choosing to take a ride on our local helepad. I sure would enjoy some protection." Travis slowly turned the Professor's direction with a wicked, smooth grin. The Professor wasn't as dumb as he looked. Jane on the other hand...ignored the duo entirely. She was the apocolypes...if this bunch of mindless virus's were strong enough to stop her...then she wasn't worthy of the title...now was she?


    Travis-"Then protection is what you shall have. Heck, it's better then dying."

    Jane-"If you cowards feel the need to run...then do so...but to truly live...one must embrace life and all its glory!"

    Light-"Glory means nothing when fighting for a futile cause." Jane only smirked and responded with a noble tone.

    Jane-"Did General Robert E. Lee run from Grant? If he had turned tail and fleed...would he be known throughout history today?"

    Travis-"I respect you too much to say otherwise, Jane. I will personally see to it that your name is never forgotten!"

    Light-"Shall we be going...Commander?"

    Travis-"Give them one for me...will ya M'lady?" With these words the trio parted ways. Their fates separate, but linked at the same time. Have their chains been broken? Will this mean the end for the trio? Only time will tell!


    Jane-"Give me freedom, or give me death!"

  11. Motioning toward a highly conspicuous stairwell...the Professor dashed with a sudden burst of speed in an attempt to ditch his new companion...only to find that the Huntress was right at his heels the entire time. Every twist he altered...every turn he made, she was there and before long, he finally realized the truth. As a wise man once said..."If you can't beat'em...join'em." It didn't take long for the duo to reach the control room...the very room Death had become such a nuisance and the location whence he would meet his end. Jane came to a halt as she noticed the Professor quickly exiting the facility. Call it her natural instincts or the viral interpretation, but the Huntress knew that something was amiss. This entire scene looked a little too easy and as any hunter knows...the easier the prey...the less satisfying the kill.


    Jane-"Death! We manuvered our way through your maze...we took down your creatures of the dark....why do you hide from us now...now that we finally reached our goals?" With these words, the entire room slowly filled with an eerie mist. Sounds of laughter were audible from every direction at once and the stench of the undead could be idenified with a simple whiff.


    Death-"You'll have to pardon my rudeness, but I am a busy vampire."

    Jane-"So! The Lord of all Vampire himself...finally shows his true colors...or does he?"

    Death-"Hmph! So it would appear that the vermin have finally passed their first test. Be warned...this entire ordeal has only been a test. Did you truly believe that I was seriously trying to best you? If I'd wanted you dead...I would have vanquished you long ago!" Void of holy energy, the heavily increasing mist quickly transformed into the Vampire Lord himself...into Death! The lights went dim as if some sort of magical darkness covered the very room in which they stood and yet the Huntress nary moved an inch from her present location. Before long, a darkened figure stood before Jane...his cape barely visable and his eyes black as the night. Little more could be seen as the light had all but vanished...only the glint of a rather decadent sword and a few ordinary daggers around the Vampire's waist. Black gave a grin as his prey stood strong in the presence of Death and slightly chuckled as it began to speak.


    Jane-"Is that the best you can do? I've seen magicians that have pulled off far more impressive feats!"

    Death-"Did you not enjoy my show? Pity...I worked so hard on coming up with just the right entrance."

    Jane-"Let us get on with this! Shall we?"

    Death-"If you're that eager to die...then I see no need to drag this little scenario out. Prepare yourself...Huntress!"


    It was at this moment that the sounds of footsteps could be heard echoing through the halls....once more headed their direction. Both Jane and Death distracted by this new upset, glanced behind them just in time to notice an incoming figure...a human figure...or was it? With inhuman speed, this new stranger shoved Jane aside...drew his Combat dagger in mid-air and delivered a powerful blow to Death's right shoulder. The Vampire Lord grunted in pain as he fell to his knees. It had been a long time since he'd been struck and even longer since he felt such agony. The pain quickly passed, however, as the wound healed itself and Death once more regained his prowless.


    Connor-"If anyone is to take down the Queen, it will be the Scorpion!"

    Death-"My, my, we have become quite the party crasher...haven't we?"

    Connor-"Quit delaying the inevitable, Death! Only one of us will have this privledge and it will be me!"


    Deciding that both Connor and Death were too many to take on at once...Jane vanished into the darkness...her footsteps overpowered only by the combat around her and the crashing of the steel door as it sealed shut behind her.

  12. It was at this moment when the eerie sounds of a low mumble could be heard emanating from the very next room. It took every last ounce of will power the Huntress held to keep her from finishing Connor. The infected Commando looked so helpless as he lay unconscious upon the ground...such an easy target...but easy was not Jane's way. If they could not fight back...they weren't worth the effort. No, the mumble interested the Huntress much more then some easily attained victory. Slowly entering the nearby doorway, Jane was presented with a small lab. The lab seemed to be filled to the brim with various gadgets and chemicals of which she knew nothing but nonetheless were present. The mumble could still be heard from just around the corner, only this time Jane knew exactly who had caused it.


    Light-"No! No! No! That's not correct either! Blasted science!"

    Jane-"Why if it isn't Prof. Light? How have you been, old man!"

    Light-"Old? Watch who your calling old! I'm the only one that can cure you...you know!"

    Jane-"And about that cure...I no longer require your aid."

    Light-"Do you believe that you'll live forever? The molecular mixture between your systems molecules, combined with the extraordinarily adaptive traits found in the V-virus...combines to form an imbalance that..."


    Jane-"Get to the point, old man!"

    Light-"The virus in its fullest form will steal your very soul and send you into the next life without even time to pack." Already bored with the Professor's words, Jane, without hesitation, took hold of the Professor's collar and continued to slam him against a nearby wall. Before this could be attained, however, Light slapped his hand down on the control panel next to him...causing the the entire installation to go haywire. "Warning! A bio hazard has taken effect! All inhabitants are to be terminated at once!"


    Jane-"What have you done!"

    Light-"I have just activated the emergency locking system. In a few moments, this entire facility will be sealed shut."


    Light-"This will cause all remaining within its walls be sealed away for a period of forty eight hours."

    Jane-"I assume you know the way out? I've been through this drill before."

    Light-"That depends...are you going to kill me?" The hatred within Janed stirred with the power of a thounsand suns...telling her...no...willing her to end all life on this miserable rock. On the other hand, the apocalypse didn't like the idea of waiting.


    Jane-"Fine! I won't kill you...yet."

    Light-"What was that? I find myself forgetting. Its been a long time since I had been forced to do this...you know?"

    Jane-"I...won't...kill...you! Now get moving before I lose my temper!" The fact was, however, that the Huntress had never fully lost her temper and therefore could hardly gain any more anger then she'd already acquired. This being beside the matter, Jane loosened her grasp on the Professor's collar and painfully tossed him aside. Landing upon the ground with a thud, Light turned with an irritated manner, yet was repelled for obvious reasoning.


    Light-"Now we wouldn't want that to happen...would we? This way, your Rudeness."

  13. Walking through the door next to her, Jane entered a long slender hallway that extended to some length...and felt uneasy. It was as if some presence had been hidden and refused to show itself. The thought of the unknown had always disturbed the huntress...if fact...most wondered why she took up protection in the first place. It all started late one night, when she was a child...Jane was playing in the backyard when a man took hold of her from seemingly no where. She could remember fighting, but failing to free herself from his clutches...from that point on...the darkness always made her wary. It was at this point when the huntress decided to throw caution to the wind and challenge her fear head on!


    Jane-"Come out, stranger! I have precious little time!"

    Connor-"The queen bee herself...the scurge of the research center has come to visit little old me? I'm honored."

    Jane-"And who exactly are you supposed to be...Santa Claus?"

    Connor-"I am the scorpion that protects the desert. Betrayed by my friends, I hunt alone."

    Jane-"Connor? Don't tell em that's you?" It was at this point that a laugh came from the shadows and out stepped man dressed in a commando's uniform. The uniform itself had been torn asunder by a various assortment of scratches. Yep, it was Connor alright, but something seemed off...he had not been behaving normally and this...Jane knew...could only mean one thing...he'd been infected!


    Connor-"You can't defeat him, you know. "

    Jane-"I can't defeat who? Speak plainly, or don't speak at all!"

    Connor-"Death, he's lived for more years than you can imagine...heck...you can't even defeat me!"

    Jane-"Is that a challenge?"

    Connor-"If you're brave enough...or stupid?" With nothing more said, Connor both unbuttoned and pulled his combat dagger from a strap upon his shoulder. The dagger was of similar fashion and design to both the commander's and Jane's...but why? Tossing this matter aside, the Huntress stood ready as Connor charged forward with vengeance and longing in his heart...if you can call it that! With a swift and precise motion of her right arm, the Huntress took hold of Connor's forearm...halting the attack all together.


    Jane-"So! You're a mutant too." Connor just smiled and responded accordingly.

    Connor-"That's right...both the scorpion and bee were turned by the very same feline."

    Jane-"This could get interesting."


    Breaking loose from Jane's hold, Connor managed to thrust his dagger the Huntress's direction...barely missing as Jane swiftly managed to avoid the mutiple blows. Thrown to the defensive, Jane attempted to eye the next oncoming attack. Judging from the stance the Commando took up and from the variation of fighting styles...this task was almost impossible to accomplish. Nevertheless...the Huntress took up the challenge...and by sheer desire...won. The blow came from the left, barely scratching Jane's shoulder. A look of great pain came over the huntress's face, but quickly faded as her soldier like instincts took hold...grasping the situation. The dagger whooshed past her with the strength of an ox and plunged into the narrow walls that created the hallway. Connor's weapon, momentarily becoming lodged, gave the Huntress the chance to draw her own dagger and lash out just in time for her blow to be parried. Managing to pull his weapon from the wall...Connor turned just in time to be knocked on the head with the blunt end of Jane's dagger...falling unconscious to the floor but seconds later.


    Jane-"Archer was wrong...knowledge is not power...I am!"

  14. Venturing ever deeper into the depths of the facility Jane heard the familiar ramblings of a certain professor. "Intriguing!" Entering the kennel, the Huntress took a quick glace around to notice roughly six cages...all of them open. "These creatures must have been enormously powerful!" Each cage was the size of your average canine...only by the teeth marks...they looked to be torn open from the inside. Walking up to one of the cages...Jane wrapped her hand around the dented steel bar and easily bent it into a small knot. "A beast that contains the ability to render solid steel useless...now that would be a sight to behold!" Turning the corner, Jane glimpsed Prof. Tom Archer...he appeared to be closey studying one of the six broken cages. Donning a wicked grin...Jane began to speak.


    Jane-"Why if it isn't Prof. Tom Archer himself! Long time,no see!"

    Archer-"Oh, sorry...I seem to have forgotten you were there. Come...allow me to enlighten you."

    Jane-"If it's about these minor virus's, then don't bother! These canine are nothing compared to me!"

    Archer-"Famous last words of a fool, M'lady...for knowledge is power and if this is true...then a god am I!"


    It was at this time that sounds of footsteps were heard approaching the duo's coordinates...it sounded to be the footsteps of a four legged beast. Both the Huntress and the Professor knew what had been approaching...it was one of their six friends and a man's best friend. Jane turned to see a rather large Doberman Pincher...the blood dripping from his mouth confirming that he'd just fed...but that doesn't mean he still wasn't hungry. Jane adorned a grin as the Pincher took up battle positions and growled as if he'd been defending his territory. The two combatents locked eyes as the Huntress unbuttoned and checked over her combat dagger...immediately afterward giving the beast a sign to, "Bring it on!" With a second menacing growl, the Pincher took off like a light...his paws stretched outward in a mighty leap the Huntress's direction. The beast clenched his teeth with an ear pounding snap...Jane barely managing to avoid the death blow, slashing the neck of the canine with one clean swipe.


    Jane-"Ha! That wasn't so difficult! I told you they were nothing compared to me!"

    Archer-"Congratualtions! You killed one! Now what are are you going to do against them?"

    Jane-"Them? You mean there's more then one...as in plural?" Jane turned just as a second dog leapt onto the top of one of the broken cages and a third into the hallway where the last one once stood. Images from her last encounter popped in and out of her head...images of the single canine almost snapping her in two and sending her back to the Hell in which she came from.


    Jane-"I suggest you run...Professor...as fast as you can!" No sooner did Jane finish this phrase as they were both out like a light...their friends giving a close chase behind them. Turning the corner, Jane leapt onto the wall and ran across it with amazing speed and agility. The dogs, less agile...smashed through the stone with ease...breaking their necks upon impact with the ground. In doing so, however, both a fourth and fifth Pincher were revealed...apparently snacking on the sixth. Leaping from one wall to the other...performing a fancy spin in the air for acrobatics...Jane turned just in time plunge her dagger into the head of her oncoming foe...losing her weapon in the process. Stealthfully landing upon the ground...Jane searched in vain for the final mutt and nearly lost her head as it leapt from the cage tops...only to be blown away from an all to familiar Magnum.


    Travis-"This is the second time I had to save your skin, M'lady!"

    Jane-"Once again...I never asked for your help! I could have defeated the thing on my own!"

    Travis-"Whatever you say, but let us not waste our time with such trivial matters. I came to inform you that I have located our exit point and was wondering if you planned on leaving with me?"


    Archer-"I don't know about Jane, but I'm with you...Commander!" Jane only laughed and responded accordingly.

    Jane-"As if I need your aid! I can leave any time I desire! You live your lives as if they mean something...you're pitiful!"

    Travis-"I take it that's a no? Very well...come Archer...we're leaving." With little to nothing more said...both the Professor and Commander vanished from sight...leaving Jane once again alone...but for how long?

  15. Entering the room, the quick glances of the vampire were hardly noticed. He could feel it...the artifact he'd been searching for had finally been located. Based of factions on abyssal space...Black knew very well that this had been no easy mission.


    "The power of nothing,

    the power of all.

    Most thought it missing,

    for they took the fall.

    Formed by removing,

    with depths held unknown,

    thereby disproving

    its existance at all."


    Taking one more glance around...Back made great strides forward and was never seen again.


    "Little was known of the vampire's tale

    swallowed by nothing,

    with nothing to tell.


    Though some speak so proudly

    and other thus not,

    we find our demise,

    in the foe we last fought."

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