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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by cryptomancer

  1. My thanks. I enjoyed the beauty of the imagery in your story, I understand the feeling of standing before the giant trees of this world, and feeling humbled to insignificance by them. Still, I have yet to behold the true majestic awe that is the might redwood... someday I hope to rectify that.
  2. *grins* I need to meet a few more people, then I do some quizzes, and write some more riddles too maybe.
  3. hey, I took my own quiz too, I needed to make sure that the answers I put in were the same ones all of my personalities had. I am glad that I got 100% it would have been embarrassing otherwise.
  4. Have you seen this Raven. Just a small one, I havent been here long.
  5. The Solitary figure of a ancient tree, stood its ground against the winds of its ruined home. Desert stretched for ever in all directions, the decayed dust of the once great forest that had given birth to this ancient and gnarled wretch. Even beneath its failing roots the choking ash of the arid land drained away the life. Life in a single drop of water that could sustain, just a bit longer. Roots stretched deeper, seeking the old wells of the land, seeking the source of the great forest's strength. Finding only the shifting sands of abandonment and the dead earth of a dry wasteland. Overhead the sky sang its blueness to the scorching sun, and poured its empty vessel over the land. No rain for this land, no life for the damned. Just the clear heavens mocking the emptiness beneath their cloudless feet. In the still air of desolation, a spark stirred. In the heat of deaths grip, a life drew breath, slowly, carefully. In the solitude of that mighty tree, all but destroyed by its war on the climate and land, a gem of wonder flared. Deep blue light shed the dryness of the bark from the tree's hard flesh. Its fingers traced the lines of thirst on the dying wood, and as its caress flowed, so to did the spring. Rizing up from the depths of a savage world, from the darkness of its heart, the pure untainted blood of the earth shed itself once more. In the deep dust of this wastland, the earth bled, giving its life to that old destroyed form, so that it may live again, and upon its old and withered boughs hold the love of life once again. Softly the seeping liquid wept from the deep cut in the earth's hide. Slowly it soaked through the decaying scab of the desert crust, washing clean the folds of its many layers, rinsing the stench of death from the air, giving breath to the wind. In the song of the blue sky, a harmony entered, clouding the melody into birthing a new image. In the soft harmonic it called to the orchestra of life, to the fullness of creation, and the washing of the world sang to the call, joining the tune that called for more. As the hamony roze up and the heads of the percussion were seen standing in the dark corners of the musicians of nature's glory, their beating weapons at the ready, and upon the strike light shone through the earth, and the thunder rolled. Steady the song , the beat the rhythm, the pumping of a heartbeat's blood. Innocence returning to the lost souls, love caressing the flesh of the earth, dreaming of the embrace of liquid, and in the heart of a mother's loving grasp, the wind cried. Upon the limbs of an old tree, life touched it's soul, and in the ever cruel world of life, it drank deep of love once more. Slowly it stood tall, listening the the music that life had once again blest its ears with. Listening for the cue, for the chance to join in again, to touch the glory of existence in the vocal beauty of its song. The note struck, the song awaited, the lovers' ears was opened to the voice of her desire, and in the midst of the soulfilled music, the deep bass of the ancient rang true: Life blest my soul, Life touched my heart, In the solitude of death I lived in pain. Life called my heart, Life called my soul, In the depth of my dispair I learned to live again In love I was given a chance to live, For in beauty I loved, and beauty did give. Again I called for her loving embrace, And turely was blest to again see her face. I life my limbs to the rains, To touch the tears of the sky. I life my soul up to the wind, For of His spirit it is a sign. As the depth in the voice faded once more to the silent embrace of the rainfall, the words were whispered in reply, from the heavens, to the earths heart, the wind sang: Truth, love and mercy, Once more have been granted. Live for the fullness of beauty, love with the fullness of life. The storm of beginings ended slowly, trailing the wakened world to its home. As the earth wept, the sky sang its blueness to the moon, and the wind spoke wisdom to the anceint tree, telling it to live anew, to love again to be the created soul it was destined to be. The wind sang its song forever upon the shifting face of a changing world. Ever the same, ever the same, the wind speaks words of love to the ears of those who listen.
  6. The raven lands upon the window ledge of the recruiters office, and in the ever quizzical inspection of birds everywhere, looks into the rather cluttered, and dimly lit room beyond the dirtstained glass of the window. Looking around it sees that the office is unoccupied, and that entry would be, difficult. Gracefully the raven takes to the air, appearing to move in slow motion, and as flight is achieved, a shadow drops to the grown forming a suspended void under the slow beating wings. the void fills out in size and shape, and as it slowly solidifies, a human figure cloaked in dark blue, stands before the door. The figure removes the hood, and casts the cape off his shoulders, revealing a figure of average height, clothed in denim, under the folds of a hooded cape, that is now draped casually over one shoulder. The stranger is bald, shaved clean, and with shaped eyebrows, resting softly over the deep, expressive eyes of dark brown. He places a hand into the inside pocket of his jacket, and withdraws a letter. Written in black ink, shinning with the stars of silver dust, that were blended with the ink before use. The letter, for the good of all who wish to know is written below. Dear Wyvern, It has been told to me that I should seek your judgement on the case of my application for entry, in a more permanent state, to the Castle of the Mighty Pen. I hesitated, to decide how best to approach this task, and have decided to do so in my true form, rather than the feathered form of my hidden self. I shall accompany this letter as my true self, to allow full and true judgement on your part. The following is an example of my faint talent, I hope that it shines enough for you to allow it to brighten a small corner of the Pen. yours Patiently, Cryptomancer. Upon my fireside camp I sit and consider All the dressed images I can conjure To plead my case to the might of the Almost Dragon. I come to no swift conclusion, For in my mind, I crave seclusion, And only just admit the possible perfecting of my skill. I seek no grandure, not accolades extreme. I seek no praise nor acknowledgement. I wish only that my words be seen In my life many paths I tread, Upon the paths, there is fear and Though it is seen, I walk through it without dread. For it is a gift I have, to own perception To see beauty where others see deception To love the world as all it is. Good or ill, evil, darkness Or the light of love and beauty's brightness. All I see I aspire to write For beauty is my inspiration, And upon her lovers embrace I live And choose to share the love she gives. My thanks for the consideration, I await patiently you return. With this the Bald stranger draws a pattern on the ground outside the door, and as it forms into a comfortable looking chair, seats himself to await the return of the Almost Dragon.
  7. Today has given inspisation to my heart, and my soul flys with the wings of dreamed beauty. happyness, bliss, love beach, sunwash, ocean, warm caress eternally held
  8. Look into the eyes of the one who can see All the beauty that you can be, and love the brilliance And the flaws, they create in their combining. For the eyes reflect the love they see, And the love that binds together all, is the beauty That is given to me, as from the eyes of my love I stare back and see all the beauty that is me. For in the eyes of love I see, that which in me Is loved. And treasure the knowledge it brings. For the love I have strengthens me to be all I am, And all I shall become.
  9. Have you seen the dawn in the eyes of one you love? Have you seen the reflected rays of the sun, shining from The resting place of feelings so deep? Through the eyes of the one who holds your heart to theirs, And accepts that you are all you show them. For they chose to see all you offered, and loved you still. In the light of the early morning, and the twilight You can look into the eyes of love, seeing the angelic beauty That caresses the existence of all, and the wings of Love’s healing, mending the lonely flaws of our soul.
  10. Upon the dawning of the stars, and the misting of dew, I sense the changes to the day grow weak, and the night’s strength renew. Hidden in the moonlit clouds, haloed in the stars, I see the beauty Possessed by the things I hold dearest in the world I created for my life. I walk the paths of my gardens, and in the sprinkling of wishes Water the dreams of life to grow into the reality that is me. All I find in the walls of my isolation, and the paradise of my life I placed there for a reason, and all I have been given Causes them to grow, with the desire of my heart and soul. I am blest with the skill to tell of beauty, and the way That in the world it is seen, so incomplete, but hopes remain, For it is still seen, and enjoyed, and the few who see it complete Can tell of its path through their lives and the wonder of its caress In the world they make.
  11. Thank you! I am glad it is liked. thanks also for the welcome *grins*
  12. My lady, I would love to attempt this challenge you have set, and will as soon as time allows, and my Raven ramblings have settled into the darkness again, or i fear that the story would be in rhyme and require much decyphering. soon.... i shall post.
  13. The raven departs, "thank you my lady, for the time you give, and the words of knowledge you favour me with."
  14. "just as I said the prize is a charm and it is of luck and will do no harm Charm is the gift there is no token but luck will find you before the charm is broken" (dancing alone the edge of the booth addressingthe crowd one more) "So post a tale of the luck you find and tell all if you'd be so kind" OOC: if you dont get the message in the rhyme, it is easy, kiss booth, and tell us a tale somewhere in the carnival of your good luck.
  15. I tire not of wit nor rhyme it disrupts my thinking most of the time
  16. The Raven flys in, (again) and in a flurry of black feathers, boards, nails, ink and quills, sets something up on the counter beside the jar. As the dust settles, onlookers notice that the old sign has a board nailed above it, and in the script of a raven on a serious caffeine high, is written: KISS BOOTH 5GELD the writting is followed by an arrow, pointing to the object on the table. The object is a cage, made of steel, and looking strong enough (although not big enough) to secure an army of large predetors. In the cage, standing 3 inches high, was a ball of green/blue fuzz, purring sofftly to itself. The raven danced on the top of the cage, and to all announced the new member of the game, "come one come all and as before pay the money for the one you adore for if you wish you can kiss and if you dont your chance you may miss come one come many and set geld down even if you have already for kisses dont tire and if you aspire to show affection true came back again and in the end we can earn money form you." Landing beside the cage, he continues his dance, and pointing with a solid looking metal bar, introduces the ball of fuzz..... " this is booth dont be uncouth or shy away from his teeth for if your kiss is true a charm for you will be placed for the rest of the day. so pay your way and kiss him true and do not show fear for in his way if in fear you pay his kiss is as sharp as a spear." (with this he pokes the fuzz with the very solid looking metal bar, and grins as the ball of fluff splits in two along a seam of two inch teeth, that remove the end of the pole. "so do not fear a kiss is held dear and is repaid in full with charm so do not fear and please draw near for booth will do no harm"
  17. (Raven flying through the tents and booths, low to the ground) you have had fun in guessing me true here are some more riddles for you seek and meet and you will find i can riddle you too and still be kind (Flying lower, weaving through the heads of the crowd.) mistress of my brothers my attention has won she said a warm welcome in my native tongue wiggle me this wiggle me that if you cannot guess this i cannot help that (suddenly stops, by the coke stand)
  18. The Raven lands upon the table, places payment in a small stack, shuffles cards and places them in the 4 piles. "tell me straight tell me true what the cards say what will the future do" then he sits and waits.
  19. Raven with katana, enters, and bows, "greetings good Gryphon" The Raven produces a small quill that he releaces to dance upon the air, imprinting the words for all to see. Bone held tooth knawing stool and cloak face smiling retribution swift (grins and bows, and out he goes)
  20. The raven suddenly appears in the hut once more, and this time with sword drawn. He flips the scroll he just placed into the air, and in the swift skilled stroke of his true self, separates its shape into two parts, each land on the table and unroll, revealing a new work on each. contemplate beauty elementalist true fire loved poetic muse and dream's darkness shaping beauty revealing in fullness resonate with love Sheathing his blade, he once more bows, turns and flys away.
  21. The Raven lands skipping about.... I overheard in another booth discription given of beauty in truth (dancing and twirling a cane) Beautiful shape blue eyes she did say wonderfully dressed I love the beret (grins and flys off)
  22. A Raven, katana on his back, lands in the hut, With reverence he draws a silver scroll case from the pouch on his belt, and from it a scroll, written in the words of black glittered with silver dust, he reveals his work. Meditation love Mysteriously mind held Beach beyond compare Bowing low he steps back, and flys away.
  23. ooc..... sorry my bad.... i mis-spelled shelley.
  24. A spandex coated Raven circles the tent, chanting his chant as his wings he bent diving low above the crowd, hear some more, listen now..... Stately bird of myth legend and lore will not say the word ......(and neither will I) Last i saw like they lived in a cage these two are goons mighty and brave I read his two poems but not on this board vampiric discribed in well written lore. (stops and looks at the crowd, "need help?") clue is give clue is say it you still stumped that way you may stay as for the one that stumped you all i made a critique for all to endure. (flys off) If in my rhyme i did offend please complain and in triplicate send (circles back) the first you guessed true, but not the next part (quotes, and smiles) he captured my friend with the love in his heart... well done to all well done to all if i think of more a post i'll install
  25. The Raven lands in the booth, and scribbles a note for the jar muttering "A little human told me this" 'Women and cats will do as they please, Men and dogs should relax and get use to the idea.' - Robert Heinlein "As for something from me............" 'dont wear artifacts controlled by your wife' (bows and departs)
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