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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Posts posted by Tanuchan

  1. Silly - yes =) You can also add a few words to connect the ideas; I've purposefully left out most that indicate a transition of ideas (and, but, however, even though, etc) - you can notice how both Mynx and Peredhil added them when they felt the need to.


    Btw, in any of the open activities you are free to post more than once; these are usually not meant for more than fun and a way to practice skills ;-)

  2. Tanny noticed Peredhil approaching Tzimfemme but, not truly interested in that conversation, let her eyes wander around while still playing with the glass in her hands. Then she saw the slightly glowing announcement board. Hmm... something new?


    She frowned, trying to make out the few announcements on it. The board had been spelled at some point so that it glowed softly in slightly different colors whenever there was something new or ... some repeated event? What was it, actually? I've updated the Open Activities notice, so that might be it... but changing colors... OH!


    Blinking a few times, Tanny almost smacked her hand on her forehead - thankfully, she remembered she was holding a glass of wine. Getting up, she tugged at Mynx's tail, urgently.


    "Kitty, come - there's a birthday today!" Pointing at the announcement board, she dragged the feline with her, apparently deaf to her friend's squealed, indignant protest. "I need your help!"

  3. The challenge is as follows:


    The "paragraph" below has lost all punctuation, some connecting words, and any indication of emphasis (for example, italicizing). How would you "reconstruct" that paragraph, following the guidelines below?

    • what can be added: punctuation, emphasis marks (italics, bold), connecting words (transitions, conjunctions, etc) or connecting expressions; no adding of full sentences or phrases just for effect!
    • what can be changed: the order of the words/phrases, verb tenses and word form (noun/adjective/adverb/verb)
    • what can't be changed: the words and the content (you cannot delete a word, and you cannot replace it with another)
    • line breaks (to make more than one paragraph) are alright

    How many variations could we create, and how many with a different overall 'feeling' as a result? :-)




    so it was a dark stormy night the kind of night that either gives you creepy nightmares or makes you wonder whether the world will see another dawn the kind of night where you'd expect to see no one in the streets so full of dark shadows created by the shaded lamplights scattered through the streets there was at least someone who wasn't afraid of that lonesome feeling walked the paths facing the storm without even a protection other than the cloak's hood carelessly thrown up over their face what this somewhat ghostly somewhat unsettling figure was doing out was nobody's business or maybe just a few people's their own their solicitor what would this commission entail one wondered



    Have fun =)

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  4. "What is this stuff you're drinking?" Tanny looked at Mynx's glass, sniffing at it carefully and stoppign a reaction sneeze just in time. "Whatever it is - too volatile!" She grimaced, looking at her friend fondly. Then, getting a glimpse of a new face, Tanny tilted her head and waved the peeking figure in with a smile.


    "Hello! Come in - room for all here!" She showed the table, that continued to grow in extension while Guido and Nuncio bickered amiably about where and how to put the several individual tables together.

  5. In the history of the site, we've gone through a couple of server and forum software migrations, and also software updates. Unfortunately, in some of them the formatting of some old posts were lost (mostly, line breaks). The affected posts seem, at a first look, to be random - although concentrated on certain periods of time.


    The issue is more serious in the Banquet Room, since formatting is an integral part of the poems. But even for Stories and Role-Play, it might render a given piece very hard to read due to the absence of paragraphs.


    While we are aware of the problem, there's not much that can be done, since up to this moment the Tinkerers of the site didn't find a way to fix the issue automatically. So, please - if you find any work of yours which has lost its formatting, we invite you to try and format it again if you can find the time and opportunity. We understand completely, though, if Real Life interferes in your ability to do so!


    Thanks for your understanding!

  6. Tanny yelped in surprise as Guido and Nuncio started rearranging the tables, including the one she had been sitting at, and stepped back quickly lest she ended back under said table.


    Hm... well, might be quieter under it anyway... Not that it would work, anyway - she had no doubt that Mynx would drag her out by her proverbial tail. Tanny chuckled wearily, making herself comfortable again at one end of the now longer table. Her eyebrows rose minimally when Tzimfemme entered the room, and she followed the figure with her eyes.


    Animal women?! She sighed, and went back to her wine. The expression had ceased to have meaning for her long ago, but sometimes...

  7. I've started a comment thread for this story at the Critic's Corner, to not break the flow of the story being told here by cross-posting comments. Any who has access to that subforum is welcomed there! Sillytune - that thread is also yours, so please feel free to use it as you see fit for your purposes! =)

  8. This is a first try, mostly to get the hang of it... it almost makes sense :P


    Fewer futures for a junior rooster -
    rumor came, sooner than smoother;
    a trooper, a tutor, a producer
    - all with humor to fit a suitor -
    smiled at the Ruler - sewer cougar
    (sutured smile, jewels of pewter)
    mover of worlds, super-user
    (and abuser).
    Born as a looter, grown as a tumor
    - his destiny was to be the mover;
    redo the sutures, stop the looter
    create the peace, name the shooter.

    Fewer futures for a junior rooster...
    stay too low - no future for the neuter
    climb too high - become the loser.

    • Like 1
  9. Slow gray clouds

    like the thoughts that haunt me

    cross the skies

    of the scenes of my life

    The winds picks up

    as the stream of time rushes

    spread the clouds

    into thin veils of memory.


    Slow gray clouds

    haunting the skies

    vanishing storm

    waiting for the dawn.



    New line: Liquid fire from olden days

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  10. A black wolf lifted her head from the place she had been dozing - truly making company to Degorram, apparently - and grinned at seeing the new Applicant. Wagging her tail once and hiding a yawn, Tanny sat down and tilted her head, following Degorram's expression as the Changeling read the parchment.


    Chuckling at the creaking - complaining, really - door, Tanny swatted it with her tail as she went to peek over the Application, before turning to Sillytune with a smile.


    "Welcome to the Pen, Sillytune. You will probably find me poking my nose here and there around the Keep, so whatever you need, you can also ask me. In addition to what Degorram said, I could suggest you to visit the Cabaret Room for small talk. Usually you can also get news of any activities around the Keep; I happen to have posted something just recently about them. Hope you have fun with us!"


    She flapped a paw when the new Initiate tilted his head curiously at her - a talking wolf? - and chuckled softly. "You'll soon find more about me - maybe you want to visit the Piazza of Portraits at some point, if you do go check the Walls! Happy exploring!"


    Without much more, and with a somewhat enigmatic glint in her eyes, Tanny quickly trotted out from the room, letting Degorram know that she'd be back later.


    • Like 1
  11. One of those fun mortals! There was glee - or what one would call glee - in the creature’s eyes. It grinned, with way too many teeth. Ignoring the stick on fire, it ambled towards the running group.


    It was faster than one would think.

  12. Finally my brain's working enough to actually read...


    I think Peredhil summarized my own thoughts.

    Besides what he said, and going beyond (or not as far as) the thought content in your Code - I'd like to tell you that some parts of what you wrote sound and feel very like a poem for me, especially from the way to 'formatted' it. Especially like the part below:


    I write all of this
    I live my life, and my code.
    Voices are projection of me.
    I will not be afraid of loneliness, i always have myself.

    Don't rush yourself and things that you do for yourself
    ~ So you could be there in time for other people.
    Your time, My time, is for me, is for you
    No one matters more than me & you
    But, do help when you can because you want to do so, without any rush
    Without expecting anything in return.


    Maybe because you're a musician, it flows like some sort of lyrics. It also invites thought/reflection, and I like it.

    I'd be curious whether you ever tried your hand at poetry :-)

  13. Hello, Silly - welcome to the Pen! I'm known around as Mynx's brainwin... you might have heard about me :P

    Looking forward to seeing more of you around! I'm sorry for not giving feedback on your post above, but currently I'm having a hard time focusing on reading (headache, sorry). Just wanted to welcome you to the Keep!

  14. Tentative character:

    Tennison, daughter of the local innkeeper


    In her early twenties, she's a very no-nonsense kind of girl. Helps running the inn, and can be found either tending to the tables or to the kitchen, or even the bar counter. Not many dare to cross her, though she is pretty of face and body, and knows how to have fun (of the kind she chooses and appreciates).


    We'll see how this goes :P

  15. Of one thing I'm certain:

    survival is for the fittest,

    the future, for the strongest.

    Wings that flap,

    brain focused on grain

    - round body full of promises.

    Predator on my own,

    eyes locked on golden skin,

    of this, I'm certain:

    glistening in invitation,

    juicy promises will fulfill

    my dreams as a cook.

    What a great roast!



    New line: Droplets of water glinting in the shadows

  16. The fear was interesting. It fed his hunger. The way the castaways looked at him, also. It always amused him, the reactions he got whenever he appeared. He didn’t even need to move, just look - and the range of emotions changed, mutated, and tickled him.



    OOC: just to make it clear, "him" refers to the creature - wendigo or whatever (who knows) - that appeared; I tried the neutral form and it was too confusing.

  17. *shudders* I hate spiders, so sorry but I'd have to go with killing it... if I can do it from a safe distance and without crushing it!! (ok, bug spray; no, don't ask me if it's one of those hairy tarantulas. Probably scream for help? Get a broom and sweep it out? :P)


    Book or movie?

  18. She looked through the window, and let her mind wander. Snowflakes swirled, blown this way and that by the capricious wind - not quite a breeze, but nothing close to strong. The world was almost all black and white, all colors hidden by the slowly growing blanket, or fading into the shadows. Her memory suddenly focused on a distant city, and a street that she had once known as well as her own home. That afternoon, it had been also covered in snow, and world was grayed out. A sillouette walked away from her, slightly hunched, carrying what had been her most precious belonging.

    She shuddered, but the memory didn't want to fade away - not yet. The sillouette was still walking, becoming more and more hazy in the distance, and still she had had no heart to also leave. She had wanted to cry out, to stop the very Time, to bring what was - had been - her Self back. But at the same time, she knew she had to let go. She had to let the white blanket erase the memories, and the world.

    She closed her eyes. Memory hadn't been erased, though the world as she knew it had. However, she didn't need to look through the window anymore to know what was there - the world as it had once been was gone; but the world that had replaced it was also too close to an end.

    She willed the white blanket to shroud the memories. To take them somewhere - to the past, to the sillouette that turned and gazed at her from the depths of her mind.

  19. It's said that a picture is worth a thousand words. The challenge proposed is to write a short piece/paragraph/excerpt - anything you wish, really - inspired by the picture below, as long as it's Prose and it's under a thousand words (okay - roughly).


    If you, however, wish to turn your words into poetry, please post in the Banquet room with a link to this activity!

    Or maybe you feel tempted to start a RP based on it? So the place is the Conservatory.

    Is it longer than a thousand words? Then by all means- it deserves its own thread here at the Assembly!


    In any form, your efforts are welcome!



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