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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Posts posted by Tanuchan

  1. Thanks to Mynx for the ideas and writing with me :)






    “But now we need to find YOU a costume, dear Wuffie,”


    “Me?” Tanny asked innocently. “I’ve already got my costume.”


    At Mynx’s frown of confusion, Tanny grinned and held out her arms. “I’m just going to change into wolf form and go as the Big Bad Wolf!”


    “Oh no you don’t,” Mynx growled. “You don’t get to tie me into a torture device of a dress only to not dress up yourself.”


    “Well what do you suggest, Kitty? I could go maybe as a Billy Bumbler?”


    “A poodle would be a better fit.”


    “Only if you go as a Faery Godmother. You’re already dressed halfway into that...’ She tugged at Mynx’ skirts, batting down the bump her tail had created again.


    Mynx hissed, and before Tanny could move, she tackled her to the ground and pulled a tin of paint seemingly out of nowhere.

    “Maybe not a poodle then, but I think at the very least we should add some stripes…you’d make a very fetching tiger you know, Tanny.”


    “What the-ACK!” Tanny spluttered as Mynx began to paint orange and black stripes all over her body. A wrestling match ensued, and when Tanny finally escaped, it was with a full body’s worth of orange and black paint. Frowning at the feline, Tanny concentrated and changed into her wolf form, thinking the paint would be removed when the fur grew out.


    Feeling triumphant, Tanny-wolf looked down at herself to see…black and orange paint still decorating her. She let out a growl of frustration that reduced Mynx to helpless giggles on the floor.


    “Kitty what did you DO?” Tanny yelled as she shimmered back to a painted human form.


    “It’s just a spell, Tanny,” Mynx chuckled. “I’ll lift it after the party and the paint will wash right off.”


    Tanny sighed, looking at herself again in the mirror. “I look quite ridiculous, you know...”


    Mynx grinned, “You need the matching ears and tail...” She giggled, waving her paw and muttering a chant.


    “No, wai....” Tanny felt a strange itching at the base of her back and top of her head, before the itch was replaced with the appropriate appendages. She turned with a grimace, only to frown in confusion. The paint had stretched to cover the ears and tail too…but they weren’t in the least feline.


    “Kitty, this is a wolf’s tail...” She raised an eyebrow, swishing the tail, “It’s more than that, it’s my tail!”


    Mynx frowned and checked the spell she’d cast, before letting out a shrug. “Maybe the spell just adapted to your own magic, Wuffie. You are more wolf than you’ll ever be cat.”


    “I suppose.” Tanny giggled then, noticing a discarded cheerleader outfit and having an idea.

    “How about I go as CheerMynx?” she suggested, getting a wide grin from Mynx in response.


    Moments later, Tanny was admiring herself in the mirror – a human with a wolf’s tail, painted in tiger stripes, and dressed as a cheerleader. It certainly was an interesting costume. To cap it off, Mynx had donned a blonde wig on Tanny’s head, before handing her the pompoms.


    “There,” Mynx grinned, looking at Tanny once more with the aid of a kitten, “MUCH better!”


    Laughing, Tanny attempted to giggle the way she’d heard CheerMynx laugh.

    “So do we like truly go to the party now?”


    “It’s ‘totally’, Wuffie,” Mynx chuckled, already hearing a quiet wail of protest in the back of her mind at the perceived mockery. “And yes, let’s go to the party.”

  2. Danelle felt more than saw Dan's frown, but she spared a smile for the Ninja Pirate in front of her. "Yes, mobs are dangerous. I'm grateful nothing else has happened so far, but people are getting restless..." Dan squeezed her hand, while she tried to place the boy in front of her. One of the mail boys? This tall, that voice...


    "Is that you, Jimmy?"


    The boy seemed surprised, not sure what to make of the fact Danelle didn't recognize him until she pointed oud, "That ninja hood doesn't really make you easy to spot, you know..."


    "Oh... yeah.... " He gulped, looking back at the room. "Who do you think did it?"


    "I don't think we'll find out that easily... I don't know whether someone from within the company hates us so much." She paused, and looked at Rachel. And then saw Zane tagging Kelly. There was a faint look of disgust in her face.



    OOC: vote for Mardrax/Rachel

  3. Quick notice

    I've cleaned up this thread so that it actually reflects its topic - Q&A!! We'll keep using this as the "mod sign-up" thread, plus a sounding thread (:P) for ideas of games. However, I'll be pruning the thread from time to time, leaving just:

    1- the posts that reflect questions about the game;

    2- some interesting concepts not yet developed into a game;

    3- suggestions about the game in general

    4- latest modding sign-up lists

    5- latest "theme pitches"


    If there is some post that you don't want deleted for some reason (for example, ideas you have), I'd advise to keep them in a file somewhere else ;) Expect a pruning every couple months or so, so that this thread doesn't again swells into a giant one!


    Thank you :)

  4. Ran and Sora


    We surely welcome you to RP with us, but unfortunately after signup is closed there is no way that you actually play the game wtih us (that is, being able to vote and discuss IC the possible culprits). However, I think it is still possible for you to simply RP as NPCs, that is, bystanders from the point of view of the game. That just means that you can RP and interact, but you cannot accuse anyone, nor influence anyone's votes.


    Of course, that does depend on the mod of the game -- since there is a chance that the players get confused about who is a possible target and who is not. I'm sure Mynx will be around shortly to answer if you would be able to RP/interact without being part of the "whodunit" ;) But in case she considers better not, for the sake of clarity for the other players, then please come back for next game!! Shouldn't take too long for us to have another one starting, and then we'll PM you so you're able to sign up.


    I do hope to be able to play and RP with you, now or in the future! :)

  5. Hrmmmm.... Ozy is next, and I think he has some time for that one... then me.. I might manage it too this time.... Vene possibly can also... not sure about Katz, haven't seen her around for a bit. Patrick is normally also available. I'd say you'd have close to two months possibly ;) Since near the Holidays I'm not sure how many people would actually be able to participate, probably even a bit more (unless those before you can't mod) :)




    Mod Master List - update

    • WW XXXVII - Ozy (Matrix)
    • WW XXXVIII - Tanny (Jordan's Wheel of Time or King Arthur/Avalon)
    • WW XXXIX - Venefyxatu (post-nuclear or Romans)
    • WW XL - Katz (twisty game... :P)
    • WW XLI - Patrick (possibly Narnia)
    • WW XLII - Gryphon (theme to come)
    MIA mods-to-be... if any of you want back in the list, please drop a post/pm :)


    - Savage Dragon (Super-heroes)

    - Merelas (back to basics... possibly)

  6. To all mods and mods-to-be


    We've had a somewhat big stream of newcomers to the boards, who have never played or heard of a Werewolf game. So please, I'll be suggesting you that, to avoid problems with people who are unaware of the rules and the need of a sign-up, to post first of all in the Game Thread a warning. This would ideally state that a sign-up is needed, and give a link to the OOC Thread and perhaps to the rules of the game, as well as clearly stating whether the signup is open (and the deadline for new sign-ups). In this way I believe that it'll be more enjoyable for all, and give new people the chance to observe a game in progress :)


    Also, if any of the mods is up to it, I see no problem in having NPCs played by members who didn't have the chance to sign-up; it must just be made very clear that they can't vote, influence votes, speculate on the identity of the special roles... and obviously, that they cannot be voten on!


    Hope this helps!




    Edit: Adding the list of mods-to-be :)


    Mod Master List - update

    • WW XXXVII - Ozy (Matrix)
    • WW XXXVIII - Tanny (Jordan's Wheel of Time or King Arthur/Avalon)
    • WW XXXIX - Venefyxatu (post-nuclear or Romans)
    • WW XL - Katz (twisty game... :P)
    • WW XLI - Patrick (possibly Narnia)

    MIA mods-to-be... if any of you want back in the list, please drop a post/pm :)


    - Savage Dragon (Super-heroes)

    - Merelas (back to basics... possibly)

  7. Danelle relaxed, glad for Dan's idea of getting some fresh air. And once relaxed, her mind started working again. She looked at all the costumed guests, recognizing some of them. She recalled what she knew of them, sometimes things she had come to know through her work and others through the grapevine. She wasn't really sure who could be a murderer, though she also knew that psychotic attacks might come all of a sudden on the most unsuspecting people.


    Her eyes wandered again, and were caught by Dan's legs. She smiled, murmuring, "Yes, you should have shaved. Next time I'll include that in the bet."


    Dan snorted, muttering something about never betting again, and she rested a light hand on his belly. "Wanna bet?" She grinned, and Dan chuckled in answer.


    A crashing sound, followed by something that reminded Danelle of guinea pigs' squeaks, made her turn sharply back to the tables. She wasn't sure of the meaning of what she saw, but frowned at the tall Necromancer guy. And then grimaced at the sharp female voice complaining soon afterwards.


    And who is that woman? Does she have no notion of propriety? She shook her head, also noticing Zane talking to Mia. Well, seems as much as that one...




    OOC: vote for Mardrax/Rachel

  8. Even if I'm not fond of giving (even receiving, honestly) harsh feedback (;)) I think your suggestion is great, Gwai! I can even think of a few occasions when I myself would like to receive a bit more in terms of feedback... would be nice to be able to ask people to do that.

  9. Danelle did have some pride on the fact that she could control herself rather well, and probably no one in the company had seen her in less than perfect control in any business situation.


    But that definitely didn't include having a dead Playmate drop from the railing. Danelle heard her own scream and blushed, just half-aware that she had instinctively sought refuge in Dan's arms, who was right now wrapping his arms around her protectively after having dragged her back from the ruined table and remains of the unfortunate girl.


    She took her time trying to control her racing heart, closing eyes and mentally going through the quick meditation steps that usually allowed her to calm herself in most situations. A corner of her mind gibbered about the sight of a wolf being hugged by Little Red Riding Hood, but she discarded it without any qualms. As her orderly mind acknowledged what Mia and Mr. Corban were saying, she already knew the danger they were in -- unless the murderer had somehow gotten out of the Hotel before it was sealed, he or she was still lurking there.


    She noticed Dan's eyes surveying the room, and pinpointing where his daughters were. She knew he cared deeply about both in spite of his dismantling marriage, and drew comfort from the way he still kept her safe in her arms while trying to get near the brats.


    "Dan, your daughters... not good for them to see me here...."


    "You're just an employee in a wolf costume. Don't you think I'll leave you here with someone playing a wolf for real in this fold."




    OOC: No vote yet

  10. Clarification needed:


    Mynx, please, can you clarify whether Sora Hikari and Ran Yoko have signed up for the game and, if so, whether they were included at the drawing of the roles? Because while I welcome any new player to RP with us, if they have not signed up/been assigned a role then they should not, for the sake of the game part, be allowed to vote. This will skewer the game in favor of one of the sides (villager one, possibly), since everybody knows they have no special role and so they'll be spared from both lynchng and night killings.


    If they have signed up and you just forgot to update the List of Players, just let us know ;)





  11. *checks it*


    Ahh, I see the problem - go to the bottom of the page, you'll see that by default it shows only the posts from last 30 days :) Just choose "Show All" and you'll see the rest of the threads.


    Also, it's not that there's only three threads open for criticism. Sometimes the author opens a thread by himself if he wishes feedback, but most of times we start a feedback thread when we want to give it. So, if you read something and thinks it's promising and you want to help by criticizing it, just start a thread at the Critic's Corner.


    Just wanting to know cause jee! If I post a piece and I get like, 1 crit, that's not much help you know?

    Well... I'll be honest with this -- sometimes it takes some time before feedback appears, and it might not appear at all. Doesn't mean that people are not reading, just that they either don't feel comfortable giving feedback for one reason or another, or because they do not (unfortunately) have the time to post their thoughts. However, if you do ask for feedback in your post, there is a good chance that people do answer. But please, be aware that not all will give you the harsh criticism you ask in your profile :) Those who feel capable of doing it will, I'm sure of it.



    Edit: About your question on Poetry - we do not have a special room for Poetry feedback, not for the general public anyway. But we do have a Poetry Guild that should be able to help you and where you'll probalby find what you need. Unfortunately it's not open for non-members, but I think you can PM Cryptomancer or Norman The Runt about it to ask for more information.

  12. why can't we post stuff we've posted elsewhere?

    Sorry, I haven't made myself clear... usually old works, that have been posted elsewhere or under another nickname/pen name, go into the Library. It is mostly to let people know that they may find it elsewhere, or that it's a "closed" work already (usually there are no comments at the Library). I particularly see no problem in posting your work in the normal areas if you intend to get feedback on them; though it might be good to point out you have posted it in other forums too. Probably someone who delves more in the Library than this wolf-lady here can clarify things better, as I myself rarely deal with the Library :P

  13. Greetings, Preprise. It's always a pleasure to welcome new members to the Pen.


    We appreciate all honest, constructive feedback. However, there are some characteristics to the Pen that you should be aware of. First of them is that it's not always that members post with the purpose, or sole purpose, of getting feedback. Then, there's also those of us who are rather sensitive to harsh words even when they're not intended to hurt or to be taken personally - I would recommend to take some care when commenting poems (Banquet Room). So, I would suggest that, when you choose to give feedback, check first the profile of the person posting - we have a field where we indicate the kind of feedback we're looking for, if any.


    As a tip, also, the most in-depth feedback and criticism is usually given in specific rooms; for example, we have the Critic's Corner (a subforum of Assembly room) specifically for stories/prose. If later on you decide to apply to the Pen (visit the Recruiter's Office!), there are inner rooms that become available as you progress in membership. Some of them (the Guilds) do provide an environment that encourages criticism.


    We don't have a Forum Rules thread, but you will find some information at the FAQ. Also, each room usually has, among the stickied threads, some guidelines for posting. As a general conduct guideline, we value politeness, respect, and consideration for each other's thoughts/styles/points of view. If you keep this in mind, you will hardly have trouble fitting in with us.


    As a rule of thumb, poetry goes into the Banquet Room, stories in Assembly, role-playing in Conservatory. Works that you have posted somewhere else, or not from yourself, go into the Library. General chit-chat, preferably RP'd but not mandatory, goes into the Cabaret Room.


    Hope you enjoy our home, and if you have any doubts or problems, feel free to PM any of us. :)

  14. "You look delicious, you know?"


    Dan almost jumped at the whisper in his ear, turning to meet the bright eyes of Danelle-wolf. She looked amused as she checked him from head to toes, and he pulled at his skirt again.


    "Stop that, dear," she took his hands away from the skirt. "The skirt is okay, and you do look good in red."


    "Danelle, I swear you'll never hear the end of this..." He pulled the hood over his head, shadowing his face so others wouldn't see his grin.


    She smiled, and Dan caught himself looking at her soft lips. "How sweet your lips are, grandma..." he murmured, touching them. Danelle caught his hand again, smiling. "The right line is, how big your mouth is, grandma."


    "Argh... why did you have to choose Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf? Couldn't be Prince Charming and the Sleeping Beauty?"


    "Well, there was some appeal in the thought of you being a little girl instead of a wolf, youk know," she teased, for a moment glancing in the general direction of the sweets table. There was a lot of giggling and quite some rustling coming from there, and she shook her head. "Your twins are really in character as the Weasley twins."


    "I'm glad they are not mages... you have no idea what they're able to do just as normal girls...."


    Danelle smiled again, then her eyes caught sight of Dan's legs. "You should have shaved."


    He groaned, pulling at his skirts again. The Wolf kissed his cheek, giggling, and slapped his behind not quite discreetly.


    "Danelle! Stop this! What have you been drinking?!"


    "Nothing more than you, Dan. Come on, relax... this is a party. Forget business, and forget the office please. You aren't immediately recognizable without your beard and with that hood up; and certainly no one expects Miss Efficiency to be teasing a "little girl"."


    Dan looked again at Danelle, who was indeed pretty far from the everyday efficient, business-like secretary. She was elegant as always, but he wolf half-mask covered her face and freckles; the velvet dark-gray hooded blouse and pants gave the right impression of wolf fur, and the tip of the attached tail was artfully hooked in one of her wrists.


    "Do wolves keep their tails lashed to their paws?" He tugged at it, and noticed some strands of glossy coppery hair escaping from her hood.


    "Wolves usually don't have to worry about tripping on their own tails...."


    Both of them smiled, then left that private corner to join the others, chatting as good friends.

  15. Danelle waited by the door, smiling behind the wolf mask. She was rather curious to see Dan wearing his costume, and was prepared to act the wolf as soon as he put a foot into the party. She laughed quietly, remembering his face when he had lost the bet and had to agree to her mischievous suggestion for the party costume.


    Shame that his family is around.... I hope those brattish twins behave. Though being a wolf gives me some good excuses.... She smiled again. It was good to be able to be anonymous, and off her strictly-business look.

  16. Or rather, Stephen tried do drif back into sleep. There was something nagging him, and soon he found out that his mind was screaming rather forcefully back at him.


    Well, not exactly his mind. There was a most definite Wolf-Ladyish tone to that voice, though some words were not ladyish at all...


    :: Stephen Von Hascodem de Tinservale! I am talking to you so you better wake up! ::


    That reminded him too much of four things he wanted to forget: first, his headache; second, his name; third, his mother and fourth, his headache. As a result of the shock of this last thought, he opened his eyes just to be sure that the Lady Sepultra remained well away from his current rooms.


    Or branches.


    The invective of swear words that came after that made him blink a few times and shake his head. Which reminded him why he was so quiet to start with. Flinching, he grumbled. "I should wash your mouth with soap... those are not words suitable for a wolf-lady... or any kind of lady whatsoever."


    Tanny stopped mid-sentence, blinking, when a feather whirled down in front of her. Carefully, she took her hands to her hair and found a mess of feathers all tangled up. She sighed, and glowered at the half-asleep ranger. Then, she looked thoughtfully down at the ground, then back straight at Stephen. Her lips curved in a smile, as she sweetened her voice.


    "Ok, dear Ranger.... I apologize for all the poking... now, we need to go down there." She pointed to the ground, and she knew very well Stephen couldn't say how far that was.


    "Go ahead. I'll be with you after I sleep these headaches off." He turned on his side, the branches under him creaking and opening a bit - enough for one of his legs dangle out and make him try to scramble for purchase.


    "You were saying...?" Tanny nudged the branches a bit more with the earth threads she had collected with her skill, and some leaves tickled Stephen's nose.


    Stephen, suddenly annoyed at not getting his sleep, muttered "All right, let's go down then." Without skipping a beat, he launched himself towards Tanny, throwing both of them off-balance and heading rapidly towards the earth ...


    Air threads flowed out under them, instinctively and awkwardly woven.


    With a mighty THUD, Stephen landed heavily but unharmed on the ground. And on top of his stomach, just a tad less heavily, a tanuki followed curled up in a tight ball.


    Groggily, Stephen reconsidered the "unharmed" part as Tanny nimbly jumped off him and sat on the ground, grooming her tail.

  17. Hearing someone singing softly in Wyvern's room, a curious wolf poked her nose in. Among the already familiar smells - things didn't seem to have changed much since her last visit to the Recruiter's Office some while ago - Tanny got a rather appetizing scent.


    Hmmm.... smells like a snack... She grinned in an amused way, guessing it was from either Wyvern's most recent victim, or Wyvern's next victim. Shame that my diet definitely doesn't include talking, sentient funny guinea pigs...


    A wet nose poked Blby's back while he was singing, which made his last verse finish in a mighty squeak. Blby looked at the big black wolf, and was greeted by a big licking tongue that wet him thoroughly.


    Tanny couldn't avoid laughing at the small guinea pig's reaction, and lay down in front of him with a grin. She wasn't sure that he could listen to mindspeech, but she hoped he remembered her from the Cabaret Room. Though, of course, there was the small point of Venefyxatu having teleported her out and up a tree before she could present herself to the small guest.


    :: Greetings, Blby... didn't expect you to be visiting that lizard so soon! Beware his... special offers.::


    She lowered her head to the floor, so her nose was level with Blby's belly. She winked, and decided to make him company while he waited for Wyvern.

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