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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Posts posted by Ayshela

  1. Justice is, indeed, a fair god.

    i would hope for what i cannot ask for... mercy...

    but having not found it yet, i'm not sure i can hope any more.



    this probably didn't mean to me what it did to you when you wrote it, but the two lines which most struck me with a resonating "oh yes!" were


    Patches of hate

    Mingle with friends and family.

    everything for nothing...

    isn't that so often the way of it?


    Meh.. i haven't anything to say that probably makes a nickel's worth of sense, but... *nod* yeah. i hear you.

  2. HOW in heaven's name did i not see this on one of my flying trips through the halls here???


    i love it.


    especially with the conversations we've had about favorite writing instruments, etc (though i don't believe we've covered favorite paper yet.. there's an idea! lol)


    my little bitty mind boggles at the idea of writing anything once and never editing it, but perhaps some are clever enough to get it right the first time. i never have been.


    but, yes, i love this. eccentric to the end, and yet in a way most could nod and smile to themselves about, seeing themselves in bits of it.



  3. Ayshela had nearly quit blushing by the time she wandered through the Cabaret Room and saw the crowd gathered around a lengthy parchment on the wall.


    Hmm... i just bet i know what that is! she mumbled to herself, veering over to peek over the heads of the crowd gathered around it.


    Goodness, the dear Madame is drawing quite an impressive crowd. From all i've heard she's never, ever, ever been wrong. i wonder...


    Ayshela stood pondering for several moments as the crowd in front of her pushed through and signed the list and left. There were only a couple people left to hear her say,


    Well, even if she predicts another outbreak of betrayal and pain, it would be nice to know where it's coming from this time.


    With a quick step Ayshela hurried to the parchment, signed her name on to the bottom of the lengthy list, nodded absently to the startled pair who overheard her, and vanished out of doors.

  4. *giggles*

    who EVER put the morning people in charge anyway???

    Though i've heard the theory proposed that they just snuck in and took over while we far more reasonable people were still asleep...



    had slept about 45 minutes at that point and drunk most of a pot of coffee, well, except for a cup each for the two girls still at home...


    dropped my youngest off for girls' camp and had the kids to take to swimming lessons and to meet friends and run them around and take Paul's mom to the doctor in the middle of that and take her home and pick the kids up and move them from one place to another and then after a while take two of 'em home and go back and pick mine up and bring them home and feed them and take Paul off for a couple errands and then gather mine up again and take them in to the coffee shop for Jazz night, for which they brought aNOTHer friend along, and we left there at about 11:20 last night and came and dropped their friend off at home and stopped to pick up milk and came home and i think everyone fell over and died shortly after that...


    and it's just amazing what caffeine, sleep dep, and a full schedule can do...


    *giggles madly and runs off again*

  5. *POUNCE*

    *hugs the ENTIRE PEN population*





    just wanted to say that!



    runs away on her full quota of sleep deprivation and hauls a full carload of teenagers about on their schedule of stuff-to-do


    giggles madly

  6. Alaeha, stop stealing my songs! :P

    ahh well, i'll share.


    "In The End" and "My December" by Linkin Park, and "My Immortal" by Evanescence run close enough as is.


    If i had to have someone compose and perform a brand new song - it would probably be composed by Stabbing Westward, performed by Evanescence, and titled "Teetering" or "Throwaway" or some such.

  7. Yay!!!

    Nyyark's birthday!!


    Ayshela dances about passing out party hats and noisemakers


    What? Asleep?


    Looking back at the crowd, all of whom are clearly unwilling to give up their noisemakers, Ayshela sighs softly.


    Oh dear. Remind me to apologize to Peredhil when these hooligans wake him, will you?




    Happy Birthday, Nyyark! Welcome to the dubious world of being legally as adult as your intelligence and perspectives have made you long since.


  8. Ayshela wanders into the hall eagerly awaiting the chance to congratulate her new friends on the acknowledgement of their accomplishments. Upon hearing her own name called she turns a startled face toward the podium. Realizing that she has been promoted to Quill-Bearer, she is overcome with shock and faints where she stands. Fortunately no one else was in her corner of the room, so no harm was done.


    Umm, *gasp* umm, *blush* thank you!


    Congratulations, you all. i don't believe i saw a name on the list that surprised me in the least. You're a most deserving bunch and i'm thrilled for you all!

  9. half the meaning of a poem is brought to it by the author.

    the other half is brought to it by the reader.


    that the author may have intended meaningless fluff does NOT negate the meaning the words may have in the lives of those who read the words and find something within them that touches their soul.


    Poetry is a medium of sharing life's experiences

    words are the tools we use to do so


    ANY time you put words here to be read, whatever you may have intended, what those words mean to someone else may be very different.


    to you, perhaps it's garbage.

    to someone else, it may have been just what they needed to make sense of a moment in their life.


    would you call that sense, which you helped them to find, garbage?

  10. *nod*

    loss is loss, death and departure are two aspects of the same thing as far as the heart is concerned.



    Sorciere -


    i hope the warmth of what you had can soon flow back in to fill the aching, bleeding void.

  11. *nod*

    oh, you definitely get the power struggle throughout the rest of it. i wasn't in any way trying to say that was missing. i'm just personally fond of some of the "cuttable" opening paragraphs because (and this is a good example of it) in the"this is how i got here" setup of the story there's a lot of good stuff. That one paragraph took longer to read than the rest of the story in entirety because it's very thought provoking.


    i'm not saying there isn't a discrepancy in voice from the opening to the story itself. i'm not even saying that there isn't a point to be made for cutting it. i'm just saying it's on its own good stuff and i'd hate to see it lost.


    that's all.

  12. Gods in heaven, the rain is blinding, even with the wipers on high. Downpouring rain mixed with oily spray from the other vehicles on the road shortens visibility and forces my straying thoughts fully back to driving. I'm so tired. I'm glad your flight included such a long layover. It's been years since we could wander aimlessly about, speaking of anything - or nothing - in our own two part harmony. I've missed that. I've missed you.


    Now i've set you winging your way back home. I've a hundred miles of freeway on which to hear your voice, feel your gentle touch, watch as you take back that part of my heart which is always with you - and walk away again.


    Now i must watch my driving. This morning the heavens cry for me, since i cannot.

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