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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Posts posted by Ayshela

  1. oh YEAH! scorecard! sheesh...


    the cast list remains the same, due to NPC kill.


    Your current scorecard:


    Tanuchan - Cornelia Chesterfield

    Finnius - Ed the Fish

    Mithrandin - Dennis Cleaver (DC)


    Merelas - Jordan Mountjoy, innocent villager - first lynching

    Patrick - Pierre Legrand, SEER - first wolf kill

    Verileah - Milo, innocent villager - second lynching

    Giles Jordan - Giles Jordan, innocent villager - second wolf kill

    Venefyxatu - Ebinezer Marlend, innocent villager - third lynching

    NPC Kill - the Mayor's secretary - third wolf kill

  2. Everyone was late coming in the next day, as if they saw their dwindling numbers and hesitated long enough to decide whether they wanted to risk even being there. Officer Craig was alone in the building, taking the opportunity to thoroughly search for any signs of further danger - or any clues to what was behind the "accidents" so many of the artists had suffered. Having found nothing conclusive in the main part of the gallery, he made his way back toward the staff room to call in his report.


    Well, he started back. There was some sort of whimper and a faint thumping noise coming from the closet nearest the staff room. Even with daylight streaming in the doorway he didn't immediately see anyone. He almost mistook the crumpled figure on the floor for someone's carelessly discarded coat. He bent over and touched her arm. Her swift ascent into screaming, flailing hysterics took him by surprise and he fell back, blocking the doorway. He caught her as she rose and tried to bolt through the door - through him - and recognized her as the Mayor's secretary. What she was doing there was unclear, as was how she had gotten locked into the closet. She'd never have walked into it. It was well known that she was claustrophobic, and some had suspected she was still afraid of the dark. (Not that many people weren't, lately.)


    However long she'd been trapped there, it had been long enough to push her right over the edge. Officer Craig called for an ambulance and did his best to keep her safely restrained without hurting her.


    As they wheeled her away, sedated but still mumbling, he sighed heavily. One more already, and the gallery was barely open for the day. He braced himself against the creeping dread of it being a very long and anxious day.



    OOC: No PC kill this night phase. You've one lynching left to find the wolf. I'll close this one out Saturday night. Happy hunting! =)

  3. Still at the hospital here, waiting for the doc to come let me know he's done with my roommate's surgery. Will try to get the post up (again, have had to abandon it partway typed up three times already in the last couple days).


    One way or the other, we're going in to the LAST lynching phase, so get your thinking caps on - or your dice, whichever. ;)

  4. I'm sorry about the extreme lateness of this. Had to pick NightFae up much earlier than expected Friday, spent all of Saturday in the ER with her, and most of last night up as well.


    This is more than likely the last phase change - with extreme luck on the baner's part, the next to last. ;) Changing over to Day phase or posting the game ending at 6pm Monday.


    Your current scorecard:


    Tanuchan - Cornelia Chesterfield

    Finnius - Ed the Fish

    Mithrandin - Dennis Cleaver (DC)


    Merelas - Jordan Mountjoy, innocent villager - first lynching

    Patrick - Pierre Legrand, SEER - first wolf kill

    Verileah - Milo, innocent villager - second lynching

    Giles Jordan - Giles Jordan, innocent villager - second wolf kill

    Venefyxatu - Ebinezer Marlend, innocent villager - third lynching

  5. Visitors to the Gallery were almost a rare occurence now. Thus far, whatever was killing people had settled for artists and a city worker, but no one wanted to risk being caught in a case of mistaken identity. The artists kept a wary eye on each other, not wanting to look paranoid but not wanting to be the next casualty either.


    Lunch time came with little fanfare. There was no change in the number of visitors, since the one person in the gallery neither seemed hungry nor in a hurry to get back to work, and the lunch hour brought no one in. There was no one to join her in frightened screaming as Ebenizer dropped his mug of soup, then joined it on the floor.


    Officer Craig rushed in, calling for an ambulance as he came over to Ebenizer. He was still breathing, though barely. Officer Craig grabbed a bag and latex gloves so he could gather the pieces of Ebenizer's shattered mug and as much of the remaining soup as possible before the paramedics arrived. "Poisoning a man's soup - that's just wrong," he muttered as he sealed the bag.


    The paramedics took Ebenizer and the gallery visitor to the hospital - he for suspected poisoning, she for shock.


    OOC: One of these days the tied votes are going to end up in the death of one of the specials. I'm amazed it hasn't happened already!


    Ebenizer was hospitalized by poisoned chicken soup. He was an innocent villager.


    It is now Night Phase - specials, PM me your targets. You have until 6pm Monday. =)

  6. Your current scorecard:


    Venefyxatu - Ebinezer Marlend

    Tanuchan - Cornelia Chesterfield

    Finnius - Ed the Fish

    Mithrandin - Dennis Cleaver (DC)


    Merelas - Jordan Mountjoy, innocent villager - first lynching

    Patrick - Pierre Legrand, SEER - first wolf kill

    Verileah - Milo, innocent villager - second lynching

    Giles Jordan - Giles Jordan, innocent villager - second wolf kill


    Day phase will end Thursday evening.

  7. The evening wore on, distracted people rushing about or wandering aimlessly, whispered conferences sharing ideas of where Milo might have gone or complete confusion as to what might have happened to him. No one paid attention to Giles sitting back quietly reading his book. The few who stopped to chat on their way out for the day were simply told he hadn't finished the chapter, and then ignored.


    Officer Craig forced his temper back down and kept from slamming the gallery door behind him. Yet another crashing sound outside, and yet again no one there and nothing to see. Yet again a crashing sound from INside while he was OUTside, and yet again... no, this time there was someone there and something to see - someone who needed an ambulance.


    The ambulance left with the sheet-covered body of Giles, found head and shoulders underneath one of his sculptures with a rainbow torn from a magazine advertisement clutched in his hand. Officer Craig did not believe the falling sculpture explained all the bruises, or the blow to the side of Giles' head.


    OOC: Giles Jordan, innocent villager, was killed by the wolf. It is now DAY PHASE. Lock in your votes before 6pm Thursday please.

  8. Watched your daughter go offstage in one outfit, and walk back onstage thirty seconds later in a completely different outfit?

    Been thrilled to be able to say "I told you so!" =)

    Fallen asleep with the door locked and someone sitting in front of it, woken up alone with the door closed but unlocked, yet still known you were completely safe?

    Spent five minutes wandering the kitchen aimlessly trying to decide what to make for dinner?

    Asked everyone in the house what they wanted to eat, and when no one had an answer, decided they could feed themselves?

    Been more warm and sweaty at night than you were during the day?

    Been relieved when you hear thunder, because that means the weather is changing?

    Been astonished to find that for once, every single thing filling the schedule the next day is something of *yours*?

    Wished your scalp would finally just rip its way out of your head and be done with it?

    Had a cockatiel share your shower?

    Had said cockatiel burrow into the towel and lay an egg on your chest?

    Tried so hard to keep someone else's drug allergies straight that you realized you couldn't remember your own?

    Realized that relaxing enough to be able to go to sleep takes more energy than you have?

    Been so intensely glad for friends in an online community because they're the only ones who don't automatically assume you're insane?

  9. Your current scorecard:


    Venefyxatu - Ebinezer Marlend

    Tanuchan - Cornelia Chesterfield

    Giles Jordan - Giles Jordan

    Finnius - Ed the Fish (personal giggle for this one)

    Mithrandin - Dennis Cleaver (DC)


    Merelas - Jordan Mountjoy - DEAD, first lynching

    Patrick - Pierre Legrand - DEAD, first wolf kill

    Verileah - Milo - DEAD, second lynching


    Night phase will end Tuesday morning.

  10. No one was especially surprised that not all the artists were in their places when the Gallery opened again. After all, they'd been seen wandering about, coming in late, or leaving early the whole time. It wasn't until mid-afternoon that someone noticed Milo's protracted absence. Several curious and/or concerned questions to Officer Craig sent him off to find Milo - or to try to. There was no answer at his home. A search of his home (warrant in hand, of course) produced no Milo, and no clue where he might have gone. His car was parked in its usual place. No one remembered seeing him after Gallery closing, and no one remembered anything more than his usual near-paranoia.


    Milo had completely disappeared.


    OOC: randomness determines that the lynching victim is Verileah/Milo, innocent villager.


    It is now Night Phase. Specials, please PM your targets. Scorecard in the OOC thread.

  11. *Ayshela wanders in with a heaping platter of brownies. "Oh! I didn't realize there was already a cake here! Well, these can be backup in case we run out." The brownies are gently placed on a table near the cake. Ayshela then whirls and tacklehugs Patrick. "Happy Birthday! Wouldn't be a proper birthday without hugs, would it?"*



    OOC: A very happy birthday to you! Hope you have a splendid time!

  12. mmm. Would have put up a longer phase change post, but right now I can barely see to type. Will try to have something a little more fleshed out next time. :-S


    Meanwhile, the scorecard for your voting currently reads:


    Verileah - Milo

    Venefyxatu - Ebinezer Marlend

    Tanuchan - Cornelia Chesterfield

    Giles Jordan - Giles Jordan

    Finnius - Ed the Fish (personal giggle for this one)

    Mithrandin - Dennis Cleaver (DC)


    Merelas - Jordan Mountjoy - DEAD, first lynching

    Patrick - Pierre Legrand - DEAD, first wolf kill

  13. Pierre stayed behind long enough to hear a whispered comment from Officer Craig. Speculation and suspicion drifting across his face, he spent the day wandering town looking for someone he never saw - not even as he felt hands at his back, or as he twisted and fell from the rooftop overlooking the gallery.


    OOC: Patrick/Pierre was killed by the wolf - a good choice, as he was the Seer.


    It is now Day Phase, time for wolf hunting. Good luck! If all goes well - or somewhere close to as planned - this phase will end Saturday evening. RP all you want between now and then - it makes the story fun for everyone - but please have votes posted by 6pm Saturday.


    Scorecard in the OOC thread.

  14. Early visitors were greeted by the flashing lights of an ambulance parked at the gallery entrance. Three policemen ushered all the staff members out to the sidewalk and tried to keep them separate from the growing crowd. A reporter ran up and started shouting questions to the policemen, but broke off as the stretcher was wheeled out.


    "You'll have a statement in ten minutes," one of the officers told the stunner reporter as he took the staff members back inside.


    Just over ten minutes later he reappeared in front of the gallery doors. "Jordan Mountjoy was found by a staff member this morning. He was lying unconscious in his display area. By all appearances he tipped backwards in his chair and hit his head as he fell. The gallery will be closed today." He was back inside the locked doors of the gallery before anyone could ask, since Jordan had no heavy frames or pedestals in his display, how he had hit his head with such force?


    The crowd stood murmuring for several moments before slowly dispersing.



    OOC: With two votes each for Merelsa and Finnius, it goes to the dice for tiebreaker. Randomness determines the lynching victim to be Merelas/Jordan Mountjoy, who was an innocent villager.


    It is now NIGHT PHASE. Specials - PM your targets. All of you - you may roleplay and interact to your heart's content, but no accusations until day phase, which will begin at 10am on Wednesday (all times given in Pacific Time).


  15. okay peeps, I'm probably gonna need to re-roll the game roles here in a few, since the messaging system glitched and did NOT hide the CC recipients from each other on the villagers role message. (figures. first time I use that feature it messes up my game. *grumble*)


    Will NOT read the game thread before I message you all your roles, and be back in a couple hours to post the lynching and phase change.


    Until then - anyone who hasn't posted a vote, please do so (and if you all have - ignore that, and thank you.) ;)

    And PLEASE REMEMBER to post any justification you feel necessary for your vote IN character. Votes do not need to be justified (no matter how much I always felt I had to, and know others did too), and posting reasoning OOC can drastically change game play in the same way PM alliances can.


    Stay tuned for your updated game role, and phase change will be upon us soon.

  16. The first day ended with the last of the crowd slowly trickling toward the doors. Most of the artists spent their evening cleaning and rearranging their spaces, removing the evidence of the previous day's traffic. Just after the display's security staff did their reports at shift change, one by one the artists and staff members left to rest for tomorrow - or spend the night celebrating the day's successes.


    Early next morning boredom lifted for the overnight security staff. Several city staff members had come in to replace the ballot boxes and restock each ballot distribution point. Most had already left for their regular offices when security officer Craig stood looking at a pair of distinctly female feet protruding from the ballot table skirt. Peering over the table he initially saw nothing but a box of folded ballots with a hat beside it. Eyes narrowing, he stepped behind the table and looked again.


    The ambulance arrived quickly, but the first visitors were just arriving as a sheet covered stretcher was wheeled out. Murmurs rose to shouted questions as officer Craig was helped in afterward. No answers were given until that day's paper, which read "Ballots bury city worker: Security guard finds volunteer smothered by art contest ballots."



    OOC: Someone stunned a volunteer and dropped a box of freshly printed ballots on her head. As you try to determine who could and would have done this, be prepared for someone to whisper in your ear what YOUR role in this is.


    Game roles will be PM'd to each of you in a moment.


    This is DAY PHASE. Please place your votes in an OOC line in your post. Night phase will begin at 6pm Pacific Time MONDAY.

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