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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Posts posted by Ayshela

  1. Well, I have some extra-stretchy elasticy string here, I was thinking you might make a good yo-yo. *giggles*

    See, once I get the quirks all worked out, then I could pass the string along to... someone else... as appropriate. :D


    And definitely many thanks for running this, Sweet! A couple of those questions took some definite thinking! (and that's always the most fun!)

  2. *giggles*

    I love the touch of "seriousity" here... much of this is readily transferrable to something more meaningful than an etch-a-sketch, but then, in moments of boredom life can seem as though it shrinks to the size of an etch-a-sketch. (remembers hours spent in waiting rooms wishing for a distraction)


    Thanks for the thoughts, the memories - and the giggles.

    Welcome aboard! Hope to see you post more!

  3. Ayshela wheels in a cart with a HUGE chocolate cake and accompanying bowl of punch.


    What would a birthday be without a birthday cake? =)


    And, since it seems greatly needed just now, when you're ready to set studies aside for a bit, I've got a snuggly fuzzy warm blanket here just for you AND I'll stand guard while you take a nap. =)


  4. I would do this in character, as I normally do, but this one... I can't.

    Falcon, thank you. You are indirectly responsible for my being here, as several of us here in the Pacific NorthWet trace our presence in a weaving line of connections and interconnections back to you, and your bringing us through the gates here.

    I'm glad the life-pull of your absence has been for reasons good and pleasant, this time. =) You are missed, you are loved and appreciated, and you are remembered more than you would believe.


    *huge warm hugs*


    Happy Birthday, Falcon! May your birthday, and the year which follows, be full of good things and great people, and may you find the happiness and peace you've been seeking.

  5. Ayshela rolled off the cloud, desperately trying to disentangle Darryl's paws from her hair. One paw came loose just in time for her to see the ground approaching rather rapidly and get her hands in place to handspring to a safe landing. Darryl was finally tugged loose and tucked into a safely snuggled furball Ayshela could more easily carry about while looking for Kaitlyn. The sights and sounds of Sephora's wild bronco ride distracted everyone so thoroughly that Kaitlyn had huggled Gyrfalcon and come over to stand by Ayshela and watch before anyone had seen her moving.


    Sephora stood pouting at Wyvern, saying "I think it broke." Wyvern had nearly pulled himself loose and gotten focused on the small body before him when suddenly there were two! Kaitlyn bounced over, hugged Sephora and giggled, then turned to Wyvern and said "Mr. Wyvern, that was fun! How'd you ever think of something so neat?! Can we go again? Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleeeeeeeeeeeease?! That was fun, can we ride again?"


    Between the pouting and the pleading, Wyvern's eyes began to cross and he wondered if he should ever have pulled himself from under the wreckage.



  6. *tacklehugs*

    If I could give you one gift for your birthday, it would be a solid month to travel around and ONLY spend with the people you want to be with, no obligations to distract you.

    And yes, I'd take care of the kitten minions for you. :)


    From one kitten to another - happy birthday, hon!


  7. Oh, and just for the record...

    I totally agree that the ringbearer role NEEDS to be secret. The others - there are distinct advantages and disadvantages either way, so while purely from a *writing* POV it was a bit extra-frustrating to not have the faintest idea past day three of the game where we were at as far as wolf-hunting, the added suspense of NOT knowing any of the roles was completely appropriate for the story itself. It could really be done either way as far as the standard roles, as long as the Ringbearer role was kept hidden at all times.

  8. Katz - you're fine, really. That was just the fourth thing in eighteen hours where I did my level best to try to explain something only to have it completely misunderstood - and I've a nearly thirty year track record of that *always* happening when it's most important. :-S I'm glad it wasn't confusing and was, for a wonder, actually comprehensible. Thank you for the clarification on that. =)


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