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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by autumn_sun

  1. =thumbs up sign= I like. =nods=
  2. =blinks= hey, Lynne...was this something you used for a drama...thingie? I remember one day hearing something like this before..that one day when we were in the drama room after school...I think i fell out of my chair and some girl did a scene from legally blonde...=looks slightly lost= erm...at any rate, I like this, I like it a lot...umm...I don't know much about plays or play writing, so I don't know how you or what you should change. [if anything]
  3. =Pip sticks her head in, offers the newcomer some welcoming cookies and a piece of encouragment gum= Hi! And welcome! I'm not good at this sort of thing, so I'll just go about my business now! =she bows and then scampers off, leaving a trail of eraser crumbs with her=
  4. I like it! A lot...I see it as something written in an elf's perspective...one of the many in Tolkien's world...Tinuviel...mebbe...agh...my memory fails me. You know...how if they fall in love with a mortal, they have to choose between their immortality/people and the person they love? Yeah, ok...never let Pip comment on something when she's tired.
  5. =laughs=Thankees, Scott!! but that looks EVIL! The emotican needs to be HOT PINK! And resemble Neko Boy/Scott/Damon [all the same person for those of you who didn't catch that] in some way.... Edit: that was an inside joke thing....SORREH!
  6. =laughs= if he hadn't taken the red pill, he wouldn't have been able to wear a DRESS and STILL be seen as cool. this is hilarious, by the way!
  7. {{yeah. that makes sense. -nods- To both, I mean}} =He sighs again, only half listening to the small kitten lying on him, wondering why he thought self mutilation was so stupid. It wasn't so bad...It at least meant that you were still alive, right? But it also meant that you were human enough to find an escape by doing it, a little thought bubble reminds him.= "What would I be reacting to, Cyndy?" =he leans on his hands, looking at her, or the spot just below her nose at least= "Too many possibilities? What's possible?" =his curiousity had won out against his resentment, for now= {{merf...sorry...not really sure how to react right now, a few things in my head are trying to get my attention...I kind of have to attend to them...nothing seriously bad though...}}
  8. =Pip waves slightly= Hi! Welcome....have fun, all that lovely stuff! =with all that said, she bounds off, wolfish tail wagging=
  9. =smiles meekly= sure! No problem! /so/ glad you like it! ^^ Edit: ...dude...I didn't do that on purpose!!!
  10. [[i need to stop writing disclaimers for these things. I'm sorry! All I can say is that I admit it's short and makes no sense.]] The cat is Pink It says Meow It wears Green The End
  11. [[Just a note...Merry's [known here as smallscale_mind_games] character, Keye, sorta inspired me to write this...but I have no idea where it came from...]] A little boy stands looking scared Blood trickling down his chin His mother yells at him YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT! She screams, his red-brown eyes filled with tears I TAKE CARE OF YOU, FEED YOU, CLOTHE YOU, AND THIS IS HOW YOU REPAY ME?! Another harsh blow, blood spraying, falling on the white floor The little boy's confusion turns to hatred, he doesn't understand Why does she do this? Why does it hurt? What did he do? Why can't she be like the other mothers? The beating continues, the cries for help getting louder There's no one to save him, there's no one to play hero. Mama, Why? Stop it, Mama! I'm sorry, Mama! The crying stops, the boy falls to his knees Please, Mama... He begs, his eyes as wide as can be But it's too late, the final stroke falls The child lies on the floor, a pool of blood forming around him There was no one there to save him, no one to play hero.
  12. /A quick nod and a thankful smile, wolfish ears twitching slightly/ Thank you! Just what this little anthro hobbit needs, encouragement! /a thumbs up sign and an offer of gum is given to the complimenter, before she returns to her almost catatonic state/
  13. =laughs uncontrollably= I don't remember reading the Galadriel bit...hm.....you should add the bit about it poisoning Gollum's mind and have a scene where he's watching MTV. =snort= anyway...DON'T DO CHEESE, IT'S THE DEVIL'S WORK!
  14. oooh....n33t!! I like it!!
  15. =blinks slowly= Mmmmph....I like it...I'm very bad at critiquing things, especially poems...so I'll keep it short: It's good!
  16. merf....Merry...you know who I mean...right? & Damon/Neko Boy...it doesn't matter who they are...
  17. Thanks! and under interests I see you listed AFI...YOU ROCK!
  18. {{STOP IT! Please?? I made this board to escape from reality, not remind you of it!! =frowns= I'm...sorry if I'm doing more harm than good...the way things are panning out...they're NOT your fault. Never forget that.]] =He opens one eye slowly, and turns his head away, spitting out the blood caused by the clenching of his teeth against his tongue= "So young and innocent..." =he reaches out to pet the strange kitten, his voice barely audible, even to him= "So innocent..." =he repeats= "You shouldn't have chosen me to teach you anything." =he says, his self loathing clearly evident= "I'm no good at anything. I've failed at everything I've ever tried." /No, Red. You never failed to kill. You always hit your mark, you never missed. Why don't you go back to doing what you know you can do?/ ~Because! Because I don't want to kill anyone anymore! I don't want to make anyone hurt any more!! I don't want to loose anyone anymore!~ /Funny, Red. Very funny. That's what you said before you joined the Purifiers, minus the kill part. Hahaha, very funny red./ =his fists clench at his internal conversations, staring at the ground= "I'm worth nothing to you, kid. Get that through your head." =he fell backwards, staring blankly at the sky= "Those two should have just let me die." =he muttered, glancing briefly at Ki=
  19. =glomps Damon just because that made her laugh very much= Merry read that to me over the phone, it's so funny!! You sound like Lewis Carol, yay!!!! -gives you her random pink cat plushie that she found in her room- :yuitongue: [hey, it's a lemming!]
  20. =thumbs up sign= Me likes it a lot! yesh..... @Merry: I'd help...mebbe.
  21. /A pale girl slips into the crowded Application room, pushing her glasses further up the bridge of her nose and looks around briefly/ "These people will surely be accepted. But I'm not like them...I'll just have to try again...and again." /she mumbles to herself, walking towards the messy desk, piled to the ceiling with papers and other things. She nimbly pulls a thick, blank, slightly bent application form from the mess, praying that the unsteady stack wouldn't fall on top of her. It didn't/ "Oook..." /she takes a deep breath and sits down on the floor, near the back, setting down her black messenger bag carefully./ "All I need is some inspiration..." /she mumbles, pulling out a rather battered looking book entilted "Urban Legends." She flips through it and smiles/ "That's it!" /she says in an excited whisper and looks at the application/ Name: Pip, Emily, that other girl, doesn't matter as long as it isn't something disrespectful. Amount enclosed: Nice try, Wyv. All I have is a dollar, and that's going into the soda machine so I can get a Mountain Dew. Application text /The girl named Pip pauses, chewing on the end of her green pen/ "Here goes nothing...." Doctor Luu's Notes: The old urban legion tells of the crashed car of the young couple with a metal hook hanging from the door handle. Everyone blamed this unknown man...Maybe it's time to hear his side of the story... Doctor Luu's office, 10 year's ago "So you want to hear my story, Doctor? All right.... (sighs) As you know, I'm known as the "Man with the hook for a hand." How exact. You know what the problem with people is? They don't take time to actually meet a person. They only see what they want to see. They label you without a second's thought, and t hat name sticks with you throughout you entire life, you know what I mean? Yes, Doctor, that is a rather cynical way to look at the world, but it's true. Anyway. I guess my life...or my "problem" as all of you medical people call it starts after the War. The Vietnam War. I was only 18 when I was drafted...what's that doctor? Oh, yes, I am quite young by your standards, I suppose. Are all doctors old like you? Oh dear, I didn't mean to call you that...I do apologize. All of the ones I've talked to see to have been my senior. Hmmm? Ok, I'm sorry, Doctor, I didn't mean to get off track. Yes, well, I lost my hand in the war, held a grenade a twinge too long. A stupid thing to do, I know. Don't ask me how I only lost my hand, I don't know. Luck I guess. Well, I was taken to a makeshift hospital, and there was nothing they could to do. All they could do was give me this prosthetic, this claw. What's that, Doctor? No, no, I wasn't upset about it at all. I was quite glad to be out of that horrid place, it gives me chills just thinking about it. It was like hell on earth. Also, I couldn't wait to see my beloved, Cynthia. Don't look at me like that, I was capable of love back then. And how I did love her. But when I was honourably discharged and sent home, I found that she was dying. Dying of cancer. Back then, there wasn't much we could do. All I could do was watch her die. I felt like dying myself. Yes, Doctor, a few months after her death, I attempted suicide. But it wasn't only because of her. Oh yes, her death was a major part of it, but I also couldn't live with myself. I still can't, knowing what I did to all those innocent people. (shudders) I couldn't take it, I saw no way out. So I took a whole bottle of aspirin. I was living with my sister at the time. She didn't know I was going to do it, I was very quiet about it. I didn't mention my troubles to anyone. I've been raised to do that, and the only one I trusted was six feet under. Her butler found me lying unconscious at my desk, an apology scribbled on a scrap of paper, a bottle of ink spilled all over the floor. Aye, I suppose it was a suicide note, Doctor. He immediately called the ambulance, my stomach was pumped and I sent to the psychiatric ward. Why didn't I use a gun? I don't like guns, Doctor, they do too much damage. They create a mess. Blood splatters and gunpowder residue. Plus it's hard to muffle a gunshot. Don't try to understand my logic, Doctor, you'll give yourself a headache. I have trouble sometimes myself. But that's beside the point. I talked too a great many shrinks... Excuse me, Doctor? Oh, yes, excuse me, psychiatrists. I was committed to Red Hills Psychiatric Center. You know of the place? Very nice, although all the white gets a little mind altering. What do I mean by that? Well, if YOU had to stare at blank white walls all day, wouldn't you go a little loony? Yes, there were things I could do. But it was hard. I mean no offense to the people there, they were very nice, but I didn't feel like I belonged. I had no real mental problems that I could see...except for the slow, on going lunacy. But that was caused by the silence, white walls, and TV dinners. I think that place did more harm then good. But it also gave me a chance to explore my creativity. I wrote poems while I was in there. What? You'd like to hear one, Doctor? Well, I'm not sure if you'd like it, but ok. Hmmm...I know. I wrote this about how I felt when I found out that Cynthia was dead. (pauses) "Going Crazy Spinning out of control There goes my brakes Here comes the wall Watch it crash Watch it burn Watch it fall down See the results There goes gravity Everything's one big blur Red mixed with black Screaming until my throat goes raw Everyone staring Everyone asking me what's wrong Everyone questioning my sanity Going crazy Spinning out of control..." "Yes, I suppose it's a little odd, but I'm not too much of a poet, Doctor. I tried, but I wasn't very successful. Anyway, after a few months, I was released. Oh how great it was! I could walk anywhere I wanted, without anyone following me, without guards watching my every move. Well, yes, they did want to keep an eye on me, so they had my sister's husband keep an eye out. He's a very nice man. You should meet him one day. Very polite. Ah, yes, where was I? Oh yes. You remember that psychopath who escaped? The one with, consequently, a hook for an arm? Well, there were alarms and warnings about him. "Don't get near him. He's a very dangerous man. Keep your children and pets inside." That sort of thing. It didn't occur to me that I might be mistaken for him. After all, he had a hook like a pirate, and I had a prosthetic mental hand claw thing. I was walking up to Lover's Hill, you ever been there when you were younger? It' s so beautiful. Cynthia and I used to go up there and have pick-nicks and watch the sun set and just be with each other. But, alas, soon it became Make out Point. Teenage couples going up there and getting busy in the back of their cars. It was a bit annoying, but I found a little spot by myself, near this cute young couple who were sitting in the car. They were just sitting there, the man whispering things in his lover's ear. Very sweet. I was watching them out of the corner of my mind, nostalgic over the times I spent with Cynthia. Then I noticed their car slipping forward. I immediately tried to get their attention, but they didn't notice me. I knocked on their window, and that's when the girl started screaming. She thought I was the psycho. She started screaming and carrying on, making the car slide even closer to the edge. By the time her boyfriend calmed her down and realized what was going on, it was too late. He tried to break, but the car rolled down the hill. It kept building up speed, I think the boy was trying to stop or change direction. The car only stopped...when it slammed into the tree. My hand was stuck on their door handle, I had pulled back quickly when the girl got upset. That's what they found, the broken and mangled bodies, and this claw, hanging off the handle. And that's what happened, Doctor. It made me crazy, I blame myself. I should have just stayed at home. Yes, Doctor? Time's up? Ok, it was nice talking to you. Thank you, Doctor, a good day to you too." /She caps her pen and slips it back into her bag, the book as well, and walks back to the desk. She swallows nervously and puts the application in the pile of other hopefuls, and quickly leaves the room/ [[i sincerely hope that was good enough!! -wince-]]
  22. [[please, for those of you who know me, think nothing of this, I'm doing fine, I just felt like posting this, just cos. I'm all right, ok?! =shakes you= I'M OK!....anyway]] Conflictions The girl dressed in black comes to me Her hair done in two perfect braids, her perfect teeth mocking my crooked ones She laughs and points at the water on my face She tells me I'm pathetic I'm worthless, I'll never be anything I tell her to go away But she only comes closer She's laughing harder now Rocking back and forth, cackling and yelling I'm a loser, I'm imperfect, and I'm a fool She says look at yourself, where have your dreams gotten you? No where, just stuck in this nightmare With no where to go and no one to go to. I scream until my throat goes raw Go away...LEAVE ME ALONE! The grey one tries to push her away He fails. She won't go away He won't let her stay He says it'll all work out She says no it won't. I wonder if it even matters I can yell and scream until I pass out But they'll keep fighting And I'll be in the middle Knowing both are right And wrong at the same time Trapped between the two extremes Trapped inside my head We cannot get out. We are trapped. We cannot get out.
  23. =Cyndy's attempts at breaking his train of thought only made him yell the last thing he had thought of= "I AM NOT A MURDER!!" =he fell over backwards, caught off guard by the incoming thwap from her paw and quickly crawled back a few feet and hugged his knees protectively= "I am NOT a murder." =he repeated, closing his eyes, trying to make the little crowd go away= /Oh but you are, Red, you are./ =he twitched at the sound of the voice in his head, keeping his eyes shut, as if scared of someone seeing the fear in them=
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