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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Katzaniel

  1. "Six... hum. Six. Yeah, why not? If I'm willing to pay 5, I may as well pay 6, even though I rather suspect it's worth less than either." Katz grins and hands over the cash. ---- Earlier that day, somewhere in a darkened alley, a conversation had taken place. "25, his third kidney and an autographed copy of "Wyvern: The Autocratic Introspective," said the stranger in a hushed but firm tone. "His third - ! Um, okay, I'll relay that," Katz had said, before giving the cloaked figure a reappraising look and making her escape. ---- "My third kidney, ehh?" hissed Wyvern. "And, more importantly, twenty-five geld?! This person bargains tough..."
  2. "Hrm," mutters Horace, pulling out her coin purse. "Um." She moves around a few of the golden discs in it absentmindedly. "This would easier if I had any idea how much these were worth..." She looks up at the woman on display, runs the story through her head again, and promptly leaves the auction room. Horace makes a beeline toward the cabaret room, glances around, and enters the Swap Meet. People there would probably know the worth of gold, but wouldn't necessarily view her as competition. "How much do I have here?" she asks the red dragon-ish creature who had sidled up beside her with a friendly gleam in his eye as soon as she pulled out the purse. "Ohhh, not enough, I ssshould sssay." He grins at her politely. "I don't want to buy anything here," Horace tells him. "Just to ..." "Sssay no more!" he interrupts her. "What you clearly want is that rock, jussst 25 geld." He gestures toward a stone on the other side of the room. The man standing near the rock gives the dragon an odd look. "Well," he looks at her hand, and his eyes light up with eagerness. "You don't have quite that much, but I'll give it to you for what'ss in your hand, jusst for being sssso pretty." Horace smiles at him, thanks him, and leaves. "Wait!" he calls, but she rushes back to the auction. Not quite 25, she thinks, looking down at her hand. Then, reaching the room, she calls out, "21!" That ought to be enough to cover it. If he bids again, she can always go to 23. Surely "not quite 25" meant at least 23.
  3. Katzaniel stops chanting and jumps down off the stage for a moment, grins shyly at the gathering crowd, and shouts, "10 geld!" before jumping back onto the stage and writing the newest bid into the ledger.
  4. Horace grins. "I could pull some mischief off with this... 15 geld!"
  5. OOC: This really is the Summer, huh? No one around or something here. I didn't want to be the first to bid, but if no one's gonna bid, I will be. IC: Inbi Infusco wanders into the auction chamber and sees Katzaniel hawking the cloak. Her eyes go wide. "A cloak... that lets its wearer see people's dreams. Cool!" She opens her pouch and shuffles things around a bit before pulling out some geld and counting it. "Wow," she mutters, "I might even be able to afford this." "50 geld on the Cloak of Dreams, please."
  6. Now-permanent description of the Trollgate Guide (thanks to all voters, and all description-writers, I forgot to do that in the poll-close thread): Katz, feeling slightly more creative than when starting the other polls, starts chanting, "Whatcha gonna do when they go on sale, i-tems, i-tems, whatcha gonna pay when they go on sale..."
  7. Thanks to all who voted in the description polls, and of course also to our participating authors. The permanent description of the Statue has been decided thusly: Now is your chance to make this, uh, woman your own. Okay, so I'm not sure how it works IC but certainly the right to use this creative idea in your own stories is worth some geld. Bidding to commence - now!
  8. The people have spoken, and the permanent description for the Cloak of Dreams is now as follows: But the owner is as yet undecided! Now is your chance. Open auction to commence... now.
  9. Vlad hasn't PM'd me his intended arguments, so if you want to start, go ahead I guess, but you're risking him taking some of your points for his other debate.
  10. This isn't mine, just a "mysterious figure, shrouded in mystery" for whom I will post. Do I hear 10 geld? (PS, Patrick, I'll give you 5 geld for the Torch Device, and what's a ouiji-board of choosing animal instincts?)
  11. Not closing this yet, but: Tanuchan: 14 geld (only missed one element, which I suspect no one will get) Patrick: 12 (missing same element and one other) Good job to both of you. Very good.
  12. * signs up as potential cameraperson * - I'd love to see what I can do about some of the challenging shots that could come out of this. * writes another headline on the paper * - "Police Put Lid on Pot" (actual front-page headline). Good luck!
  13. I'm not sure about the other guildleaders but I have only a couple descriptions. This isn't enough to go on with unless we absolutely have to. Keep in mind, people, (perhaps I should have mentioned it earlier ) that if your description is the one chosen for the item, you get whatever geld it goes for. Leastways, I'm nearly certain that that's what we've been doing. ie) Pennites A, B, C and D write item descriptions. C wins. Pennite C's item is auctioned off. The winning bin is 80 geld, from Pennite E. Pennite E loses 80 geld but gains a cool item. Pennite C gains 80 geld.
  14. Ohhh yeah, yours I put into a different folder so that it would be easy to find again. More Links! Gwaihir for The Pen is Mightier than the Sword Venefyxatu for The Pen is Mightier than the Sword
  15. Specific Rules can be found here. Judge Katzaniel presiding. The resolution is: "Be it resolved that the pen is mightier than the sword." Arguing for the Negative (against the resolution) is Gwaihir. Arguing for the Affirmative (for the resolution) is the fearless Venefyxatu. Venefyxatu will start us off. Let the debate begin! Katzaniel starts her watch and settles down to listen.
  16. Specific Rules can be found here. Judge Katzaniel presiding. The resolution is: "Be it resolved that the pen is mightier than the sword." Arguing for the Negative (against the resolution) is our very own Venefyxatu. Arguing for the Affirmative (for the resolution) is the intrepid Gwaihir. Gwaihir will start us off. Let the debate begin! Katzaniel starts her watch and settles down to listen.
  17. A few updates. Inspector I.M. Clueless and Zool have commenced a debate in the Assembly Room. (Link!) Although they cleared the format with me first, I want to make sure everyone understands that your debate does not have to be RP'd. Just a simple OOC argument is fine. Also, I know most of you are terribly busy, but I don't need your full-fledged arguments either, just quick, point-form ideas. Venefyxatu, I'm still waiting on your updated version, and Black and Vlad both still need to send me something. I say this so that your opponent(s) might take over in the nagging a little, perhaps. (*whip crack* Hahahehe!) Or just to shame you into compliance. Or mostly out of hope that you had forgotten, or you had sent me something and I'd missed it, and now you can point this out to me. Anyway, please try to get these in right away.
  18. Just a reminder that this list is being updated relatively periodically. And I wanted to link to Nyyark's post about creating your own event. Highly encouraged!
  19. Nominally that time limit is probably over, but it's not like we need to finish this section in order to move on to a part 3 or anything, and the fact that I've had only 1 person take a stab at it is also a cue that that wasn't enough time. So yeah, anyone who wants to keep guessing, I'm not sure if this event even needs a time limit (other than the obvious end-of-carnival limit). Just keep in mind that the sooner you guess, the sooner you get the geld, (insofar as one of us having time to update before Orlan has time to update goes).
  20. Just to clarify to all: Your "Trollgate Guide" does not have to have anything to do with thumbs. Or Denriggo. Unless you want it to. Just pretend you never saw anything about the other thing. Helpful Links (from the Winter Festival): The "Cry for Descriptions" Poll for the Devil's Advocate Auction of the Devil's Advocate PS. Thanks, Tanny.
  21. Due to a number of excuses that I'm sure you'd all rather not hear, I'm way too tired to figure out exactly when these need to be in by, but expect about a week probably. The point, as I suspect many of you remember, is that we auction off 3 items each carnival, but first we need to decide what the items are. PM a description suitable for the item named, with History, Magical Powers, Appearance, et cetera, as applicable, and then later we run a poll to find the most-liked description, then lastly we auction off these items for the geld you've earned. I'll put up links to the old stuff to answer more detailed questions, tomorrow. In the meantime, brainstorm (and if you're familiar with this or simply have no questions, submit your ideas) on the following: The Lost Statue of Vallorian Lake - PM to me, Katzaniel Denriggo's Thumb Trollgate Guide - PM to Sweetcherrie Cloak of Dreams - PM to Mira
  22. I remember! My theory that Snape actually heard the full prophecy (I always thought it fishy that Voldemort's person just happened to walk in at the right moment to hear "just this part of it" and not more) but pretended to have missed part. Vlad: Yeah, well, but Dumbledore isn't stupid, either. I guess Snape could have made Dumbledore think he knew something that he didn't... is that what you're saying? Izabella: Hm. Maybe. Maybe someone who later died?
  23. I don't think so. I think it implies he has stolen this one. Might be the first, might just want to make it seem the first. At any rate, each and every one stolen must be such an ordeal that who after going through it would really consider using the plural? "I stole the horcrux" is much more satisfying than "I stole your 3rd horcrux", especially given that Voldemort wouldn't know whether he knew about them all or not. One thing about RAB being any of the Blacks is, why didn't s/he inform Dumbledore somehow, or the Order anyway, that s/he was doing this? Also, I was surprised reading through this thread so many echoes of my own thoughts. I too can imagine JKR thinking "There. That's plenty obvious enough that Snape is evil. Can't wonder any more, can they?" but at the same time, I am convinced that Snape isn't evil any longer. I was very surprised that he killed Dumbledore, but after I worked out in my mind that Dumbledore must have ordered Snape to kill him because he wanted Voldemort and the Death Eaters to trust him and because Dumbledore would come back (he's been closely related to phoenix's all along), I was so sure that he was coming back that actually went to sleep before reading the last chapters! But Dumbledore's already been buried, so that idea's out the window. Nevertheless, I figure Dumbledore was in along with Snape in order to cement Voldemort's trust so that Snape would be able to give Harry a leg up at the very last. I mean, it seems so much more unlikely that Dumbledore would intimate to McGonagall and Harry and who-know-who-all-else that he had some ironclad reason to trust Snape when he did not, eschewing all good sense, than the other, even if it does make me wonder why he didn't tell everyone (or someone) what he was planning so that they would be aware of Snape's position and not kill him if they came across him later. (Maybe to be certain it never slipped?) I wanted to third the thoughts on "Gee whiz, another 'hero' who thinks he can't love anyone," but I do see the logic in this case since Harry plans to face Voldemort as quickly as he can, and can go back to Ginny afterward, knowing she probably won't have been targetted in the meantime, which he would have to worry about otherwise. What's a year or two in the face of a lifetime? But I do hope he gives up on the idea before long. One thing I'm curious about is, is this thing about bloodlines. I know pureblood is pureblood is simple enough, but if a muggle-born can be a wizard (as in the case of Hermione and others), would the child of a muggle-born wizard and a pureblood be half-blood, or more than that? Or is it really just pure or not pure in most cases? And, any bets on who's the next Defense Against the Dark Arts prof, if anyone we know? I'm rooting for Tonks. And the next Gryffindor Head? Is Hagrid from Gryffindor? I know there was something else I'd wanted to say, but it's wiped clean from my head, so ciao.
  24. Yes yes, please PM any and all guesses. And in reference to a question PM'd me, no you cannot guess anything that was in a story you wrote, not even for half points, but you'll note you get more geld for writing it than you would have for getting all the elements correct, albeit not by much.
  25. Part 2 (Anyone can play!) Okay, I don't want to make this impossibly difficult, so I'll give a few hints. 1) All of the theme-sets follow a similar format to the example. 4 elements, one of which indicates a setting, another something about a main (loosely defined) character, another an element which must figure prominently, and the last an element which has only to be mentioned. "Element" need not be an object. (Note: Geld for finding these ingredients will be 2, 2, 1 and 3 respectively). 2) I had 7 participants (well, one twice) so there are 3 theme-sets, one of which was done thrice. EDIT: Excuse my insanity, but it seems to actually be 6, one twice, equalling 3 theme-sets, all twice. 3) If you want to play but don't want to read all 7 pieces, ask me (here or in PM) to send you a list of 2 or 3 stories (please specify, if you care) with the same theme-set and I'll let you find the elements for half the geld reward. (This can't be done 3 times. ) EDIT: You don't get a choice. 2 or 4 (half points) or all 6 (full points). I'm really not clear why I was so sure one group had three participants. Possibly I'm just still confused, but all my references indicate 5 people and 6 stories. 4) I forgot to remind everyone that this part had started, so due-date may be extended somewhat if I'm still getting a fair number of guesses in as of the 27th.
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