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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Posts posted by Falcon2001

  1. Sinking into a bathtub filled with solid cubes of ice

    The cold sunk into my skin already

    I stare alive at the ceiling

    And wonder how long it's been since I died.


    I walk through halls filled with vitality

    And wonder when it happened.

    Did I drink something that disagreed with me?

    Was I poisoned covertly in my sleep?


    Or did the novacaine set in at the dentists

    And never decide to fade?

    Where did all the feeling go

    Why is my world painted in gray?


    Why don't I feel afraid or disturbed

    Why can't I remember your smile

    What happened to my memories

    When did I die?


    The boxes I place upon the shelves

    Are they merely a dream, a fantastic vision

    Somehow my soul persisting yet

    Though it died so many days hence


    Why doesn't the music revitalize me anymore

    Why do the memories fade

    What happened to all the greens and blues

    Why did they have to fade


    In a world of shadows and twilight

    Why am I not afraid

    I must have had feeling once

    Else how would I know what was gone


    Will I awake in a wooden tomb

    Or a watery grave 'neath the sea

    Have I already died and just kept going

    When did I become so numb?

  2. For someone who adamantly refused to write any poetry at all for such a long time, your initial venture for The Pen is an amazing piece that reminds of several different artists, including some of my own work.


    Analysis part one:


    The freeform style of this works extremely well - there is a structure to it, but not one a structure that confines, but more of one that defines. The second stanza also interjects with the ending line of the first stanza "And now it's over" very well. I find myself thinking that you're moving on and then suddenly realizing that the writer was just saying that logically while emotionally the moment was still extremely vivid and real.


    The feeling of "Oh god what did I do?" are clearly intermixed with "Oh god it's already happened, why did I do this, but I'm already onto the pain part - I guess I have to deal with it."


    I'm going to do analysis of more later, I have to leave just now.


    Just so you know, I think you are brave, and strong, to go through this.



  3. Edit: This song is sung to the tune of The Postal Service - Sleeping In. I just realized it a bit ago when I was looking at it.


    Packing up dusty memories

    The good and the bad call to me

    I sit down among the many brown boxes

    And remember how I used to be


    A report card I forgot existed

    With warnings oh so very insistent

    High school was such a fleeting image

    How do I move away from the instant


    A picture curling at the corners

    From lying dormant in a dank drawer

    The smiles on the fading film call

    How am I supposed to leave this all


    As I pack up my many possessions

    I'm forcefully reminded of lessons

    I learned over time as I acquired

    All the stuff that I used to admire


    And now it's all going to come with me

    But still my life seems oh so empty

    So many questions come to mind

    I'll find the answers at the end of time


    And so I'm sitting here surrounded

    By memories and moving boxes

    I can move myself and these fantasies

    But what could possibly move me?


    Packing up ancient memories

    The old and new they call to me

    I lie among these many brown boxes

    And remember how I used to be

  4. Good story. I like the twisty ending a lot, it's a good take on the situation.


    Alongside him sat his trusty companions, Soft Drink and Cold, half-eaten Pizza, with Old Recliner behind. A very normal and none-too-spectacular day, indeed.

    The capitalizations there as well as the sentence itself seems awkward. I'd take another look at it and see what you could change.

  5. it seems like this is the first time

    realizing that this isn't just a game

    have i ever done this before

    or was it a charade


    have i danced my way through life

    on silly strings of my own design

    deciding that i must have designed

    christianity just so i could do it my way


    i wanted to be open minded

    so i turned a blind eye to the bible

    i wanted to be accepting

    so i refused to accept myself


    i took christianity and picked it apart

    like a hamburger layer by layer

    discarding the judgement and the

    morals and the guidance inside


    i kept the guilt, though

    slept with it under my pillow

    and took it with me everywhere

    it was my greatest friend


    so now that i realize i was wrong

    is this the beginning of something new

    how can it be re-ligion if this

    is merely the first time for me

  6. Hmm...


    You know, I really don't like the whole sin bit. Could I get it on the side?




    What do you mean, I can't?


    I ordered this, this is my religion. It's my own decision. I can do what I want.


    What do you mean I didn't order this? Of course I did. Now give it to me without punishment for my sins.


    Look here, let me speak to your manager.


    Bloody fools.


    Now see here, I just want it this way. I don't want any of this responsibility bullshit. I want Heaven and charity. That's it.


    Well of course I know that Jesus died for my sins and all that.


    But I've got my free will, and this is what I'm choosing to do.


    Now that's complete crap. Why should I have to take the whole thing? This is the age of science and reason and technology. I can get my burger without a bun nowadays - I can damned well get my religion the way I like it too.


    Why would I do it that way? I don't know...I don't really agree with some of the ways it talks about behavior such as drugs and homosexuality. I have friends who do that stuff and they seem alright.


    Okay, I guess my dad seems like a nice guy too, and he killed people...but that's different, right?


    What do you mean, sort of?


    I suppose all of it is disobedience of God's laws, but I don't really like those laws. Get rid of them.


    I can't get rid of them?


    Fine, I won't believe in them.


    They'll still be there? That's complete crap.


    ...I suppose you've got a point, but they're not like traffic laws. I can't stop believing in traffic laws like I can religious laws.


    Well I could but it wouldn't do anything. I'd still get in trouble for speeding. I mean "I'm sorry, officer, but I don't believe in the speed limit" sounds pretty lame.


    So you're saying God would say the same thing?




    Look here, where do you get off being all high and mighty anyway. Who died and made you the son of god?




    Sorry about that Jesus.


    I'll, uh...I'll have the cheeseburger.

  7. I agree with Peredhil on this one - I'm mildly annoyed at how nowadays Christians are automatically defined as Close-Minded and Atheists and people who don't apply to a more standard religion or are homosexual or non-conventional are defined as open-minded. I myself am definately christian and very conventional in my morals and values, but I know many "Open-minded individuals" who have just as much trouble accepting new values or looking into subjects beyond their personal beliefs as I do, if not more.


    My ex-girlfriend was the vice-president of the Gay-Straight Alliance at our school, her mother was a lesbian and she had several bisexual friends. She was about as Open-Minded as one could get at our school, but she vehemently lambasted Christianity on a daily basis, refused to accept differences in people, and condemned all statistics published by Christians as "Biased" and "Untrustworthy" while immediately believing any statistic released by the Gay Task Force. She went so far as to discredit several reports by the University of Michigan that debunked the 10% Gay statistic because "Someone on the team must have fixed it, or fictionized it." In such, she was deliberately more close-minded than I was, a christian who was a member of the Gay-Straight Alliance for a short while of my own accord before doing some research into it.


    Anyway though, what I'm saying here is that I'm extremely disappointed in the way the words Open and Closedminded have been twisted.


    Oh yeah, and I thought the story was written just to be inflammatory. Good writing but ultimately wasted effort, I suppose.

  8. Excellent poem, Dustin. I really think that inviting you to the Pen has helped you increase your poetic horizons a lot - watching you grow is a rewarding experience.


    The overall tone of the poem is one that I feel that I've explored a few times - not only questioning the purpose of life but questioning whether we truly exist or not and if we do, whether we're just figments of some imagination. My favorite theory is that there's a large orange and white tabby dreaming us and one day he'll wake up and we'll all evaporate.


    As to the stylistic side of the poem, I like the repitition and the free-formishness of the poem. I always was a fan of the style myself, and it works well with this poem, though I think it could work with a formatic approach.


    Keep writing, this is some good stuff.

  9. Roll - You got a 6

    Paradigm shift, paradigm shift


    What's that? Things are different? I adjust.

    Shuffle, pile, cut, draw


    Assign a new value - the remainder is rounded.

    Re-assign. I prefer redheads.


    What? Returning?

    Check discard pile - status


    How can she? Her value is hate.

    I assigned it myself.

    Women = evil. Sheet confirms


    She remembers?

    Value is incorrect


    Does she remember? She broke my machine

    Error in sector 4. Reassigning variables.

    into a million pieces. I tried to make her fit but

    new sheet needed, processing

    she was so different. Beauty.

    Beauty = eye of beholder.


    Does she remember that day?

    accessing memory - unlocking

    When we explored each other's bodies

    level 5 security - unlocking

    When we kissed with hungry mouths and explored

    places we had yet to see?


    Does it burn inside her?

    error in shift.dll, reassessing values

    Like it does inside me? Should I call?

    Or leave her be alone?


    Life is different.




    Paradigm shift complete. Have a nice day.

  10. Jeral was startled again as suddenly the man in black seemed to materialize again from nowhere, speaking with a loud voice. Wait - was this one different...he sounds different -


    "The different name assignments are as follows: Jack is the leader of Clan Chimera. Lehrit is the leader of Clan Lotus, and Clan Phoenix is led by Jeral. If you have any issues with the name assignments, you will write them out and give them to your educational co-ordinators at the Clan meetings." With that he turned around and just melted back into the crowd.


    Jeral tried to follow the man - he was huge, how could it be so difficult - but he was yanked around by Irene, who looked at him shyly. "I didn't know you were signed up to be a leader, Jeral," she asked, twirling a piece of hair around her finger. "You don't seem like the sort to be in command."


    Jeral shook his head. "I'm not sure either, it's a very strange choice nonetheless. Either way we'll have to get some order together." He turned to his co-captains, but they were both focused on something out the window of the bus. Jack was the first one to notice.


    "Hey, it's the school!" He shouted, and suddenly everyone was crowded over to the right side of the bus. Jeral momentarily had a vision of the bus tipping from the sudden weight transfer until he saw the school and suddenly his attention was completely contained by the building.


    The Oroborous Academy was built partially into the bottom of a sheer cliff that looked as if a mountain had been cleaved in half, leaving a large flat plateau at the bottom. The sheer majesty of the gigantic rock wall silenced the students, sending them into awed silence as they were suddenly in its shadow. The buildings that clustered at the foot of the cliff were all extremely beautiful, seeming to be made of blue crystal or glass that refracted light at crazy angles to a beautiful effect. What wasn't blue crystal was a white marble that shone brilliantly.


    Irene drew close to him and Jeral idly put his arm around her. "It's beautiful, Jeral." she breathed, staring delightedly at the shining buildings. He smiled and kept his thoughts to himself. For a split second before they drove across the bridge leading to the academy, the crystal buildings looked like the teeth of a giant trap, waiting for the students - then they drove back into the sun and it was innocence and sparkle again.


    Jeral shrugged.

  11. I agree with the Quincunx's evaluation of this poem - good form. I'm not a huge fan of the freeform style, myself (of course I still write in free-form, but I am in all things mysterious and fickle).


    In the words of X-Sabre: OMG AWESOMEEEROCKSX)R!!! ^____^

  12. Yeah, very excellent poem, especially from someone who doesn't consider poetry his 'forte' - the web proxy has been blocked at my school so I figured that I'd get in some valuable commenting time while I could.


    I also thought that it was about overdosing and drugs, though I didn't catch it in time to post it to do anything cool. Excellent poem again!

  13. Cioden grimaced.


    "What do you mean, underwear? I am above such petty trivialities. Let me through."


    Melba stared him down and Cioden rethought his stand on the situation.


    "Melba, you'll let me through that door, or I'll reduce the door to it's base atoms and walk through of my own volition. If you happen to be in the way, you'll also join the atomization process." Cioden mentally checked - yeah, he could do that.


    Melba squared her shoulders and whistled. There was a tromping noise, then a muffled roar and silence. Melba's eyes flickered over to the left, and Cioden looked as well.


    Falcon came out of a nearby door, grinning foolishly but kind of sheepishly. "Really, Melba. You should teach those trolls something about dicing. They just got all up in arms when they lost."


    Behind him, William Azunost wiped blood from his sword and resheathed it, glowering at Falcon. "If I have to save your tail one more time, Falcon, I'll seriously reconsider your friend status." Cioden hissed. How dare these fools show up to this damned party.


    Falcon grinned widely and tossed Melba a pair of black and white boxers that shone with the light of...well something that would inhabit boxers, obviously. The trio immediately nodded and walked through the door, past a startled Melba, who grabbed Falcon.


    "Wait - your friends didn't pay their way in." she said, narrowing her eyes.


    Falcon smiled enigmatically.


    "Who says we didn't pay?" For a second there she could have sworn she was talking to Cioden and William at the same instant, then suddenly he was Falcon again, and walked off.


    Melba sighed. Mages are so annoying.

  14. on the table there stood a fainted rose

    surrounded by nothing at all

    discarded by nobody

    wanted by all

    but everyone had the courage


    i stared upon the scented petals

    and wondered how it had appeared

    with faithless love and faulty tones

    did it expand from love


    reached toward it my hands alone

    and longed to caress

    but deigned not to


    life ends so quickly

    the rose still there



  15. I must apologize, as this stands mainly on the merit of it's musical tonology and not the sheer lyrics, but I'll let it go and see how people like it. Btw, each line is a new measure, and the longer measures are written so that there are two syllables per beat instead of one like the normal ones - the line "It was two" is a pickup, the last 1 1/2 beats of a measure. The last syllable of the last line of each piece is beat one of a new measure which contains the pickup to the next verse.


    in this there are eight eigth notes, each of which is represented when silent as a -

    <--- in this there are three eighth notes at the end representing three notes.


    Anyway, here's the composition of each stanza.



    The last line beginning the next stanza with it's pickup. Got it? Of course not. Where's the damned poem. Anyway, enjoy.


    It was two

    days ago last

    Night I left you standing all a

    Lone all by yourself


    But every

    Thing I ever

    Wanted, needed, lusted, hoarded

    I gave it to you


    Now I am

    Broken, shattered

    Crying all alone up in my

    Bedroom in the stars


    I raise my

    Head up to the

    Sky and wonder what I have been

    Missing all along


    You were so

    Perfect, Gentle

    Subtle, kind graceful beautiful

    Lovely to behold


    And I say

    I could never

    Stand to see you in the arms of

    Someone I despise


    And when I

    Die will no-one

    Cry at the loss of just one more

    Body to the grave


    And so I

    Listen gravely

    Hoping that you'll finally come back

    To me, please my dear


    It was two

    Days ago last

    Night I left you lying in the

    Moonlight all alone

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