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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Posts posted by Harmonious_Echos

  1. Harmony's eyes widen, as her gaze takes in the dress, Wyvvern's expression, and Kikuyu lying on the floor. Her muse shivers and shape-changes into a tall red flame...her eyes change color to a deep purple. Then, to everyone's suprise, she begins to giggle hysterically...her face flushing pinker and pinker until she distinctly resembles the hot dog lying in her lap. She laughs for approximately 10 minutes straight, her entire body flushing bright red, and causing everyone in the barbecue to look at her nervously and mutter under their breath.

    Finally she gasps, coughs, chokes, and stops, tears rolling down her cheeks. "Oh, oh..hehehehe...Aahahe, your faces...D-Don't worry. Don't worry! It's changeable."

    She grins up at Wyvvern, an unusually toothy grin, for such a ladylike-appearing girl. "It's Almost-Magical Brand Chameleon Silk." She stands, shakes out her dress, and a ripple of rich, dark reddish-brown barbecue-sauce color spreads from the stain outwards until it colors the entire dress...including her skin, which stays bright red, and hair, which changes to a dark chocolate color. She winks at Kikuyu. "Nice moves! Wish I could do that..." She turns back to Wyvvern, who is staring at her uneasily. "Oh, Muse doesn't really have a name. Or a personality, actually. She's a she because I am...but I just call her 'Muse'. The Nine have names, though. Muse is just the conduit for The Nine." She looks expectantly around(wondering if she can still eat, now that she's sauce-colored).

  2. Here's a few more, first some REALLY old ones...the first two I wrote when I was in 8th grade, when I first met Muse....and then a few from my high school years(when I was really into having everything rhyme and rhythem out just right), and then a few later ones, better ones, towards the end.






    Small fragile circles

    Swirling colors of sadness

    Or joy

    A school of bubbles

    Fading, brightening, tempered

    By words and thoughts,

    By dreams and ambitions

    Small groups of humanity

    Taking life as she comes

    Some bubbles pop,

    Flinging anger and hurt

    On to others as well

    But after awhile

    A vagueness of youth

    Gives way, as we find

    Our own version of reality

    Bonds strong, walls high

    No newcomer can break our shells

    We must open of our own will

    And let new friendships grow


    Pass me by


    You who are my friend,

    (You make me laugh, on days that are gray

    If you would stay my friend,

    (When you see me, I will smile)

    Don't pause—

    Don't stop or look deep into my eyes

    Don't pause

    Don't try to lift the mask on my face

    Because if you look beneath

    You will not see anything at all,

    I am a hollow, empty, breathless shell,

    Of what I used to be, in

    The days when I was truly me..

    You who are my friend,

    (A bright flower in the desert of life),

    If you would stay my friend

    Don't—don't pause—

    Pass me by


    The Adoption


    This tiny One I held

    For but a moment-

    I wonder as I wander though the hallways of my soul.

    These tears, this joy,

    this pain-

    Will it ever be enough?

    Small one,

    So soft, so warm, so helpless,

    So very mine—

    Yet never was and never will be mine.

    My heart sobs for your scent,

    Trembles at your cry,

    Just one more glance, one more touch-

    Just one, and then I’ll go and let you be-

    I’ll send you off to live your life

    without me

    Don’t cry, you’ll love them-

    They’ll love you-

    But never while I still draw breath

    Will I forget this,



    moment with you…


    I Am the Queen

    I am the queen of unjust smiles,

    secret plans, hidden files,

    I creep around a question asked-

    then run for miles.


    I’m Empress of mournful cries,

    stained hands, reddened eyes,

    I never care, I do my task-

    but in disguise.


    I share with you this piece of Fate,

    Love and trust, never wait,

    my heart was lost between the lines-

    now it's too late.


    The Poplar and the Willow

    The willow fair and poplar grow

    side by side on a hillside green;

    together they watched o'er the forest below,

    and the animals, grass, and weeds.


    The sturdy oak and the pine watched too,

    Side by side on a hill nearby

    They watched o’er a busy, and militant spot

    Where a city soon came to rise.


    They stood tall above their fast-paced world,

    Looking down on it all with pride;

    Until men with saws came and cut them down

    To build scrapers for the skies.


    The oak and the pine once mocked the two

    as they guarded their simple spot;

    but the poplar and the willow wept

    when they saw their friends' trunks cut.


    The poplar and willow were kinder than

    the oak and the pine had been;

    Though if you are any kinder than I

    still remains to be seen.


    This Too Shall Pass

    It was long ago o'er the darkened fields,

    'mid the clouds of fatal gas,

    That a colonel beckoned his private near,

    and he said "This too shall pass."


    It's been longer still since a mother wept

    for her daughter was breathing her last;

    As she died, the child looked up and smiled-

    "Don't cry, Mummy. This too shall pass."


    Far out at sea lay a sinking ship,

    ripped by enemy cannon blast

    And as the sea buried broken bodies

    it whispered "This too shall pass."


    The ship has rotted, the mother is gone,

    and the fields are covered with grass-

    Though your hope be worn and your life, war-torn,

    Just remember, This too shall pass.




    A portentous young Porpoise one day

    declined to leap in the spray

    Said He “’Tis most cold,

    And as I’ve been told

    I might freeze right to death as I play.”



    Are they rodents?

    Or neighbors?

    They scurry, crawl, pay taxes.

    Burn trash in barrels.

    Peek in my windows,


    At my lack

    Of a tail…


    Chaos’ Snowflakes


    We sparkle we

    Sing a song of sixpence

    Read A Catcher in the Rye

    See Baby’s little thumbprint

    Baked in the pie

    The silverware all disappear

    And the Doggy in the Window

    So kill another Mockingbird

    And hang your head low, love

    Like Jack Frost’s merry snowflakes

    We all dance for Mother Nature

    And as the sun rises and falls

    We shine, in a chaotic life




    She wears the scent of autumn

    mellow and sweet and bright

    When twisted ‘round with cinnamon

    Christmas comes to mind

    Merry, she flowers in spring-time

    Picture a Robin there;

    And in Autumn you see her

    With jewels in her hair.


    Of Caramel Apple Dreams


    Candied apples in the fall

    once spoke to me

    of lanterns

    of campfires

    warm summer nights

    and overnight trips to the lake.

    But now candied apples hurt my teeth

    and lanterns hurt my eyes…


    campfires are drear

    mosquitoes hover, ever near

    and even summer nights

    are cold

    when you’re older…

    Lakes grow into swamps

    grow into meadows

    and time unmerciful

    spoils even

    my candied apple memories.

  3. Or, you could just do it the easy way, and NOT try to explain how you can say in words what is beyond them...just write it anyway! The attempt of writers to discribe what is undiscribable, is what writing is really all about. If you don't want to use a sentence or a 'spoken' phrase to discribe the feeling of this communication, then you could try to say it by discribing the emotion that is felt...


  4. O My Gawd....and I thought I knew 'dumb blonde'!!! I gotta copy this for my sister, she'd crack up...like I am now...that is soo awesome...Someone should seriously put that scene in a movie!!!! they'd make a killing!

  5. Degorram, I really liked the poem too...I thought the rhythem was a little choppy, but it still worked well, probably better than I could do it! :) In any case, I see a lot of truth in the phrases "children of disaster", and the whole last stanza...I especially liked the part "all can't see with thier own eyes/that life at all is living". I've felt the frustration at humanity in general, that we so often take for granted the things which should be most precious to us, and lose sight of what life really means, in the rush and chaos of living.

    Great poem!

    *Harmony goes off to beat up her muse, to try to wake her up*

  6. Harmony arrives with her accompaniment, a ghost-like muse with a lute, floating above and behind her. She glances dreamily at the food, then decides she's not hungry, and politely seats herself as close to Wyvvern as possible without seeming too forward...or getting barbeque sauce on her cream-colored silks from Ran-Yoko's avid munchings. She arranges her dress and her muse and begins twiddling a strand of golden hair between her fingers, attempting to think of something witty...

  7. Two Hearts in Love


    We are two hearts in love

    My soul, my eyes

    A heart that longs

    That lingers with a gentle touch,

    And too, a heart that cries.

    We are two hearts in love,

    My self and I

    A heart un-shy

    Ravenous and cunning

    Starving for excitement.

    So we feel shame

    And shamefully take our prize

    live just to lift our bloody trophy high;

    And my two hearts weep to be clean

    Of our sweet, ghastly sin.

    We are two hearts in love,

    Our hour is near

    For ending love’s embrace




    In the Dark


    Feeling my way in the dark

    I strike a match

    On my calloused heart

    And watch it burn awhile

    A candle’s no use here

    This darkness surrounding me

    Is a part of my soul

    My tears fall, pointless now

    Like the match,

    Falling dead from my fingers

    Light gone

    Leaving me to feel the burn

    In the dark again


    How To Warm February


    What do you make of February?

    The coldest month of the year-

    The most drear--

    A time best spent in school,

    Spring dances,

    Or otherwise huddled

    In groups to keep warm.

    And yet, for all its many

    Weatherly problems,

    It is known to many

    as the month for love?

    Perhaps our dear

    Saint Valentine

    In all his wisdom recognized--

    That a little love goes a long way--

    and love is by far

    The best heater of them all.


    For a tree’s life


    I wish that I could be a tree;

    I’d fly fast and far on stiff wooden wings,

    Settle deep into dark, forgiving earth,

    And there begin to grow.

    I’d turn out my leaves fresh and new every spring,

    And put my flowers on display for awhile,

    Birds might nest in my branches,

    Children might carve their initials,

    And I wouldn’t need to care.

    I’d bend when the wind blew,

    Revel at the Sun’s touch,

    Stand naked outdoors in the coldest of winter,

    And sigh softly for joy when the rain fell,

    Using my leaves and branches as the instrument

    Of my happiness.

  8. Thanks, AuroraAoD!

    Here are a few more poems...


    Old Temptations

    O Temptation,

    Dear Old friend-

    Have you come a-haunting me

    A-haunting again?

    Standing ever by me

    On Razor’s edge I’ll tred;

    While you teach the facts of life

    Night is Black, Blood is Red.

    You must hold your foes close

    but hold your friends away,

    lest they become too close,

    And know

    to get away from you…

    O Temptation

    I'm feeling your old flame

    Have you come a-haunting me







    lungs screaming for air

    it is hard to die-

    still harder to live-

    dark water

    foaming over my eyes

    Over my head

    bubbles fleeing from my sight--

    The frenzied scrabble

    of my hands

    slows, and now

    my head is throbbing

    with the nearness of death

    Dark water whispering

    sleep, sleeeeep…

    yet my numb fingers close

    around a car's door handle

    and I am free!

    Soaring up

    breaking the surface

    gulping air, my heart racing


    I will not die today!


    Magic Lantern

    I am a genie in a golden lamp

    My magic lights the way for others here

    Yet, trapped inside my cell I cannot see

    The light that shines from me


    You are the genie in the lamp I hold

    Your magic lights my pathway through the night

    I wish to break your bonds and set you free

    To shine for all to see

  9. Very, very good....much better than the works I saw on Poetry.com...I especially liked the one about shifting time, that rang true for me as well...a sense of being trapped in one's self, unable to leave or change. That's what I got from it. *retreats back into own cell*

  10. Acutally, I have a hard time writing poetry that isn't entirely free-verse and/or depressing in nature. Most of my works are written when I'm feeling bad! For instance, Dusk to Dawn, Gecko Dreams, Grey Day, Memorial, Twilight, and After the Beginning are all about sad or bad experiences. I don't have many romantic poems! Here are a couple I'd call 'romantic'--


    Motorcycle Ride


    My laughter building,

    Bubbling up in me on a summer’s evening

    A motorcycle ride, just you and I

    My mind is spinning,

    Full of your scent as we are riding,

    So close, my arms wrapped tight around you


    Wind, fall far behind,

    We two will conquer you--

    Sing in our ears a harmony

    We are

    in tune


    For I’m feeling the way we fly

    Feeling the stares of passers-by

    In their eyes I see their envy

    As we roar on by


    Road, lead us onward, forward,

    Casting our eyes ahead

    Our cares far behind

    Smooth and free,

    we’ll soar

    No secret care could break,

    or take, this magic from us


    My heart is burning,

    Wishing this ride would never end,

    Feeling the chill of sunset, washing over us

    So sad to go, I don’t even want to leave

    Twilit stars winking their pleasures

    At us down below

    Out on our motorcycle ride


    Baby I lied

    We were eager once

    In the springtime nights together

    And I held your heart

    And I know that you held mine

    I have come to know, now

    That all we have together

    Rests on those sweet hours

    Those sweet hours that will never come again

    I know you love me still

    I know you always will

    I love you too

    You know I do

    Oh I have tried and tried

    To stay by your side

    but I lied when I said I was true

    I love you so, but Baby I just can’t stay with you


    Ice Cream in the Rain


    Do you remember that sweet march day

    Just barely warm enough

    To go out for ice cream

    Do you remember the thunderhead

    that rolled on in

    While we sat under the Dairy Queen

    sunroof outside?


    How we laughed and shivered

    As the rain poured down

    How the thunder crashed around us

    And we minded not a bit

    Mixing ice cream and rain

    With kisses

    And as spring broke around us

    It lifted us up in a flawless joy

    As the years go by

    And we toil in strife

    We often forget how much we have

    And in march, when the wind

    Is blowing thunderclouds in

    Can we still eat ice cream in the rain


    See what I mean? None of those are any good at all, except maybe the motorcycle one...and even that's not great. I'm just not good at expressing my romantic side in poetry...

  11. I like how clean this poem is. It invokes the strongest imagry and thoughts with the shortest and simpliest words and lines. There's no one excess and nothing more needs to be added. This is indeed a work of a mature poet. Very well done.

    What he said! :)B)

    I too have dreams of flying, which I've had for years, very strange thing about them, I had to teach myself to dream that way...more on that in my other posts!

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