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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Posts posted by Vlad

  1. As the vampire is busily running around trying to sell people cheap gimmicky resort spots he hears a coffin stirring. Glancing at his watch he notes that one Ozymandias was due out of the coffin two weeks ago.


    Approaching the Elder with a grim smile Vlad states "You are two weeks late! That coffin could have been rented out to other customers. I'll have to charge you an extra... say seve- no eight hundred thousand geld."


    The digruntled customer mumbles something about Wyvern being a bad role-model on the younger members and angrilly stomps off.


    As the Elder is fleeing, Vlad makes a desperate last attempt. "We have some nice openings in Transylvania! Very private rooms, and iron maidens for your enemies!"


    Hearing this, Ozymandias turns and shoves Vlad's head into said iron maidens and trudges off in search of Wyvern.


    Only moments after Ozy leaves, a familiar almost-draginic figure approaches Vlad.


    "Sssee, what you did wrong wasss you that you weren't persssissstent enough."

  2. A creak,

    A squeak,

    A yell,

    A bell,

    I am alone,

    In this desolate land,

    Not even a stone,

    To stretch out a hand,

    No noise is for me,

    My own little sounds,

    I yearn to be free,

    From these monster hounds,

    Haunt my dreams,

    When fear awakes,

    No one is there it seems,

    Create my own earthquakes,

    Leaving prints of feet,

    I am lost like a child,

    In the moonlit street,

    No sense can go wild,

    Quite in the same way as I,

    I am trapped here, why?

    Savior cometh, I see a bird beak,

    But it dissapears, leaving a creak.

  3. Two minutes left,

    I hate this class,

    When will it be over,

    It's a pain in the neck,

    Staring at the clock,

    I sit and wait for time,

    But he is in no hurry,

    All of eternity will last,

    Until there is only one,

    One minute or day,

    They seem the same,

    But I watch in agony,

    As life ticks away,

    For tommorow I return,

    But now there are only thirty,

    Long enough for a rose to wilt,

    Enough to let me die,

    But only a little bit,

    And on the inside,

    I still wait the last ten,

    Wondering what would happen,

    If I actually listen,

    To what goes on around me,

    A thought of being good,

    Flyes out with the sound,

    A holy reprieve for torment,

    Bell rings and I head off,

    To the next lesson where,

    I sit and I look at the clock.

  4. A shrouded plain,

    Where all are safe,

    Life sans disdain,

    For a lord or waif,

    Soothing fog,

    That covers all,

    Over the bog,

    It doesn't apall,

    A pure clean sheet,

    As white as wings,

    An angel so sweet,

    Whose voice sings,

    A sense of peace,

    Silent beauty awaits,

    Here troubles cease,

    Beyond pearly gates.

  5. I know that this pro'ly wont change your mind and if you really did decide to quit then you won't read this but...


    You write well.

    You are a nice person.

    You are creative.

    I like Cioden as a person.

    You make nice graphics.

    We will miss you.

    I will miss Cioden.

    It's quite the quiet quilt. Don't quit

    We need more vampires around.

    The falcon is a noble bird.

  6. OOC: I'm not sure if this post is fine and fits the story, but that's the type of writer I am....


    IC: The battle was waged fiercly and with a godly will on the part of both groups of combatants. Niether of them reacted well to death. Daryl and Usagi were cleaving efficiently, while the others did what they could. Well, all but John.


    John stayed under his wagon. He liked it there. It was warm, and reminded him of home. He even found someone's blanket there, which looked uncannily like the one his mother gave him when he was but a boy. He still was a boy, trying to enjoy the simple pleasures of life, unfortunately getting stuck in messy battles like these.


    Somebody rolled by under the wagon next to him, but John took no notice. He was enjoying the fragrance of a delicate flower which lay before him, trampled by chaos. It had lost its form, but it was more beautiful this way, he decided.


    As he reached out to pick it up, off the ground, somebody ran by and tripped over John's hand. This villain landed near Griever, knocking him off-balance with a grunt. Griever's spell then misfired, and accidentaly hit Katzaniel, who was in mid-leap. Katzaniel was knocked off-course, and plowed through Sheemie. Sheemie, startled, relased the bow-string out of panic, and an arrow sailed towards his master, Kasmandre. Kasmandre managed to evade the arrow, but in the process stabbed Daryl, who was busy sneaking up on his next victim. Daryl jumped back and quickly healed his wound, as it was a non-silver or magical weapon. However, while Daryl was about to yell out to Kasmandre about not attacking your allies, he accidentaly bit Usagi. As Usagi howled in pain, he slung his katana into the air. By the time Usagi realized that it didn't hurt, the katana had given one bandit a rather close shave, and turned pants into shorts for another. As Usagi went to get his weapon back, he saw that it landed blade-down in the dirt, cleaving a flower in half.


    John let out a single tear and swore to never try to pick up a flower again.

  7. I should do this again later when more people post other poems.

    So there's your incentive... get to work!


    Why am I not posting original poetry, you ask?

    I'm in the process of writing a short story which will be later posted in the assembly room.

  8. I don't know what I was thinking, but I give full credit to the others of the pen.

    All I did was take one (or two) line(s) out of the most recent poems each...

    They may have a different meaning because they are out of context, but this might turn out really good, or really bad.


    The air is heavy

    Excuse me if I seemed relieved.

    There, at last I have peace.

    I can't think

    I can't be perfect

    You can stand there,

    Lookin' like a fool,

    As the clouds darkened,

    the blades sharpened on the knifes,

    The constant anger and jealousy,

    Dark, always dark

    is this what's it like to die?

    Where is the sky...

    white tracers, smoking trails

    But I don't want to burn

    My heart aches.

    My hammer drops...

    still alone.


    Hmm... I like it...

    Oh, before I forget, credit is due to:


    Jonathan Wolfe, Valdar and Astralis, Crowgirl, Falcon, Tasslehoff, DoPeY, Degenero Angelus, Blondemoon, Lordsmeagol, Cyril Darkcloud...

    And mostly me! Because I thought of it! And I am a genius! And should be worshipped! And

    *continues rambling as he gets dragged off by men in white lab coats*

  9. I've always been fascinated with darkness and evil nad stuff like that, when I got this game called Diablo...


    Later I played Diablo II at my friend's house on Battle.net, and I immediately picked the necromancer....


    Also, I've always been fascinated by the legend of Count Dracula. Great book by Bramm Stoker, btw...


    Drac's real name was Vlad Tepes, a.k.a. Vlad the Impaler, crown Prince of Romania. Also I am russian and Vladmir is a rather common name. (Vladimir I. Lenin, anybody recognize him?)


    Soo... there you have it.

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