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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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[Ehh...sickness does very odd things to a person's brain...]


To see you is all I want.

To hear you

could make all evil undone.

To touch you would be bliss..

To love you would be...

unheard of...


This nightmare surrounds me

Carrying me away

Far from my heavenly dreams


To you I seem cold

To me I seem lost

This unholy need

This simple want


In your eyes

you see me love another

In mine

All I see is you


When innocence is worn away

by so many years


And tears

Where does that leave us?


Torn apart

Scattered in the wind

Ashes to ashes

Dust to dust


To you, I leave you my soul

To me, I leave this reality.

Edited by autumn_sun
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A marvelous piece of work Pip, but it does seem a trifle out of character for you. *realizes he's better off thinking nothing of it* Eh, whatever. Good poem and so very true in some cases. :wub:


Edit: My signature seems... normal sized... Hn.

Edited by Damon Inferel
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Greetings, Autumn_sun.


First off, nice name. Secondly, I can't recall reading you before, so I certainly have no say as to whether this is out of character or not, but even so, I like it. I like how whole the first stanza is, and though I want to suggest omitting the last elipse, it really does have an effect of it's own. How mature of the author to be able to recognise how they feel in comparison to how others see them. Fatalistic, indeed. I look forward to reading more of your work.



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