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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Capping off a day


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I saw something today that really would change my world perspective, if I were one of those people who's world perspectives were changed upon seeing something that would change someone's world perspective


I saw an owl. I haven't seen an owl for quite a while. Infact, I'd completely forgotten the little buggers exist. This owl was hanging from an electric wire. Well, actually it was two electric wires. One for each wing. This owl was hanging from two electric wires, by it's wings. In it's claws was clutched a possum. Still alive, this possum was, but I knew that was only temporary. An owl, hanging by it's wings from two parallel electric wires, with a possum in it's claws, ripping into the furry little thing, stopping only to stare at me with those owlish eyes of it's, being an owl and all.


Just thought I'd share

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