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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Upcoming Craziness...

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Alright, so I've been doing a lot of thinking about writing and what-have-you, and one of the areas I want to explore is the whole Modern to Post-modern genre. Perhaps even sci-fi. In the future, I will compose a description of lots of my stuff, perhaps even start a story in one of these genres, but that'll be a while yet. In the mean time, I thought it'd be interesting to ask everyone what they think their character(s) would be like in a more modern and/or futuristic setting. What about Terra, or whatever world you choose to write in; what do you think it'd be like in the future? Would it be the same as Earth? Or would it be critically different...? Heh, interesting questions those could be... And if that's not so interesting, how about what do you think *you* would be like in a fantasy setting? All and all, I'm trying to get at the point that I have an interest in the whole 'culture-shock' thing. It can be used as a bit of a cliche from time to time, but other times, I think it can be an effective writing tool, if for nothing better than comedic purposes. ~Shruggies~





(By the way, here's how I'd probably do it... keep in mind that this all takes place in my l'il world I created... perhaps I'll edit in a link for the less informed ;p )



Due to his half-dryad heritage, Dierden Samshae, aka BigPointyStick, was able to live on to the current Age (even managing not getting himself killed...) although, he has done his best to ensure no one really knows of this. His life force being connected to trees, he does his best to try and preserve nature, and as such, is an environmentalist of sorts. With age comes wisdom, and as such, Dierden is a wise man. He has seen efforts of past generations, past ideals, and past dreams. He knows that too many people have taken too much of a radical standpoint, and as an end-result, never get taken quite seriously. After standing on the sidelines for so long, Dierden has finally decided to take action politically and run for office. He has so far been unsuccessful in getting elected. However, he hopes that in the next election, he may gain popularity by using his connections with Mr.Bunny, who is worshipped like a god, thanks to his pioneering and completion of the art of Carrot Summoning. (more on him sooner or later) Physically, Dierden looks like he did since he was but a youth. He has adapted with the times quite well, and has managed to fit in fairly easily. He wears simple clothes; khakis, blank t-shirts and vests as well as the occassional trench coat and old fedoras. After many years, Dierden unlocked one of the BPS' most useful secrets: shapeshifting. He can basically form the BPS into any wooden object he desires at will, so he tends to wear it as a bead necklace. When he has spare time, Dierden takes martial arts classes, meditates and maintains one of [City's] older libraries. From time to time, he works for Aidan Serradin's (once known as Sliver) bodyguard agency, The White Feathers.


Aidan was a police officer who was forcibly retired from [city]'s police force after he tried exposing a scandal involving his superiors, but failed, due to lack of evidence. Since then, he has started his own Bodyguard Agency, The White Feathers. He is known to do a bit of detective work on the side, as well. He has a strong sense of morals, and a similar yearning to preserve nature as Dierden, although his reasoning may be a bit different. Aidan has short blond hair, blue eyes and a slightly muscular build, mostly from his work while an officer. He now wears simple clothes, jeans and t-shirts, mostly. He drives a foreign-style motorcycle (Japanese, like a Yamaha or something, in our-world terms...) when he needs to, and is working on restoring a classic car. When he's not working, Aidan likes to collect medieval weapons, specifically swords. He's also working on a small gun collection. When he has to, he carries/uses a small assortment of handguns.





Well, I should go home and sleep, hope everyone enjoyed that teaser... next time, Mr.Bunny, the Greenleaf Twins, and maybe more, more MORE! (~ahem~)


Have fun! :tree:

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Well I had planned on keeping this a surprise, but imagine this:


Cioden casts a soul-switch spell on someone and takes over their body, but as he's switching back his body gets destroyed. Normally this would destroy his soul too, but he's too stubborn to die and gets reborn again as a wandering symbiotic soul.


Think about it, I can have Cioden reborn in ANY era. Cioden in modern day, anything!

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