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Dreams and their meanings...


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Posts: 13

(8/10/01 7:54:12 pm)

Reply Dreams and their meanings...


You know that time I am talking about, that time between awake and asleep where you are never quite sure until afterward if you really are sleeping. Where everything seems so real that you can touch, taste and enjoy it but at the same time fear it with every fiber of your being. Walking along a wooded path cobble stones under your bare feet, birds chirping in the distance and a merry tune running non-stop thru your mind would seem the perfect get away until suddenly a Jason look alike steps out of the clearing ahead of you. That merry little tune stops abruptly and suddenly all you can think of is, “Oh @#%$, I really hope this is a dream.” One of the most recurring that I have had as far back as I can recall is a flying dream, it too has it scary parts but I have had it so many times that I know when it gets scary and am able to enjoy the dream to the fullest extent prior to falling a thousand miles per hour toward the hard concrete below. Luckily I have always woken up prior to hitting the concrete. I don’t think I have the stomach as of yet to find out if I die in a dream do I die in real life as well. Anyhow, this is the dream that I wanted to share with you all and since I have never been able to decipher if I was wondering if you all would give it a shot…


Waking up I find I am unusually groggy, looking about for familiar sights as I awake standing. The air about me is warm and heavy, not like with humidity but with gravity it would seem. I can swim in this air, of course the first couple of times I had this dream I was unaware of this aspect right off the bat but as time went on I just had to regain my equilibrium and I was off and a flying. I am also keenly aware of being followed. I know not who it is but I feel as though I should know, like it is right on the tip of my tongue but I just can’t recall. A few slow breaststrokes and I start my climb into the heavens, forgetting about being followed as flying is just so damn fun. It is the most exhilarating experience outside of actually being awake and living that I can think of. The sky is a pastel color blue no clouds and there is no sun. There is no shortage of light just no sun with no apparent reason for there to be any either. The houses below me are classic comic book style all in pastel colors, mostly pink and oranges to be precise. They jut into the sky straight up in a box like fashion some large some small but no variation with style. Tall or short it makes no difference they are just boxes that are never entered or left as there is no life here. No birds, dogs, animals of any kind, no people. Just me flying and the man behind me.

About this man…if he catches me he is going to kill me. I do not know why or how only that I will die. The catch is this, if I am not flying he is not behind me and if I am flying and I look behind me and see this man I will no longer have the ability to fly. Complicated I know. The strange part is I am aware of all this in my mind as I am going about the dream. I already know what is going to happen and there is nothing I can do to stop the chain of events from unraveling the way they always have in the past. It seems I have been flying for hours but at the end of the dream curiosity overcomes for a brief second in time my fear of no longer being able to fly and I look to see who it is. To have the answers that I have been searching for since I was seven years old. In that second I KNOW. The picture is so clear and I understand the meaning behind all of it. Once that brief second is gone, I am falling toward the ground; the only sounds are air whistling in my ears mingling with my own screams as I plummet ever closer to death. Then I awake, awash in sweat and breathing hard, glad to have awakened but unable to recall the most important element. Who is that man and why in the name of heaven does he want me dead?!


To this day I have this dream now it is only about once a year when it first started happening it was every night. Gradually it became once a month, six months, etc. I have done a lot of reading about dreams. One theory is that if you are running from something in a dream you have a guilty conscious. I don’t think I believe that. I have done nothing in my life that I feel that guilty over. Not something that would span 20 years anyhow. What do you all think?



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