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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

First day!


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Posts: 13

(10/7/01 12:08:09 am)

Reply First day!


Falcon, laden with a heavy bag and a slip of paper, walked up to the secretary who had so pointedly thrown him out before and showed her the signed piece of paper, stating that he was accepted into the Pen. With a scowl on her face, she opened the door into Pen Keep, slamming it shut after he was gone.

Continuing to walk down the hall, he passed into the dormitories section. At first he walked through the halls of the elders, with rooms of silk and tile. Next he came to the bards and poets and storytellers, who lived in rooms of wood and paintings and art. Finally he came to the staff and janitors, who lived in rooms of white walls and floors. After that, he came to a strange door with 'Initiates' carved on it in big sweeping letters. Pushing the door open, he walked into the long hall of initiates.

After a few hundred feet of brick walls, he finally came to a room with a crude falcon carved into it, one wing appearing to be broken while the talons where the size of swords. Frowning at the icon, he pushed the door open and walked into his new room.

The walls were carved stone, but it had apparently been carved by an insane dwarf with a dull spoon and a lot of time. The furniture was warped, the product of a freshman woodshop artist, and the candles in the corners resembled puddles of syrup with a wick in the center. Sighing, he walked over to the window and opened it. Once the musty air was out, he threw out the furniture and candles, totally emptying the room. Turning, he opened the sack and started pulling out black robes and books. Waving a hand, he summoned an ebon desk and a chair. Pulling out a quill and an inkwell, he sat down, and wrote the story of his first day.

OOC: HEY EVERYBODY! I finally got approved...so now you have to deal with me.


Cioden Darkeye Poet born, Poet made Hopeful revered poet of Terra Hopeful Patron Saint of Impatience. Hopeful friend to all, and counsel to the needy.

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