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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword



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You might have seen this posted up for Wyvern's Poetic Justice Contest, but I've decided I want to change my entry, so this one will have to be "runner up #2." Anyway, here it is. (Keep in mind that Poetic Justice is the assigned topic).




Laura woke up and immediately realised something was different. It was her same room. The same posters. The same blue curtains. The same door. But it was the door that was giving off the aura of change. But she had a late night yesterday, and she was tired. There's still time for exploration, when I have some more energy, she thought. After all, maybe it's just the headache causing this sensation. Slowly she drifted off back to sleep and had a dream. And you were in it, and you, and the fax machine was too.


Laura woke up and slowly came to the realisation something was different. Hadn't this already happened earlier?, she thought to herself. She jumped straight out of her bed. She quickly put on something to wear, but she couldn't find her glasses anywhere. No matter, she doesn't really need them anyway. She opened the bathroom door, and the feeling of weirdness increased. She brushed her hair she brushed her teeth, she brushed aside her thoughts. She went downstairs and had some jam and toast for breakfast.


Laura woke up in a cold sweat. She had a frightening dream where she was being chased by office equipment. She rushed to the bathroom and threw cold water at her face. She felt better right away. But she was running late already, and she knew her research group would be worried, at least somewhat. She foned the university "Hi, Dr. Hill? I'll be about half an hour late today, I'm very sorry, just start the experiment without me." Of course that didn't make much sense. She went out the door and was just about to lock it when she realised she was still inside her apartment. That made even less sense. She tried the maneuver again, with similar results. As strange as it was, her apartment door led not outside, but to an exact copy of her apartment (if slightly neater and better decorated). Of course, she now had twice the floor area she did minutes ago. On the other hand, she couldn't get out, and it was getting hotter and hotter, as if there was some giant holding a magnifying glass to her building complex. But that wouldn't make any sense.


Thomas Hill woke up to the realisation that he was still in the laboratory. He had stayed to work over time the previous day, as he had developed an interesting idea he wanted to follow. My wife will kill me, he thought. What's worse was he fell asleep, and didn't get any work done. And he still had yesterday's clothes on. He wanted to take a shower, but the safety shower wasn't really so great, because the water is cold and there's no soap. Plus the water stream hurts, you know. Dr. Hill stretched and yawned. He heard a distance phone ring somewhere in the building - probably another floor, and in any case, the machine will take it.

Half-an-hour later, as Dr. Hill was sipping an orange juice he got in the building cafeteria, the door flew open and a pretty young (20-ish) girl with oval glasses and brown hair in a ponytail flew through the door. "Good Morning Thomas!" she said, half-cheerfully, half-apologetically. Hill had never seen her in his life. He put on an English accent as he said "I'm sorry dear, but you don't exist." And with that, she vanished. Hill immediately regretted the incident, as he could really have used an assistant. I suppose I could look for an ad in the emplyment desired section in the morning paper, he thought. And with that purpose, he locked the door to the lab and headed downstairs.


And nothing out of the ordinary really happened.




"Is he a jerk? No! Just confused"

Edited by Impostor
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