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Role-call And Weenie Awards!


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Knight tB


Posts: 6

(9/14/01 3:03:48 pm)

Re: Role-Call and Weenie Awards!


... Giant dragon. A giant dragon named Roberto. A giant RED dragon named Roberto. A giant red dragon named Roberto with a serious mean streak. He looked at Melvin, and grinned a wide, toothy grin. "She's got you, huh? Heh." With a smirk, Roberto, or Bob, as he was commonly known ufurled his massive wings, and in the process blasted a strong gust of air, sending both Melvin and anchor flying, where he landed facing a....

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Posts: 9

(9/26/01 12:05:28 am)


Re: OOC: End Date Change


facing a... facing a....

"What the f*** is an elephant doing down here? And why is it standing on a turtle.....odd!!"


Melvin strains against the anchor to get a closer look. The elephant disturbed by the strang little creature and it's metal apendages lets out a mighty...bubble.


"Man this is u know odd. Peace man just chill!"


Witha trembling hand Melving offer the elephant a drag of his....

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Elder of Lists and Manners

Posts: 194

(10/3/01 9:45:20 am)

Kick Start to race to new deadline - 8 October 2001


Camel Hair underwater cigarette.


Which tasted as nasty as it sounds.


Meanwhile, up on the docks.


Lenny I was wearing dockers and blithely chasing ducks.


Lenny II was ducking dock workers, and eyeing the posh Toffs in their tails and spats.


Lenny III was fighting the Toffs, bravely kicking their ascots and smashing their dickies, throwing them left right and center, sending their ashlars tumbling.


Noting everyone distracted, Melvin's wife used the transcendental psykic powers every woman of the Line secretly possesses, and teleported Melvin to water just off the end of the dock. (For it is easier to exchange a body in water for a comparable body of water than to replace the man with the gaseous air.)


She quickly threw him the buoys and the gulls that happened to be loitering at the dock's end, and dragged him ashore.


The entire family fled.

The Mailman was found dead,

Butchered in Melvin's bed.

The mermatron remains unfed

and can't get the elephant out of her head.

The turtle has been misled

by the interstellar travelling of light's shift to red

The wife is beginning to wish she'd never wed

for it looks like there's trouble ahead!

Surely not all on this subject has been said...

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Posts: 102

(10/6/01 1:14:54 am)

Re: Kick Start to race to new deadline - 8 October 2001


Cerulean portals gently,

It's a magick elementary,

Shudders at the family's plight

Blinks twice in the bright sunlight.

Sees a figure looming quickly,

Fin atop, and grin fixed thickly

Calls to all and sundry 'Shores!

Exit the water, here comes jaws!'

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Scarlett OHarpy


Posts: 6

(10/6/01 1:43:00 am)

Jaws II


Something whizzes through the water,

marks onlookers down for slaughter,

champs its teeth and gnashes sharply,

it's the shark that's known as Harpy.


Circling fast upon the fishes,

Scarlett extracts forks and dishes

from her Pouch of Handy Items.

No girl would be seen without 'em


Finding that the fish are tiny

and the seawater too briney

up she climbs onto the beaching

with a grin that's so far-reaching ~


every adult male's teeth chatter

anticipating their spleen's shatter.

'Well' says Scarlett looking round her.

'All I caught today was flounder,


Where's the job to task my senses?

Give my ardour recompenses?'

Cerulean makes lunge to catch her,

but Harpy's off in search of Rapture.


'Tell me when the earth needs saving,

I'll deal with that while my guy's shaving.

Show me where the crisis is,

I'll don my lipstick, do the bizz,


but aliens, mermaids, death and plunder,

batons that are tossed asunder,

represent a serious plight

Present a list to me tonight.


For now I'll say it's great being back.'

(Observers hear her jaw-bone crack)

She picks her teeth and then waves brightly,

Bound for Mr 'Ten Times Nightly'.





Cerulean sweeps her gaze around in apology, but is silenced before she begins to speak by the horrifying crunch of a new Portal opening. Someone staggers out into a piercing shaft of sunlight. Looks like things just got worse...



*baton toss*

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Posts: 12

(10/6/01 11:24:26 am)


Re: Jaws II


Morgane enters

and her lolly

10 times a night now that sounds jolly


would u mind a bit of sharing

a bit of fun and sometimes swearing?

my adult half is much depleated

of fun at night and things unsheated

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Honored Guest

Posts: 14

(10/7/01 12:20:01 am)

I'm late!


Ughh...I'm not sure I want to continue THAT topic...

IC: Out of the shadow stepped Cioden, looking around and wondering what went wrong...normally he stepped out of shadows. He saw a strange banana heading toward him, so he pulled out his sword and engaged it in a short, but very entertaining battle, ending in the fruit being splattered across the halls of the conservatory.

OOC: I'll post more later, consider this my roll call, or does this NOT count initiates?

Cioden Darkeye

Poet born, Poet made

Hopeful revered poet of Terra

Hopeful Patron Saint of Impatience

Hopeful friend to all, and counsel to the needy.

Annoyer of Degenero Angelus

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Elder of Lists and Manners

Posts: 201

(10/9/01 8:22:26 am)



And so this Role Call drawns to its end

We've reunited many a friend.

The Weenies stayed away

And didn't come to play

And so their titles they'll have to defend.


All you weenies out there -


You'll have to 'buy' off your Weenie Award with a well-written post here at the Pen.


Please put Weenie Awardee either in the Subject Line or in the post somewhere so I can know that the post applies to this particular subject.


Thank you all for your participation - it's been great fun!


Elrond Peredhil, 31

Elder of Lists and Manners

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