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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

I Know a Man...

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Written for a very good friend of mine. With his permission, of course, I wanted to share it here as well.



I Know a Man...



I know a man, that others do not,

Hidden behind a faceless mask.

His continued days and thoughtful ways,

Are a fearless and valiant task.


Beneath his brow, and helmet hair,

Lies a mind no logic can denounce.

Never restful, always zestful,

On it no other can dare pounce.


With every bold action, he,

Proves an arrow true to mark.

Subtle strokes trail wordly pokes,

With sharp wit, and smart remark


Faith be his passionate cushion

Beneath his chest a hopeful heart

Romance coping and wistful hoping

Cradled bliss his ways do chart.


An inspiration, though he knows it not

To those his passion reaches out.

A friend both through and true is he,

No second thoughts to this; no doubt.


And his soul, indefinitely pure,

Given to the high heavens above.

Thoughtful care given eternal prayer,

And an earnest unyielding love.


Questioned ways of unsure paths

Loyal to his course he stays.

Honest dues his roads will choose,

Truthful song his music plays.


I know a man, that others do not,

Past the face and artist’s hand.

Changed am I, having seen his sky,

He is proof that life is grand.

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Guest Xradion

        That is certainly a flattering accolade to whomsoever it is addressed. Nice job!






The Horny Druid,

Scholar of the Ancient Arts,

Holder of the Eye of Odin.


"The only emperor is the emperor of ice-cream."

-Wallace Stevens


"When at home, do as the Homans do." –Xradion

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Guest Lord Seth Exodus

Hum! I see a stonefaced character. One of intelligence. One with a spark for life.


"Subtle strokes trail wordly pokes,

With sharp wit, and smart remark"

Sounds like a real... jack-ass - if you'll excuse the term. I like that


A sucker for romance- perhaps, though, not showing. Got it from-

"Beneath his chest a hopeful heart

Romance coping and wistful hoping

Cradled bliss his ways do chart."


"Given to the high heavens above."

A spiritual man, no less.


I see, too, a slightly stubborn man; if not only persistant.

"Loyal to his course he stays"


"Past the face and artist’s hand"

Sounds like a fellow artist; I like him already.


But, I think most of all, he has a good friend in you, Justin. Love the poem.

By the way, I just love pshycho analysis; if I'm off, my apologies to your friend.




Lord Seth Exodus

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