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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

As yet untitiled, part 1

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I don't have a title, as the topic insinuates, but will get one as soon as I get one. It isn't high priority.




Part one: Darkness and Rain


Chapter one


Fading Lights


"Even humans wouldn't like a day like this!" A beautiful elven woman spat as she sat at her window staring out into the rain. "And the gods know they like some incredibly stupid things."


Da'Ni. Summer, in her own language. As beautiful as a summer's nights sunset, and as hot tempered as the afternoon sun. An isolationist, like all elves, but one of a different breed. Sitting, locked up in her room in the Tower of the Summer, her homeland's palace, studying the Arcanum. Studying the books of history, the history of the world. Of wars fought and treaties signed, she knew all.


Trained to be a queen from the day she was born. Her thirteenth naming day had come and all that was changed. She had woken that morning to find things flying around. Wherever she walked, a whirlwind of swirling objects surrounded her. She had 'discovered' that she was born with the Talent. And a very white side of the Talent it was.


No queen or Sh'Rali could ever be a white, so they locked her in her tower. Surrounded by cold steel and iron. And of the Talent she used would bring her intense excrutiating pain. They borught the blacks. the very few Elves left with the Black Talent, to bind her. to put her in an order lock so her chaos white wouldn't work.


Only one mistake they made. They gave her the Arcanum. The most powerful book of spells ever written. Inside holds both white and black. The ability to do things only imagined in the thirteen thousand years since the book's writing.


There was one passage. A white entry, on how to disapparate steel and iron, order frameworks. If only she could understand the wording she would finally be free.. ..


Edited by: Degenero Angelus at: 12/2/02 5:25:37 pm

Edited by Alaeha
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Chapter Two


The Darkness Inside


Thirteen days of rain, thirteen days of shitty weather. Had it been that long? Zaritha certainly didn't think so, then again, when everything was always the same color things tend to blend together. And this was nothing but gray, gray, and more gray. Even her long, darker-than-midnight black robes seemed gray anymore. And of course, there's no sign of it letting up anywhere in the future.


It was horrible, forced to live in Kalthan, as beautiful as the city was, away from all others who had the Talent. How was one supposed to grow, to change, to learn? Of course, so long as the White held power, the Black would never be welcomed in Farchai. There was nothing the blacks could do, however. Being constrained by the laws of their 'order'. They cannot use the Talent to kill. To destroy. Or even to injure. Not only would it physically injure, or even kill, the Black doing it, it might even disrupt the Balance. To any with the Talent, or at least the Black Talent, upsetting the Balance is the worst thing imagineable.


The Whites, however, seemed completely bent upon doing just that. Though they to had taken the Oath of Wizards, they seemed to have found a way around that. Destroying the Balance would, of course, destroy the world, but what did they care, so long as they ruled until it was so.


And so, nearly all Blacks had been exiled from Farchai, which is how Zaritha had ended up in Kalthan. A wretched place, compared to her home, but beautiful nonetheless. There were no libraries in the town, and certainl no majik stores. So, she wandered the streets daily looking for odditis and comforts in the town. Finally, she came to the certain oddity that she was looking for that day.


The Two Taverns Inn. In reality, it was closer to it's name than most people would have thought. there were perhaps 6 rooms for travelers to sleep in.. in the entire three story building. There was, however, a tavern on the first and third floors, so it is unlikely that anyone staying in the rooms on the second floor ever got much more than a hour or so of sleep. It was, however, full of rumors, news, and any possible drink you could imagine.


Also, it was the 'home' of who she was seeking. She looked around the first floor tavern and spotted the man. He was bigger than most minotaurs, dressed completely in brown leathers. On his back in it's scabbard sat a katana the size of most men. His face had stubble, as if he hadn't shaved in a few days, and oddly, though he was in a tavern, he hadn't had a drink in his life. Zaritha walked up to the man and placed her hand gently on his shoulder...


Edited by: Degenero Angelus at: 12/3/02 6:03:45 pm

Edited by Alaeha
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Guest Belizean1

Wow...... it has been months since I have been to The Pen. I am so ashamed


But this was the first place I came too and when I saw a post by a friendly face I just had to stop and read it. Nice work Deggy! I can't wait to read your next posts. Now I see what I have been missing......... /me smacks himself on the forehead. Edited by: Belizean1 at: 12/3/02 6:05:37 pm

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