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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword



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Rain is a quiet movement

that hides a silver face upon its finger tips;

you see it falsely,

like the reflection in a mirror,

and realize that there was no one really there

but yourself.


You only notice it’s more than just rain

on days like these,

when it falls fast or slow.


On urgent days when the world is sideways

and tiny minnows dart towards the wall

that is the earth

taking refuge in puddles, rivulets, and lakes.


On special days when the rain falls

like paper glass; slow and gentle

with plenty of time on its way down

to catch the light,

whatever light

that can make it through the snow pillow clouds.


When the air is thick enough

to support the floating shards,

I look away from the rain

surprised the world has not stopped,

and count,

just to be sure,

the sixty seconds that pass inside a minute.


But today is an urgent day,

and the cold makes the rain fall faster.

The minnows have fled,

and siege towers butt against the wall instead

as ranks of liquid soldiers

break themselves upon a castle

in which nobody lives.

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