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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

crystal ball

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Vast wastes extend beyond this door,

The rippling earth, washing cracked

Dusty waves, wet against the portal wall.

Within the sanctuary, I stand,

And in the mind of minds explore.

Not for the world would I stay here

Yet in this small orb of empty space

I stand, for it is this place,

That is free of burning sand.


I seek beyond my walls at night,

My days are darker still,

Each woken word I work my spell,

In dream I work the archaic well,

That holds the thoughts and ancient eyes,

And words in tongues of old.

Each word I learn eternally

Each phrase I learn to spell,

Is testament to my orb, my home,

And why in here I ever dwell.



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To call me insane is a neat trick,

I danced upon the thick heather once,

Amid the standing stones of lore,

Within the sea shells I slept,

Resting upon the chasm floor.

In three nights of wandering,

I wondered at the moon,

In three days of traveling,

I found the golden ruin.


The rusted spears of armies dead,

Beneath my hands did rise,

The world of ancients and of dread,

Within my blackened eyes.

Sanity is the last to leave,

In dreams I now walk free,

I travel the lightless stars above,

And dwell within their might.


Mortality is now my bane,

I have drifted form its embrace,

I tasted eternity at heaven’s gate,

And in the clouded room

Beneath the hallowed doors

Upon the silken marbled floors,

I danced the phantom’s pace.


So to the texts and words of birds,

Language of the oldest times,

Voices of the echoing lies,

Time and time’s old demise,

I dream no more, for dreams are dead,

Living only in the echoes of my head


Living sands and waters deep,

Washing the eyes that will never sleep

Rinsing the mind of all it would keep,

Dreamless, ageless, bones and flesh,

Broken in the blackened depth.


Run upon the heathers again,

The moors and misted places all,

I called the name I should not call,

And in its echoes evermore will fall.


No sanity do I hold,

;Insane now, or just too bold?

I need not the shell restraining me.


Black sleep, dreamless end,

Padded walls without and within.


One voice remains, echoing the name.



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