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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword



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So there you were


just running, oh poor you


I stumbled, tripped on the threshold

in a drunken attempt at arpeggiating

with the most awkward timing



So there you were


your path gone before you


To break beat I steadied

my gattling to mute


So there you were


to leave you alone


And suddenly spitfire tore up the mud

a blastbeat on snares like a rat-tat-tat-thud

but blastbeats just tend to get old really fast

leaving you gasping in the mosh that amassed


So there you are


with nowhere to go


And here I am


not knowing what -




Sound confused? It is.


I... really don't know what to think of this. It's not my best, I'll give anyone that.

It's stumbling through from sheer awkwardness into more awkwardness. And I guess it's meant to.

But I think the awkward is too awkward. The second stanza stands out in that respect primarily. The first line of it bugs me. <- fixed somewhat. Now to see if this will settle.

I'm not sure about the last 3 lines. I like them. They're just right. But I don't know if they belong.

Edited by Mardrax
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