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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


Sir Walnut

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Wolfgang rolled off his cot, wiping the sleep from his eyes as he stood up and walked towards his window. From his third floor balcony he would have had an excellent view of the town, except even this early in the morning the sky was hard to see through the thick clouds of smoke, belching from the roofs of nearly every home. He yawned and stretched as he turned his back to Perrunburg. He stepped into his water closet and washed his face, the grime of the smoke having gotten him even within the brief moment that he was outside. As he dried his face he looked into the mirror, his hazel eyes shown with fresh vigor after the night's rest. He tousled the bed head out of his brown shaggy locks. He threw on his trousers and his undershirt. He laced up his leather boots, a gift from his uncle because "Everyman needs a good pair of shoes, they'll make sure he always strides true!" Wolfgang left his small apartment, and walked past the few rooms on his floor as he headed towards the kitchen. Mrs. Strauss always cooked a little breakfast in the morning, it was included with the room, for which she collected a meager rent. Of course, Wolfgang was late to the morning meal. The biscuits were cold and most of the gravy was gone.


He started towards the closet with the coats when Mrs. Strauss caught him.


"Wolfgang! Don't you dare try and get out of this house without eating breakfast! You're barely out of boyhood and you need your strength! Now eat!", Mrs. Strauss grabbed him by the ear, sat him roughly at the table and uncovered a small bowl sitting on a hot plate, "And don't think I didn't save you any."


"My gratitude, Mrs. Strauss, though you needn't take the time for me. I am sure-"


"Nonsense! You're like a son to me! Now eat before it grows cold." Mrs. Strauss placed Wolfgang's share of warm gravy and biscuits before then shushed the soon to come complaints. Just like a son she thought as she cleaned the kitchen watching Wolfgang out of the corner of her eye.


Wolfgang stepped outside wearing his bowler hat, a long thick coat, goggles, and a mask over his mouth. This time of year the fumocite mines were extremely busy, making the smoke chokingly thick. The miners and people heading to market crowded the street. Wolfgang had been in Perrunburg for a little over a week and was still looking for work. His father had been a watchmaker and taught him all he knew, and Wolfgang was a master watchmaker by the age of twelve. He left his home town at seventeen and had been looking for anyone to apprentice with to feed his hunger for knowledge about any subject. Today, he was going to check in with the town blacksmith, a man by the name of Sean Riley. Apparently, he was the best for a hundred miles which meant he was who Wolfgang had to learn from. Wolfgang stretched out his legs as he stepped out of the boarding house. He looked around shortly, deciding which way he should go. He took the longer route since he didn't often just kind of wander the town. And it would give him a chance to take a look at some of the architecture, which Perrunburg was well known for having some very unique styles present. While most of the building had started to take on a more western style of the larger Imperial cities some had maintained what most would call a rustic style that belonged solely to this region. It was quite beautiful in its simplicity. And before Wolfgang even knew it he had wandered quite some distance and wasted most of the morning on his little mental field trip. He picked up the pace and hastened towards his destination.


Wolfgang reached Sean's shop, a squat little building with a chimney that seemed several sizes too large. The smoke pouring out was only a little thinner than that of the rest of the town. Wolfgang opened the door to find the entrance was several steps above the ground, with the primary body of the forge sitting a few feet below the doorway. Wolfgang stepped in and the heat from the forge made sweat instantly appear on his brow. He could barely hear the sound of voices as he walked in. Wolfgang faintly remembered one of his uncle's quips, something to do with curiosity never letting you get bored. He walked closer to the door a short way passed the forge. Wolfgang could now tell that the voices were shouting.


"Listen Mr. Riley, the boss is tired of waiting! He says you owe him big for that loan he gave you! He wants his money, soon!" A slightly squeaky voice shouted trying to sound tough, "Rough him up!" The man continue after Wolfgang heard several blows landed, "Well be back at the end of the week to collect!"


Wolfgang leaned up against the wall as the door opened up and a short thin man with a sharp chin walked out of the room smoking a cigarette, followed closely by a man shaped somewhat like an ape. After they left Wolfgang turned stepped around the door to see Mr. Riley, a bald man with well muscled arms and soft hazel eyes, wiping blood from the corner of his mouth and under his nose.


"Are you all right Mr. Riley? Shall we fetch the police?" Wolfgang rushed over and helped the smith to his feet.


"No lad, there's no point. If we got the coppers involved it would surely be the end of me.", Riley was a little shorter than Wolfgang who stood just at six feet but was thicker muscled than the young man," Now why don't you forget about what you saw. Who are you and what did you come for lad?"


"I wondered if you would be willing to teach me your trade Mr. Riley. I was coming to apprentice under you."


"My lad, first please call me Sean Riley, and you seem a little old for an apprenticeship, are you not?"


"My name is Wolfgang von Carthan, and I learn quickly, Mr. Riley, I mean ...Sean Riley."


"Well that doesn't really matter seeing how this shop probably won't be here for much longer. I'll probably have to join the gang now to make ends meet."


"The gang?"


"Your new in town aren't you? Well, the gang is a buncha hooligans that goes by the name Shiver's Gang. Run by a real piece of work, goes by Mr. Shivers. Very few people even want to admit to having seen him. This Mr. Shivers has got a real strangle hold on Perrunburg. Pretty much owns the entire town at this point."


"But I've heard you're the best for nearly a hundred miles and the only one I've have any information about, Sean Riley. There must be something we could do."


"Well, if you had a thousand gold pieces handy we could simply repay my debt."


"A thousand gold pieces! I have never even seen that much money in one place, Mr. Riley, let alone actually had it!"


"First off lad, it's bloody Sean Riley! Make me say it again and you'll find out I don't always play nice. Second, it's either that or we fight them and sadly boy they outnumber us slightly."


"Maybe we could manage to get an extension from Mr. Shivers; surely he might be reasonable enough for that."


"Wow lad. You truly are the most naive person I have ever had the displeasure of speaking with. He's a crime boss. They're not known for their generosity."


"Have you ever tried? To simply believe something because you're told sounds pretty naive to me, Sean Riley."


"Fine lad! You want to go waste your time and probably get found in some alley, throat slit, well then be my guest. Mr. Shivers' representative is usually in the opera house. Now get going lad."


Wolfgang placed his right hand, clenched into a fist, against his heart and bowed his head before taking his leave. Sean Riley chuckled at this antiquated gesture. Wolfgang checked the time as he stepped back into the smog of Perrunburg. More of the day had drifted by and it was now nearly three o'clock. Deciding not to dawdle, Wolfgang headed to the opera house. The walk took him through several back alleys that he hadn't taken but he had a fairly good sense of direction and managed to get on to Main Street, where the opera house was seated comfortably across from the town hall, after about half an hour.


The opera house was the grandest looking building in Perrunburg, although that wasn't very impressive. The architecture was in the newer Imperial style, with the gargoyles perched on its gutters venting smoke out of the building. Several columns decorated the entrance to the building which was several stories taller than those around it. The fancy revolving door was gilded with a bronze frame engraved with words in foreign tongues. Wolfgang stepped through door while still trying to marvel at the work. The inside was beautiful, with gorgeous velvet drapes and a machine in the center of the great hall. The machine was fairly small and made of gears in a spherical configuration. Each spoke of the gears were engraved with either the comedy or tragedy mask. Many bluish tubes extruded from the center of the sphere and spiraled around each other into the ceiling. Wolfgang pulled his mask down around his neck and stared. The towns he had been in didn't have a piece of work this magnificent. He simply stood still and pushed his goggles onto his forehead, the smoke of the streets having left a ring of grime around his eyes.


"Magnificent isn't it?" a young woman with black hair down to her neck stepped towards Wolfgang. She stood a bit shorter than Wolfgang, with a slender frame wrapped in a red, hooded cloak which appeared to be a darker red in some areas. Her face was quiet fair, a tattoo of a red rose with a spiral of thorns around it curved about her left eye, which immediately drew his attention to her most striking feature. Her eyes were two different colors; the left was a vibrant blue while the right was a sparkling green.


"Yes it is, ma'am. Pardon the inquiry but are you by any chance an actress?"


"Me? Oh no, but my work is quite...dramatic. Why do you ask?"


"It was just your features are quite striking, so it was a likely choice, also you seemed to be dressed for a performance." As Wolfgang finished his sentence, a large man slowly walked up behind the non-actress. Other than being large his only distinguishing mark was a rather large scar around his neck that was only partially visibly due to the blue woolen scarf he wore.


"Rose. They don't wish to assist us … I believe they wish to double-cross us and obtain the object themselves.", the large man, standing nearly seven feet tall, spoke very monotone in a deep voice that seemed to echo inside his throat.


"Of course they do, Hemmingway. Their criminals." the woman named Rose ran her fingers through her hair in thought. She focused her gaze on Wolfgang's grime covered face, "Young man, are you here to have dealings with Mr. Shivers' Gang?"


"Yes, I am, Ms. Rose. I have come to get an extension on a loan for a man in debt." Wolfgang nodded in agreement as he spoke.


"Well good luck. If they rough you up a little too much do be sure to come down to the Martzel Hotel and ask for me at the desk. Hemmingway would be more than glad to patch you up."


"Very funny Rose. Now let's go." Hemmingway turned towards the exit.


Wolfgang proceeded through the grand hall as the two left the opera house. Since nothing was currently being performed only some of the building was lit and there was no heat. Wolfgang followed the lights down a couple of hallways. He came upon a door with a man standing guard with one of those new hydraulic crossbows in hand.


"State your business, boy!" the man raised the crossbow and took aim.


"I'm here on account of Sean Riley, the blacksmith. I wish to speak with someone about his loan." Wolfgang held his hands up and waited.


"Well, got to check you. No weapons inside the club." The man walked up and let his crossbow hang from the strap resting on his shoulder. After patting nearly every square inch of the boys form the guard back away and opened the door. Inside were several more men armed with crossbows or with swords sheathed around their hips. They all eyed Wolfgang as he walked in, ready to strike at the drop of a hat, or roll of a head. A fat man wearing an unpleasantly tight shirt sat at a table counting coins into neat stacks. One of the guards leaned over and whispered something in his ear and he raised head, revealing several chins.


"Ah, so you've come on behalf of Mr. Riley. Come here to settle his little debt with Mr. Shivers have you?", the corpulent man smiled showing his bucked teeth, yellowed from mistreatment. Wolfgang thought that he looked like a rat that was growing too large for his fur.


"Not exactly, Sir. I was wondering if Mr. Shivers would be willing to give Mr. Riley an extension. He cannot pay by the end of the week, and surely Mr. Shivers would prefer a thousand gold pieces over a dying forge?"


"Really? You came all the way here to ask for an extension? Boy, not only have you wasted your time but you are also wasting my time, and by extension you have wasted Mr. Shivers' time. But, you know what? I'm going to go ahead and give him a ring. I'll ask him for you. Just for laughs."


As the overstuffed rat said this he reach for his grammobox, hit a few keys, and waited patiently for a moment.


"Mr. Shivers! Yes sir. Sorry sir. No worries sir. Now, you know the Riley account? Yes the blacksmith. I have a young gentlemen here asking for an extension for Mr. Riley. I see. Yes. Of course sir. That's a wonderful idea sir, couldn't have thought of that myself sir. That is why it's your gang sir. Yes sir. Goodbye sir.", the obese vermin placed the receiver back on the grammobox. After that, the look on his face changed from groveling to displeasure. He motioned towards Wolfgang. Before the naive fellow knew what had happened he was short of breath and collapsed on the floor. Wolfgang drew a sharp breath just as another blow connected with his ribs. And another. And another. Wolfgang lay still a moment waiting for his breath to slowly return, then wiped a thin trickle of blood from a cut across his cheek. An errant boot or two had clipped his face during what amounted to a severe beating. He looked up at the vermin who had ordered this beating. A cruel smile curved its way across his bulging cheeks.


"Mr. Shivers has given me permission to extend the time on the loan. He only asks a small favor of you. West of town there is a small canyon. At the bottom of said canyon there are some derelict ruins. In these ruins there is a book which Mr. Shivers desires for his personal collection. Bring that to me and not only will Mr. Riley receive an extension but a deduction of two hundred and fifty gold pieces from his debt."


Wolfgang picked his hat from the ground, stood and dusted it off, "Sounds quite agreeable. I shall go and inform Mr. Riley. When you see me next I will come bearing the desired pages.", Wolfgang gave his antiquated bow, wincing as he moved, and slowly made his way out of the room.


Wolfgang felt slightly dizzy as he left the building. His mouth was full of the coppery taste of his own blood. He headed for the hotel where Rose had said she was staying. The city seemed to blur and slowly come in and out of focus. The Martzel Hotel was one of the largest buildings in the rather small town, its bright blue sign's letters blinking in and out rhythmically. A young man in a red cap and jacket with brass buttons stood near the door, waiting patiently. He greeted Wolfgang politely, but with a look of sheer shock as the beaten man approached the building, and opened the door for him. Wolfgang nodded, the world starting to turn slightly as he walked up to the front desk.


"Good day sir. How may I be of service?", the man behind the desk asked barely looking up from several papers set in front of him.


"I'm to meet a woman staying here. Her name is Roseeeee…..", Wolfgang trailed off as the world spun suddenly and then vanished.


Wolfgang opened his eyes slowly, and squinted when the world was slightly brighter than he was expecting. As the world cleared in his vision he could see a face leaning over his own. He started to ask if it was Rose, but his question was answered by the figure above him.


"Wow. They gave you a pretty good going over, didn't they?", the words echoed slightly in the throat they came from as a small light flashed in Wolfgang's eyes, "I'm surprised you still headed over here. A little more surprised you even made it. Not the worst beating I've ever seen, but still pretty bad. You've got some badly bruised ribs, maybe a couple of fractured ones. Is it difficult for you to breathe?"


Wolfgang shook his head as the breath he took caused a sharp pain throughout his abdomen. The room was of good quality, with two beds and purple drapes and carpeting. He raised his hand to his head and grazed the fresh stitches in his forehead with a sudden twinge.


"That laceration was bleeding very badly. I was quiet surprised that you were capable of making it here from the opera house with that much blood pouring into your face. I've gotten you all patched up, just like Rose said I would. Now it's time to tell us why you came here.", the echo sounded out of his throat calmly without any hint of a threat.


"Yes, that would be a good place to start. Those stitches are excellent work Hemmingway.", Rose stepped out of the bath to Wolfgang's right, still dressed in that red robe but drying her hair with a purple towel.


Wolfgang sat up, wincing as the lamp light hit him in the eye, and recounted what happened at the opera house. Neither Hemmingway nor Rose blinked an eye at any of the details.


"See, Rose, they did plan on double crossing us."


"I know Hemmingway. You were right it was a terrible idea to go and talk to Mr. Shivers' gang. But it seems that he's given us a golden opportunity. Now, my friend what's your name?", Rose paced across the room to the window, arms crossed.


"I didn't introduce myself earlier? My apologies!", Wolfgang stood quickly looking slightly flustered, "How rude of me! My name is Wolfgang von Carthan. How do you do?", finishing his introduction with his antiquated bow.


"Well, Wolfgang , my name is Rose and my companion here is Hemmingway. Now I have an important question for you. I hope that you will say yes. Hemmingway and I would like to assist you in retrieval of this book from said temple. The only condition is that I get to look it over first. Agreed?", Rose stepped over hand extended and waiting for the agreeing hand of Wolfgang.


Wolfgang took the hand with a vigorous shake, "Yes that sounds agreeable. And probably my best option as it were."


The three left the hotel and parted ways agreeing to meet at the edge of Perrunburg at dawn. Wolfgang decided he should report back to Mr. Riley with the news, and to let him know he wasn't dead. It was getting quite dark now, several hours having past while Wolfgang was unconscious. After the quick walk back Wolfgang gave a sharp knuckle rap upon the door. After a moment rustling could be heard and some groaning. The peephole opened to reveal a very sleep ridden set of eyes with lids half closed peering out.


"You actually came back, eh lad. Well judging by those stitches I'm guessing they roughed you up for the naïve question." Sean Riley sighed, the eyes vanishing from the peephole just as the door muffled a tremendous yawn.


"Actually, I am to perform a favor for the gang. If I am successful you shall get an extension, and a two hundred and fifty gold piece reduction. So, who is the naïve one now?" A smirk crossed Wolfgang lips even though Sean Riley couldn't see it.


"Still you lad. The errand is probably far too dangerous for some scrawny jobless dolt such as you. Well good luck. If I don't hear back from you in a few days then I'll send a search party. So where are heading then?" The voice stilled sounded barely awake.


"The ruins in the nearby valley. Hopefully I'll be back in within a week."


With that Wolfgang turned and took the quick route back to the boarding house to rest and gather some things before heading out. He also found himself wanting to let Mrs. Strauss know what was going on so she wouldn't worry. A short while after arriving he came back downstairs to see Mrs. Strauss cooking a small portion of the evening meal. She turned at the sound of his footsteps, however soft they fell on the way down.


"Mrs. Strauss, how went your day?"


"Fine, fine. Just getting your share of the porridge ready. Did you meet with that blacksmith fellow?"


"Actually, on that subject, I wanted you to wish me good luck. I am leaving in the morning to perform a favor for Mr. Shivers."


"You what!", Mrs. Strauss dropped the spoon she had just been stirring the evening meal with into porridge, "You got mixed up with Mr. Shivers? Are you daft?"


"I'm only doing a favor for the blacksmith. It won't be long but I'm leaving Perrunburg for a short while."


Mrs. Strauss didn't say a word as she slid a bowl of good as fresh porridge towards the young man she had taken quite a shine to. The boy dutifully while she sat there and watched. A tear came to Mrs. Strauss as Wolfgang walked over and gave the older woman a quick kiss on the forehead and a light hearted smile, followed shortly by a look that told her not to worry. She wiped the tear from her cheek as Wolfgang headed back upstairs to his room. She took a small locket from around her neck and opened it to reveal a portrait of a young man, roughly Wolfgang's age.


"I hope he has better luck with the gang than you did, Sam.", she said just before she kissed the photo and snapped it shut.


In the morning Wolfgang left before even Mrs. Strauss had even started her day. His sleep had been poor and he had tossed and turned the short while he had slept. He gathered a few essentials, his watch and a change in clothes, and quietly crept down the stairs and out the door. He headed for Main Street, and the eastern exit from the town, the opposite end from the opera house. It was nearly daybreak when he arrived at the designated meeting spot, the sign that welcome visitors into the small city. Wolfgang waited a short time at the end of Main Street. He pulled out his self-made pocket watch, and opened its door, revealing the skeleton-bare face that showed the inner workings. The gears ticked along with the second hand. As sunrise approached the watch's silver body gleamed in the fresh light. He set to polishing the watch while he waited.


"Alright, Wolfgang, are you ready?", Rose asked while giving her hair a toss. She and Hemmingway had walked up without Wolfgang even noticing. He must really try to be more observant than that. He made a mental note of this, before clicking the pocket watch's door closed.


"Yes, Ms. Rose. Do you two know where it is this place is located exactly?


"Well, of course, it's only due east of the town just a few miles off the main road. We should make it to the canyon by this evening, just in time to rest for the night." Rose said knowingly.


The walk along the larger trade route was easy but quiet, the three talking very little, all seeming to have slept very little. Wolfgang spent most the journey staring at the fields they walk past on his right side. The left side of the road was shrouded from vision by the thick forest that spanned for several miles in that direction. It was one of the most durable forests in the region having always grown back with surprising vigor even after fires and wind storms. Eventually Rose turned off the large road for a smaller one that cut straight into the forest. The sun was nearly completely blocked by the thick foliage that had grown over the road. Unlike the road they had turned off this one was not well traveled seeming to be little more than a path that the forest was rapidly overtaking. Even though it was now midday very few animals could be heard and the few that were noticed seemed to be in the distance. After some time the sky darkened, the path widening as the day faded into night. Soon the forest seemed to sink suddenly and the group halted for the day. Hemmingway lit a small fire while Wolfgang and Rose set up tents for the evening. Wolfgang set his head on his bedroll and dove headlong into sleep. Morning arrived to a group of well rested, if not a little stiff, travelers ready for the remainder of the journey.


As the incline increased the group stepped more carefully, keeping a watchful eye out for rocks and roots jutting out of the ground. A little trip here would turn into a long one rather quickly. The forest floor evened out and they caught there first sight of the temple they had began looking this trek in search of. The forest had started to reclaim the land it had been built on as the trees seemed to be choking it in to ground. Vines had started to grow over the entrance, which Hemmingway responded to with very little emotion. He had brought a machete with him and he set to the vines with gusto.


"So these are the ruins of what exactly?" Wolfgang asked while scratching under his hat, uttering the first words of the journey so far.


Hemmingway simple shrugged while hacking through the thick vines that had massed in the temple entrance. Rose placed her hand on her chin, looking up into the tree cover shading them.


"Well, back before the U.R.P was in power in this region it was entirely under Bloodpath control. But, the Bloodpath church isn't well known for giving up temples. Usually they burn them down and destroy them while taking any important knowledge with them. Since, the Bloodpath controlled this area for nearly three hundred years, I'd have to guess it's a temple of the old ways. It must have survived the Bloodpath inquisitions due to the excellent cover provided by the fauna here."


"A temple of the old ways?"


"You haven't heard of the old ways? You know about magic right?" Rose looked at Wolfgang as if he was a five year old, he nodded as she spoke, ignoring the look, "Well, everything we know about magic is taken from the civilization that came before ours. At some point all of the people in the civilization were killed off. Following the ways of these people and practicing magic is known as the old ways."


Wolfgang looked into Rose's eyes, her twin colored eyes met his own, and he could see his desire for knowledge reflected in those two deep pools. The connection was for just a moment and shattered when Hemmingway called out to the two, "The vines are gone. Let's continue before they grow back."


The trio continued up to the crumbling stone work of the dilapidated temple. The statues appeared to be made in the images of many dread demons. Wolfgang stepped through the partially collapsed portal that functioned as an entrance. Stale air wafted up from the bowels of the temple, seeming to be several stories deep from where Wolfgang stood, Hemmingway lit a torch but the light from it barely lit the stairwell they stood in. Wolfgang took a deep breath of the thick air. Here goes nothing. They all stepped forward, the strange hieroglyphics on the walls depicting images of trees and suns next to terrifying demons. Vines had started to grow down the stairs, showing that it wouldn't be long before nature reclaimed this little segment of the canyon. As they started down they could hear the trickle of water, most likely an underground stream having worn away at the roof. Several roots protruded from the walls, blocking a portion of the path down. Eventually the stairwell came to a halt and the hall opened up into a wall of pitch black darkness. Hemmingway lit a wall torch with the fire from his own. The flame spread across a small crevice in the wall and lit several other torches. They stood at the entrance to a large room with a domed-roof. In the center of the room was a pedestal, which stood in the center of a large pit.


"Look! Upon the pedestal. It's the book." the excitement in Rose's voice nearly palpable, "But that pit is at least twenty to thirty feet across. We can't get over there.


Wolfgang looked at the floor around the pedestal, and the ledge that separated them from it. He nodded along with his thoughts, and mulled them over. He stared around the room and saw eight different passages out of the room, other than the one they entered from. He took out his watch, from which a pale blue light had begun to pour out of, and examined the face, looking at his reflection for any more information. He was done thinking.


"Well, we just need to get the ledge to extend back to its original position, connected to pedestal platform. To do that we need to explore down those eight passages.", Wolfgang motioned to the darkened passages.


Hemmingway pulled Rose a few steps away and started to whisper in that low double voice of his. He showed his mistrusted, but what else was to be expected. They hadn't even known him for a day, Wolfgang thought, and few people are as trusting as he himself was. Wolfgang started for the first path left of the stairs but stopped abruptly. He held his watch in front of him and the blue glow fought back the darkness in the passage in front of him.


"You two can come with if you like but I won't force it. No reason for the three of us to split up though. We don't really know this place and getting lost wouldn't do any of us a favor, no?"


Rose nodded and grabbed Hemmingway's arm and dragged him forward. The trio headed to a hallway that sloped downward, and continued left slightly. Rose had taken out a notebook and pencil and was seeming to doodle. Probably copying the hieroglyphics, Wolfgang thought. Hemmingway had stepped into the lead since his torch gave more light then Wolfgang's watch. Their footsteps reverberated off the walls of the passage as it sloped down towards the bowels of the temple. Sometime later the passage opened into a small. Rose let out a gasp of shock, which echoed for a short time after, as the light from the torch illuminated a skeleton chained to wall, it's head on the floor.


"He probably starved to death." Hemmingway said as he examined the room.


"You can tell it's a he?", Wolfgang seemed quiet astonished at this.


"It's a simple matter of understanding human anatomy. Hips, shoulders, and jaw-structure are all dead giveaways."


"You have a very dry sense of humor Mr. Hemmingway." Wolfgang grimaced at the intentional pun.


Rose was looking at the hieroglyphics on the wall. They didn't fill all the walls in this room. There were only a few on the wall across from the chained skeleton.


"Well, from the little I know of the old way writings, this means something about knowledge." , Rose ran her fingers across the hieroglyphics on the wall.


Wolfgang gave the room another going over. Knowledge... Wolfgang looked at the skull on the ground. He picked it up and turned it in his hands. It was smoothed by the years that had passed. He placed the skull on the chained skeleton and forced it down onto the neck. The eyes shined a faint blue and the jaw chattered wildly, speaking in an unknown tongue. When the light faded the words still echoed in the young explorer's mind.


"Huh," Wolfgang rubbed his temples as the echoes subsided, "that was interesting."


Rose turned to him and flipped opened through her notes that she had taken on the way down. She nodded and held her chin as she mulled over the writing.


"This chamber was the first test involved in getting the book. There should be another chamber down here that will finish extending the platform to the book. All we have to do is watch out for something called the Oorak. I'm assuming that would be a temple guardian. Probably very unfriendly as well. So most likely he'll be in our way though, that's the way the dice usually fall."


Hemmingway shrugged and started back down the hall and the others quickly fell in line behind. When they returned to the central chamber the floor to the pedestal was partially raised.


"I would really prefer to not have to explore each passage, so Rose could you check the writings for a hint" Hemmingway said without a change of expression, his echo echoing in the cavernous temple.


Rose flipped through her notes and examined each passageway's entrance. Wolfgang looked up and his vision faded. He blinked and rubbed his eyes as he started to panic. When he opened them again his vision was fine, but something was different. Everything looked the same but it all seemed clearer. The hieroglyphics made sense to him, at least some of them did. He couldn't actually read them but he suddenly had an innate understanding of some of the symbols. He looked around and read the hieroglyphics above the passage they had just came from which read as the key. As he looked around he noticed one of them said the keyhole.


"Ma'am. I think…" Wolfgang raised his hand as he attempted to speak.


"Not now Wolfgang, I'm thinking." Rose cut him off with a sharp tone.


"But, I believe I know which way to go."


"How could you possibly know that. I've been studying the writings of the old ways for years and I can barely read their symbols."


"I don't know how but I'm positive that this passage is the correct one."


Rose pondered for a moment and mulled over the few symbols she could read and simply mouth the words key hole, before agreeing by waving for Hemmingway to go through. The trio continued on through several dark twists downward before coming upon another small room. This room was similar in size but lacked the grim wall ornament of the first. Instead seated next to the back wall sat a decorative table upon which was a dusty ledger, pages yellowed with age; a quill pen; and an inkwell. The wall above the table had only a single symbol, smoothed out over the years but still legible. Rose flipped through her notes for a moment and found the page she was looking for.


"This symbol could be several things. It is very similar to the symbol for hospitality and neighbor, but I've never encountered this exact one before." Rose said out loud to herself while grasping her chin pensively.


Wolfgang walked up to the ledger and flipped through several frayed pages all of which empty the first. Only one set of symbols was on the first page, centered at the top. He lifted the quill out of the inkwell to find it dry, the ink having turned to dust long ago. The tip of the quill was covered in gold, sticking out as on odd choice to Wolfgang, seeing as how it would almost always be tarnished with ink. Yet the tip still glittered like brand new.


"Rose", Wolfgang set the pen back down and focused his attention on the page he had open in the ledger, "what do these symbols mean?"


Rose stepped over to the table and peered down at the ledger's only symbols. They sat faintly on the page, nearly worn away by the pressure of the others on it.


"It looks as if the book is a check-in ledger that one would find in an inn. I guess that means we need to sign in as guests."


"The only problem with that would be the lack of ink." Wolfgang flipped over the inkwell to illustrate his point. He lifted the quill pen before so the others could see it. "Also, this quill pen has an interesting point of its own."


Hemmingway walked over to the ledger, grabbing the quill out of Wolfgang's hand, and attempted to sign it. Nothing appeared. "Well, it was worth the try since it could be dealing with magic here."


Rose stepped over, an understanding look cast upon her statuesque features. Rose closed her eyes, pricked her finger with the quill pen. She took the blooded pen to the paper and signed the first line in a looping, elegant cursive that matched the woman. The blood signature flashed for a moment before changing into a gold emblazonment upon the book. The group waited for the flash of light and the echoing words ringing in their heads. It didn't come. Rose handed the pen to Hemmingway, shook her head and walked way. Hemmingway signed in a harsh, sharp script that fit the impatient image Wolfgang had developed of the man. Wolfgang signed in a nearly illegible scribble that was slowly defining itself into an actual signature. Immediately after the pen left last character in Wolfgang's name the ledger slammed closed and the hieroglyphics on the wall flashed a bright bluish hue. A flood of insensible words pulsed into the front of Wolfgang's mind, blocking out all other possible thoughts. This time it was too much for him and once again the world spiraled into a deep black haze.


Wolfgang's call back to the world was the sharp clap of a well swung palm connecting with his cheek. That followed by a gentle purr from Rose, "Wake up or Hemmingway is going to try, and he doesn't play nearly as nice as me."


Wolfgang struggled to get up but his head felt as if someone had tried to open his skull and rummage through it. He opened his eyes to see Hemmingway leering down at him. Never the tactful one, Hemmingway reached down and held Wolfgang's eyes open.


"He seems to be alright, judging by the fact that the fear reaction was still there." Wolfgang could hear the sneer in the voice even if it didn't spread across the large man's face.


"I am all right even in spite of the brutish awakening. Thank you for that Rose." Wolfgang stood and dusted off his jacket. "How long was I out?" He bent over a picked his hat up from next to where he lay.


"Only a few moments, Rose nearly fainted as well so it seems to be only something that can affect that weak of will." Hemmingway responded, throwing a completely unveiled insult at the young man.


"Now, Hemmingway, that doesn't sound at all based upon medical facts since you yourself seemed a little shaken after that flash of light. Even if it did knock out our young companion let's not be so harsh."


"The flash wasn't what did it; it was the chorus of voices speaking all at once. That was just far too much for me." Wolfgang pulled out the pocket watch to check the time. A dour look came across his face, wrinkling his brow. They had been in the ruins for nearly four hours now, but it didn't seem as if that much time had passed. This was becoming worrisome.


"A chorus of voices?", both Rose and Hemmingway questioned in unison. Wolfgang spoke of what he heard following the flash of light. Rose seemed more interested in this than Hemmingway, who was ready to chalk it up to latent psychosis brought on by the trauma sustained early in the week. They both knew that he was simply being Hemmingway with that statement. They decided to dwell more on this later as they left the small chamber for the twisting ruins once more.


The central chamber now had a complete floor leading up to the pedestal which held the book the three had come searching for. Large central chamber seemed ominous to Wolfgang as he stepped out into the room, as if he had stepped out on to a great stage and that the eyes of many people were watching him. The shadows seemed to reach out longer as if grabbing at the three. Rose made it to the pedestal first and she quickly grasped the book. The moment her delicate gloved fingers took hold of the ornately trimmed tome there was a change in her face. It was very subtle at first, just a hint of it in her eyes. They seemed to suddenly glaze over, her focus not truly being in front of her anymore. Then her expression changed, from what Wolfgang would call angelic into a viscous glare. She suddenly seemed to be over taken by hate. The next moment she clutched the book tightly to her bosom, a frown having etched its way across her porcelain features.


"Stay away from me you…you monsters. You can't have the book. It's mine. I had it first, so just…just leave me alone." The new Rose spit and fumbled over the words as she back away from the two men. Wolfgang could hear the voices again, this time much more subtle and there was no pounding pain in his forehead.


"Hemmingway! The book was the Oorak! We were supposed to be wary of it! Quickly get it out of her hands!" Wolfgang shouted at the large man who was moving before the command was even issued. His speed was surprising but Rose in her rage induced burst of adrenaline was faster. The slim cloaked figure seemed to dance right out of the grasp of the physician. But she only could look in one direction at once and she danced her way into the waiting arms of Wolfgang. Hemmingway's massive hands grasped the book and for a moment the book's focus seemed torn. Both Hemmingway and rose stopped tugging at it, as if waiting for the book to decide where it wanted to go. Then it decided and Rose let go of her own accord. Hemmingway reeled as the book attempted to subvert his own will. But the large man fought back and suddenly an ethereal hand burst forth from the book, launching him away from the tome and his only weapon as the machete grated against the harsh stone floor.


Rose shook off the possession in time to see this and understood immediately what was happening, "Hemmingway, Wolfgang! Be careful the book is housing a sealed demon. An evil spirit of avarice, it used our desire to obtain the book to manifest itself in our world!"


"A demon! Aren't those just a bedtime story used to scare naughty children?" Wolfgang seemed completely dumbfounded at the idea that a hell spawn was manifesting itself right before his eyes.


"Oh, they're plenty real. It's just very hard for them to manifest in the physical world. The amount of energy…look now's not a great time to be discussing this!" Rose shouted as she regained her composure, just as the demon began to pull itself from the cover of the book.


As its arms came into being it dragged the rest of its body into the material world. Its serpentine form was over ten feet in length, scaled in precious gems of various hues, a set of serrated diamonds running the length of its back. It was supported by six pairs of thick hoofed legs that just seemed to sprout awkwardly from its sides as though it simply desired to have them. A pair of well muscled arms sprouted from its thick shoulders each bending at multiple the elbows and ending in a hand that bore platinum claws that steamed as if freshly cooling metal. Its gruesome head was split by a large vertical maw of diamond teeth, the tongue that hung from it lazily ending in a large yet surprisingly human hand. Its eyes seemed to be circular cut sapphires that burned with an unearthly greenish flame. The beast peered at the three and let forth a guttural chuckle that sounded as though it was choking.


Hemmingway was already getting back to his feet as the beast came rushing at him again, its claws hissing through the air as their steam trailed behind. Hemmingway leaned back in time to avoid the first butcher knife sized claw as it swung by his throat. As the demon lunged forward with its other clawed hand Hemmingway found his retreat cut short by the temple wall, a realization that came moments to late as the massive claw dug its way into his right shoulder, pinning him to the wall. The beast's tongue hand caressed his face, tasting him, and Hemmingway felt the gravel-like tongue flesh of each finger as they felt around him. The hand pulled back leaving a silver thread of saliva from each little appendage to Hemmingway's now very pale face. Hemmingway felt a pang of fear shriek through his mind, a pain he remembered from what seemed like a life time ago. He was relieved from these thoughts by the cruel twisting of the crimson splattered platinum claw in his shoulder. The pain blocked out his other senses, he couldn't even hear the others screaming his name as he gasped in pain.


Wolfgang acted first, picking up Hemmingway's dropped blade and running at the beast. Fear gripped his mind, his adrenaline the only thing pushing him forward on legs the seemed to be made of drying concrete. The blade struck with as much force as Wolfgang could muster. A single topaz scale dislodged from the blow and skipped across the floor as silver blood oozed from the small wound. The beast focused its attention now on the young watchmaker, pulling its claw from the ancient stone wall with Hemmingway still hanging from it as it swung giant body around to face the new attacker. The monster lashed out with its tongue, wrapping it large fingers around the brown haired youth's throat. Wolfgang thrust the machete up into the tongue, and found he could not retrieve the blade from the thick muscle as silver dripped down on to his black gloved hand. He thrashed around trying to breathe as the beast tightened its grip on him. From the corner of his eye he could see Rose pull a slender blade from her waist that had been hidden within the folds of her robe. He had never seen a blade like this one before was one of the few things he could think as the silver edge flashed through the air. It was about a half foot in length and resting in the tang of the blade was a ruby the size of a human eye. Wolfgang tried to gasp in shock with the lack of air as Rose turned it in on herself. She carved up a long line on each arm which Wolfgang saw for the first time as she sliced through her sleeve. Blood dripped down each scar covered forearm as she moved the blood-covered blade towards her abdomen. Lowering the blade past her bosom she thrust the dagger into her stomach. A moment passed as the demon, Wolfgang, and Hemmingway observed her pull the blade back out and a trickle of blood leave her mouth. She teetered for a moment, then suddenly forced herself upright


She raised one blood covered arm pointing a blood dripping finger at the Oorak, "I name you beast as mine enemy and wish upon you no mercy and all the torments of thy infernal home." She suddenly convulsed, dropping the knife as she arched her back, eyes rolling back in her head and arms hanging limp. She stood still like this as a faint aura of red appeared around her. The grip around his neck loosened and Wolfgang could tell that it was not a magical aura, but droplets of her blood floating in the air. The droplets quickly coalesced into a several shapes; a dozen vicious spikes that curved and loomed around the girl. She suddenly lurched forward flinging her arms towards the beast. The spears of solidified blood shot forward and in the blink of an eye they had impaled the otherworldly entity straight through. They suddenly returned to blood as the magic ended, the sanguine fluid of Rose contrasted on the floor by the flood of silver pouring forth from the demon. The beast's body suddenly lost its hold in the material plane and faded out with a sudden gust of air. The whole ordeal had ended in just a few minutes, with two of the trio badly wounded. Wolfgang ran over to Rose as she stood with a smirk on her colorless face. She coughed up more blood as she fell back slowly, as if willing herself to be caught in by someone. She fell down into Wolfgang's arms and he tried to support her head as she looked up at him.


"I hate doing that" Rose coughed up more blood that splattered down her cheek "It takes a lot out of you. And…it really messes up your skin." Her breathing slowed and she closed her eyes. Wolfgang stared for a moment, wondering how someone dying could still look so nearly perfect. The few splatters of blood on her face drew a sharp contrast with her porcelain skin that made them appear as little petals falling from her rose tattoo.


"Out of the way you useless piece of meat." Hemmingway shoved Wolfgang away from Rose ignoring his own wound as though it were a mere scratch. He reached in to an inner pocket of his jacket and pulled out thread, needles, and scalpels. Everything that was necessary for an impromptu surgery. Hemmingway opened Rose's robe and unveiled her scar covered body. The number of scars were countless and all in perfect lines and expertly place. The only place without a single mark was the area around her heart. Blood gushed from the wound she had given herself. Hemmingway thread a needle and reached his fingers inside of the petit woman. In moments he removed his gloved fingers and sliced the thread with a quick twitch of a scalpel. He pulled a small flask labeled disinfectant from another pocket and splashed some on the wound. "Grab some cloth and clean off some of the blood."


Wolfgang moved immediately opening his own bag and pulling out a whitish shirt and quickly followed Hemmingway's order. He had his doubts about the man's skill as a doctor, but all those disappeared when he saw the man go to work. The stomach was stitched in a moments, without a single wasted movement of Hemmingway's quick fingers. Even more rapidly he stitched her sliced arms, finally containing the woman's life back into her body. He breathed slowly and calmly as he covered up Rose's naked body. Her breathing had deepened and calmed. Wolfgang let the breath that had gotten caught in his throat free as she seemed to be more asleep than dying.


"We can't move her for a few hours so we might as well rest here for the rest of the night. You look exhausted so get some sleep. She's stable and her magic will quicken the healing process. So don't worry, I've seen her survive worse injuries." Hemmingway leaned back on his arms where he sat next to the resting woman.


"What was that? What did Rose do to that demon?" Wolfgang lay down, staring at the drying pool of crimson and silver where the demon had stood.


"Rose use to be a member of the Bloodpath church. She never got beyond the rank of Priestess before they asked her to do something that she couldn't do. They wanted her to receive the Ley lines upon her face, but her own vanity prevented her from doing so. She wears the robe of the church to cover her shame, a scarred and imperfect body that she despises. What she did was their version of magic, incredible feats powered by the user's own blood, drawn from them by precise cuts into the body. These cuts must be placed perfectly on the bodies' ley lines, places where magic flows just like those upon our world. The things they can do are simply astounding but at great risk to their own health. That's how the two of us met actually." Hemmingway sighed as if thinking of better days. "Enough of this for now though. She'll speak more of it when she awakes if you ask." The doctor lay next to the woman, his back towards Wolfgang and his head resting on his arm. Wolfgang realized how little he knew of the people he had chosen to trust, then sleep gripped him and he was soon breathing the deep peaceful breaths of the completely drained.

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