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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

The Cathedral

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“Donnie, what the hell have you done now?” Marie demanded as she stormed into his office.


Donnie looked up from the paperwork he was working on, “What are you getting all bent out of shape over?” he asked watching the anger flash in her eyes.


“You can start with that fancy car out front with the sticker still in the window.” She was now standing in front of his desk and he knew where this was going.


“If you sit down I will do my best to explain what’s going on.” He told her leaning back in his chair.


Marie stalked over to the opposite chair and dropped into it with a sigh. “This better be good.”


Donnie took a deep breath, “That car is paid in full.”


“Right forty-six thousand dollars, paid in full. With you being a Pastor. How is that possible?” she asked, her voice still much louder than it needed to be.

“Before I answer that you should know that both my house and Mother’s have been paid off.” He was enjoying making his baby sister angry. It was a childhood sibling rivalry that he never quite grew out of.


Marie jumped up, “Damn it Donnie what have you done? If you’ve gotten yourself mixed up with Father’s friends Mother will skin you. She already lost him to those men; there is no way she would be willing to let you deal with them.” She was pacing the room now radiating anger with every breath.


Her accusations were fast making Donnie angry himself. It seemed to him that every time something good happened to him, or he could do something nice for their mother Marie starting shooting off her mouth about their late father’s old friends. For the moment he was able to keep his temper in check. “I haven’t heard nor seen any of Father’s friends since his funeral.” He snapped.


Marie stopped pacing at the edge of his desk to glare at him. “Then explain the money.” She demanded.


“That’s simple, it’s called the North Carolina State Educational Lottery.” He forced a laugh through the anger.


“You are telling me that you won the lottery, and that’s where all the money came from?” she asked carefully. All she could think was that he had dealings with the men that had killed their father years before.


“That’s right; two hundred seventy-three million dollars. It was the single biggest win on record. The first thing I did was pay off everything I owed and deal with the house for mom. Then I took a small piece of it and bought that car just for the fun of it.” He paused hoping she had gotten herself under control as he was explaining. He didn’t have the heart to deal with one of her temper tantrums today.


Marie had managed to get the slightest of grips of her temper, but it wasn’t holding well. “What about me? Do I get anything out of this or is it just our precious mother who does?” she asked almost sounding sweet.


This was not an unexpected question, “Of course, all you have to do is sign this.” He told her sliding a thin stack of papers across his desk. “You sign that and you get a house to share with that husband of yours paid in full and sixty thousand dollars in cash.” He was smiling as he explained.


She glanced at the papers, “What is it that you want me to sign?”


Donnie leaned forward, “Just a little something my lawyer drew up. It says that upon getting the house and money you are relieved of the ability to receive anything more from me. This is a one time deal Marie.” He told her watching as the anger once again filled her eyes.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Promising story intro here, Luna. :-) I like the bickering sibling relationship you establish right off the bat between the main characters, and the relationship of the father with some less than reputable men gives the lottery win an intriguing feel of ambivalence. I'm curious to see whether Donnie is involved with the mob in any way, or if it's just an honest win of luck that drives his sister on a spree of skepticism. Who knows, maybe it's an honest win on his part that's inevitably tied to the mob since they pull all the lotto strings... there're lots of interesting directions to expand it in, anyway. I could also see this working as a short if going the full story route isn't your plan, though for that I think the piece might need a little more "umph" at the end, something more than just the snarky deal that demonstrates brother's relationship to his sister. Either way, it's a good read so far! Thanks for sharing it.

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“Why should I sign that?” she snarled.


Donnie smiled, “Because if you don't I won't be giving you anything. You see that's the bright side for me, I don't really have to give you anything.” he told her, “So you might want to take the offer and run.” he finished handing her a pen.


“But you are a minister, pastor at least. How can you want me to sign something like that?” her words were wet with tears.


Donnie waited a moment for her to get herself back under control. “Simple, I know you, and I know you well. If I don't make you sign it you will be asking me for money to live on for the rest of your life. I don't feel like being your bank for the next forty or fifty years. As for me being a pastor what does that have to do with any of this?” he asked staring into her eyes.


“Whatever.” she snapped grabbing the pen and signing the paperwork. “When do I get the money?” she demanded with only a hint of the little sister he had grown up with still in her eyes.


This was just what he expected of her, “Just pick out a house that fits within the parameters outlined in the paperwork and you will have everything within seven business days.” his grip on his temper was fading fast, he reached over and picked up the stack of papers. In a moment he had removed his copies and handed the remainder to her. “Until then get out of my office.”

Marie stood, “Gladly, you aren't worth my time anyway.” she stormed out of the office taking her copy of the paperwork with her.


As the door slammed behind her Donnie was picking up the phone. He dialed his mother's number from memory. She picked it up on the second ring, “Hello Donnie.” her voice was instantly soothing to his rattled nerves.


“Hello mother, how is the most beautiful woman in the world?” he asked feeling calmer at just the sound of her voice.


“The most beautiful woman in the wold, I wouldn't know, but your mother is doing fine. How are you young man?” she asked hearing the edge in his voice and not liking it.


“I'm fine mother. Just missed hearing his voice.” he hedged. He knew he couldn't hide it when something was wrong, but that didn't mean he wouldn't try.


“Your sister showed up didn't she?” his mother asked her own voice full of venom.


“I knew she would, that's why I had that paper written up by the lawyer. She signed it.” he told her. He couldn't believe there was still a tiny part of him that had hoped she wouldn't. He heard his mother sigh.


“Does it really surprise you Donnie?” she asked, he could hear the concern in her voice.


“No.” he told her truthfully, “But that also doesn't stop it from hurting when I'm reminded money is more important to my loving sister than her own family.”


“I know, but now it's almost over. Tell me you remembered to put restrictions into those papers for the house. If you didn't she'll find a way to spend way too much of your money.” his mother worried.


“Don't worry mom she won't get more than I'm willing to give. Did the car get there?” he asked knowing it would make his mother smile.

Her girlish giggle was just the reaction he had wanted when he bought the car for her. “What in the world am I supposed to do with a bran new flame red sports car?” she asked, not sounding the least bit disappointed in the car.


“You drive it. It's fun and I know you've never had anything like it. With everything you and dad gave up for me and Marie I thought it was time for you to have something special.”


“And I thank you for it. It's beautiful, now get on with the things there at the church.” she told him softly. “I know you have lots to do. In that you are just like me and your father you will do anything you set your mind to. I only hope that you didn't inherit the mess your father made of his life. I hope all of that died with him.”


Donnie looked up to the ceiling, from his mother the worry wasn't as much of a knife to heart, but it still hurt. “I haven't mom. I'm just doing everything I can to keep this church running and still manage to make time for myself. I am glad that your car was delivered safely.” he explained, “Have a good day and I will talk to you later.”


“Ok Donnie. Talk to you later.” she laughed.


Donnie hung up the phone and stood up. He slowly walked over to the bookcase. He was about to pick up one of the old books to get lost in for a few hours before going home when the phone rang again. He was back to his desk with it in his hand before the third ring. “Hello, Monarch Ministries, how can I help you?”


“I'm not sure Pastor. I was wondering if you might have a few minutes this afternoon to spare to speak with me?” the woman asked keeping her voice very calm and deliberate.


Donnie felt the sigh of contentment slip from his lips, “For you Jenna I always have time.” he laughed. He had grown up with her and been best friends since they were little kids.


“Thanks, I could really use a friend for a few minutes.”


A sadness was creeping into her voice and it worried him. He could hear the un-shed tears in her voice, the sound felt like a knife to his heart, “Jenna what's wrong?” he asked forcing his own voice to remain gentle.


Jenna sighed, “Nothing really, just everyone was right including you. Tom dumped me last night.” there was a bitter laugh in her normally sweet voice, “Heavens that sounds so high school.”


Donnie took a deep breath to bank the anger he felt at Tom, “No it doesn't. It sounds to me like you got hurt. What can I do to help?” he asked quickly. It wouldn't be the first time he had helped to put her back together after some guy broke her heart.


There was a long pause on the other end of the line. “I wouldn't mind spending the evening with someone that actually cares about how I feel.”


Donnie understood that need. “I can be done here in say an hour. You wan to meet me here or someplace else?” he hated seeing her hurting.


Jenna thought for a moment, “Why don't you meet me at City Park?”


Donnie felt a small smile, “By the swings?” he asked knowing that was where they had always met at the park.


Jenna let out a real laugh, “Always. See you in about an hour.” she hung up before he could say anything else.


Donnie hung up the receiver and went back over to the bookcase to get his journal. He made quick work of the entry that he had been neglecting for nearly a week. He got to the park about ten minutes before he was supposed to meet Jenna. He sat in his new car for a moment watching Jenna as she relaxed on the swings. He smiled when she glanced over at the car. “Hey.” he called getting out and shutting the door behind him.


“Hey yourself, “ she called starting toward him. She looked at the car he was relaxing against with envy, “Nice ride.”


He glanced back at the mustang, “It's fun.”


Jenna ran her fingertips over the hood as she got close enough. “How you pull this off Preacher man?” she asked slipping into the passenger seat. He always got a kick out of her calling him that, she was after all the only one that seemed to understand why he had taken that path.

He laughed, “North Carolina Lottery. I hit it big, bought both me and mom new cars. Even went so far as to buy the place I was renting and pay off mother's house.” he explained dropping his long frame back into the driver's seat. “You want to go for a ride?”


The smile that crossed her face lit up her eyes, “Hell yeah.” she hooked her seat belt before looking at him with a sober face. “How much did Marie manage to get out of you?”


Donnie had been expecting the question and from Jenna it didn't bother him one bit. “A new house for her and the man she married,” he paused for a breath knowing the money was going to irritate Jenna, “and sixty thousand in cash.” he started the car. “She even signed a paper saying she can ask for nothing more.” he paused for a moment as he drove out of the park and turned down the main road of town. He had been thinking about one thing since finding out he had one. Now it was time to get an answer. He took a deep breath, “Jenna, if you could have any one thing in the world what would it be?” he asked never taking his eyes off the road.


Jenna sat perfectly still for a long moment before saying anything. “Anything in the world?” she asked hesitantly.


“Anything money can buy.” he carefully maneuvered through downtown traffic. He was heading for the one place he was sure no one would look for him because he was fairly certain that no one around town knew it was there after all this time.


“A house. A place of my own that would allow me to get out from under the condo.” she answered watching as the city began to fade away past the mustang's windows.


“Sounds fair enough.” Donnie said taking a left-hand turn onto a small, seldom traveled road.


“Why do you ask?” she kept watching as the cityscape turned to trees and nature.

Taking another corner he began to slow down. “I figure I have more money than I can ever spend. So I was thinking about fulfilling people I care about's dreams.” he slowed the car a bit more and turned onto a dirt road. “By the way, welcome to my only secret.” the words were no more than out of his mouth before the car went around a curve and the building that had been hidden was revealed.


“Wow Donnie, what is this place?” she asked not able to take her eyes off the ancient stone cathedral.


Donnie parked in front of the cracked stone steps, “You know the little place I have been renting for the last few years?”


She was confused, “Yeah, but what does that have to do with this?”


“When I went to the owner and offered to buy it out right, he jumped at the chance to get rid of it. I didn't know why at the time, but I wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth if you know what I mean. So I bought it lock, stock, and secrets. This place is one of it's secrets. Ended up with almost two hundred acres of heavy forest and hidden at the back edge of it next to the government land was this place. Over that road is government land that I have known about for years and always wondered about because it is posted. No one is allowed back there.” he opened his door and climbed out. “You are the first person I have shown it to since the night I found it.” he waited as she got out of the car.


“Can we go in?” she asked looking longingly at the massive oak doors sitting at the top of the steps.


Donnie's mind drifted back a week to the night he had found the place. He had done Sunday morning service at Monarch Ministries, and decided to let the youth pastor do the evening service. He had been wanting to explore his new property. After finding the old weed covered road that ran down the back of the land he bought, he found the cathedral. When he had first driven up there was a catholic mass being held. The vehicles parked around, old horse and buggy, had intrigued him enough that he had gone in.


Jenna's voice cut through the memory, “Donnie are you ok?” she was asking, by the tone of her voice he knew it wasn't the first time she had asked.


He took a deep breath, “I'm fine, and yes we can go in.” he told her as he lead the way up the stairs. He paused at the top for a moment before opening the door. “No one has used this place in over a hundred years. It could use a good cleaning.” he opened the door and stepped back to let her go inside.

Jenna looked around, he was right everything had a layer of dust on it, but she could still see the beauty of the place. “This place is wonderful. Do you plan on moving Monarch Ministries here once we get it cleaned up?” she asked starting to walk around and take stock of what was there.

Donnie stood just inside the door watching her, “I haven't decided yet. There are a few things I have to consider in that idea.”


“Like what? It's a lovely old place that just needs a new church family to call it home.” she continued as she walked around calculating what it would take to get the place up to code and usable.


“You are right about it being a lovely old place, but I'm not sure about bringing Monarch Ministries out here. There is something very interesting about this place.” he hedged. He didn't want her to think he was crazy, he needed to know if she would see the same thing he had.

Jenna stopped wandering to look at his face. She had known him a long time now, and she could see something was wrong. “Donnie what's wrong?” she asked stepping closer.


“Don't worry about me, I brought you out here to show off and help you work through this thing with Tom.” He stepped away from her. He was having a hard time lately thinking when he was too close to her.


“There's nothing to work through. The SOB left me for MarryAnne. He couldn't handle that I don't put out.” She explained quickly.


“Seems to be what usually happens.” he said staring at the dusty alter in front of the room. “God, I'm sorry I didn't mean that.”

Jenna was standing there smiling, “Don't be sorry, it's the truth. Men are fine dating me until they realize that I mean it when I say I'm not having sex until my wedding night.”


Donnie could hear her temper starting to ramp up. “Hey, I think you're doing the right thing remember?” he joked.


She laughed, not noticing the growing number of people sitting in the pews. Donnie glanced down at his watch. “Um, Jenna. We might want to step back outside.” he didn't know if she could see them or not, but he did know that the Wednesday evening service would be starting soon. He wasn't going to interrupt it.


Jenna glanced around after looking at his face. “Ah service will be staring soon.” She walked up to an elderly man in a black suit standing by the door. “Would you mind if we joined you tonight?” she asked him simply.


His smile lit up his face, “Anyone, and everyone is welcome here. Please bring your husband and sit.” he held out his hand in invitation. She turned to Donnie.


In that moment her safe solid world crashed in around her ears. She had been about to correct the man when two things made themselves known in her mind. First was the fact she was talking to a ghost, and second was the thought of Donnie as her husband made her heart race faster than it had ever before. So instead of saying anything she simply made her way to the pew he had pointed out and sat down. Donnie was sitting beside her in less than a moment. “This is a ghost service right?” she asked him pushing the thought of him as her husband from her mind.


“Yes they happen three times a week. Sundays at ten-thirty in the morning and Wednesday's at six.” he watched the last of the people come in. “They also have a small service on Sunday nights.”


They sat through service amazed by what they saw. At the end as people were leaving a young woman stopped at the end of their pew. “Excuse me sir?” her voice floated like a feather in the breeze.


“Yes,” Donnie responded, “Can I help you with something?”


The young woman blushed, “I simply wanted to thank you.”


He stood up and held out his hand, “My name is Donnie, and what is it that you want to thank me for?” he asked as she shook his hand.


“For bringing our services back. We went so long without them.” a young man stepped up and put his hand on her shoulder. She glanced at him, “I'm sorry I have to go now. Thank you again Pastor Donnie.” she smiled as she let the young man lead her away. Donnie turned to Jenna.


“Did she say that I brought back their services?” he asked as other people filed past him only to disappear as they went through the doors.


“Yes, but more to the point at least she knows you are a Pastor.” she laughed falling into the line of people heading for the door. As she stepped outside into the setting sun she stopped and took a moment to collect her thoughts.”Donnie remember on the way here you asked me what one thing I wanted in the world?”


“Sure.” he was confused but figured she would explain.


“I said a house, that's not true.” she felt her chest tighten in fear. Her next words would change her life forever. “I think the one thing I would like is a dinner at Le'Marik.”


She looked so scared he wondered what was going on, it was such as simple request.” A dinner at Le'Marik?” he questioned.


“Yes, a fancy dinner with you.” her words were strong but she was shaking slightly as she stood there looking into his eyes.


Donnie wasn't sure what had just changed, but something in his heart told him that whatever it was, had to be very big. “Ok when?” he asked trying to take the question in stride.


She smiled slowly, “Well it's Wednesday evening, right? How about Friday at eight?”


Donnie nodded, “Sounds nice. Now how about I take you back to your car?” he asked feeling strange.


Jenna felt a laugh bubble up inside her, “That would be just fine.” the longer she thought about the man in the cathedral calling Donnie her husband the more she began to wonder if she had been blind. She decided to move back to a safe topic as they walked toward the car and climbed in. “So what are you wanting to do with this place?” she asked closing the door after settling into the passenger seat.


Donnie was still a little confused by the dinner thing, but tried to keep up. “I was thinking I might try to get permission to bring Monarch up here, but I want to make sure not to bother the services that are already here.” he told her putting the car in drive and heading back toward the city.


“That sounds like a good plan. We know we can interact with these people.” she was still smiling. She watched him as he drove wondering how long she had been ignoring the fact that her best friend was a handsome man.


The ride back to the park was quiet, with both of them thinking their own thoughts and enjoying simply being in the others company. As he pulled in next to the ragged old truck she called hers Donnie spoke, “Jenna, are you sure about this dinner idea? I offered to buy you anything in the world and you tell me all you want is a dinner with me.” he had spent the drive trying to figure it out, but the reasoning was escaping him.


“I'm sure. I want dinner with you at Le'Marik.” for the first time she noticed his sea-green eyes had a strange look in them. Maybe pressing her luck this time would lead to where she wanted so badly to go for so long.


“But we've been going places together for years.” Something had changed in the church and it was confusing him.


Jenna turned in her seat so she was facing him. “That is true, but we've never done anything special. There's never been a date. I want to...” she trailed off as her nerve faded. Before he could respond she climbed out of the car, into her truck and was gone.


He sat there for a moment feeling like a fool. How long had he wanted some kind of a reaction from her saying that he was something more than a friend. Now he had gotten the chance and blown it before he even realized it was there. “I offered her all the money I have and she wants a date. God I'm a fool.” he leaned forward and rested his head on the steering wheel. “How can I fix this?” he mumbled into the darkness.


As he sat there Donnie felt a calm come over him. There was a way to fix this, he just had to think it through. He leaned back and started the car. A few minutes later he was pulling into the front drive of the church. He shook his head as he looked at his sister's car parked at the back of the lot by his office. “Great, just great.” he climbed out of the car and walked over to the door. She was waiting on the leather sofa just inside the door.


“Donnie.” she said politely. “I am glad you came back by the church. I would like the chance to speak with you again.” her words were almost to stiff and polite.


He had to keep a tight reign on the laughter, but maybe seeing her again was going to be to bad if he could push her buttons. “I just ran to a meeting. What can I do for you?” he asked trying to gauge just how far to push her.


“I found the house I want, and before you get snippy it fits into everything you outlined in the paperwork.” she kept her voice kind and even, but Donnie could hear to amount of willpower it was costing her.


He knew how much behaving like this must be costing her emotionally and he had more important fish to fry tonight. “So contact my lawyer and give him the information.”


She forced a smile, “Thank you Donnie.”was all she said before getting to her feet and leaving.


He didn't say anything, just watched her leave. With a sigh he picked up the phone, now he really needed to make a few calls. The first number he dialed from memory without stopping to thing the office might be closed. It was answered on the second ring. “Johnston and Mitchell, late night.” the voice joked.


“Don't you ever go home Kevin?” Donnie asked relaxing slightly at the sound of his old friend's voice.


“Not before about eleven of late. What are you still doing at the church?”


Donnie sighed, “Marie should be contacting you soon. She stopped by tonight to let me know she found the house she wants.”


“Great. Then I assume she signed the papers?” Kevin asked quickly.


“Yes, now I need to ask you a question, but I want an answer not a speech.” Donnie knew he sounded strange, however there wasn't anything he could do about it.


“Ok, I'll keep the law talk brief, this sounds important.”


“It is, what do you know about Le' Marik?” Donnie asked knowing Kevin was going to jump on his about asking.

Kevin didn't say anything for a moment, when he did his voice sounded slightly strange to Donnie. “Le'Marik is a pricey place. It's known for good service, great food and high dollar romance.” he paused to let out a low whistle. “Why you asking about that place? It's next to impossible to get a table there. The place is usually booked months in advance.”


Donnie sighed, he knew Kevin had a few contacts at the restaurant and if asked would be able to get him the table he needed. “Because I need a table there Friday night about eight-thirty.” he answered hoping to not have to give away too much.


“Wow must be someone really special if you want Le'Marik, and in only two days.”

Donnie could hear the laughter in his friend's voice. “Can you pull it off?” he asked trying to keep his heart from pounding too loud.


“Of course I can do it. I just want to know who's got you so stressed out. You only call me to ask for a favor when you can't think of another way out.”


“Let's just say I didn't even try any other ways. I need that table Kevin and I can't afford to make any mistakes on this.” he could hear the fear lacing his own voice, but at the moment really didn't care. There was nothing he would not do to guarantee that things went smoothly.

Kevin knew from the tone of his friend's voice that he wasn't joking, this was really important to him. “You'll have the table.”


“Thank you. Now I have to make a few more calls.”


Kevin cleared his throat, “Donnie who are you setting all of this up for?”


With a sigh Donnie gave up. Kevin had been one of his best friends for years, and if he was honest with himself he needed to talk it through. “Jenna.'” he answered simply. He took a deep breath as he waited a heartbeat for Kevin's reaction.


“Jenna? You mean your best friend and my sister Jenna?” he asked fighting to keep from laughing.

It was just what he expected from his friend. “Yes that Jenna. Now are you going to lecture me about it?” he snapped.


“Nope. The only thing I'm going to say about it is that I've talked to both of you at length about many things. If you hurt her Donnie it will end badly.”


Donnie glanced around his office his heart racing in his chest. “I won't hurt her Kevin. I've already nearly blown this once. It has to be perfect.”


“You want to talk this through now or you want me to meet you at the house in an hour or so? You sound like your nerves are fried on this.”


Donnie sighed as his eyes caught on the picture of the three of them that had been taken at graduation. “Kevin you know how long I've waited for this chance. I can't let my own stupidity destroy it.”


“What did you do?” Kevin asked knowing his friend needed to talk.


“”Well I thought I was being smart, about the lottery money. You remember that nightmare in a box right?” he asked picking up the picture and tracing his fingertips over Jenna's face.


“I remember,” Kevin laughed, “I'm dealing with all the legal parts of it, but what does that have to do with how you feel about Jenna?”


“I offered her anything she wanted that money could buy, and the only thing she asked for was a dinner Friday night at Le'Marik.”


“Ok, so why are you so nervous? It's just a meal.” Kevin asked his voice nearly vibrating with laughter.


“Damn it Kevin! You know I've been in love with the woman since grade school.”

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