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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


Sir Walnut

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The young man stared at the flickering candle, the only light in his study at this time of night. Or was it morning. He sighed as he place his quill inside the inkpot, and flicked at the red-hair hanging down into his good eye. Nothing had come to mind, not a single random thought or sudden burst of imagination. He had wasted the entire day trying to create adventure or drama on paper but in the end all he had done was waste another perfectly good day to go and have some himself. He stood from his desk and grabbed his purple silk jacket from the chair. He belted his blades into place and flipped his top hat off the table and placed it upon his head.

"There. The unnecessarily long prep scene is now complete, I can now head off."

The crimson haired man stepped out of his room into a hallway he never walked into before. Not the hallway itself of course, but the rooms in the hallway had seemed to shift and float around the keep. He walked down the new hallway in the direction he had come to believe was the direction out of the keep. He usually made it to the front gate in a little under the weather. On his way out he came across several other pennites, including Wyvern, who was always thinking of another "Get-geld" quick scheme, getting ready for another almost report with his almost intern, Cheermynx. He gave them both a quick bow of respect before continuing on down the hall and seeing sight that made him try and block his line of sight. It was Tzimfemme striding nude, as was her preference, down the hall her mind wrapped in thoughts none could discern.

"Good evening.", The self-made noble said without removing his hand from his right eye.

The vampire didn't respond, as though she couldn't hear him. He shrugged and continue his way to the gate. As he headed down the stairs he caught a glimpse of the pen's resident ninja, Kikuyu, disappearing down the stairs, most likely off to catch up with the towers shifter, Degorram. He continued down the stairs and walked past his good friend Ozymandias, who seemed fairly preoccupied with important. He reached the front gate faster then normal. Ah well.

"Good night fair keep, and may you be safe from harm. I shall return.", The young man waved farewell to the keep, the gate opening upon a beautiful dawn lit sky."Oh, it was morning then wasn't it?"



(I'm taking a short hiatus from writing at the moment till I get a little less busy. Hope to be posting again soon.)

Edited by Sir Walnut Reginald Trouble Clamhat
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The young man stared at the flickering candle, the only light in his study at this time of night. Or was it morning. He sighed as he place his quill inside the inkpot, and flicked at the red-hair hanging down into his good eye. Nothing had come to mind, not a single random thought or sudden burst of imagination. He had wasted the entire day trying to create adventure or drama on paper but in the end all he had done was waste another perfectly good day to go and have some himself. He stood from his desk and grabbed his purple silk jacket from the chair. He belted his blades into place and flipped his top hat off the table and placed it upon his head.

"There. The unnecessarily long prep scene is now complete, I can now head off."

He had prepared 13 candles lid on a multicolored sparck Pentagram with his laying naked like DaVinci's famous porportion sketch. Beside it was a laptop with a horribly written chainmail letter waiting to be sent to each and every single person ever to create an account on the mightypen.net He pressed the sent button, and right on que a giant pendellium blade swings right down at him. Beheading the young pennite without even a sound.


Whoever read this must post on this thread or face certain death within the next 13 hour. Happy posting!

Edited by Vigil StarGazer
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