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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Rainbow Vomit

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The checkers are swirling in dizzying blurs,

and lights are flashing in a distinguished ruse.

Crack open my eyes to see the mess

of a rainbow's vomit on my shoes.


Falling falling falling down through sparkles.

Have I come to the rabbit's hole?

Undescribable undiscribable undiskribabul

the pink and rippling knoll.


It's a strange and surreal sensation

of NeOn goldfish swimming through my hair.

The leaves of silver filaments

and trees that grow underwear.


A world of growing frowels and dying zilards.

The rabbit runs across my feet.

Spread button wings and flutter to the sky

where the cotton candy nymphs I'll meet.

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Oooo, quite a surreal and funny poem you have here Dego. :-) I definitely got an "Alice in Wonderland" feel from it, especially with the rabbit hole and all. I like how the poem gets progressively more hallucinogenic as it goes on, and the colorful phrasings like "cotton candy nymphs" and "rainbow's vomit" (cool title, by the way) worked nicely. Fun stuff, Dego, thanks for sharing it with us. :-)


Wyvern strokes the scales on his chin as he looks over a map of the rabbit hole, wondering how much Tzimfemme would be willing to pay him to point out the location of the underwear tree...

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