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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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I was at school when I did this and I think better when I type and I didn't have money to print it out T_T Part of my major novel, to be placed in later. This is mainly why I haven't been putting out so many short stories, I've finally knuckled down to editing for the *hopefully!!!* majorly last time!



He was very young. Too young, it seemed, to be sitting by himself in a dark room lit by a single candle. The fire created dancing castles and cities on the dark brown stone walls. The young man, a boy really, watched them intently. He did not blink, did not shut his lids over the pale grey of his eyes. His tawny hair, cut short in the back and standing on end, draped on either side of his face, flickering gold and silver in the firelight.

The door creaked open and a pale face was half illuminated, the light sliding and cutting across the angular features to rest, glimmer, pool in a single scarlet orb. “Nefarious.”

The boy tilted his chin slightly, his gaze shifting from the wall to the speaker’s face, half-hidden in shadow, half-ablaze in fire. He did not open his mouth.

“I need you. Stand.”

Nefarious stood mechanically, his eyes still fixed on the tall specter at the door. “What would you have me do?” His voice was flat and cold but unusually high and childlike. He looked very small in the light. As the light slid to his eyes, the pupils contracted into slits, transforming the childish lay of his face into something inhuman, something alien.

“Come,” the intruder said blandly, but his lips curled, catching the light against his sharp teeth. “There is someone you need to meet.”


Nefarious sat cross-legged in front of the other young man, staring. The man across from him was much older than he, at least by ten years. His black hair was mussed and pulled sloppily back into a rough horsetail low at his neck, and many bruises darkened his cheeks and brow. Two scars, one on his lip and eyebrow, twisted his expression into a permanent scowl. He, too, did not blink or shut his large golden eyes, the slitted pupils fixed on the boy.

“So then,” the young, dark man growled, his eyes finally sliding over to the paper and blood man nearby. “What is this?”

“That,” Aazurud replied, his eyes narrowed, his mouth peeling into a grin, “is Nefarious. He’s a…friend, of mine, you could say.”

“Your spawn, more like,” Berdaun sneered. “Don’t play. I know where Melthran and Pleidius and the rest came from.”

“I have no idea what you speak of,” the Myst smiled, running a finger along his lips. “But I would watch your tongue. Nefarious will get his feelings hurt, and he is to be your constant companion for a very, very long time.”

Berdaun twitched, his scaled ears twisting back in smothered rage. “What?”

“You heard me, child. He is to follow you, and seeing as you will be traveling across Aewin at Malus’ beck and call, you will have plenty of time to get to know each other.”

Berdaun shot to his feet. “I could kill him,” he hissed. “He’s not very big, but he’s a big enough target.”

Aazurud’s eyes flickered to Nefarious and the Ameron froze, glancing down at his chest. The boy Myst was standing just under him, a tiny blade in each hand poised over Berdaun’s hamstring and kidney. The Ameron hesitated, but his hands shot forward so quickly it caught both Mysts off guard. Nefarious did not yelp as the Ameron tossed him effortlessly over his shoulder, his fist following to slam into the boy’s stomach. The child Myst scrambled, twisting about to try and dig one of his blades into Berdaun’s eye. The Ameron snarled and spat, grabbing the boy’s wrist in his large hand, about to twist and break the bone.

Nefarious grinned and Berdaun stumbled back, repulsed by a fierce get of smoking light that suddenly burst from the boy’s body. Berdaun’s right hand began to glow black.

“Enough!” Aazurud was laughing. “As you can see you are evenly matched. You will not beat Nefarious, and as he grows, he will continue to surpass you. Perhaps you could learn from each other, but if not, well,” Aazurud grinned. “At least Nefarious will be able to kill you if you try to get out of hand.”

“I thought that was what these were for,” Berdaun gritted through clenched teeth, pointing at the two puncture scars on his neck.

Aazurud smiled. “Those are for special occasions. Sleep now, child. You have an early start in the morning.”

The Myst disappeared, locking the door behind him. Berdaun glanced at Nefarious and slumped into the corner, glaring. The child sat down quietly and fixed his eyes on a candle flame. The lights flickered across the room, glittering in the animal eyes of the Ameron who watched mistrustfully.

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So, this scene is part of a larger novel-length story then Kikuyu? :-) That would make sense to me... while the scene has its dramatic elements out of context, there are a number of characters like the Myth who I'm sure would come more to life when placed in the larger story. Still, this is quite nicely written and I'm glad you chose to post it here rather than ditching it due to lack of printing credit. The plot elements at play here make it seem as though the larger novel might have potential... let us know what becomes of it!

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