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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Mighty Pen Muxtapes


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Wyvern slinks into the Cabaret Room carrying an old tape player in one claw and a cheap-looking amplifier in the other. The overgrown lizard sets up his equipment at a safe distance from the Kikuyu and Degorram tickle torture portrait that hangs on the wall, then ties a radio antenna to one of his horns in the hopes of tuning into the latest business forecast prior to playing any tapes. After a few minutes of pure static, Wyvern grumbles and tosses the antenna to the side, then pulls out a tape from under one of his wings and holds it up to the Cabaret light. The red cassette tape is labeled:




Makeout Marauders - Mighty Pen Muxtapes vol. 1






"Hope ya don't mind if I tossss this on?" hisses Wyvern, oblivious to the manner that pennites are scrambling for earplugs...




OOC: Introducing a new way for pennites to share music mixes with each other. The website http://www.muxtape.com is a simple and kinda cool way to put up short music mixes of up to 12 songs. Registration is very quick and uploading is easy, despite a few annoying barriers like the way that the tracks must be in MP3 format (I had to re-upload the songs I wanted on my comp so I could have them as MP3s). My lil' 9 track music mix is available at the link above (http://almostdragonicbrand.muxtape.com/), and consists of lots of comic upbeat numbers about making out. Sign up at the site, make your own mix, and then share it in this thread... just don't forget to subtitle your mix "Mighty Pen Muxtapes vol. 2" etc so we can jock the Pen with pride! :-D

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