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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

The Midnight Witch

Silver WInd

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The Midnight Witch


Cloaked within the veil of midnight hair

her eyes seemed to cast shadows upon the wall

and none could escape her eternal stare

she would be the one to bring the downfall

in silence she would beckon those who dare

upon their knees to her they come at a crawl

and so she sang sweetly into the night

cast in the flickering dance of candle light


Her voice would bring the stars trembling in lust

concealed in darkness she remains hidden

with a single touch she will turn all to dust

her fruits when offered are always forbidden

of those judged unworthy she would ridden

so sinister her eyes filled with the sky

and always her rose red lips speak a lie


Beware when midnight strikes and you hear her song

only with a glance she will invoke desire

and from there your waiting doom will not come long

for within you she will light her fire

no longer you will be aware of the wrong

only with your death she will conspire

into the dark unknown she weaves her dance

and you prepare to take up your last stance.

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Nice poem, Silver Wind. :-) I like how you describe the midnight witch in a way that mingles her evil with a sense of temptation, as it makes her particular brand of darkness all the more intriguing. I especially like the lines about how the fruit that she offers is "always forbidden" and how her "rose red lips" always speak lies, as both of these points emphasized the charm on the surface of her evil. In terms of possible things to improve in future revisions, the use of the word "ridden" in the second stanza felt somewhat awkward in the context of its line, and there were one or two points where the rhythms of the lines didn't do justice to the rhyme scheme. Still, this is very nicely done overall Silver Wind. :-) It's great to see your poetry on the boards.


With that, Wyvern licks his lips at the thought of the Midnight Witch and begins digging through old issues of Naughty Nymph Magazine in the hopes of finding a centerfold of the temptress in question. Seven volumes, 43 issues, two "barely legal ear" specials later, and still no sign of the Witch notorious for "lighting her fire" within. Wyvern lets out a frustrated whimper and turns to Silver Wind with a hopeful expression in his beady eyes...

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Thank you very much.


I would have to agree with you reguarding the line ridden and I admit that one was somewhat forced to fit into the rhyme.


I could not think of anything else at the moment, that would fit in with the poem, that rhymed with Hidden and Forebidden.

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Wyvern continues to stare in Silver Wind's direction, his eyes growing wider in an attempt to achieve kawaii anime proportions. The overgrown lizard lets his lower lip tremble and takes out his Fake Tear Tissue, dabbing his eyes with a few wet crocodile drops. He then takes a long step forward and leans over to Silver Wind, sniffling to himself and raising a claw to his snout.


"Ssseems I've come up a bit short in terms of Midnight Witch stuff." Wyvern scoots the smut mags he'd been leafing through to the side with his tail. He takes a moment to glance in both directions, then licks his lips and whispers into Silver Wind's ear. "I don't sss'pose you might have any pics o' this chick, preferably ones involving nudity or scant amounts of clothing? I wouldn't mind a couple for my ever-expanding collection, if ya catch my drift..."


Wyvern winks and slides a piece of paper to Silver Wind under one of his claws.


"I'd be willin' to trade ya a solid 50 gelds worth of Almost Dragonic products in exchange for a pic or two." Wyvern narrows his beady eyes and sneers. "Go on, take the ssslip... I know you have access to them Midnight Witch-related archivesss."



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Leans back and considered the offer. Rapping her fingers against the table top. It is tempting. Gives and expection of the Almost Dragonic Products then turnes her gaze back upon Wyvern with scrutiny. "It do be a tempting offer, but I do not know. This sort of thing can be dangerous and all. She is quite the wicked one" Considers for a moment but remains uncertain. Tilts head inqustively to one side, and speaks in a low voice. Eyes shiting to ensure there be no onlookers or eavesdroppers. "Are ye sure ye can handle it?"
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"Hmmm, I sssee." Wyvern twists his snout and raises a claw to his chin, contemplating Silver Wind's words. "Hard ball, isss it? Very well then, allow me to add a few things to my offer."


With a great deal of labor and pain, the overgrown lizard manages to open his tiny geld pouch. He bites his lip as he pulls a single geld from it, raising a claw to his eyes and turning his head as he passes it in Silver Wind's direction.


"I'm gonna offer ya *sob* a single geld, a 60 geld gift certificate for Almost Dragonic Brand Products, and an I.O.U for an almost dragonic response to yer 'Opal Eyes' piece." Wyvern whimpers a little, then turns his head back to Silver Wind with a serious look. "But for these, I expect no fewer than three picturesss, and they better be hot! I'm trussstin' yer judgement when it comes to this 'invokes desire' stuff."


Silver Wind raises a brow at Wyvern and examines his scaly face.


"But are ye sure you're ready to handle it?"


Wyvern glances back at Silver Wind with a look that borders on confusion, then snorts and raises a claw to his chest in an instance of almost dragonic bravado.


"Honey, I gotsss naughty pictures of succubi from Satan's Sockdrawer itself, not to mention plenty of practice staring at Tzimfemme nekkid. I'm prepared fer whatever lasciviousness you might toss in my direction." Wyvern lets his forked tongue roll from his mouth and wipes a bit of drool from his chin. "Now, can you get me some pics of this babe?! The anticipation'sss killin' me here!"

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Contemplates over his rather generous offer. As it was most appeasing indeed, and quite hard to pass up, as it seemed he was most eager to have those picitures. She would lick her lips a moment, still a bit hesitent. Brigning one hand up she rubbed her chin thoughtfuly before at last she would come to give a slow nod of her head as she looked back over to him.


"Alright, I shall aqure these pics that you so desperately request"

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"Exxxcccceeelllent." Wyvern strikes a toothy grin and pats Silver Wind on the back. He wraps the single geld in the Almost Dragonic Product gift certificate and slides it into Silver Wind's pocket with a hiss. "The almost dragonic 'Opal Eyes' resssponse will come once you've fulfilled you're ssside of the bargain. Consssider yourself lucky - I rarely offer advances."


With that, Wyvern rubs his claws together and begins gathering up his messy piles of Naughty Nymph magazines.


"Lookin' forward to the acquisition. I'm here if ya need me!"

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Stumbles back grumbling about witches enchantments and dusting off unknown subtsances from her clothing. "I am so going to need a shower after this"


Gives a heavy sigh and starts to rummage around before at last producing the three carefully preserved photographs just as requested to descretly pass over to him. Glancing around to make sure no unintived unlookers lingered about.


"Well it was not easy, but I have them, and I think you will be pleased. They should compliment your collection nicely."

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"I sssseee." Wyvern grins a grin of razor-sharp teeth, then carefully plucks the photos out of Silver Wind's hands. He shuffles the pics in his claws while his beady eyes focus on Silver Wind's rather dirty garments. "Yeesh, looksss like you had to face an obstable or two huh? I'm officially curious... what did you have to go through to get thessse photographs taken?"


Wyvern bites his lip as he refrains from looking down at the pics, his sense of bargaining overcoming his perversion in a rare moment of self-control.


"Y'know, I'm gonna need a brief description of what sorta pics these are before I can call it a deal." Wyvern sticks his snout up as Silver Wind droops her shoulders and stares towards him with tired eyes. "Doesssn't have to be anything super-elaborate, but I need to hear what sort of poses/expressions/dresses(if ANY dresses!) you caught thisss Midnight Witch babe in before I can accept'em. I also need to know if you caught any clear shots of her eyes, and a lil' physical description wouldn't hurt. A picture may be worth a thousand words, but a thousand words from a photographer can make the picture all the more valuable!"


Wyvern crosses his scaly arms and sneers in Silver Wind's direction, raising the three photos.


"You describe thessse pics and tell me what it took to get'em, and I'LL decide if they compliment my little collection. I gotsss standards, ya know!"

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Gives Wyvern and irritated glare and grumbles to herself. It figures, it was not bad enough dealing with that grumpy witch, but now this scaely fiend is trying to find a way to weassil out the original agreement. And after all that work too. Not being in the best of moods just at the time, needing very much a hot shower, and a soft bed. Though she has been through too much trouble already to just give up now, giving a long drawn out sigh.


"Oh you have no idea. First off all, she has to live in the middle of a bloody lagoon of all things, and you do not even want to know what sort of slimey creepy crawely creatures live there. It was not bad enough trudging through that damp, swampy, old forest, not even to mention the flies. But you know, witches do not very much like tresspassers. So I finally reach her cabin when there is the blasted ehnchantments, oh and by the way did I mention that her famillar is an alligator. So after after nearly becomming I snack I finally get away from thing, it is a good thing those things don't climb you know. So I had to sit up in a tree the whole time.


So now, about the pictures, well lets see, what can I say about her. She has hair as black as midnight, that cascades down her body, just past her waist, and her skin, it seems illuminated in the light of the moon. She has rather exotic features of the face, with full lips, and high cheek bones. She is also quite the voluptious one. Her boosom is quite ample, and her hips quite curvacious.


As for the pictures, well she is not one very much for wearing dresses."


She would come to draw the pictures over to her just for the time, so she could explain the specific poses in each one. Pointing to the first one in the pile.


"In this one here she quite enjoying a bit of moonbathing if you will. She is quite unclad, streached out upon her back beneath the light of the moon, basking within its silvery light.


Now in this picture she is wearing quite a lovely skirt of purple, and a blouse which long billowing sleaves, which is cut quite low giving a view of the tops of her cleaveage, and tied just beneath her breast, leaving her mid-section exposed. She is seated just upon a rock, with her hands just behind her, and her back arched slightly, as her head it silted up to the sky. And one of her legs is crossed over the other, and you see there is a slit just down the side of the skirt, so you can glimpse some of the bare flesh of her legs beneath.


And in this one she is only wearing a pair of black lace painties, and her arms are crossed just acorss her naked breasts, also in this one, she is facing the camera, so this one has a very clear shot of her eyes."

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Wyvern stares, immobile and speechless, his eyes gaping too wide for comfort and his jaw dropped open with his forked tongue hanging loose. Silver Wind taps her feet on the ground impatiently as she waits for a response, absorbing the overgrown lizard's silence. She twists her nose and frowns when she notices the large pool of drool that rests at the reptilian Elder's feet, then clears her throat for a moment and speaks up.


"Errr... So, I take it that these will suffice?"


Wyvern's head slowly creaks to the side so that its fully facing Silver Wind, his jaw still agape and his tongue still hanging low. The overgrown lizard lifts a claw to respond, but only manages to weeze out a meager smoke ring.


"Riiight." Silver Wind rolls her eyes and frowns. "Well listen Wyvern, I really am exhausted from all of this, so if you don't want these I'll just-"


"WAIT! Gimme gimme gimme gimme!!!" Wyvern suddenly snaps back into motion and barges over to Silver Wind with reckless abandon. He snatches the photos from her hand and begins slobbering uncontrollably, his eyes welling with delight as he looks them over. He stuffs the photos into his pouch, then gets on his hands and knees and begins groveling at Silver Wind's feet. "Thessse... picsss... are... MAGNIFICENT! Wow, oh wow. WOW. Thank you ssssooooooo much! Thessse photos are amazing quality. Sssimply amazing."


Silver Wind flinches and moves her feet a bit, figuring her boots are dirty enough from the muck and mire of the lagoon as it is. She doesn't move them too far, though, as she doesn't want to prevent the giant lizard from sucking up to her.


"I mean it, thessse photos are seriously professsional quality - they're up there with some of Naughty Nymph's finest! Amazing that you got her in such an exotic variety of uniforms and poses uninvited, musta taken a lotta patience and some very careful camera work on yer part. And they're so clear. 'Fitsss into my collection' is an underssstatement! Thisss is one o' the best deals I've made in a while, picsss like these make me appreciate photography as an art. And a scorching hot art, at that!"


"Uhhh..." Silver Wind stares up at the ceiling in a nonchalant manner and blushes a bit in spite of herself. "Well, thanks."


Wyvern pauses for a moment, then ceases his groveling and scrambles back onto his two feet. He clears his throat of a few ashes and dusts himself off in a professional business-like manner, lowering one of his wings in front of himself to hide the bulge of a certain "third horn." He grins towards Silver Wind and extends a claw.


"*Ahem* That isss, yes, these photos will do just fine." Wyvern shakes Silver Wind's hand with a grin. "And this will not be the last time the two of us do bussssiness, I hope. It's great to have a talented photographer in the midsts of the Pen... perhaps we could consider starting a blackmail operation at some point?"


Wyvern winks to Silver Wind, then shifts his tail and scurries off the fulfill the remaining part of his side of the bargain...

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