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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

"Gunflowers" by Quincunx


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I'm not sure if this was intended as an Aardvark-style vignette or as the beginning of a longer story, but it's very interesting stuff either way Quincunx. :-) The whole concept of plants growing bullets is fascinating, as is the thought of the culture that comes about when ammunition and firearms are so commonplace. I really like the way you show Lily and Adam playing the "target" game, as it feels somewhat unnerving while still maintaining a kind of innocence in the way they play it out. Very nice use of adverbs with "friendly handful of ammunition," by the way.


Out of curiousity (and anyone can answer this), does grease-paper actually exist or is it a material you made up for this setting? It gives off an ugly feel, either way. The applecores at the end are kind of an interesting touch, though they keep making me think "The Anti Johnny Appleseed" for some reason (I hope they don't have anything to do with the name Adam, anyway).


Anyhow, nice stuff. :-) Just thought I'd show my appreciation for it here.

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