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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword



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-Brief Description-


Akallabeth is covered in short white and brown hair, has huge paws, and weighs about 150 pounds. In short, he appears to be a typical, friendly Saint Bernard dog. However, he is capable of understanding and communicating with humans, though he does not know how he came to be able to do this.

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Akallabeth took his name from the word engraved on the chain around his neck. His first memory is of looking into a pool where he was drinking and seeing it around his neck, and he is fairly sure that he has not changed or aged since that time, though it was years ago.


He is able to comprehend and communicate with humans. Though this may seem like a great ability setting him apart from other animals, it has done just that. He realizes he is not a normal animal. He also knows that he is far from being a human. Thus he is split from both, and is a wanderer.


This is what brought him to the Pen.


Over the years, he heard rumors and picked up long dead trails of others who had walked that way, searching, much as he was, for something different, some home, some place of refuge.


Though many of the trails defeated his tracking abilities, he finally did latch onto one, and gradually came to the Castle of the Pen. Since arriving, he has mostly kept out of sight, and has only recently considered leaving his life of sulking around in dark corners, watching others enjoy the freedom that is found here.

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He is a very powerful creature, and is capable of moving quickly on land and for short distances in water. His nose can find most anything that he desires to find, and his hearing is also quite capable.


The combination of his nose, hearing, and instincts sometimes let him know of approaching danger.



Akallabeth is an animal, not capable of speech or any normal communication other than on a basic level with other animals. He has learned that he can speak to humans and most others through focused thoughts. He isn't using telepathy, and is certainly no psychic. Unless others can reply in mindspeak, they must reply with words, which Akallabeth can understand. He has no understanding of how he is able to communicate in this way when so many other animals cannot. (Note: when he talks in this way, " quotation marks " will be replaced by :: mind-speech marks :: )

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He is very friendly and accepting, especially to those he has newly met. As he comes to know people, he will either become closer to them and do all he can to serve and protecting them; or else keep at a respectful distance, and help them however he may, up to a point. He would lay his life down for anyone, given the chance.


Though Akallabeth appears to be mournful, he is generally quite playful and generally glad to be around other creatures, though he generally is pretty quiet except for the occasional bark.

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