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Web design discussion

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Heya everyone, I've been doing some coding work lately and figured I would start a thread where we could all talk about what we've done.


I currently am familiar with CSS and HTML, and try to make standards compliant webpages. For fun, I've been making a todo list and then making a bunch of different css stylesheets for it. I'll link to those later on after I move.


I use Textpad for coding, and I started off with frontpage and moved up. I'm also familiar with Photoshop (currently using CS2) and do all my own graphic design for my webpages. I'm not very good yet, but I'm getting a much better hand on design than I used to have. Hopefully over time I'll continue to get good enough to do this on the side as a side job.


As a few examples, here are some sites I have worked on in the past.


Rainbow RV Resort on Tanwax Lake - did this one for a friend of mine, my second paid job. Was rather happy with the improvement over the old site, which I still have around here somewhere.


Surefire - Messing with iFrames - This was the result of me finding out about iframes and figuring out how to mess with them. Graphics heavy and slow loading, but over all not too bad. his was done...two or three years ago, I believe. Looks best in IE. Poetry on there is godawful.


Silvertrip - Redefine God this is a horrible site. Some DHTML code modified (stolen) from someone else for the ultra version and some cheesy graphics. However, it's not that bad, all told. Fun times to make, and still has my poetry all archived on there, as well as A Game of Chess, which I need to fix. I went through and edited the thanks page a little to keep old memories where they belong, but other than that, untouched by the years. Give it about an hour from this posting time to actually be online.


My current designs are a lot more...functional than my older ones, and I've moved away from table-based layout.


So, anyone else around here dabble in design?

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I used to dabble - and dabble is all I did to be honest. I still like to play a bit now and then, I used to do dynamic web pages using asp or cfm (with a little bit of cgi-bin thrown in for luck)... Then I got a job and suddenly my spare time dried up.


It's so sad when that happens. I can feel the knowledge that I had draining away, being smothered by useless day to day trivia.


Maybe I should try for a 'comeback tour'. ;)

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