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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Maralinda ran away not long after her baby sister was born, but the mage guilds shut the door in her family’s face when they came to beg assistance in finding her. Fifteen years later but only looking five years older, she wriggled out of an unbolted window and met Theodora taking the family’s sheep to the fields. Dora took her sister home again, but Minta was now a beacon for magic and weirdness; a vampire found her, and they traveled together to the court of the ruling mage, Rydia. The child dove recklessly into necromancy, forgetting to shelter her family during Armageddon, and fell head-over-heels for a three-eyed, blue-skinned mutant drow/sports equipment. She was dragged to Server One, complaining all the way through Cftm! school, but then turned herself loose on Ager One with Tzimfemme’s stolen moderator’s red quill. Rydia shipped her back to Blitz One under RagingGoat’s care, as an apprentice green mage, but she sneaked back to Ager One in time for the wild hunt. She moved to the Pen along with the quincunx, not complaining, but not understanding why they had to leave Terra.


Minta eagerly took on the gnome personality in Norrath but was furious about being enrolled in the “super-duper cootiefied” Legion of the White Rose. After the KENA! faction decamped, she happily wasted time: from her expeditions, she brought back all sorts of strange fungus to add to those flourishing in Greenbeard’s dwarven facial hair; she set out as first mate to Illof’s gnomie pirate expeditions; with Destin and Fleetwood, the other Legion evils, she hunted the unicorns of the nature goddess; she ran a Norrath-wide game of tag-you’re-it and sang silly songs which everyone could hear. Eventually Rydia realized that Minta had become a LotWR fixture, kidnapped her, and brought her to the Eye of Mordor guild, where others from Terra had gathered; Minta, shocked to discover that she was the only gnomie, and that the other members mostly viewed her as a future snack, made herself into a "right-height" mascot for the guild.

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Minta, like most gnomes, adores creative tinkering and hardware use. She is the translator of the quincunx, with an unusually broad knowledge of languages; she can even use simple earspeak, using her fingers on either side of her head, and shrill a few badly mangled words of celestial and infernal languages.

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~Magical Abilities~


Minta combines the magic of an Archmage black mage with a Norrathian necromancer worshipping the god of disease (or “Cooties-be-gone”) in varying proportions. By far, her favorite magic is summoning magic; she whistles up skeletons, zombies, and other undead for bizarre and menial tasks. She doesn’t hesitate to make infernal pacts but rarely has her offers accepted.


Her power in the quincunx is misdirection; people who have a set reaction to all other personae often reverse their opinion for Minta, and she'll happily victimize them or hide her wrongdoing while they're still confused.

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More junk than anyone could possibly inventory. Pixystix. Pixystix wrappers. Glow stix. A splinter of wood from Rydia's ark. Anti-cootie gems and sprays. Pizza paver with toppings trailer. Wooden replicas of the Platonic solids. A wind-up cyborg gnomie clockwork shield. Sparklydragon dust. A fluffy red quill, somewhat crumpled. An enchanted badger skeleton. Pop tops. A skull that floats with enough lift for Minta to sit upon and levitate. Full set of zombie-leather research protective gear. Zombie-meat crayons. Enchanted silver crayons that draw living lines. Bone chips. A tattered green hair bow. Twisted crazy straws. Vials of venom. A toolbox (English, metric, and gnomish wrenches). Powdered mana crystals. Preserved eyeball marbles & bouncy ball. Jacks. Knucklebone dice. Steel, razor-edged pizza cutter dice (d11). An unwashed wool handkerchief. Essence emeralds, each labeled with the name of its imprisoned soul. Zombie-skin trampoline. A rope swing. A darkwood dagger, naturally poisonous (one of two originally given to her). A silver circlet, engraved with distracting abstract patterns. A bubblewand that makes ultra-tough bubbles. Cuckoo clock-work that coughs up spare parts every hour. Happy Unbirthday balloons. Fireworks. Fizzypop. Kraag plushie. Vlad’s phylactery.

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~Physical Description~


The little girl sported short, wavy-curly indigo hair and matching eyes in a round face. Durable child's research robes crafted out of zombified leather, with dozens of overstuffed pockets, covered her from neck to toe. Minta is waist-high to the average human and twice as quick.

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Nim the mutant drow is Minta’s “NIMMY!” and she doesn’t care who knows it or if he reciprocates. Minta “does not, not, NOT!” like Greenbeard the dwarf, although she kept bringing him presents of new and weird fungus to grow on his beard (hence the name). Boys are otherwise icky; Scorn is especially icky but was her ‘big brother’ who misled her about many facts of life. Minta is good friends with little Sweetcherrie, little Morgane, Swordmage’s Moonchilde, Signe’s Gloria, Ayshela’s Kaitlyn, Appy, Rune, and all the other sugar-fed little girls who run around the Pen. She distrusts angels and doesn’t let herself be touched by them.

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Minta became younger in order to fit into the Death-Obsessed Cheerful Little Girl archetype that was so popular a few years ago. As is, she is the easiest character for other people to write, provided they remember that Minta is amoral, not like a real child of her age (and remember to dot the ‘i’s in “skellie, gobbie, gnomie”). She is still regressing, and in later years will die in the body of a baby, or earlier if she is neglected.

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