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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

life ever changing


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Life ever changing.




A drop of water


Casting a shadow on my life


Faded memories passing through the distance


Should I still try




Twilight has come


This is the only path in sight


I know not where it leads, but I must keep walking


I am scared, I will be nothing, yet I still cry




Darkness has settled


I cannot see the path to walk, yet my legs still tread on


Where this path leads I do not know


Should I embrace it or hide, only time will tell my fate




have not been around for some time but now i am here and yeah enjoy.

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It seems that you're courageous enough to chose a path, and that's already worth a big round of applause. Because while it might feel secure to stand still where you are, in the end change is necesary to grow.


The way you have left space between the lines makes the reader take his time to read every line as a separate item. This slowed down the reading, but at the same time made me more aware of what I was reading.


and yeah, I did enjoy ;)



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