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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


Loki Wyrd

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Yellow dashes confirm my suspicion

that the road will go on.

I can imagine myself driving sentry

around the rim of a deep,

black frying pan, the only thing

compelling me, its Teflon coating.

If I were a coat...

I would have many pockets

on the inside, but none facing out.


You rescue a coat off the bench;

it was folded over the back, one arm

extended so when the wind wasn't blowing

it would droop to the cracked sidewalk below.

Feeling the material between your thumb

and forefinger, it reminds you of a jacket

that you had as a young child

(the one your mom got rid of

without you knowing until the leaves had changed).


Muscles convulse up the entirety

of my body, eyes startling open.

Too late.

The brake refuses my appeal,

all rationale thrown behind it--

until a bench interjected.




This probably could still use a lot of polish, I wrote it last night while I was fending off the Sandman. I'll work on it, if I still feel it's worth the effort once I've become more removed from it.


*Edit: There's a revision for you (ok, for me). :) I'm not sure about the title, I have the worse time coming up with good ones. That's why I typically don't bother.

Edited by Loki Wyrd
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