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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Jade "Grasshopper" Corripper


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Grasshopper was born on September 29th in the town of Lamoss, west of Carta Rise, with the name Jade Corripper. She has no middle name. She was raised in a poor family but had a relatively normal childhood until the age of 8, when a sect of Shumidan monks passed through her village. She grew very interested in their teachings, and her parents, expecting a fifth child and strapped as always for money, did not protest when the monks offered to take her into their fold. Although Grasshopper does not remember all of these details, she is the second-oldest of her parent's children. Her siblings are Denan (1 yr older, male), Laell (3 yrs younger, female), Kurt (4 yrs younger, male) and Nik (8 yrs younger, male).


Grasshopper earned her nickname during her 13 years of training with the Shumidan. Her strongest skills were jumping and climbing, but she was also known for her speed, agility and determination. The monks taught her about herbs and healing, and though her ability with these is less than the average monk it is still greater than the average person. She fights with a staff and due mainly to long hours practising she has grown quite good.


At 21, Grasshopper left the monks. She fell for a man in Belock, a village that they passed which is somewhat south and east of Salinsway, and decided to give up further advancement to live with him there. He was 23 and named Ash. However, only two years later she found out that Ash supported the cause of magic. She had grown up with stories of the horrors it had caused, knew that her grandfather had died young in an effort to quash magical resistance, and was floored to hear the man she planned to marry speak favourably of the Rebels. She snapped and beat him, leaving without even knowing if she'd killed him. She decided to make her way back to the monks, where she could still be part of them even if never higher than level seven. Her first stop, however, was a bar in Salinsway, where she planned to get information on the current location of the Shumidan. She found this information, but she also overheard stories of the Confederacy. She decided that perhaps this was a worthier cause for which to live, and signed up. She is now 28 and high in the ranks for a relatively new recruit.


Edit: Linking. Adding/fixing locations.

Edited by Katzaniel
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Grasshopper has a quick temper, believes absolutely in the teachings of the Shumidan, and does not easily accept defeat. She is not difficult to get along with but, once crossed, tends to hold grudges forever. She prefers clever ruses to direct combat but does not shirk from a necessary fight. She has no problem with authority and is even capable of following orders from a stupid or mean superior, though others have questioned her integrity on occassion due to this fact. In her world, many things are black and white: Magic is evil, everyone is where they are for a reason, nonbelievers should not be judged by humans for they will be judged for eternity in the afterlife. Consequently, she makes her beliefs known but never pushes them on anyone who doesn't ask. She is also a bit of a loner, and not exactly trusting.

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Grasshopper carries a staff and pouch. The pouch contains some of the more common (and a few of the very rare) healing herbs, a slingshot and some good stones, a compass, a knife, a compact notebook with a pen, and a bar of soap. If anyone were to read the notebook, (discreetly, for they might otherwise end up dead) they would find a combination of a handwritten reference manual an a journal dating back to her adoption by the Shumidan.


Edit: Spelling.

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Shumidan Monks are known for two things. They travel, and they fight. The religion was born post-magic and is based on the idea that a few clean hits can prevent a war. It trains its members in the arts of fighting and of course healing. They want to spread their religion, but they strongly believe that anyone who does not want to be converted will not be and is already doomed. They do not condemn these people but rather trust in God to judge the nonbelievers. There are twelve levels of monk, which are treated equally within the sect, but it is commonly understood that the higher ranks equate to a higher standing in Heaven. The first contains anyone who has just joined the group. The second is for anyone who knows the basic information contained in their bible, the Seun. The third equates with a higher knowledge and a certain sort of understanding. The fourth is considered the first major milestone and means that a person agrees with these beliefs and wants to stay. After that, the notable levels are eight, for those so committed they will forswear sex in the ten years immediately after reaching level seven (this is rare, but not so rare as one might think), and twelve which involves starving oneself until you either die or are accepted by God while still in the flesh. The Shumidan believe that those at level twelve can commune with God at will; nonbelievers assume that these people are only pretending. Roughly two in three people who attempt level twelve survive it, but only one in ten who reach level eleven ever try to advance, and extremely few reach eleven in the first place.


Edit: Spelling, and levels.

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Oops, I missed copying:


~Physical Appearance~


Grasshopper is above average height and very lean. Specifically, 5'10 and 150 pounds. All of that extra weight is muscle, and anyone is is not looking closely would put her at 110 or 120. She has dark green eyes and medium brown hair, which she wears cropped closely to her head.


Nowadays, Grasshopper dresses normally for a member of the confederacy. She leans toward browns, blacks, greys and occassionally greens, and rarely wears anything cumbersome, preferring short-sleeved shirts and pants for their freedom of movement.

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