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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

The Mighty News! - 8 Feb, 2005


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Goodday, Pennites and guests. Here's a look-in-brief at some threads that might need your input or be worthy of your attention. Enjoy!


Attention needed:

1) (Open to the Public) - Quillbearer Dragonqueen is hard at work on her Quill Quest and needs our help! Volunteer your character, and she'll write beautiful poetry about him/her/it.

2) (Open to the Public) - Did you volunteer to be involved in The Mighty Pen, Second Writing Exchange Project? If so, have you done your exchange, yet? 'Cuz if not, you may find a frighteningly-powerful elfling Planewalker gnawing on your leg, soon.

3) (For members) - Speaking of things you may have forgotten... Your name doesn't have 'Weenie' under it anywhere, does it? If so, you should get to work on some writing that will get rid of that degrading title!

The Weenie Award is a title that will appear under your name and get you placed into a Weenie List of Terrible Shame on our membership roster. To get rid of it after receiving it, you must post one well-written work with 'Buying off Weenie Award' in the subject line. Orlan and/or Gyrfalcon will judge!

4) (Initiates and higher) - Have you looked at the Pen Recommends list, lately? It's always open to new recommendations or seconds, so don't be afraid to go suggest your favorite works. There are three new votes (#1, #2, and #3) available for your pleasure, and we're waiting on a few author permissions, too. Why don't you go check it out?


Items of Interest:

1) (Open to the Public) - Wah! The Pen site is a whopping three years old! Congratulations, us! On behalf of the entire Tower, I'd like to thank all of the members, friends and honored guests whose contributions enrich this community on a daily basis. Thank you!

2) (Open to the Public) - Did you notice? Zadown has issued you a challenge. If you're feeling up to it, take this opportunity to stretch your poetic skills ... or at least put the cheeky Finn in his place. ;) Thanks, Z!

3) (Full members only) - The Winter Carnival may be winding down, but the Alliance of Vagabonds and Vanguards is home to the ongoing Winter Carnival Missions. Go follow along with your friends as they sally forth in Homeward Bound, Perfect Sell, Into the Dead Lands, and Lord Byron's "Wild, Feral Pilgrimmage"

4) Werewolf is on its 15th game, The Name of the Rose. Feel free to go follow the action and bite your nails over the suspense.

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