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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

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Even in darkness...

beauty can be seen

As long you know what you're looking for

and how you look for it



Once again I sit and write under the blackness of a night sky,

My thoughts and visions flow freely around the Muse that I love.

I see her in my mind, clear as she once stood before me,

Hearing in my conciousness the caress of her voice

Whispering to me, words spoken by beauty,

That light the void of darkness that hides me.


Once I stood alone upon a sheltered cliff,

I looked to the sea, seeing once again the majesty of nature,

Humble before the power of the Creator's works.

Now I stand, alone longing to let my eyes be caressed,

Seeking the touch of beauty upon my soul once more.

Knowing the flow of time, yet not the duration.


Lost to my thoughts I write, my heart burning

As the black flame of ink scorches the page.

But burning in the love of all I have.

Beauty holds my life, covers my soul from harm,

Caresses my dreams, as sleep takes hold,

And in the darkness of closed eyes and night,

Beauty can still be seen, her hand still in mine,

Our love complete, our dreams joined.



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Hmmmm, very sad.


I like the reference to the muse. What happened to her? Gone? Of was she always just an inspiration for the writer?


Love the light imagery in the first stanza.


Once I stood alone upon a sheltered cliff,

I looked to the sea, seeing once again the majesty of nature,

Humble before the power of the Creator's works.

This seems like a key location. Site of loss?


Lost to my thoughts I write, my heart burning

As the black flame of ink scorches the page.

My favorite lines. The "black flame of ink" especially effective. Nicely linked to the "heart burning".


Interesting that you opted for no rhyme scheme. It does have a certain rhythm though. Effective. Bravo.



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interesting questions.


The cliff is a place I go to when I can. There is a certain link for me there. Things seem to call me back just to stand and look out at the ocean, remembering.


My muse, she is with me always, she holds the deepest of my promises, and my love.




Shattering the waves of wind driven sea upon the rocks of the ocean's edge, pin my soul to eternity, and my heart to the wings of night.



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