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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Garden of Good and Evil


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*Taken from an old post of mine in a BB that I go to a lot.*



This little speal concerns the use of plants in a game. Medicine (and poison) have to come from somewhere. Here is a lovely list of helpful and harmful plants.


The Good


Balm of Gilad: This wonderful plant is great for healing wounds when mashed into a paste and applied to the wound prior to bandaging. It speeds healing by 1 to 3 days, depending on the type of wound.


Yarrow: Yarrow, specificly the root, is great for curing flith-induced disease and breaking fevers. Crush the root and make into a tea for fighting diseases and fever. For external infecting, a salve can be made out of lard and the herb, though it takes a few weeks to make. The salve killes external infection, like those induced by troll dung-infected wounds.


White Willow: The bark of this plant it what synthetic asprin is based off of, though not quite as strong. When made into a tea, to helps to reduce pain. Just ground the bark and seep in hot water for 10 to 15 mintues. Drink the water.


The Evil


Deadly Nightshade: Known as the "Lady Death" of the plant world, this poison, which is in the berries, is a powerful seditive. When mixed with wine, which leaves no taste, it makes the person fall asleep. It causes no pain and death is from the heart slowing down and goini into cardiac arrest.


Poison Sumac: This little lovely, which is a tree, can be used as one hell of a skin irritant. When mixed with iron filings; the active ingerdient in itching powder, can be an effective boobytrap for player who make off with magical clothing, say a Robe of Displacement? You can counteract it by washing the item in milk and then water.


Yew: It's not the berries of this tree, but the nettles that are truly dangerous. The poison is so powerful that the Secret Service was considering using it as suicide pills. Yew has to be ingested and works extremely fast.


Foxglove: This flowering plant is also know as "fairy's cap". The flowers can be crushed and seeped in wine to poison it. It, like nightshade, can slow down the heart and cause cardiac arrest. It must be ingested.


Here are a few more plants to add to the list.


Indigo: This plant is a great dye when crushed. It can be used for face paint (it's a dark purple color for night raids) however, it stains really bad. (3 days to completely wear off)


Clover: You can make a meal out of clover. Yes, it is edible. As a medicine, it can be boiled and placed over wounds (wash it first) and help fight infection. It was one of the favored herbs of the Celtic druids.


Cloves: Cloves can be crushed into powder and mixed with a little water to create a numbing agent for dental injuries. It will work like a weak novicane, but it's better then nothing.


Hemlock: This is what killed the philosopher Plato. It is a highly toxic plant that is of the parsely family and looks a lot like parsely. It grows mostly in swamps.


Rhubarb: The reason you never see the leaves of the rhubarb on the plants that you see in the store is because they are highly poisonous. If mixed with salad, they look a lot like collered greens (a favored dish in the South) and escape notice until ingested. It takes 10 to 20 mintues for the neurotoxins to take hold and kill the victim.



Yan Yan

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